Icon Allstars Tryout Packet

Competition Agreement
Commitment Packet
Welcome to ATA’s competitive cheerleading program. We are excited that you have
chosen to be a member of our Icon and ATA family in its first year together! Our competitive
cheerleading program mission is to provide a safe environment for the team members to grow
together and develop cheer, dance, and tumbling skills. Every member of our staff is United
States All-Star Federation (USASF) certified in his or her level of competitive cheer. We strive
to provide a competitive atmosphere for every athlete’s progression in all-star cheerleading.
Our combined vision is to provide a family oriented relationship with every member of our
organization. Our main goal for each athlete and athlete’s family is to experience becoming a
part of our ATA family.
Please read and comply with the organizational policies set forth to join our program.
Once you have reviewed the agreement entirely, please fill out electronically, save, print,
and turn it in to the front desk along with the additional attachments requested. Incomplete
packets will not be accepted. Packets can be turned in at either gym location. Please adhere
to the rules set forth in this packet to help make this season run as efficiently as possible. We
are expecting great things this season!
Matt Hodges
Reed Jackson
All paperwork and fees must be turned in to the front desk before you will be allowed to participate at the
tryout clinic.
Forms to return to the Front Desk:
Also Attach:
o Absence Request Form
Copy of Birth Certificate
o Student Registration Form
$45 Tryout Fee on or prior to April 18th ($60 after April 18th)
o Release & Waiver of Liability
o Tryout Form (attach a photo we can keep)
o Medical & Roster Form
o Electronic Payment Authorization Form – ATA Tuition
o Policies and Expectations Commitment Form
Table of Contents
Section One
Tryout Information
Section Two
Costs- Annual & Monthly, Booster Club Fees & Payment Schedules
Section Three
Competition Schedule & Important Dates
Section Four
Section Five
Tardiness & Absences
Section Six
Section Seven
Dress Code
Section Eight
Parents & Relatives
Section Nine
Additional Information
Forms to Return
Absence Request Form
Student Registration Form
Release & Waiver of Liability
Tryout Form (attach photo we can keep)
Medical & Roster Form
Electronic Payment Authorization Form – ATA Tuition
Policies and Expectations Commitment Form
Section One
Tryout Information
Tryout Fee
The Tryout Fee is $45 if paid on or before Thursday, April 18th. Tryout fees turned in
Friday, April 19th or later will be $60. An ATA t-shirt is included in the tryout fee.
Tryout Clinic
Get a head start for tryouts! During this clinic, the instructors will be teaching specific technique for
tumbling, stunting, jumps, and motions that the athletes will use at tryouts. All paperwork and fees
must be turned in before you will be allowed to participate at the tryout clinic. The tryout clinics are
not mandatory and will be held at the ATA location at 1505 Redi Road Cumming, Georgia.
Saturday, April 20th 10:00am- 1:00pm for all ages
Parent Meeting
Wednesday, May 8th the parent meeting will be held at 7:00pm. This is an optional informative
meeting to answer any questions and to go over possible competitions for the 2013-2014 season.
Saturday, May 11th: Ages 12 and older will be from 10:00am-1:00pm
Ages 11 and under will be from 12:30pm – 2:30pm
Tryouts are held at the ATA location at 1505 Redi Road Cumming, Georgia.
If you cannot make the tryout date, please e-mail info@atacheer.com to schedule a make-up tryout.
Saturday, May 18th the results will be posted on the homepage of ATA’s website (atacheer.com) by
midnight. Practices will begin the week of May 20th.
Team Meeting
All teams will have an informative meeting at the end of their first practice. This meeting will go over
the coach’s expectations of your new team, attendance/ tardy policy, and dress code policies. Parents
and team members are required to attend.
