The Odyssey Books 10-12 PowerPoint

Warm Up – Tuesday (Oct. 13th)
Directions: Transform all of these simple sentences into compound sentences by
adding an additional independent clause. Remember: You need a subject and verb on
each side of the conjunction (FANBOYS) for it to be a compound sentence. You also
need a comma before the conjunction. You can also use a semicolon to combine your
1. My lowest grade right now is in Biology.
2. I can’t wait for the Homecoming dance!
3. My favorite show is The Walking Dead.
4. After school I am going to take a nap.
Linear Timeline
“In Media Res”
Start of Story
Flashback to tell story
to King
3 years at sea
7 years with Calypso
Troy Book 9 10 11 Book 12
*Helio’s Cattle
*Sylla and Charbdis
*travels to Underworld (prophecy)
*Circe (witch) – turns men into pigs
*the Cyclops (Polyphemus)
*Lotus Eaters
*Ciconian Army
of war
Book 5
King Alcinous
Freed from
*Zeus sends Hermes
to free Odysseus
*Calypso tries to
convince him to stay,
but he makes the
decision to go home
*builds raft and leaves
*Falls overboard
and swims to
Book 10:
“Circe, the Grace of the Witch”
Circe, the Grace of the Witch
Epic Simile – What are the wolves and mount lions
compared to? What is the point of the comparison? How
does it affect your impression of Circe’s hall?
Her beguiling (charming) voice and loom = source of her
Who would you follow – Polites or Eurylochus?
Should the men really follow strangers willing? What
lesson have they not learned from their previous
experiences? (Hint: Lotus Eaters)
Book 11:
Land of the Dead
“…make burnt offerings of flesh to the gods below – to sovereign
Death, to pale Persephone”
How does this allusion affect your impression of the underworld?
Odysseus’ promise to
properly bury Elpenor
and honor his memory =
 His response to learning
of his mother’s passing =
“Seeing this ghost I
grieved, / but held her off,
through pang on pang of
tears, / till I should know
the presence of Tiresias.”
Qualities of Odysseus
The two paths to choose from
“Avoid those kine, hold fast to your intent, / and hard seafaring brings
you all to Ithaca”
“But if you raid the beeves, I see destructions / for ship and crew.
Though you survive alone”
Tiresias’ Prophecy
Book 12: The Sirens
Book 12: Scylla and Charybdis
“I walked up and down from bow to stern / trying to put heart into
them, standing over / every oarsmen, saying gently…” = ?
Encourages the men by reminding them of conquering the Cyclops =
Reminds them of their duties = ?
“But as I sent them on toward Scylla, I / told them nothing, as they
could do nothing. / They would have dropped their oars again, in
panic, / to roll for cover under the decking”
Is Odysseus a good