Presentation- Brief Overview
• Overview
and Definitions
• Background- International and U.S.
• Recovery and Care of Survivors
• Good practices around the world
• Clinical approach in the public health setting
• Ongoing initiatives for prevention
Trafficking is the illegal trade in human beings
for the purposes of commercial sexual
exploitation and forced labor
Trafficking is consistent with international
definitions and protocols with slavery
Recruitment, transportation, transfer,
harboring, or receipt of person by
means of threat, force, or other forms
of coercion, fraud, or deception
The consent of the victim is irrelevant
whenever any of the “means” of trafficking are
used. A child cannot consent.
Abuse of a position of vulnerability refers to
any situation where the person involved has no
reasonable or acceptable alternative but to
submit to the person involved.
Fastest growing criminal industry in
the world, tied with illegal arms trade
and following the drug trade
Revenue may be between USD $5
billion and $9 billion
Council of Europe says trafficking has
reached epidemic proportions over the last
UN estimates 2.5 billion people are now
trafficked in 127 different countries
Statistics may be misleading, total unknown
Trafficking for sexual purposes
May be found in dire circumstances and easily
Majority of trafficking is for sexual purposes
Homeless, refugees, substance addicted,
runaway teens, displaced homemakers, those in
conflict areas, but victims are exploited from
any ethnic and social background
Close connection with pornography, sex
Gender of trafficking for sexual purposes
Girls 80%
Boys 20%
Research into gender - based differences in
consequences is incomplete. Preliminary
data has suggested notable differences.
Trafficking is an emerging phenomenon. Primary targets of
trafficking schemes are young middle class girls and
women, ranging in age from 14 years to the mid-20s. They
are often lured abroad by offers to study or work. Transit
country for trafficking between China & Russia.
Much of cross-border trafficking in SEA involves Thailand.
Burmese children make up the largest number of trafficked
children into Thailand. Trafficking of boys into the fishing
industry in the South is rife and unchecked.
Women from Myanmar, Lao PDR, North Korea,
Vietnam and Russia are trafficked to China for the purposes
of prostitution or are forcibly married to Chinese men.
Chinese women are also trafficked to other countries such
as Malaysia, Burma, Taiwan, and Australia.
Many women are trafficked to Japan for work
in the sex industry, from countries as varied as the
Philippines, Taiwan, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Costa
Rica, Sri Lanka, Ukraine and Russia. Reported that a
significant number are under 18 years of age
Trafficking Patterns
in the U.S.
ECPAT International
U.S. one of largest producers, distributors, and
consumers of child pornography
Source country for child sex tourism
Vast majority of sexually exploited children are
stigmatized and trivialized by law enforcement
system. Victims often treated as offenders and
not victims
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) not
yet ratified in U.S.- only one of two countries who
have not done so (other country- Somalia)
Children- Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
Severe forms of trafficking includes any
commercial sex act performed by a
person under the age of 18. Any minor
who is commercially sexually exploited is
defined as a trafficking victim, whether or
not movement has taken place.
Of the 45,000 to 50,000 victims that are brought to the U.S.A.:
30,000 come from Asia- primary countries are
China, Thailand, and Vietnam
10,000 from Latin America
5,000 from other countries, including the
former Soviet Union, Romania, Africa
14,500 to 17,500 are children
Children- Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
“…as many as 300,000 American youth may be at risk
of commercial sexual exploitation at any time.
Especially vulnerable are homeless and runaways.”
Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2001, School of Social Work Study
Nationally 450,000 children run away from
home each year. 1 out of every 3 teens
on the street will be lured toward
prostitution within 48 hours of leaving
home. Statistically, this means at least
150,000 children lured into prostitution
each year.
Miami Fl
Portland OR
Las Vegas NV
Toledo OH
Houston, TX
Federal Crime- penalties up to life
Cases of human trafficking in all 50
Children, adults, U.S. or foreign
nationals, male or female
Advocacy and specialized agencies to
care for victims is increasing
Common experiences of victims
Physical and emotional trauma
Prolonged Humiliation
Unrelenting fear and abuse
Profound violation of human rights
Commercial sexual exploitation is the most damaging form
of abuse because it includes almost all forms of abuse-
Incorporates elements of many crimes including
kidnapping, assault, battery, and others on a daily basis
Associated factors that may increase vulnerability:
Relationship with early environment
Child and family risk factors- dysfunction, etc.
Extreme poverty
Gender inequality
Substance abuse
Community attitudes
All contribute to vulnerability
Educational deprivation and deficits
Physical health problems- health, diet, beatings,
lack of .. inter alia.. health care, hearing, vision,
HIV/AIDs, tuberculosis, STD’s, skin infections,
dental, etc.