Section Two
Costs/ Annual and Monthly
Booster Club Fees
Payment Schedule
All fees are due on the scheduled dates listed below and are required to be paid through our automatic debit
system. The only exception is full payment for both accounts on the first scheduled due date. These are separate
accounts and we require payments to the booster club and separate payments to the gym. The ATA tuition fees are
drafted on the date of your choice between the 1st and the 10th of each month. The Booster Club fees are drafted
from our automatic draft on the 28th of each month.
If there are outstanding balances in the ATA or the Booster Club, the athlete may be removed from the team
at the discretion of an ATA owner. All balances due to the Booster Club must be paid in full by November 28th, 2013
in order for your child to continue with the season. Additional Booster Club fees may or may not be required, for
example, make-up, bag, team shirts, practice clothes, etc. The items listed under Payables to the Booster Club are
There will be NO refunds of any kind to anyone who quits or is asked to leave the program. Anyone who
leaves or is dismissed is responsible for all debts and legal fees. Fees are refundable only at the owner’s discretion. If
there are any problems financially, please speak with Matt Hodges or Reed Jackson immediately. We will do our best to
work with your situation, but please do not let it get out of control. Outstanding balances could result in your child
losing his or her spot on the squad. There are numerous fundraisers you can participate in to help with the costs, so
please utilize them. Fees for more than one athlete in a family are discounted for monthly tuition charges only. Please
speak with the front desk for your discounted rate.
Payable to ATA:
Annual Registration Fee
- This fee is a yearly charge, beginning the first month of enrollment.
- This is due immediately upon entering our program.
May 2013 Tuition
Monthly Gym Fee
- Includes two weekly 2 hour practices, tumble blocks, and gym access anytime. Tumbling classes are an option if
there is space available. Specialty classes such as stretching, stunt classes, etc. are extra and are not included in
this price.
Payable to the Booster Club:
Payment Schedule:
May 28th
June 28th
July 28th
August 28th
September 28th
October 28th
November 28th
Uniform, Warm-up, and USASF Membership
Practice Clothes, Choreography, Music, and Bow
Competition fees
Competition fees
Competition fees and Coaches fees
Competition fees
Competition fees
Analysis of the above pricing (not additional charges):
The prices listed below are not additional costs and are subject to change when updated prices are posted.
Shoes (Optional)
Warm-up (Mandatory per USASF Standards)
Coaches Fees
Choreography/Music Fee
USASF (Mandatory Dues)
Practice Clothes
Section Three
Competition Schedule & Important Dates
The competition schedule will be decided by the owners of ATA and will be posted on the website, once it
is finalized. We are only planning to travel to two out of town competitions this season, with the possibility of
a third. The rest of the competitions will be held in the surrounding Atlanta area. We will begin competing
within the first weeks of December and end our season in March 2014, possibly April 2014. If a team wins a
full-paid bid to The Summit competition, located in Orlando, Florida in late April, early May 2014, the owners
of ATA will decide whether or not to participate. Level five teams that are World Bid eligible and receive a
World Bid will be attending the World’s Competition at the end of April 2014. ATA teams that are World Bid
Eligible may attend additional or separate competitions to compete to receive a World Bid.
Not all of the ATA teams will be attending the same competitions throughout the season. Some teams
may travel to more out-of-town competitions than others. We reserve the right to modify the schedule during
the season as needed.
Notable Dates:
April 20th
May 11th
May 18th
May 20th
May 26th – 27th
May 31st
July 1st – July 7th
August 4th
August 8th
Sept 1st – 2nd
Tryout Clinic
Tryout Results (by midnight)
Practice begins, followed by mandatory parent and athlete meeting
No Practice (Memorial Day Weekend)
First day of Friday practice
No Practice (Fourth of July)
First day of Sunday Practice
First day of School
No Practice (Labor Day)
The Choreography Schedule will be announced soon after it is finalized. Some teams will have a finished
routine at the end of July and the rest will be finalized in August. Choreography is mandatory for all team
Section Four
Parents need to understand that cheerleading is a highly competitive and dangerous sport. Stunts and
tumbling can lead to injury. These include, but are not limited to: bruises, pulled and strained muscles,
torn or strained ligaments, broken bones, dislocations, paralysis, or even death.
