Bild 1

School of Computing
We stand for excellence in Software and
Communication Technology
School of Computing (COM)
• We are the largest unit at the university
providing a high quality education and top level
research in following areas:
Game Development
Interaction design
Computer Science
Software Engineering
Communication Systems
Security Engineering
Intelligent Transport Systems
Human Work Science
COM Facts
• Established in April 2009, Dean: Conny Johansson
• Turnaround: App. 10 Million Euros per year
– App. 6 M Euros for education, 4 M Euros for research
– App. 2 M Euros external financing
• Consists of the following research groups:
DISL: Distributed and Intelligent Systems Laboratory
SERL: Software Engineering Research Laboratory
GSIL: Game Systems and Interaction research Laboratory
CCS-Lab: Communication and Computer Systems Laboratory
• About 130 people
– including 11 full professors, 6 associate professors, 23 assistant
professors, 22 lecturers and 39 doctoral students
Research and Education –
Competitiveness, international visibility and industrial contact
Awards and visibility (BTH)
Prof. Claes Wohlin - In the last five years, he has
been ranked twice among top 15 scholars in the world in
systems and software engineering. He received the
Telenor Nordic Research Prize in 2004.
Prof. Craig Lindley – Professor of Digital Game
Development, Game and Media Arts Laboratory at
Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Sweden. His
previous roles includes research manager, Zero Game
Studio, The Interactive Institute, Chief Scientist, Starlab
NV/SA, Brussels, Belgium, and Principle Research
Scientist, CSIRO Mathematical and Information
Sciences, Australia.
Prof. Paul Davidsson -
Prof. Lars Lundberg -
Won the Guldeken (The
Golden Oak) award 2005, ALMI's innovation prize .
Nominated for the European Business Award for the
Environment 2005 as well as seed-money for the
commercialization of research results.
Professor in Computer
engineering. Special interests in shared-memory
multiprocessors, cache coherence, performance
evaluation, memory consistency models, latency
• Achievements
– We see it as a success to have
achieved a tight cooperation with
industry as well as strong
presence in the academic world
• Publications
– 115 publications during 2008
12 journal articles
78 conference papers
8 book chapters
4 research reports
9 dissertation theses
2 licentiate theses
Research Initiatives - DISL
Current reserach projects
Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems
Optimization techniques
Simulation techniques
Security analysis
Machine learning
Transport and traffic systems
Supply chain management
District heating
Health care
Privacy and Integrity
Software Development
Music distribution
FREIGHTWISE (EU Integrated Project)
ARENA 2.0 (EU, Vinnova, Vägverket)
Intelligent Goods and ERP Systems (Vägverket)
Mobile IT on the Road (Vägverket)
Railway traffic disturbance management
Digital music distribution (KK-stiftelsen)
“Health logistics” (Landstinget)
Prediction of the Risk of Hospitalization of the
Elderly (Blekinge Forskningsstiftelse)
National PhD School in Intelligent Transport
Systems (Vinnova, Vägverket, Banverket)
Reliable E-mail Handling in the Presence of
Malware (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation)
COST Action on Agreement technologies (EU)
IFIP Working Group 5.8 on Enterprise
Research Initiatives - SERL
Software Product Management and
Requirements Engineering
Verification and Validation
The software architecture research focuses on design
and industrial use of software architectures.
Object-Oriented Technology
The research has a focus on modeling in the
context of Model Driven Development (MDD) and
the usage of the Unified Modeling Language
Software Management and Quality
The research covers test efficiency, including test
automation, and fault detection effectiveness.
Software Architecture
The focus is on through incremental process
assessment and improvement to help companies
move towards a market-driven product and
feature centered product engineering perspective.
The research in software management and quality
is directed towards methods for understanding,
monitoring, controlling and improving software
development and maintenance and the resulting
software products.