Relationship with families
Depression, hopelessness
Guilt, shame, flashbacks
Nightmares, loss of confidence, self-esteem
Anxiety, relationships, behavioral problems,
mistrust of adults
sexualized behaviors
antisocial behaviors
Essential Components of Comprehensive Care
Safety and security- including implementing all
elements of a “
Case management- multidisciplinary
Legal services
Essential Components of Comprehensive Care
Access to appropriate referrals- law
enforcement, medical, psychiatric, etc.
Trained staff- essential element, often requires
outside training opportunities
Establish basic trust
Essential Components of Care – International
Emergency shelters
Transit Centers
Short term shelters
Long term shelters
Caring for Victims
Medical Care
Appropriate physical exams
Basic blood work
Treatment for substance abuse
GYN exams as appropriate
Nutrition, hygiene, dental
Referrals for complex medical needs
Vocational Training
Basic reading, writing, and numeracy
Business skills
Formal primary, secondary, and postsecondary education
Collectives, self-generating incomes
Caring for Victims
Educational Services
Preparation and attainment of competency skills
to integrate into educational system
Remedial education and Accelerated Learning
Programs (ALP)
Inclusive learning for physical or intellectually
Caring for Victims
Educational Services
Preparation for state examinations, high school and
college entry exams, or skills required for trade
Ability to detect learning disorders and provide
available referrals and resources
Caring for Victims
Psychosocial care
Controversy exists about individualized therapy
Family and community liaison where possible
Integration of community-centered approaches
Group supportive, solution - oriented therapy
Essential Components of Caring for Victims
Psychosocial care
Preparation for re-integration
Cognitive restructuring and reframing- move
to multi-dimensional self identification
Opportunities for accessing local traditions,
customs, and beliefs
Caring for Victims
Psychosocial care
Mental health referrals available for
severe pathology
Life Skills training – now seen as an
integral component
Caring for Victims
Psychosocial care
Support healthy defenses, explore and support
hidden skills and talents
Integrate spiritual beliefs and traditional
healing practices
Problem – solving skills
Family counseling and therapy
Caring for Victims
Community attitudes and beliefs
Pre-existing family dysfunction
Relapse common
Weak law enforcement
Blaming the victim
Severe emotional trauma (often dependent
on age and duration of abuse)
Good Practices and
Founded in 1987 and formally registered
in 1989, SANLAAP is a non-government
development organization
SANLAAP works to prevent human
trafficking and to prevent secondgeneration prostitution
• .
Founded by Indrani Sinha, Sanlaap means “dialogue”
Runs four shelters around Kolkata, caring for an average
200 girls
Most girls are victims of sexual abuse and trafficking.
Large HIV+ population
Comprehensive program, including self defense training,
textile shop, bakery, and small contracts for hand-woven
stationery products. This has provided some selfgenerating income
Integrated into residential communities with no
demarcating signs
Counselors trained by volunteers, local NGOs,
and international agencies
Teaches girls how to navigate “systems”,
including legal actions, police, social welfare,
and health
Encourages advocacy, involved in research
Outreaches to red-light districts to offer
rescue and services
Outreaches also are made with the
purpose of learning from sex workers to
plan future interventions based on
current grooming or trafficking trends
Dhaka Ahsania Mission (Bangladesh)
Operates a long term shelter whose primary
objective is to return the victim to social and
family life
Offers trained psychosocial counseling, along
with mandatory literacy and vocational programs
Has local linkages that allow access to microcredit opportunities
Requires an adequate period of family
reintegration counseling before a girl can return
to her community
Good Samaritan Association
(Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
Long term shelter “Center for Trafficked Women” for
Ethiopian women trafficked abroad
Offers psychosocial and vocational counseling and
Teaches victims to drive, perform intricate leather work, and
Movimiento Para el Autodesarrollo Internacional
de la Solidaridad (MAIS) de Puerto Plata
Priorities are to help children stay in school,
promote child participation in issues that
concern them,
prevent the abuse and mistreatment of children,
including commercial sexual exploitation.
Movimiento Para el Autodesarrollo Internacional
de la Solidaridad (MAIS) de Puerto Plata
Provides skills training for heads of families to improve
Reduce vulnerability of recruitment
Decrease children’s need to work and that impacts on
school performance
Learning Deficits- ADHD
Swift Wash: An industrial
laundry as an economic
alternative for victims of
Swift Wash- Goa, India
The goal of the Swift Wash laundry,
launched in 2006, is to provide
support and guidance to former
victims for social integration.