We at ATA will do everything in our power to limit these injuries from occurring; however, we cannot
prevent them all from happening.
If your child is injured, we will do everything necessary to ensure your child’s well being.
Please fill out medical information as accurately as possible for our emergency purposes and notify the
front desk of any changes.
Section Five
Tardiness & Absences
Please understand you are a part of a team that requires a time and attendance commitment because the other team
members are relying on your attendance. Please arrive early to all team commitments prepared to begin at the
scheduled time.
Tardiness is defined by 10 minutes late to practice or leaving practice early.
Excessive tardiness and absences will result in dismissal from the team.
Tardiness and absences to a competition will not be tolerated and will result in immediate dismissal from
the program. You are required to arrive at the competition at the designated time given to you by your
coach. All times are given to you for a reason, so please be on time. If you are deemed unreliable and
cannot make it to the competitions at your scheduled time you may be asked to leave the team.
Please plan vacations and activities around scheduled gym breaks.
In this packet, there is an Absence Request Form. Please fill this form out as soon as you know your
schedule and turn it in to the front desk. This form does not make the absence excused. Excessive
absences need to be addressed with the coach. We need this form filled out so we can plan our practices
Each team will be assigned other teams to watch at competitions, and are encouraged to stay all day.
This season roll will be taken at competitions. If you are not present at the time roll is taken, a $50 fee
will be applied to your Booster Club account. Fees are outrageous because we do not want to apply them.
If your child is sick and cannot attend practice for more than two practices please present a doctors
Team members are not allowed to miss practices or extra practices the week prior to a competition unless
there is a death in the family. If a team member misses any practices the week prior to a competition that
athlete may be worked out of the routine and may not be allowed to compete that weekend.
If there are any scheduling conflicts the week prior to a competition, please let the coach know in
advance. We will do our best to work around your schedule regarding extra practices, but please be
aware that we all make sacrifices for the benefit of the team.
All parents and athletes need to understand that “having homework” is not an excuse to miss practice.
Please utilize time management skills.
We will do our best to work around extracurricular activities with school, as long as they are willing to
work around our mandatory practices and competitions.
Section Six
Competitive cheerleading is very strenuous and athletes in our program are expected to be in top physical
shape. This includes flexibility, strength, and endurance. If a team member is lacking in an area, they may
be required to take a flexibility class or any other class offered we feel they need. These classes are not
included in the normal gym fee and will be drafted from the information listed in our automatic debit
 All team members are expected to take care of their bodies. This means no drugs, no alcohol, and no
tobacco. If anyone is caught drinking, smoking, using drugs, or if there is an eating disorder or other major
health issue, he or she will be expected to take the necessary steps to quit. We will, of course, help in any
way we can, but persistence of such acts will result in dismissal from the ATA program.
Section Seven
Dress Code
Please understand you are representing yourself, your team, and the ATA program wherever you go. Please present
yourself in such a way.
The coach of your team will set a dress code for practices. You are required to follow this dress code, no
exceptions. Failure to follow the designated dress code will result in additional conditioning for your child.
If the problem persists, ATA staff will assume the designated practice clothes are missing and we will
replace the clothes with a charge on the account information ATA has in the automatic debit system.
 There will be no cut off shorts, biker shorts, baggy shorts or shirts allowed at ATA.
 All cheerleaders need to change in the restroom provided whether at ATA or anywhere affiliated with ATA.
 No sports bras only. Sports bras should always be worn under t-shirts or tank tops.
 Hair needs to remain in a ponytail for practice.
 Fingernails must be kept short. Fake nails are not allowed at practice or competitions. Please remove
them prior to each of these events.
 NO JEWELRY AT ATA AFFILIATED EVENTS! Consider this your warning. Jewelry-related injuries will result in
an ATA member saying “I told you so!”
