Course Chart – Research-Based Objectives and Assignments “What you are already doing…goal is being language explicit” Course Number Title HDFS 101 Introduction to HDFS HDFS 115 Healthy Couple Relationships HDFS 124 Human Development: Early Childhood HDFS 215 Dynamics of Family Development HDFS 225 Skills Training HDFS 257 Lifespan Sexuality HDFS 270 Seminar in Self Growth HDFS 325 Human Development: Mid Child and Adolescence Human Development: Early and Middle Adulthood Critical Cultural Competence HDFS 330 HDFS 335 HDFS 336 Practice in Critical Cultural Competence Objective(s) ~Be mindful that we may have “missed” your research-based objective and linked assignment…goal here is to be explicit Obj. 2 Become awareness of current issues influencing the areas of HDFS Obj. 3 Gain familiarity with the professional organizations and scholarly publications in the field of HDFS Obj. 2 Describe current research associated with healthy intimate relationships Obj. 4 Explain the importance of research identify various methods used in the study of child development for the early childhood period (prenatal through age 8) Obj. 2 Define the social functions of the family and analyze how the various institutions of society interrelate with those of the family. ~Is this the best linked objective and research-based assignment? Obj. 1 Explain the theory and rationale relating basic intervention skills for positive change and goal achievement with individuals, couples, and families. ~What is the linked research-based assignment? Obj. 1: Articulate a personal philosophy of sexual ethics and decisionmaking Obj. 7 Evaluate major research and theories that attempt to explain the nature and origins of sexual orientation ~What is the linked research-based assignment? Obj. 4 Identify biases and assumptions from others Obj. 3 Identify and analyze timely issues that affect “normal” development during middle and adolescence. Obj. 1 Examine and discuss several major themes occurring during the adult years that influence how a person’s life story unfolds and evolves. What is the research-based objective and linked assignment-would recommend being explicit? Obj. 3 Integrate course concepts and knowledge from HDFS 335 Critical Cultural Competence into their experiences of working with and connecting across difference. Assignment ~Needs to be linked to the research based objective Professional Article Summary Explicit research based assignment? Professional Dev/Research Paper (new assignment) Genogram? Explicit research based assignment? Ethics Assignment Other research based assignment? Diverse Perspectives Group Lecture Enhancement Professional Article Summary (need to list on syllabus) Interviews? Explicit research based assignment? Final Paper (Amanda) Critical Cultural Competence Practice Model (Susan) HDFS 340 HDFS 345 HDFS 365 Human Development: Late Adulthood Health Care Dilemmas Family Resource Management Obj. 1 Develop new skills/practices for interacting in a culturally sensitive manner across categories of difference (be more explicit in the research base of “best practice”, the development of new skills/practices) Obj. 4 Identify aging issues for African-American, Latino, NativeAmerican, and Pacific Asian elderly. Obj. 5 Identify the special issues in later life families. Obj. 1 Increase awareness of selected current technologies and issues in medical ethics that significantly impact American families. Obj. 5 Identify and describe recent court decisions regarding end-of-life treatment options. Obj. 7 Describe current public debates and federal policy decisions regarding developing areas of medical research and technology. Obj. 8 Demonstrate insight and critical thinking evidenced in class discussion and case analysis. Obj. 5 Critically evaluate the application of literature, theories, and models of resource management across categories of difference (e.g. cultural, ethnic, class). Your Day to Teach Team Presentation Major Course Project Round Tables? Other research based assignment? Family Resource Management (FRM Research Paper FRM Research Presentation HDFS 420 Family Research Methodology Obj. 1 Develop an orientation towards the variety of skills necessary for the conduct of quality research in family studies. Obj. 2 Identify the usefulness of family theory in research. Obj. 4 Recognize methodological assumptions inherent in various family theories. Obj. 5 Develop ability to relate research, theory and practice (triangulation) Obj. 6 Compare and contrast selected family research studies based upon theories involved. Obj. 7 Compare and contrast select family research studies based upon methodology utilized. Obj. 8 Evaluate the effectiveness of selected family research studies in integrating theory and methodology. Obj. 9 Develop a survey instrument and conduct a pilot study. FRM Brochure Development Research Project Power point Presentation Dissemination Options HDFS 456 HDFS 490 Abuse and the Family Professional Issues Obj. 2 Explore the links between forms of abuse in the family, including drug abuse Obj. 3 Explore and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of family research methods used to study family abuse. Obj. 6 Evaluate different family contexts that may be associated with child abuse, partner violence, and elder abuse. Obj. 3 Evaluate the importance of ethics in professional practice, knowledge of ethical behavior, and be able to implement ethical values into family studies and human development practice. Individual Family Abuse Presentation Social Action Group Project Ethics In-Class Assignment