Open Access - Aalto University Wiki

Open Access,
Research Funders
and Aalto
Maria Rehbinder,
Legal Counsel (IPR), Research Support Services
Open Access Definition
Open Access publishing is a form of online publication,
which promotes the free distribution of academic
knowledge. An academic publication is openly available
when it can be read online by the academic community and
general public free of charge and without restrictions.
Open access publishing does not affect patenting, which is
done before publishing, or other IP registrations.
Open access increases citations
- Research e.g. by Swan (2010) shows that when researchers use
open access, the increase in citations is significant in some
disciplines (e.g. between 300% and 450% in
medicine, between 170% and 580% in physics/astronomy and
between 200% and 600% in agricultural sciences).
Swan, Alma (2010) The Open Access citation advantage: studies
and results to date.
Open Access is reaching the tipping
- Around 50% of scientific papers published in 2011 now
available for free.
- More than 40% of scientific peer reviewed articles published
worldwide between 2004 and 2011 are now available online
in open access form.
Majority of articles open access in the fields of general science
and technology, biomedical research, biology, mathematics
and statistics. Open access limited in the social sciences and
humanities and applied sciences, engineering and technology.
Open Access publishing methods
Gold Open Access: Immediate publication that is
openly accessible and free of charge to the reader,
where paying the cost of publications is transferred
to the author from the readers, who were
previously required to pay a publication fee. As a
rule, Gold Open Access costs are paid by the
university or research institute where the
researcher is working or by a funder supporting
the research.
Open Access publishing methods
Green Open Access: The researcher archives the final
draft of his or her peer-reviewed manuscript or published
article in an open, online publication archive prior to, after
or at the same time as its publication. Typically, the
publisher may require that the availability of an article be
delayed (embargo – usually 6 months), thus giving an
added benefit to publisher subscribers.
Hybrid Open Access: Some publishers offer journals, in which only some of the articles are open
access. These contain author-paid articles (which are therefore free of charge to the reader) as well as
articles which are only available to subscribers or upon payment of a publication fee.
OA Academic Publishing
Publishers open access policies:
Key Concepts of Open Access
Publisher's PDF: The final version, including layout, of an article to be
published in a journal.
Post-print (Author's post-print): The final, peer-reviewed and revised
version sent from the author to the publisher before any layout work has
been done by the publisher. For example, the page numbering is
missing or misaligned. This also referred to as a final draft.
Pre-print: An article version that has not been peer-reviewed.
NOTE! The term 'post' refers to the content, not the printing. The
version is equivalent to the article in the final publication "in terms of
content". In other words: pre-print before peer review and post-print
after peer review.
EU Commission :Open Access as Core
Means to Foster Innovation
- EU Commission :f
- fuller and wider access to scientific publications and data
can help to accelerate innovation (faster to market = faster
- foster collaboration
- avoid duplication of effort (greater efficiency);
- build on previous research results (improved quality of
- involve citizens and society (improved transparency of the
scientific process)
Funders Requirements of OA
- Open access mandatory for all scientific publications
produced with funding from Horizon 2020, the EU's
Research & Innovation funding programme for 20142020. The Communication recommended OA for
Member States domestic programmes
- EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7):
recommends OA publishing;
- OA requirement for, e.g. ERC projects
Funders Requirements of OA
-Academy of Finland: urges researchers to publish their research
articles in open online science journals when there are publications
available in their field that are comparable to conventional subscription
publications in an online form.
-Tekes: does not require OA publishing, encourages research groups
to widely distribute their research results
United States' National Institute of Health (NIH): requires OA publishing
-All of Aalto's key research funders reimburse publication costs.
-Aalto University will ensure compliance with funders requirements of
open access publishing
-Research funders' open access policies :
2014 -2020Research Publications with
Horizon 2020 Funding Mandatory OA
Publications will either immediately be made
accessible online by the publisher ('Gold' open access)
- up-front publication costs can be eligible for
reimbursement by the European Commission; or
researchers will make their publications available
through an open access repository no later than six
months (12 months for articles in the fields of social
sciences and humanities) after publication ('Green'
open access).
Experiences from other universities:
University of Southampton
University of Southampton requires that all of its staff deposit
bibliographic information for all research outputs in the Eprints
Soton research repository
as a comprehensive institutional record of research activity.
The University requires that post-prints of journal and
conference articles are deposited, and made open access
where this is permitted by the publisher, to maximise the
visibility and impact of research.
Deposited outputs are used for internal review of research
performance and to assist in appraisals and promotions within
the University for and for submitting information for external
review e.g. the Research Excellence Framework
Université de Liège (BELGIUM*
All publications must be deposited. Wherever publisher
agreement conditions are fulfilled, the author will
authorize setting access to the deposit as open access
By default, access to a deposit will be closed access,
except where open access has been authorised. In case of doubt, access will
remain closed to avoid any conflict with publisher
agreement conditions.
For closed access deposits, repository has EMAIL
EPRINT REQUEST BUTTON for individual eprint
Message of Rector Bernard Rentier to
University of Liege faculty November 26, 2008
It is mandatory to deposit the bibliographic references of ALL their
publications since 2002; - to deposit the full text of ALL their articles
published in periodicals since 2002.
Access to these full texts will only be granted with the author's consent
and according to the rules applicable to author's rights and copyrights.
The University is keen on respecting the rights of all stakeholders. For
future publications, deposit in ORBi will be mandatory as soon as the
article is accepted by the editor.
Starting October 1st, 2009, only those references introduced in ORBi will
be taken into consideration as the official list of publications
accompanying any curriculum vitae for all evaluation procedures 'in
house' designations, promotions, grant applications, etc.
Experiences and practises from other
universities : MIT
The MIT Open Access Articles collection consists of scholarly
articles written by MIT-affiliated authors that are made available
through DSpace@MIT under the MIT Faculty Open Access
Policy, or under related publisher agreements. Articles in this
collection generally reflect changes made during peer-review.
MIT Amendment to the Publication
This Amendment hereby modifies the attached Publication
Publication agreement is subject to an irrevocable, nonexclusive license previously granted by the Author to the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“MIT”). Under that
license, MIT may make the Article available, and may exercise
any and all rights under copyright relating thereto, in any
medium, provided that the Article is not sold for a profit, and
may authorize others to do the same.
What version of a scientific article to
deposit to Aaltodoc ?
- FP7 ERC Model Grant Agreement : beneficiary shall
deposit an electronic copy of the published version
or the final manuscript accepted for publication of a
scientific publication
Horizon 2020 ? : Machine readable electronic copy
of the published version or final peer-reviewed
manuscript accepted for publication
What terms to use for Aalto University
repository ?
-What terms to use for Aalto University repository ? So far
received information on Horizon Open access policy stress that
open access is free of charge online access for any user.
-EU Commissions open access policy aims to accelerate
research findings to be taken up by European business and
industry. As minumum publications can be read online,
downloaded and printed.
-Commission encourages authors to grant Creative Commons
licenses, specifically mentioning CC-BY lisence as an option
that should be available to authors. Shouls choosing this
lisence be an option available for authors in Aalto Repository ?