Competition Dress Code:
 Cheerleaders are required to cover their mid drift unless with the team going to warm-ups or awards.
Please wear an ATA t-shirt or warm-up while at competitions.
 You are required to arrive in the proper attire and go on stage for awards in full uniform. At award
ceremonies, you may not wear t-shirts over uniform, flip-flops, slippers, pants under skirt, etc. You are
required to look as if you are competing. No Jewelry, this will result in disqualification of your team. There
 Arriving at competitions any other way than stated is prohibited. Arrive with hair complete with bow in.
You must have your uniform top on. You may wear an ATA t-shirt over your top or your warm-up jacket.
You can either wear your skirt or your warm-up pants but NOT the two together. You can only wear your
white cheer shoes, no other shoes are allowed at any time. If you are new this season or have not
purchased a warm-up, you are required to do so this season.
Per USASF guidelines, warm-ups are mandatory at competitions. We are representing ourselves as the ATA
program and this includes looking the part!
Section Eight
Parents & Relatives
We are all here for a common goal and failure to comply with the below guidelines may result in you or another family
member causing your child’s dismissal from the ATA program.
It is the parent’s responsibility to know what is going on with your ATA member’s team at all times. Please check the website,
your e-mail, or with the team mom or coach to keep updated on the latest happenings.
Please do not gossip about other children, your team, coaches or any other team. This will not be tolerated!
If gossip at ATA or an affiliated event becomes an issue, then parents will be asked to leave and it will be up to the coaching staff
and owner on whether to close practices.
There will be no yelling onto the floor at a team member or coach while practices are in session.
Please feel free to speak to the coach about anything; just remember to do it at the appropriate time and in the appropriate
manner. For example, approaching a coach in the middle of a practice or class is not an appropriate time.
If you are not a cheerleader or a coach you are not allowed beyond the wall and in the practice area of the gym unless directed
to do so by a coach.
Section Nine
Additional Information
Please remember you are not just a part of a team you are a part of a gym.
Main communication from the team moms, owners, and coaches will be through e-mail, text messaging, and
website updates. Please regularly ensure you are a part of receiving these communications.
ATA staff reserves the right to move a team member between levels.
ATA staff selects teams to be the most competitive at each level.
There are no assigned spots in routines. Adjustments will be made throughout the season based on the coach’s
If the coach feels your daughter or son should be a flyer, they will. As a parent, you do not decide this.
The roster may change for the World’s competition to provide the best ATA has to offer. The coaches reserve the
right to replace an athlete for any reason. If there are outstanding balances on the ATA or ATA Booster Club
Account an athlete may be removed from the team.
Gossip and harsh chatter is not permitted and will result in dismissal from the ATA program.
If you or your child has a pressing issue with an ATA affiliated staff member or team member, please speak
directly with Matt Hodges or Reed Jackson and not another parent, child, or staff member.
All team and routine decisions are left up to the discretion of the coach and owners.
No cell phones, ipods, or any other electrical devices during practice, competitions, award ceremonies, or other
stated events.
If there is a problem with anything, please address the appropriate ATA member to initiate a resolution.
No gossip about any other team, whether it be school or allstar. NO gossip about any other team members.
No profanity, abusive language, or inappropriate gestures at any ATA affiliated event or location.
During practice, your opinion (team member or parent) does not count. If there is a problem, please bring it to a
staff member’s attention after practice. We reserve the right to close practices to parents at any time we chose.
Every year, we go through losses and additions to teams. The dismissal or addition of a member is at the owner’s
Practices may be changed and/or added throughout the season and team members are required to attend.
Anyone threatening to quit, or pull his/her child from a team will be dismissed from the program immediately. Fees
will not be refunded.
Practices and competitions are not to be used as punishment for your child’s actions outside of the gym. So, not
allowing your child to come to practice or competition for punishment is inexcusable. You not only punish your child,
but every other child and parent on that team.
