Rwandan genocide pathfinder

Topic: Rwandan Genocide (case study)
Year: 11
Class: Religious Education
Date: 2011
Subject: International Politics Unit 2 The Global Picture
In 1994, the Hutu majority in Rwanda organized and implemented the mass slaughter of the Tutsi minority. In just 100 days, 800,000 Tutsi
were slaughtered. Find out how and why this genocide happened.
Subject Headings in the Library Catalogue
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2. You don’t need to log in to carry out a search but if you want to check out your library account (eg. current
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3. In the BASIC SEARCH SCREEN enter a key term (see below). Keep the ‘all words’ default setting.
Key terms: Rwanda, international relations, Africa progress and problems, Africa politics and government, United
Journal articles
Kayigamba, J 2011, 'Holidays in Rwanda', New Internationalist, vol. 443, June 2011, pp.22-24.
This article, by a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide, is about his return to the country with his 15-year-old son. It is
available from the library (overnight loan).
Recommended Websites
Ambush in Mogadishu
By 1992, years of war and anarchy had created uncontrolled famine in Somalia. At its worst, three hundred
Somalis were dying every day from starvation and disease in one town alone. So when American forces landed on
the Somali beaches in December of that year, they were greeted by the Somali people as heroes. "Ambush in
Mogadishu" explores the well-intentioned, aborted, and ultimately tragic American effort to bring about stability and
stop starvation.
Triumph of Evil
This programme explores how the Western powers and the United Nations ignored warnings about the impending
genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and failed to intervene even when it became clear what was happening.
BBC Rwanda 10 years on
In 2004, at the ten-year anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, BBC talked to both survivors and to killers. This site
includes those stories, plus examines the question: why didn't someone stop it.
Ghosts of Rwanda
FRONTLINE marks the 10th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide with a documentary chronicling one of the
worst atrocities of the 20th century. In addition to interviews with key government officials and diplomats, the twohour documentary offers groundbreaking, eyewitness accounts of the genocide from those who experienced it
firsthand: from Tutsi survivors who recount the horror of seeing their friends and family members slaughtered by
neighbors and coworkers; to the UN peacekeepers stationed amid the carnage who were ordered not to intervene;
to those holding positions of power at the White House. Through these accounts, FRONTLINE illustrates the social,
political, and diplomatic failures that enabled the slaughter of 800,000 people to occur unabated and unchallenged
by the global community.
Lesson outlines
homepage (including the film on-line)
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
The Tribunal is responsible for prosecuting the leaders and organizers of the genocide in Rwanda. This site
includes information about the Tribunal, photographs of the accused, as well as chart of the status of the detainees.
International Response to Conflict and Genocide: Lessons from the Rwanda Experience
Did the international community do enough? Very detailed, this site examines the response and the effectiveness
of international help. Specific information about the genocide can be found in Chapter 5.
Leave None to Tell the Story
From an explanation of the Hutus and Tutsis to international responses, this Human Rights Watch site offers
comprehensive information about the genocide. For a very good overview of the genocide, click on "The
U.S. Fiddles While Rwanda Burns
Did the U.S. do enough to stop the genocide in Rwanda? This article says definitely not.
On our watch
The world vowed "never again" after the genocide in Rwanda and the atrocities in Srebrenica, Bosnia. Then came
Darfur. Over the past four years, at least 200,000 people have been killed, 2.5 million driven from their homes, and
mass rapes have been used as a weapon in a brutal campaign - supported by the Sudanese government - against
civilians in Darfur. In On Our Watch, FRONTLINE asks why the United Nations and its members once again failed
to stop the slaughter.
History Wiz: the Rwandan genocide
Overview of this genocide, including map and en eye witness account (primary source).
Rwanda needs real reconciliation, says 'Hotel Rwanda' manager
Interview with Paul Rusesabagina. He talks about what motivates him and what he thinks needs to happen if
Rwanda is to become a peaceful state.
Paul Rusesabagina on InnerVIEWS with Ernie Manouse
Interview with Paul Rusesabagina. He gives background to the Rwandan genocide, its historical and politacal
Paul Rusesabagina: The Man Behind Don Cheadle's Character in Hotel Rwanda
Paul Rusesabagina talks about the ordeal portrayed in Hotel Rwanada, and the lack of progress that has been
made in his native country.