Swift Wash- Goa, India
Group of former sex workers united to create selfgenerating business
Raised funds for laundry machines, dryers, ironing,
steaming, and dry cleaning, vehicles to pick up and deliver,
and advertising
Initial group of 200 women obtained support from local and
international NGOs, and now run the company
Former sex workers and trafficking victims are hired as
Laundry now works 24/7, picks up at home, cleans and irons
at workshop, and delivers clothes back within 24 hours
Youth Partnership Project
Nepal, Bangladesh, India
Survivors of commercial sexual exploitation that
empowers and builds capacity of experiential youth to
take the lead in the fight against CSEC
Bangladesh, India, Nepal
Peer support projects in high risk areas
Trained in media and advocacy skills
Peer psychosocial care
• Established for the large numbers of children
trafficked in South Asia
India 350,000
Nepal 40,000
Bangladesh 29,000
Caring for Victims of Sexual
Clinical and Public Health Settings
Awareness Raising
Briefings and sharing information on sexual
trafficking for staff
Identification of “red flags” to identify potential
Available resources including government and
state agencies
Identification of possible referrals
Potential Red Flags:
Severe indebtedness with no out
Unable to leave a job
Inability to leave a situation
Isolation from support systems
Unaccounted for history, especially if from a
known conflict zone
No ID, driver’s license, passport
Potential Red Flags:
Adolescents not in school
Expensive jewelry or large amounts of cash
Cell phones or other items not paid for by
parents or family
Has hotel keys
Multiple unaccounted for STD’s
Inconsistent stories
Potentially More vulnerable (reasonable and balanced approach) :
From developing countries where jobs are
Children/teens involved with CPS, foster
care, or criminal justice
Severe impoverishment
Sudden change in financial status
Management of Victims in Health and Mental Health Settings
Consider links to trafficking agencies
Victims often do not disclose, or may be very
reluctant to provide details. Often great shame and
Balancing act between clinical symptoms and
respect for privacy
Awareness of cultural sensitivities and meanings
Management of Victims in Health and Mental Health Settings
Comprehensive International programs may be instructive:
Trust- be aware of own judgments
Psychosocial integration with a community
Survivor groups, family counseling, individual counseling,
education and skills training, advocacy, cognitive
reshaping, substance abuse treatment
Management of Victims in Health and Mental Health
Evidence based practices for victims rest on
common components such including PTSD,
non-commercial sexual abuse treatment, and
establishment of an effective and trusting
therapeutic alliance
Management of Victims in Health and Mental Health Settings
Percentage of PTSD symptoms endorsed by trafficked women:
Recurrent thoughts/memories of terrifying events
Feeling as though the event is happening again
Recurrent nightmares 54%
Feeling detached/withdrawn
Unable to feel emotion 44%
Jumpy, easily startled 67%
Management of Victims in Health and Mental Health Settings
Percentage of PTSD symptoms endorsed by trafficked women:
Difficulty concentrating 52%
Trouble sleeping 67%
Feeling on guard 64%
Feeling irritable, having outbursts of anger 53%
Avoiding activities that remind them of the traumatic or hurtful event
Inability to remember part or most of traumatic or hurtful event 36%
Less interest in daily activities 46%
Feeling as if you didn’t have a future 65%
Avoiding thoughts or feelings associated with the traumatic events 58%
Sudden emotional or physical reaction when reminded of the most
hurtful or traumatic events (Zimmerman et al., 2006) 65%
Management of Victims in Health and Mental Health Settings
“Complex Trauma”
“a type of trauma that occurs repeatedly and
cumulatively, usually over a period of time and
within specific relationships and contexts”
Management of Victims in Health and Mental Health Settings
“Complex Trauma”
Victims suffering from complex trauma often experience
depression, anxiety, self-hatred, dissociation,
substance abuse, despair, and somatic ailments.
Individuals exposed to this type of trauma are also at
heightened risk for self-destructive and risk-taking
behaviors as well as re-victimization, and tend to
experience difficulty with interpersonal and intimate
Management of Victims in Health and Mental Health Settings
Most commonly seen disorders in trafficking victims:
Anxiety disorders (including PTSD)
Mood disorders
Dissociative disorders
Substance related disorders
Management of Victims in Health and Mental Health Settings
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Restructuring, guilt, shame, being
responsible for events
Realistic assessment of talents,
capacities, and human value
Management of Victims in Health and Mental Health Settings
Group Therapy
Provides support, peer influence, and
focuses on relationships
Group focuses on relationships,
common issues, and coping skills
Management of Victims in Health and Mental Health Settings
Family Therapy
When possible, family therapy would
be the “therapy of choice”
Family therapy is more effective when
approached in a traditional social
work framework, meeting many needs
Management of Victims in Health and Mental Health Settings
Because of research from PTSD
Substance abuse- needs to tie event and
consequences, rather than just consequences
Mood and anxiety disorders- standard
treatment approaches, but meds and therapy
Please see handout for detailed list of resources
- Local police
- 24/7 toll free Human Trafficking Resource
Center 1-888-373-7888
- Children- National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children hotline 1-800-THE-LOST
Thank you
Thomas G. Shafer, RN, MA
Psychiatric Counselor
College of Brockport
State University of New York