
Derived from the Greek word communis = to make common.The English word
‘communication’ has been derived from the Latin word “communis” which means
it implies that the communication is common understanding through communion of
minds and hearts. This common understanding results not only through transfer of
information and idea but also from transmission of the attitude .
According to Aristotle, communication is a means of persuasion to influence the other
so that the desired effect is achieved.
Dewey defined it as a process of sharing of experiences till it becomes a common
Edgar Dale regarded it as a process of sharing of ideas and feelings in a mood of
Any media through which communication is achieved is called communication media.
 gestures
 symbols
 Signs
 Pantomime
Pantomime is a form of musical comedy stage production, designed for families.
includes songs, comedy and dancing, employs gender-crossing actors, and combines
topical humour with a story loosely based on a well-known fairy tale
Communication cycle
Communication involves sending the information from one person and receiving it by
another person.
Communication involves three things
 A communicator
 A communicatee( receiver)
 Content of communication ( message)
Communication cycle
The Communication Process
Sender – person wishing to share information with some other person
Message – what information to communicate
Encoding – sender translates the message into symbols or language
Noise – refers to anything that hampers any stage of the communication process
Receiver – person or group for which the message is intended
Medium – pathway through which an encoded message is transmitted to a receiver
Decoding - critical point where the receiver interprets and tries to make sense of the
Feedback phase is initiated by the receiver
Receiver decides what message to send to the original sender
Feedback eliminates misunderstandings, ensures that messages are correctly
Verbal & Nonverbal Communication
Verbal Communication
The encoding of messages into words, either written or spoken
The encoding of messages by means of facial expressions, body language, and
styles of dress.
Types of communication
There are three basic types of communication
1. Speaking-listening
Here interaction is face to face.
There are occasions where the listeners can share the feelings and experiences with
the sender. Eg: listening a lecture
Eye to eye contact is maximum in this type of communication.
listening a radio programme
2.Visualizing - observing
Observer is physically separated from its producer
Motion films and television programmes.
Communication of this type can also take more effectively by the face-to-face contact
with the source as in the case of dramatization .
In dramatization the facial expression and gestures produce greater impact than that
of films and television.
3.Writing –reading:
In addition to the above three there are other types of communication like:
Extra-personal communication
Communication between human beings and non human entities is called as extra
personal communication.
For e.g. Your parrot responding your greeting .
In this type of communication understanding is required between sender
Receiver responds in sign language
Intrapersonal communication
This takes place within the individual. Sender = Our relevant organ.Receiver = Our
brain.Feed back by brain.
Interpersonal communication
Communication at this level refers to the sharing of information among people
.Intrapersonal communication can be formal or informal. For eg. The interaction with
family members , friends and different kind of people. It depends upon variety of
factors like , psychology of two parties , relation between them.
Organizational communication
Communication in an organization takes place at different hierarchical levels.
Mass communication
Communication through mass media like books , journals , TV , newspapers etc..
For this kind of communication we require a mediator to transmit information.
Characteristics of mass communication:
Large reach
This communication reach audience scattered over a wide geographical area.
Largely impersonal as the participants are unknown to each other.
Presence of a gatekeeper
Mass communication needs additional persons , institutions to convey message
from sender to receiver.
Barriers to verbal communication
Barriers of communication are the hindrances or the difficulties involved in the
process of communication which distort the message being properly understood by
the receiver.
Barriers prevent the communication from being effective.
Types of barriers :
 Semantic barriers
 Physical barriers
 Organizational barriers
 Psychological barriers
Semantic barriers
Semantic barriers are concerned with problem and obstruction in the process of
encoding and decoding the message in to words or other impression.
the use of different language, different interpretation of different words and symbols ,
poor vocabulary and
poor grammatical knowledge are some the semantic barriers.
Semantic barriers
Different language ,Different context for words and symbols, Poor vocabulary,Physical
Any disturbance or interference that reduces the clarity and effectiveness of
communication is called noise. it may be physical or psychological ,written or visual .
noise distracts the persons communicating and acts as barrier to communication.
Types of physical barrier
Improper time
Inadequate or overloaded information
Organizational barriers
Organizational barriers occurs in the organization due to rules ,regulation and
hierarchical relationship.
Types of organizational barriers
Rules and regulations
Hierarchical relationship
Non conducting of staff meetings Wrong choice of channel
Psychological barriers
Psychological barriers arise from motives ,emotions, social values , different
perception etc.
These create psychological distance, cause misunderstanding among people at work
and hinder the communication process.
Types of psychological barriers
Selective perceptions
Premature evaluation
Poor listening
Attitude of superiors
Barriers in communication
Inaudibility of speech
Abnormal speed of speech
Unfamiliar pronunciation of the teacher
Use of unfamiliar words and technical terms without explanation, Lack of
understanding of the basic knowledge of the students—referent confusion.
Day dreaming on the part of students due to inattentiveness. Unsystematic
presentation of the subject matter. Lack of scope of immediate feedback.Lack of
physical facilities in the classroom.
Socio-economic and cultural differences among the students.
Principle of communication
Principle of communication make it effective .these principle are not exclusive .
Principle of communication divide in to two broad parts:
7cs of communication
Other principle of communication
7cs of communication
Candid : the message should be candid ,it should not be indirect , multifocal or
untrue .the message should be frank and straight forward .
Clear: the message to be communicate whether oral or written should be clear . for
this not only clarity of expression is must , but also clarity of thoughts .
Complete : completeness is necessary for effective communication.
incomplete message breads misunderstanding and misinterpretation.
Concise :to retain the attention as well as to save the time of the reader,it is
essential that the message should be concise .
conciseness means conveying the message in fewest possible words without
sacrificing its completeness and clarity .
Concrete: the communicated statement should not be vague , rather should be
concrete and specific , concrete expression create visual image in the mind of the
Vague or generalized statement can not create such an image..
6. Correct : the message to be communicated should be correct in spelling , in
grammar , in format, in content, in statistical information etc
7. Courteous : congenial and healthy communication environment is essential to
ensure the effectiveness of communication.
Other principle of communication
Create synergetic environment
Two way communication
Strengthen communication flow
Proper medias
Encourage open communication
Appropriate language
Effective listening