EXAM COVER SHEET Student name: Student ID Campus: Associate Degree of Applied Engineering (Renewable Energy Technologies) Subject number: ENMAT101A Subject name: Engineering Materials and Processes Semester 1, 2013 Exam A Time allowed 1:50 hours plus 10 minutes reading time General instructions Marks Write your answers using black or blue pen Total marks: 25% of Subject Write your name and campus at the top of each page All questions must be attempted. No liquid paper (whiteout) can be used – if you make a mistake, just cross out your attempt. Marks allocated for each question are shown throughout the examination paper. Total marks 100. Examination aids permitted as indicated Standard dictionaries Bilingual dictionaries Technical dictionaries Programmable calculators Nonprogrammable calculators No No No No Yes Other examination aids permitted Writing implements (pens, pencils, erasers, highlighters) Ruler Note: Reference information included at end ENMAT101A Engineering Materials and Processes Semester 1, 2013 Student name: Campus: Question 1 (6 marks total) (a) Complete the following table. Give the approximate (rounded off) atomic mass unit values for the three particles that make up an atom. (1 mark) Particle Name Atomic Mass Units Charge 1 +1 (b) Explain the main difference between a nuclear reaction and a chemical reaction with reference to the simple atomic model (Bohr model). (2 marks) ___ ___ ___ ___ (c) Draw the Bohr model representation (in 2d) of an atom of Lithium and one of Fluorine. Show the correct number of each particle as from part (a). Illustrated what happens when the two atoms combine to form Lithium Fluoride. Include labels. (3 marks) © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 2 Student name: Campus: Question 2 (10 marks total) (a) Explain why an optical microscope cannot see atoms. (1 mark) ___ ___ ___ (b) Describe / illustrate a method of “seeing” atoms to form images of an atomic lattice. (3 marks) ___ ___ ___ © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 3 Student name: Campus: (c) What are Van der Waal’s forces? Illustrate and explain with reference to the table of properties for Alkanes (see Reference Section at the end). (3 marks) ___ ___ ___ (d) Illustrate the atomic structures of a pure metal, and compare to a simple thermoplastic. Use this to explain the differences in conduction of electricity (3 marks) ___ ___ ___ ___ © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 4 Student name: Campus: Question 3 (6 marks total) Give definitions for the following (1/2 mark each = 6 marks) a) Ductility ______ b) Hardness ______ c) Elasticity ______ d) Stiffness ______ e) Toughness ______ f) Stress ____________ g) Strain ____________ h) Yield strength ______ i) Modulus of elasticity ______ j) Modulus of rigidity ______ k) Creep ____________ l) Resilience ______ © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 5 Student name: Campus: Question 4 (10 marks total) (a) As-drawn 0.5% carbon steel rod is quenched and tempered to HRC 50. Explain these three terms and their effect on mechanical properties. (2 marks) As-drawn: ___ Quenched: ___ Tempered: ___ ___ Using the same axis, sketch typical STRESS/STRAIN curves for the following four materials. Label the UTS, YS and/or elastic limit. Indicate toughness and stiffness. Use values from Reference Section. (2 marks each) (b) Mild steel: Use a dotted line to represent true stress (c) Grade 8.8 bolt. Indicate toughness (d) Grey cast iron: (e) PVC © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 6 Student name: Campus: Question 5 (7 marks total) (a) Explain the mechanism of failure for the two specimens shown below with reference to slip in a metallic crystal lattice. (3 marks) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (b) Describe the two main ways the yield strength of a metal can be increased. Explain in terms of both the microstructure and the bulk mechanical properties. Give example materials in each case. (4 marks) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 7 Student name: Campus: Question 6 (12 marks total) This high performance shaft is made from hardened alloy steel (as listed in the Reference Properties). In the application the nominal stress was well below the yield strength. It had been running for some months before the shaft fractured suddenly. According to material specifications and calculations, it was supposed to last for many years, if not indefinitely. (a) What type of failure this? (1 mark) (b) Sketch a generalised S/N curve for steel using the rule of thumb that the endurance limit is approximately half the ultimate strength. Include an S/N curve for aluminium for comparison. Label both curves. (2 marks) (c) Explain why this shaft does not comply with the S/N curve for this material. Use appropriate terminology. (1 mark) ___ ___ ___ ___ (d) What is the difference between fatigue strength and endurance limit? (1 mark) ___ ___ © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 8 Student name: Campus: (e) Explain and illustrate how shot peening works and give an example of where it would be used. (2 marks) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (f) What could happen to a high carbon steel if shot-peening is over-done? (1 mark) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (g) How could the depth of depth of shot-peening treatment be controlled? (1 mark) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 9 Student name: Campus: (h) Explain design changes from that of high strength bolt A and the performance bolt B, with the goal of improving fatigue resistance. Both have the same length, diameter and thread. (3 marks) Design change 1: ___ ___ ___ Design change 2: ___ ___ ___ Design change 3: ___ ___ ___ Manufacturing process change: ___ ___ ___ © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 10 Student name: Campus: Question 7 (9 marks total) Give definitions for the following (1 mark each) a) Dendritic Structure ______ b) BCC ____________ c) FCC ____________ d) Allotropy ______ e) Recrystallisation ______ f) Amorphous ____________ g) Explain the difference between melting point and recrystallisation temperature. (2 marks) ___ ___ ___ ___ h) What sort of grain-structure problem occurs if heat treatment was done at excessive temperature and/or for too long? (2 marks) ___ ___ ___ ___ © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 11 Student name: Campus: Question 8 (7 marks total) (a) Describe how this grain structure formed on this aluminium ingot. (Sort the grain structures into 3 groups and explain why there is a cone-shaped hole at the top) (2 marks) (b) What is the main cause of porosity in a casting? Describe how this can be prevented/reduced by the design of the product. (1 mark) ___ ___ ___ ___ (c) Describe how porosity can be prevented/reduced by the arrangement of a low pressure casting process. (1 mark) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 12 Student name: Campus: (d) List advantages/disadvantages of each metal casting process listed in the table: Include melting point, accuracy, setup costs, production costs, design limitations like complex geometry and size. (1/2 mark each = 3 marks) PROCESS Advantages Disadvantages Typical metal Sand Casting Investment Gravity die High pressure die Centrifugal Lost Foam © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 13 Student name: Campus: Question 9 (9 marks total) The tensile test was carried out in the sequence from points A to point J. Data for this test: Material: 0.4% C steel as drawn. Gauge Length: 50mm. Diam 6.02mm Point Load (kN) Elong (m) A 0 0 B 19.8 188 C 0 9 D 24.8 298 E 0.5 9 F 27.6 756 G H 27.3 894 J (a) Sequence A-B-C-D-E: This value is typically calculated at 0.1% or 0.2%. State the value derived from this test. (1 mark) _________________MPa (__________%) (b) Give a value for the elastic limit. (1 mark)___________________________________ (c) Calculate the UTS. (1 mark)______________________________________________ © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 14 Student name: Campus: (d) The rate of travel (stretching/compression) was increased in F-G-H. What effect did this have on the elastic region, and what is the name of this phenomenon? (2 marks) ___ ___ ___ (e) Explain the mechanism of work hardening (at the grain microstructure level) with reference to any relevant portions of the sequence A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-J. (4 marks) © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 15 Student name: Campus: Question 10 (4 marks total) (a) What specific material property distinguishes hot-working from cold-working processes? (1 mark) (b) Compare forming processes. Include melting point, accuracy, setup costs, production costs, design limitations, strength, size. (3 marks) PROCESS Advantages Disadvantages Typical metal Hot rolling Extrusion Cold Rolling Forging Powder Metallurgy Machining © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 16 Student name: Campus: Question 11 (8 marks total) (a) Give four reasons for using alloyed metals rather than pure metals. (2 marks) (b) Describe two diffusion processes and explain how they have the effect of increasing the strength of a ductile metallic lattice. Give an example of one of these. (3 marks) (c) The tin/lead phase diagram (Reference Section): What is the word used to describe the 61.9% Sn mixture and what is special about it? (1 mark) (d) The tin/lead phase diagram (Reference Section): Compare 62/38 solder with 50/50 solder. Which one is more likely for small electrical soldering, and which one for plumbing work where solder cools more gradually? (2 marks) © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 17 Student name: Campus: Question 12 (12 marks total) (a) The above samples were all Carbon steel and cooled slowly. Describe the grain types and give an estimate of their carbon content. (2 marks) A. B. C. D. (b) What is the main difference in the process of normalising of a forging vs annealing of a casting? (2 marks) © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 18 Student name: Campus: (c) Describe the cooling of each of the 4 samples above. Plot the cooling process and label important points to include in your descriptions. (2 marks each = 8 marks) A. © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 19 Student name: Campus: B. C. ____ D. © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 20 Student name: Campus: REFERENCE SECTION 3 Alkane Formula Boiling point [°C] Melting point [°C] Methane CH4 -162 -182 gas Ethane C2H6 -89 -183 gas Propane C3H8 -42 -188 gas Butane C4H10 0 -138 gas Pentane C5H12 36 -130 0.626 (liquid) Hexane C6H14 69 -95 0.659 (liquid) Heptane C7H16 98 -91 0.684 (liquid) Octane C8H18 126 -57 0.703 (liquid) Nonane C9H20 151 -54 0.718 (liquid) Decane C10H22 174 -30 0.730 (liquid) Undecane C11H24 196 -26 0.740 (liquid) Dodecane C12H26 216 -10 0.749 (liquid) Icosane C20H42 343 37 solid Triacontane C30H62 450 66 solid Tetracontane C40H82 525 82 solid Pentacontane C50H102 575 91 solid Hexacontane C60H122 625 100 solid Density [g·cm ] (at 20 °C) Tin / lead phase diagram © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 21 Student name: Campus: © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year 22 Student name: © TAFE NSW Higher Education 2012 Version: X | Day-Month-Year Campus: 23