All cheerleaders will use the same accommodations as the rest of the teams during out of town competitions. This
season rooming blocks will be utilized, but it is the parents’ responsibility to secure your reservation. More
information will be given as it is received. There MUST be a parent in every room, no exceptions.
Each cheerleader must have a chaperone at every competition. It is not your coach’s responsibility to be your
child’s chaperone.
Parents, relatives, friends, and cheerleaders are not allowed to speak with competition officials for any reason. If
there is a problem, address it with your coach or an ATA owner.
All cheerleaders and ATA families are required to show good sportsmanship and represent themselves in a
respectable manner.
If there is a disciplinary problem or unacceptable behavior, especially at a competition, this could be grounds for
your child’s dismissal from the team.
There will be no arguing or questioning the coaching staff’s decisions at any ATA affiliated event.
We are allowed to change, add, or subtract any rule in this packet at any time.
ATA 2013-2014
Date/Dates to be Absent
Reason for Absence
, am requesting to be absent from practice on the date above. I
know that missing practice places complications and difficulties on the whole team. I also understand that an
unexcused absence or continual excused absences can result in being placed in an alternate position or
removal from the squad.
Cheerleader Signature _________________________
Parent’s Signature_____________________________
Student Registration Form
Student Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Mother/ Guardian
Home Phone
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Cell Phone
Billing Address
Zip code
By providing your email address you acknowledge and accept that email statements are sufficient billing notification for
Email Address
Secondary Email Address
Emergency Contact other than Parent
Allergies, Illnesses or Other Information
Print Name
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Insurance Information
Group Number
Policy/Member Number
1505 Redi Rd
Cumming, GA 30040
1315 Pilgrim Mill Rd
Cumming, GA 30040
Release & Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement (“Agreement”)
In consideration of participating in the cheerleading classes, including but not limited to, tumble classes, stunt classes, dance classes, private
lessons, and competitions, I represent that I understand the nature of this Activity and that I am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical
condition to participate in such Activity. I acknowledge that if I believe event conditions are unsafe, I will immediately discontinue participation in
the Activity.
I fully understand that this Activity involves risk of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death, which may be cause by
my own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the event, the conditions in which the event takes place, or the negligence of the
“releases” name below, and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time and I fully accept and
assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I incur as a result of my participations in the Activity.
I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue ATA, its respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, and employees,
other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the activity takes place, (each considered
one of the “RELEASEES” herein) from all liability claims, demands, losses, or damages on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in
part by the negligence of the “releases” or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations, and I further agree that if, despite this release, waiver
of liability, and assumption of risks I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releasees, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless,
each of the releases from any loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as a result of the such claim.
We agree to pay ATA those fees charged for any class or team based activity. These fees will be due the first class of each month. Payment made
after 15 days past the due date will accrue a $25.00 late fee, and will be applied to all unpaid accounts. There is a $25.00 fee for all returned
substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance or any nature and intend it be a complete and
unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extend allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid the
balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.
Parental Consent
AND I, the minor’s and/or legal guardian, understand the nature of the above referenced activities and the minor’s experience and capabilities and
believe the minor to be qualified to participate in such activity. I hereby release, discharge, covenant not to sue and AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND
SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS each of the Releasees from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages on the minor’s account caused or alleged
to have been caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations, and further agree
that if, despite the release, I, the minor, or anyone on the minor’s behalf makes a claim against any of the above Releasees, I WILL INDEMNIFY,
SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS each of the Releasees from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss of liability, damage, or cost any Releasee may
incur as the result of any such claim.
Medical Release
I grant Releasees permission to provide medical treatment for any injuries incurred during participation in the Activity, and do hereby release and
hold harmless each of the Releasees from any claims, loss, liability, damage, or cost arising from such treatment. I hereby authorize ATA staff or
anyone they designate to treat my son/daughter for injuries or illness that may occur while at a gym function. I authorize necessary medical
treatment to any hospital designated by ATA or to their designate. It is understood the parents or their agents will be called upon to give additional
authorization if advanced treatments (MRI, lab tests, surgical procedures, etc...) are necessary. I am aware as a parent of the above participant that
I will be responsible for providing proper insurance information to ATA prior to participation in any ATA programs.
