Major nutrients-fat

Major nutrients: proteins, fat/lipids and carbohydrates
Fat sources: meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, oil, butter, nuts
Fat elements- C, H, O but O content lower in proportion to carbohydrates
(Basic/smallest unit – fatty acids and glycerol) combine to form long chains of fat/lipid
Fat functions
 As a structural stable compound it make up all cell membranes in organism
 Fat is a good store for excess energy intake
 Fat is a good insulator like rubber housing of a wire it is myelin sheath around nerve
cells. This ensure electrochemical nerve impulses remain and travel faster through
 Special functioning compounds of Fat:
o hormones (fat derived hormones) – chemical signallers of the body e.g.
testosterone signals transformations at puberty like deepening of the voice in
males and other 2nd sexual traits of males sperm production, pubic hairs, hair at
the armpits, hair of the face, increased aggression and increased muscularity.
Adipose/ fat tissue of the skin dermis layers and on or around major organs offer
shock absorption and thus protection
Solvent and store of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K.