End of course Exam Review

End of course
Exam Review
English I
When can you use a
dictionary or thesaurus on
the test?
Whenever you want
How many paragraphs
should your literary
composition be?
When you open your
READING test packet,
what is the first thing you
should do?
Read the short answer questions to
set a “purpose for reading,” so you
can look for answers as you read
What is the one word that
should never appear in
your expository essay?
(also your & you’re)
Explain a crossover OER?
A response in which you must
make a connection between
both reading selections
Why is the first sentence
of an OER so important?
The first sentence must
completely and
specifically answer the
Describe a good thesis
A good thesis statement is:
o One complete sentence
o NOT a question
o Very clear and specific - (not general or broad)
o Can be challenged – is debatable
o Gives reader a clear idea of where the
essay is going
Can you write about a personal
experience when you write a
literary composition?
Yes. BUT you must write about
yourself as a character.
Change your name, and
write only in 3rd person.
What is the purpose of
text evidence in an OER?
Text evidence is the words or
lines from a story that you use
to PROVE what you said in the
first sentence, your ANSWER.
Where should your thesis
statement be in an
expository essay?
The very first sentence
What is the relationship between
text evidence and commentary in
an OER?
You can’t have one without the other.
Text evidence proves your answer to the
question. Commentary is YOUR voice
explaining exactly what the text
evidence is saying and how it supports
your answer.
You have to help your reader
understand the quote.
Explain what you have to
accomplish in 4 hours
1 Expository Essay
1 Literary Composition
1 “Wildcard” – could be another expository or literary
30 multiple choice
o 15 Revising
o 15 Editing
Why would you need to use a
dictionary when working on the
reading multiple choice section?
If you do not know the
meaning of a word in the
question or the meaning of a
word in the answer choices,
Why is the EOC exam
important for you?
You have to pass all of
your EOC exams to
graduate from high school.
If your expository essay does not have
a clear and specific thesis statement,
what will you likely do in your essay?
• Since a thesis statement is like a “road
map” for your essay, it guides your
writing and gives you direction.
• Without a clear and specific thesis, your
essay will likely lose focus, seem
disorganized, and confuse your reader.
When is it acceptable to write in 1st
person in your literary
You may use “I” “me”
“we” or “us”
in dialogue only.
Explain what you have to
accomplish in 4 hours?
30 Multiple Choice (Reading Comprehension)
2 Single Story OERs
1 Crossover OER
When should you indent?
• Every time you begin a new paragraph
• You will indent a total of 4 times.
• Literary is 4 paragraphs.
• Expository is 4 paragraphs.
About how many minutes
should you use to plan and
prewrite your story or essay?
• Take 10 minutes to plan and
• This will leave you 50 minutes
to write, revise, and edit.
Explain what you should do with
your planning and prewriting time
for literary?
• Think about the prompt.
• Make list of possible conflicts that would go good with
the prompt.
• Decide who your character is going to be.
• Choose and conflict.
• Know exactly HOW the conflict will be resolved by the
• Know HOW you will connect your story to the prompt.
Why is it better to have a small,
simple conflict in your story
You only have 26 lines.
You must write an interesting story with a conflict
that can be fully developed and resolved.
You can only manage this if your character’s
struggle is somewhat simple and uncomplicated.
How should you spend your
planning and prewriting time for
• Think about the prompt.
• Your job is to EXPLAIN what YOU THINK about the
• Make a list based on the topic.
• Think about how you can answer the prompt very
specifically in a way that will allow you to write a
focused essay about the topic.
• Carefully write your thesis statement – getting it just
If a thesis statement has to be
debatable, what will you use to
support it?
• Use real life examples to prove and support
your thesis statement.
• So if you say “basketball teaches life lessons,”
you must give real examples – concrete
details – to prove your point.
• If you say “forgiveness is better than holding
on to anger,” you must give detailed
examples to prove your point.
What should you do if other kids in
your testing room are finished with
time left?
(and they will)
To do well on this test, you must use all the
time that is given. You are the only person that
matters, so even if everyone is finished and
you are not, do NOT feel pressured to rush!
It’s YOUR score, after all.
Final Thoughts . . .
• I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the
harder I work the more I have of it.
~Thomas Jefferson
• The only place where success comes before work is in
the dictionary. ~Donald Kendall
• Some people dream of success... while others wake up
and work hard at it. ~Author Unknown
• Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied
at the end. It's not a day when you lounge
around doing nothing; it's when you've had
everything to do, and you've done it. ~Margaret Thatcher