Photography Release
I grant Releasees permission to use photographs taken during participation in the Activity, in a manner permitted by law, in printed publications,
including, but not limited to, advertisements, both paper and electronic, event flyers, and our website located at www.atacheer.com, without
notification not compensation of any kind.
Printed Name of Participant
Printed Name of Parent/ Guardian
Signature of Parent/ Guardian
ATA 2013-2014
Age as of 5/31/2013
Grade in 2013-2014
[Attach Photo Here
Date of Birth
Emergency Number
Standing Tumbling
Running Tumbling
Must Include Variety:
Quad Jump or Triple Jump with One
Additional Jump.
List jumps to tumbling with appropriate
Judge’s Additional Comments
Tryout Number
Member Name:
Mother Cell:
Mother e-mail:
Father Cell:
Father e-mail:
Insurance Carrier:
Insurance #:
Group #:
Member ID #:
Doctor Phone #:
Previous Injuries:
2013-2014 Grade:
Member e-mail:
Member Cell:
Emergency Contact (other than parent):
Please circle appropriate sizes:
T-shirt: Youth S, Youth M, Youth L, Youth XL/Adult XS, Adult S, Adult M, Adult L
Jacket: Youth S, Youth M, Youth L, Youth XL/Adult XS, Adult S, Adult M, Adult L
Shorts: Youth S, Youth M, Youth L, Youth XL/Adult XS, Adult S, Adult M, Adult L
Electronic Payment Authorization Form
ATA Tuition
Company Name ATA
Merchant ID
Street Address 1505 Redi Road
City Cumming
State Georgia
ZIP Code 30040
ZIP Code
Total Payment Amount
Start Date
Frequency of Payments
Number of Payments
Fee per Payment $0.00
Total Amount per Payment
Charge my Bank Account
Charge my Credit Card
Card Type: Visa
American Express
Bank Name:
Name on Account:
Card Number:
RT Number:
Expiration Date:
Account Number:
I hereby authorize ATL ALLSTARS DYNASTY, LLC to initiate debit or credit entries to my Checking/Savings/Credit Card Debit Card Account indicated above at the
depository financial institution named above (hereafter called Depository) , or to the card account listed above; and to debit of credit the same such amount to such
account. If this item is dishonored, I authorize an additional returned check/refusal of charges fee of $25.00(or legal limit) to be charged to this account.
I understand and accept that payment for services rendered by ATL ALLSTARS DYNASTY, LLC is due on the date listed of any given month for services rendered for the
following month while enrolled in the program. The above listed method of payment shall be charged for said month's services date listed of every month for the
following month's charges. I understand that services may be denied or interrupted by ATL ALLSTARS DYNASTY, LLC due to the refusal or denial of charges made on
this account for any reason. The term of this agreement can only be discontinued by directing written notification to ATL ALLSTARS DYNASTY, LLC by 15 days prior of
the month to stop charges for the following month.
I represent and warrant that I am authorized to execute this payment authorization for the purpose of securing Services provided by ATL ALLSTARS DYNASTY, LLC. I
indemnify and hold the Merchant Service Provider, the Depository, the company holding the above mentioned card account, and ATL ALLSTARS DYNASTY, LLC
harmless from damage, loss, or claim resulting from all authorized actions here under.
Print Name
I have read and fully understand all codes, rules, expectations, and money commitments in
this competition agreement commitment packet. I understand that I am entering into the ATA
Cheerleading program of my own free will. I understand what is expected of me as a parent or
team member. I will conduct myself in a sportsmanlike manner and uphold the standards that
are expected of me as a member of the ATA program.
Cheerleader Name:
Cheerleader Signature: ___________________________________________________
Guardian Name:
Guardian Signature: