File - Kristina M. Campbell

BOOK TITLE: The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell
AUTHOR: Chris Colfer
1. Describe the setting of this book in detail: paint a picture with words.
The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell takes place in the fictional fairy tale world of The Land of
Stories. This fairy tale world is a magical place where all the fairy tale characters live and continue their
stories. Within the Land of Stories has 10 different territories: The Elf Empire, The Dwarf Forest, The
Corner Kingdom, The Charming Kingdom, The Fairy Kingdom, Mermaid Bay, The Sleeping Kingdom, The
Northern Kingdom, and, The Troll and Goblin Territory, and The Red Riding Hood Kingdom. The Elf
Empire is in the northwest corner of the land bordering the Dwarf Forest and the Northern Kingdom. The
Dwarf Forest is directly below the Elf Empire and spans across the western coast. Its other boarders are the
Northern Kingdom, the Red Riding Hood Kingdom, The Corner Kingdom, and the Charming Kingdom.
The forest can be a spooky place and is controlled by the big bad wolf gang. The Corner Kingdom is in the
southeast corner of the Land of Stories. The center of the kingdom is home to Rapunzel’s tower. Rapunzel is
Queen of the Corner Kingdom. Next to the Corner Kingdom lies the Charming Kingdom. Queen Cinderella
controls the Charming Kingdom. To the northeast of the Charming Kingdom lies the Troll and Goblin
Territory. The territory is a small oval surrounded by rocks. The entire population of the territory lives in
underground tunnels that have access to all the other kingdoms. Below the Troll and Goblin territory is the
Fairy Kingdom. The Fairy Kingdom is a small, magical place that lies between the Charming Kingdom and
Mermaid Bay. All who reside in the kingdom are fairies and the land is controlled by the Fairy Council. The
Sleeping Kingdom spans the entire eastern side of the Land of Stories. The Sleeping Kingdom can be a
dreary place. Most residents are still trying to wake up after the 100 year sleeping spell that was put on the
kingdom. Sleeping Beauty is the Queen of this kingdom. Across the northern coast between the Elf Empire,
Dwarf Forest, and Sleeping Kingdom, the Northern Kingdom is located. The Northern Kingdom is home to
Snow White who is Queen of the land. In the center of the Land of Stories fenced in by a circular brick wall
to keep out wolves is the Red Riding Hood Kingdom. Red Riding Hood is the ruler of this kingdom,
however other famous fairy tale characters such as the Lady who Lived in her Shoe and Jack from Jack and
Beanstalk live in Red’s kingdom. The Land of Stories is a wonderful setting. There are some many different
places that get explored throughout the book.
2. Why is this sci-fi or fantasy? What makes it different than regular fiction?
I would classify this book as fantasy. I consider regular fiction to be a story that would be feasible in real
life. The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell takes place in a fictional magical fairytale land. The setting of
this book plays a big part into why I would label it as fantasy. This land does not exist, therefore the
storyline that takes place would not be feasible in a real life world.
3. Describe the main characters (personalities, appearance, and their role in the story). Did any characters
change or surprise you during the story? (At least 3)
Alex and Conner Bailey are the main characters in The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell. Alex and
Conner are twins. Both twins are blonde and have blue eyes. They are of typical 6th grade stature. Although
the two are twins, their personalities are complete opposite. Conner is lazy, outgoing, and likes to joke
around while his sister, Alex, is smart, shy, and serious. The twins unexpectedly venture into the Land of
Stories together. Their time in the Land of Stories is spent chasing down items for The Wishing Spell that
are listed in an unknown man’s journal. Their hunt for the items is the main plotline in the novel. Another
main character involved in the story is the man who wrote the journal. Through the man’s journal entry’s we
discover that he has been the only one who has succeeded in completing the spell. Although we do not know
what the man looks like, we do know he was wise, smart, and brave in his own journey for the wishing
spell. Alex and Conner rely on this man’s advice from the journal throughout their journey. The man’s
identity does become known at the end of the book.
4. Which character are you either most similar to or most different from? Why?
I consider myself to be most similar to Alex. She is described as a hard worker, and someone who is always
curious to learn about new things. She also likes to solve problems logically, and becomes very passionate
with what she does. I believe I share these same qualities. Alex is also described as shy. It is explained that
she does not have many friends, because of this Alex throws herself into reading and schoolwork. This
describes exactly how I was when I was middle school. I was able to connect with Alex’s character in this
5. Summarize the story and focus on how it evolved.
The Bailey twins had just gone through a terrible tragedy and the story begins one year later. It is the twins
12th birthday and they are visited by their grandmother who gives them a special gift, The Land of Stories,
an old book from their childhood which contained many fairy tales. One night, the book started to glow and
buzz. Alex became obsessed with the book and figuring out what was happening to it. She then discovered
that she could drop items like pencils and smaller objects into the pages and they would disappear. Alex
began to stick her arm inside the pages curious as to what would happen. Startled by Conner, Alex fell
completely into the book. Conner went after his sister, and the twins were transported and stuck in the Land
of Stories. Confused at where they were, and how they could get home, the twins befriended a walking frog,
Froggy. Froggy explained that they were in the Land of Stories. The Land of Stories is the place where all
the fairy tales come alive and continue their stories. The only way Froggy knew how the twins could get
home was with The Wishing Spell. Froggy gave the twins a journal of an unknown man’s quest to complete
the spell, and sent them on their journey. The Wishing Spell needed items that were very difficult to get,
such as Cinderella’s glass slipper and Red Riding Hood’s first basket. The main plotline is the twin’s
journey to get the items. Each item had to do with a different fairy tale. The twins encounter several fairy
tale characters, put in dangerous situations, and discovered several new things about themselves on their
journey. The secondary plot line involved Snow White’s stepmother’s (the evil queen) escape from prison.
The evil queen was on the same hunt for the wishing spell items. The twins and the evil queen are racing to
find the items, the spell can only be performed twice and it has already been used once before. The story had
many twists and turns. While reading, you thought one thing was true, but then a couple of pages later you
would find out something different. The twins discovered so many things about themselves, and their
family, while they were in the Land of Stories. I could go into detail; however, I do not want to give away
anything. This book is very captivating, and I had a difficult time putting it down. Colfer did an excellent
job of tying all the favorite fairy tales into one intriguing story about self-discovery.
6. What is your opinion of this story? Would you recommend it to others? Why, or why not?
I loved this book. I didn’t want to put it down because the story was so captivating and you discover
something new on each page. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a fun
story that evokes several emotions. I found it so interesting how Colfer united all the great fairy tale stories
into one novel. He also showed what life was like for the fairy tale characters after their individual stories
had ended. I would definitely use this as a read aloud book in my classroom as well. I think students would
really enjoy this book. It has so many twists, and ties in so many different elements that make it a page
turner. Students would also love how this book is a continuation of the fairy tales they might remember
from their childhood.