SWELL – national research school in
CROWN – research school in SE and
EASE – industrial excellence center
(Lund University, Sony Ericsson,
Ericsson, ABB, Axis and SoftHouse)
Ericsson – BTH collaboration
Saab Space and Rymdbolaget
Associate professor program
POKAL – Co-op program in Software Quality
NSHU – Master theses in software
Research Initiatives – CCS-Lab
Research areas:
Telecommunication System
Computer Networking/Routing;
automatic network selection and
overlay routing
Network Performance; Network
Multi-processors and multi-core
Multi-threaded applications
Real-time applications
Parallel Architectures
Research projects
INGA - Resource Engineering for
Internet Applications
IITSA - Personal Information in
Intelligent Transport Systems through
Seamless communications and
Autonomous decisions
Euro-NGI - Next Generation Internet
PAMP - Symmetric multiprocessors in
high-performance real-time applications
PERIMETER – FP7 Strep, Seamless
QoEMoVi - Quality of Experience
Based Cross-Layer Design of Mobile
Video Systems – Efficient video
processing techniques between mobile
Network Performance Lab
Research Initiatives - GSIL
Cognitive, psychological and/or
psychophysiological investigation of
computer game play and digital media
Novel designs, tools, techniques and
methodologies for game and media system
interaction, digital performance
environments and disabled persons
Tools and platforms for game and digital
media system development and
Interactive visualization, simulation and
sonification systems
e-government: e-services, e-administration
and e-democracy in the public sector
Use-orientation, use-oriented design and
work practise
IPerG (Integrated Project on Pervasive
FUGA: The Fun of Gaming: Measuring
the Human Experience of Media
ROBOCUP, TEAM SWEDEN Swedish national effort to produce a
team of soccer playing physical robots
to enter the RoboCup international
Wireless festivals - new wireless
services around large-scale events
Undergraduate Education
• Teaching edge
– Technology is our core competence –
We provide one of the best educations in the country in the
fields of Software Engineering and Information Technology
– Well balanced education –
Our education programs are designed to provide high
integration with state of art research as well as practical
experience via cooperation with industry
– We focus on individual students needs –
by allocating vast amount of teacher supervision time and
other resources
– Students receiving education at our programs
have good chance in industry
Undergraduate Education
• Master Education
• Bachelor/ Engineering Education
MSC in Software Engineering, 120
ECTS (2 years)
Software Engineering, 120/180 ECTS
credits (2/3 years)
MSC in Electrical Engineering with
emphasis on Telecommunications, 120
ECTS (2 years)
IT Security, 180 ECTS credits (3 years)
International Software Engineering, 180
ECTS credits (3 years)
MSC in Computer Science, 120 ECTS
(2 years)
MSC in Security Engineering, 120
ECTS (2 years)
Electrical Engineering with emphasis on
Telecommunications 180 ECTS credits (3
European Master on Software
Engineering; EMSE, 120 ECTS (2
Degree of Master of Science with a major in Software
Established together with a consortium of three other universities in
Spain, Italy and Germany (Universidad Politéchnica de Madrid, Libera
Università di Bolzano and Technische Universitäte Kaiserslautern). The
students study on two separate universities during two years.
Offered tracks
 Business Management
Requirements to apply
(courses such as: strategy
development and IT, software
product lines, global software
 The European Commission
(EC) establishes the general
 Technical Management
 Erasmus Mundus grants for
non-European students.
(courses such as: software quality
management, requirements
engineering, software metrics).
 Development (courses such
as: applied software project
management, software security,
system configuration
 Socrates grants for
European students.
Education in Collaboration with Industry
• Commission education, for example for new employees
at UIQ in Symbian OS, Police academy
• Our Software Engineering education prepares you for a
business full of challenges by letting you meet the
industry in real life projects already during your
Examples of International contacts
• Manchester Metropolitan University, England
• Tampere University of Technology, Finland
• Laboratory at the Turku Centre for Computer Science, Turku, Finland
• Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
• University of Murcia, Spain
• University of New South Wales, Australia
• Universities taking part in EMSE
• Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Examples of International contacts
Active student exchange within ERASMUS program
Master education attracts large number of international students
Exchange agreements with India and Pakistan.
Double Degree agreements with Poland, India, China and Latvia.
Bilateral agreements with US partners (Georgia Tech) and African partners
Financing Bodies and Industrial partners
• Funding bodies include for
– The Foundation for Strategic
– EU
– The Swedish Research Council
– The Knowledge Foundation
– The Swedish road administration
– The Swedish rail administration
– partners in industry
Example of partners in industry
and society
Alfa Laval
Danaher Motion Särö
Municipality of Karlshamn
Sony Ericsson
ITS Sweden
Landstinget i Blekinge
Contact us
Dean of School
Conny Johansson
Assistant Dean of School
Lars Lundberg
Head of Undergraduate education
Gunnar Råhlén
Postal address:
School of Computing
Blekinge Institute of Technology
Box 520
SE- 372 25 Ronneby, Sweden
Telephone: +46 457 38 50 00
Fax: +46 457 271 25