The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act I Questions Scene 1 1. When will the

The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act I Questions
Scene 1
1. When will the three witches meet again?
2. Whom will they meet?
3. Explain the paradox spoken by all the witches. What imagery is used in the paradox?
Scene 2
4. What does the captain report about the outcome of the battle?
5. What does he say about Macbeth’s actions? What does this reveal about Macbeth’s character?
6. What did the Norwegian king do when he saw the situation?
7. How did Macbeth and Banquo react? What does this say about their characters?
8. Who is a traitor working with the king of Norway?
9. Who wins the battle?
10. What punishment is to be given to the Thane of Cawdor? What will become of his title?
Scene 3
11. What will the first witch do to the man whose wife has offended her?
12. The sisters refer to themselves as the “weird sisters.” To what Old English term is “weird” connected? What
does this word mean?
13. What paradox does Macbeth state that connects to the witches’ previous statement in scene 1?
14. How does Banquo describe the witches’ appearances?
15. What three positions do the witches speak of Macbeth having? List them in order.
16. What is Macbeth’s reaction (as described by Banquo)? Why do you think Macbeth reacts this way?
17. What paradoxes are stated by the witches regarding Banquo’s destiny? What, ultimately, do they say will
happen to Banquo?
18. What happens when Macbeth questions the witches further about their statements?
19. What do Banquo’s words on lines 79-80 suggest? How does this contribute to the mood of the scene?
20. How do Macbeth’s and Banquo’s reactions to the witches’ words reflect the men’s different characters?
21. What does Ross say about how the king feels about Macbeth?
22. What news do Ross and Angus bring that causes Macbeth and Banquo to be surprised?
23. Note Macbeth’s clothing metaphor in lines 108-109. What is he saying?
24. Contrast Banquo’s and Macbeth’s reactions to the Thane of Cawdor’s death. What does Banquo suggest about
the witches’ predictions?
25. What can we infer that Macbeth desires from lines 127-129? What is “that suggestion whose “horrid image”
upsets him?
26. What does Macbeth decide when he says, “If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me,/ Without
my stir” (lines 143-144)?
27. What does Banquo mean by his clothing metaphor in lines 144-146?
Scene 4
28. How did the Thane of Cawdor behave at his execution?
29. What does King Duncan mean when he says, “There’s no art/ To find the mind’s construction in the face” (lines
30. What does the king’s trust in Cawdor (lines 13-14) say about Duncan’s character?
31. When King Duncan expresses his gratitude toward Macbeth, what might Macbeth be thinking (lines 20-21)?
32. What does the king say he’s decided to do that breaks the laws of succession and tanistry?
33. Describe the conflicting imagery used by Duncan and Macbeth when they consider nobility and hidden desires.
What is Macbeth considering?
34. What does the king think about Macbeth when he departs? How does this reflect dramatic irony?
Scene 5
35. What changes in the language in this scene as Lady Macbeth reads the letter? (Hint: see page 456.)
36. From his letter to his wife, what can be understood about how Macbeth feels about her?
37. What does Lady Macbeth fear about her husband’s nature? What does she feel he won’t do? How will she
handle this?
38. Who is coming to Macbeth’s home tonight?
39. What does Lady Macbeth want to happen in her character? What images does she use to express this?
40. When will the visitor leave (line 58)? Do you think Macbeth is still innocent at this point, or is he already
41. What does Lady Macbeth advise about her husband’s face? How does this match the witches’ statement from
scene 1?
Scene 6
42. What do the king and Banquo say about Macbeth’s castle? How does this contrast Lady Macbeth’s previous
statement about a raven (scene 5, line 36)?
43. How do the king’s greetings to Lady Macbeth show dramatic irony?
Scene 7
44. What does Macbeth believe he is risking if he murders Duncan?
45. What two things does Macbeth say cause Duncan to trust him? What kind of king is Duncan? What is the only
cause for Macbeth to kill him?
46. What does Macbeth tell his wife he has decided (line 31)? Why?
47. Of what does Lady Macbeth accuse her husband when he says this? What does she say makes a man?
48. What particular detail displays Lady Macbeth’s willingness for cruelty?
49. What is Lady Macbeth’s plan in murdering King Duncan?
50. What is Macbeth’s reaction to this? How do his words on line 82 match the recurring theme?