Ancient Egypt Project! Mrs. Gundlach 603 Choose 1 of the following 6 project options. If you have a different project idea other than the ones listed below, write up a description of your project and give it to Mrs. Gundlach for approval. For each project, you must create the project and present it to your Social Studies class. You may work by yourself or with one other person from your Social Studies period. You may do research at home, but all materials for your work will be brought to school next week (January 7-11) and projects will be completed 100% in class. Presentations may be worked on in class or at home (see the grading policy on the next sheet). The project and presentation are both due on Monday, January 14th 2013. This gives you 5 days in class next week to complete your project. PROJECT OPTIONS: 1) Create a Travel Brochure of Ancient Egypt! Fold paper to form a tri-fold brochure that will give you three areas, or “panels” to work with and one large area, or “spread” on the inside. Arrange your information according to "topics". For example, you might gather all information collected about living accommodations that a visitor might expect to find in Egypt; the kinds of terrain a traveler might expect to pass through; modes of transportation; the gifts tourists can expect to buy in the ancient city; and things to see and do in Ancient Egypt. Make your brochure as attractive, appealing, and informative as you can. Balance text with illustrations and use plenty of color. 2) Build an Egyptian Pyramid! The dimensions of your pyramid must be to scale. You’ll have to do some research about size ratios! Pyramids can be made out of any material, but they must look realistic. 3) Draw an Egyptian Portrait! The painters of the famous temples and tombs in Egypt followed a strict set of rules to create their works of art. For this project, you will create a colorful Egyptian portrait by making a large grid on posterboard and following the correct dimensions. (Additional instruction sheet will be provided) 4) Build a Mummy! Create a model mummy showing all 5 layers: body, linen wrapped body, decorated coffin, outer coffin, rectangular sarcophagus. (Additional instruction sheet will be provided) 5) Create an Ancient Egypt Timeline! Create a time line from 3500 BC to year 0 with the heading Ancient Egypt: Time Line Include descriptions and pictures/drawings of important events Make your timeline as attractive, appealing, and informative as you can. 6) Write a Research Paper on any Egyptian Topic! Organized and clear research paper. Minimum of 5 paragraphs (introduction, conclusion, and 3 body paragraphs) You must include a bibliography with paper. (Additional instruction sheet will be provided) GRADING: This project is worth 20% of your overall second trimester grade (it is worth as much as a test grade). The project and presentation are due on Monday, January 14th 2013. It is up to you how you want to present your project to your class. You may choose to create a PowerPoint, Tri-fold poster board, some other visual aid, or just read from index cards and demonstrate something about your project. See the grading rubrics below for more details on the requirements: Project Rubric 3 points: followed directions 3 points: understood new concepts 3 points: used creativity 3 points: neat work/craftsmanship 3 points: used time wisely ___________________________ 15 total points Presentation Rubric 2 points: explained information from project 2 points: explained how the project was constructed and researched 2 points: made eye contact with audience 2 points: spoke loudly and clearly __________________________ 8 total points