SPN3930 Spanish for Healthcare - UF Spanish and Portuguese

Primavera 2015
Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies
University of Florida
Primavera 2015
Spanish & Portuguese Studies Department: http://spanishandportuguese.ufl.edu/
Profesora: Cari Jiménez
Oficina: Dauer 16
Móvil: 850-723-5636
E-mail: cjimenez2@ufl.edu
Horas de oficina: MWF 10-11am o por cita
Objetivos: Los objetivos globales de este curso son aprender la terminología y las expresiones relacionadas con la medicina y la relación
paciente/profesional de la salud, desarrollar la competencia lingüística y comunicativa ejercitando destrezas de producción oral y
comprensión auditiva y reconocer/discernir señales culturales que distinguen la actitud, expectativas y punto de vista de los
hispanohablantes en cuanto a las emergencias médicas, enfermedades, tratamientos e interacción con los profesionales de la salud.
Resultados de Aprendizaje Específicos:
1. El estudiante podrá articular y entender conversaciones con expresiones y terminología médica
2. El estudiante podrá ejecutar funciones básicas del profesional de la salud como hacer entrevistas, tomar la historia clínica, hacer el
examen físico, historia médica de la familia, comunicar el diagnóstico y tratamiento, etc.
3. El estudiante podrá articular, analizar y aplicar sus conocimientos sobre temas interculturales.
Requisito Previo: Para inscribirse en este curso es obligatorio haber completado SPN3300 (Spanish Grammar and Composition) y SPN3350
(Spanish Grammar and Composition for Bilingual Speakers).
Primavera 2015
Materiales : Una selección de lecturas de tres libros ( Una selección de lecturas, artículos, juegos y actividades pertinentes al tema a la salud
y el sistema de salud en los Estados Unidos, todo el material estará disponible a Canvas y/o distribuidos en clase)
Español Nivel Avanzado para profesiones de salud
First edition. Camacho-Vargas. Editorial Veritas 2010
Medical Spanish: Interviewing the Latino Patient- A Cross Cultural Perspective
First edition. Gonzalez-Lee. Prentice Hall 1990
Temas de Salud
First edition. Rosa de Juan, Prada, Marcé y Salazar. Editorial Edinumen. 2009
La nota final se determina basándose en el esquema a continuación:
A = 100-93
A- = 92-90
B+ = 89-87
B = 86-83
B- = 82-80
C+ = 79-77
C(S) = 76-73
C-(U) = 72-70
D+ = 69-67
D = 66-63
D- = 62-60
E = 59-0
NOTE: A grade of C- will not be a qualifying grade for
major, minor, Gen Ed, Gordon Rule or Basic
Distribution Credit courses. For further information
regarding passing grades and grade point equivalents,
please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog at
La nota final incluye los siguientes componentes:
4 Pruebitas en clase 25%
Preparación y Participación activa en clase 15%
Foro en Canvas 15%
Examen Parcial Oral 20%
Proyecto Final 25%
Primavera 2015
4 Pruebitas (25%) a través del semestre. Se darán las pruebitas al principio de la clase y durarán 15min y consistirá en preguntas sobre el
vocabulario médico, expresiones médicas y/o la lectura asignada.
Preparación y Participación activa (15%) se espera que el estudiante venga a clase preparado a participar activamente en la discusión y
en las actividades de la clase ya sea en parejas, en grupos, o con toda la clase. (ver esquema de calificación).
Como es necesario estar presente para participar en la clase, las faltas a clase afectará la nota de participación.
Foro (15%) Discusión oral o escrita en Canvas sobre temas culturales relacionados con la salud.
Examen Parcial Oral (20%) Examinará la producción oral y la comprensión auditiva.
Proyecto Final (25%) Una guía digital en español para las profesiones de salud (revisa el esquema de calificación). Se darán instrucciones
la segunda semana del curso.
University Policies
Academic Integrity
All students are required to abide by the Academic Honesty Guidelines of the University. The UF Honor Code reads: “We, the members of the
University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.” On all work
submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither
given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.” For more information please refer to http://www.dso.ufl.edu/studentguide.
and http://www.dso.ufl.edu/sccr/honorcodes/honorcode.php
Cheating: Academic cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. These include; the use of online translators, translator programs
and/or native speakers completing assignments for the student including oral, and/or written activities.
Primavera 2015
Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide
documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation. For more
information see http://www.dso.ufl.edu/drc.
Counseling and Wellness
A variety of counseling, mental health and psychiatric services are available through the UF Counseling and Wellness Center, whose goal is to
help students be maximally effective in their academic pursuits by reducing or eliminating emotional, psychological, and interpersonal
problems that interfere with academic functioning. The Center can be found online at http://www.counseling.ufl.edu/cwc
or reached by phone at 392-1575.
Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to Dr. Angel Kwolek-Folland, Associate Provost at 392-4792.
Course Evaluations:
Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course based on 10 criteria. These evaluations are conducted
online at https://evaluations.ufl.edu.
Evaluations are typically open during the last two or three weeks of the semester, but students will be given specific times when they are
Summary results of these assessments are available to students at https://evaluations.ufl.edu/results
Attendance and make-ups:
Requirements for class attendance and make-up exams, assignments, and other work in this course are consistent with university policies
that can be found in the online catalog at:
Primavera 2015
Student preparation and participation involves a number of variables, listed in the rubric below.
Your preparation and participation will be assessed out of 25 possible points, posted on Canvas and updated approximately
every two weeks.
• The use of cell phones, pagers, mp3 players and all other electronic equipment during class is prohibited unless otherwise
indicated by your instructor. All equipment must be turned off in the classroom. Any evidence of cell phones (use, ringing,
buzzing, etc.) and similar equipment use will result in an automatic zero in preparation and participation for that day. Using a cell
phone during a test will result in a zero on that assignment.
always came prepared to class and actively participated in all classroom activities
constantly greeted people and took leave using Spanish
constantly used Spanish in class ( i.e., with instructor and in small groups)
constantly listened attentively when others spoke; showed respect for and supported the
learning process of her/his peers
actively made a positive impact on the class and helped peers with in-class activities
usually came prepared and participated in all classroom activities
greeted people and took leave using Spanish most of the time
mostly used Spanish in class and in group work with peers
generally listened attentively when others spoke; showed respect for and supported the
learning process of her/his peers
made a positive, although quiet and passive contribution to the class
showed some preparation for class, but needed more preparation
did not greet people and take leave in Spanish
frequently used English, especially during group and pair work
at times got distracted; was occasionally inattentive to the learning process of peers and/or
disrespectful to her/his peers and/or instructor
participated in some classroom activities but was more passively attentive than active
Primavera 2015
showed little preparation for class
used more English than Spanish during class
paid little attention during class (e.g., sometimes slept, read the newspaper, did other
homework. etc.) and was often inattentive to the learning process of peers and/or
disrespectful to her/his peers and/or instructor
participated minimally in classroom activities
showed no preparation for class
used only English during class
paid no attention during class and was mostly inattentive to the learning process of peers
and/or disrespectful to her/his peers and/or instructor
failed to contribute to the class with her/his presence and/or detracted from the class with
her/his negative attitude; occasionally used cell phone or other device during class time
did not attend enough classes or did not demonstrate sufficient participation for evaluation
used cell phone, mp3 player or other device during class time
Primavera 2015
Digital Guide Rubric
Digital Guide Appearance 25%
Readable: Is there an esthetic contrast between the images, background color, font type
and sizes that make the guide easy to read?
Organization: Is the guide organized in a manner that makes it easy to follow and easy to
quickly locate vital information?
Professionalism: Is the appearance of the guide professional? Are the graphics, colors
and guide language consistent with professional workplace expectations?
Digital Guide Content 50%
Content: All the categories required are included and contain relevant content. Content is
original. Definitions and Questions are Original and are accurate
Images: All the images used are properly cited in an Appendix, and are relevant
and enhanced and support the content. Images do not distract from focus of written work.
Links:Do all the links function properly? Are they relevant and add value to the guide?
Grammar: Written language is grammatically correct in Spanish. There is no Spanglish or
unclear sentences due to translations.
Digital Guide Design 25%
Design Elements and Creativity: Unified and consistent design of background, photos,
and graphics. Good mix of text and graphics
Use of Media: Uses video, audio or animation to enhance and support content and add
value to the guide