
還是 後天?
Flicker: Alan Vernon.
全球暖化 吐瓦魯快被淹了
Developing nations offer hope in climate talks
Amanda Haag
Montreal conference is a qualified success.
Nature 438, 895 (15 December 2005) | doi:10.1038/438895a;
Published online 14 December 2005
2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference
• 如何變暖的?
• 二氧化碳
• 為什麼是二氧化碳?
News and Views
Nature 438, 565-566 (1 December 2005)
Oceanography: The Atlantic heat conveyor slows
Detlef Quadfasel
Computer simulations predict that global warming will weaken the ocean
circulation tha transports heat from the tropics to higher latitudes in the
North Atlantic. Such an effect has now been detected.
But how solid are these results? The findings are based on just five snapshots of the circulation, taken
in 1957, 1981, 1992, 1998 and 2004, and along one latitudinal section. Higher-frequency variability
(such as eddies or waves), at the ends of the section at the African coast and the Bahamas, may obscure
the detection of long-term change. And the uncertainty of the estimates given is high, so the magnitude
of the decline may well be smaller than suggested by the calculations. Against that, the declining trend
itself is statistically significant. Also, the observed density structure of the deep waters has changed;
this structure is not affected by short-term variability, and so supports Bryden and colleagues'
----Further support comes from other observations. Based on direct measurements of water flux, along
with model calculations, Hansen et al.4 have reported a 20% reduction in the overflow from the Nordic
Seas across the Greenland–Scotland Ridge into the deep North Atlantic over the past 50 years. These
overflows contribute about one-third to the overturning circulation and feed the densest part of the
vertical cell — the same part in which the largest reduction of water transport was observed at 25° N.
At the same time, the overflow waters and in turn the deep waters of the North Atlantic have
significantly freshened5, thereby reducing the large-scale density gradient driving the overturning
Nature 438, 565-566 (1 December 2005) | doi:10.1038/438565a; Published online 30 November 2005
Oceanography: The Atlantic heat conveyor slows
FIGURE 1. The North Atlantic heat conveyor
Most warm waters in the upper ocean circulate clockwise in a giant horizontal swirl in the subtropics, but some flow farther north and
cross the Greenland–Scotland Ridge (GSR). This branch warms the northern North Atlantic and Europe, and keeps most of the Nordic
Seas free of ice. Here the water sinks (indicated by the star) and flows back southwards at depth, mostly down the western edge of the
Atlantic basin. The Scandinavian monitoring array tracks only the northern limb of the overturning circulation, but more deep water is
added south of the GSR and in the Labrador Sea (stars).
The 257 N section covers all of the overturning circulation, and also includes the horizontal recirculation in the subtropics. According to
Bryden and colleagues' results1, the former is weakening and the latter strengthening.
Nature 438, 565-566 (1 December 2005), doi:10.1038/438565a
Time magazine: Sep. 25, 1995
恐懼之邦 麥克·克萊頓
State of Fear by Michael Crichton
Why Politicized Science is Dangerous
(Excerpted from State of Fear)
I am not arguing that global warming is the same as eugenics. But the similarities are not superficial. And I do
claim that open and frank discussion of the data, and of the issues, is being suppressed. Leading scientific
journals have taken strong editorial positions of the side of global warming, which, I argue, they have no
business doing. Under the circumstances, any scientist who has doubts understands clearly that they will be wise
to mute their expression.
One proof of this suppression is the fact that so many of the outspoken critics of global warming are retired
professors. These individuals are not longer seeking grants, and no longer have to face colleagues whose grant
applications and career advancement may be jeopardized by their criticisms.
In science, the old men are usually wrong. But in politics, the old men are wise, counsel caution, and in the end
are often right.
But as Alston Chase put it, "when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of
knowledge is reduced to the quest for power."
That is the danger we now face. And this is why the intermixing of science and politics is a bad combination,
with a bad history. We must remember the history, and be certain that what we present to the world
as knowledge is disinterested and honest.
Jon Chase photo/Harvard News Office
Tribute to Michael Crichton
photo by Lumidek
By Freeman Dyson
My first heresy says that all the fuss about global warming is grossly exaggerated.
Here I am opposing the holy brotherhood of climate model experts and the crowd
of deluded citizens who believe the numbers predicted by the computer models. Of
course, they say, I have no degree in meteorology and I am therefore not qualified
to speak. But I have studied the climate models and I know what they can do.
The models solve the equations of fluid dynamics, and they do a very good job of
describing the fluid motions of the atmosphere and the oceans. They do a very poor
job of describing the clouds, the dust, the chemistry and the biology of fields and
farms and forests.
They do not begin to describe the real world that we live in. The real world is
muddy and messy and full of things that we do not yet understand. It is much easier
for a scientist to sit in an air-conditioned building and run computer models, than to
put on winter clothes and measure what is really happening outside in the swamps
and the clouds.
That is why the climate model experts end up believing their own models.
Quotes from Freeman Dyson
• In the history of science it has often happened that the majority was
wrong and refused to listen to a minority that later turned out to be
right. [article by, 2008]
• Climate change is part of the normal order of things, and we know it
was happening before humans came. [interview with, 2007]
• Just because you see pictures of glaciers falling into the ocean doesn't
mean anything bad is happening. This is something that happens all the
time. It's part of the natural cycle of things. [interview with, 2007]
• It makes very little sense to believe the output of the climate models.
[YouTube interview Part1]
• Vegetation is really controlling what happens...whereas the emphasis in
the climate models has always been on the atmosphere. [YouTube
interview Part1]
• There is no doubt that parts of the world are getting warmer, but the
warming is not global. [essay by, 2007]
Quotes from Freeman Dyson
The idea that global warming is the most important problem facing the world is total
nonsense and is doing a lot of harm. It distracts people's attention from much more
serious problems. [interview with, 2007]
The average ground temperature of the Earth is impossible to measure since most of
the Earth is ocean...So this average ground temperature is a fiction. [YouTube
interview Part2]
When I listen to the public debates about climate change, I am impressed by the
enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations and the
superficiality of our theories. [essay by, 2007]
We simply don't know yet what's going to happen to the carbon in the atmosphere.
[YouTube interview Part1]
Computer models of the climate....[are] a very dubious business if you don't have
good inputs. [YouTube interview Part1]
We do not know how much of the environmental change is due to human activities
and how much [is due] to long-term natural processes over which we have no control.
[essay by, 2007]
It is not surprising that honest and well-informed experts can disagree about facts.
But beyond the disagreement about facts, there is another deeper disagreement
about values. [essay by, 2007]
Palaeoclimate: When the world turned cold
Gabriel J. Bowen
As massive ice sheets grew on Antarctica during the first major glaciation of the Cenozoic era, the northern continents cooled
and dried. The coincidence in timing implies that the cause was global rather than regional.
It has been nearly 34 million years since Earth was last free of large
continental ice sheets. Before the beginning of the Oligocene epoch, 33.7
million years ago, Antarctica had been a lush, green continent for several
tens of millions of years, and the only significant concentrations of ice on
Earth probably occurred on the Antarctic highlands and in and around the
Arctic Ocean. Then, in two short pulses spanning the first 300,000 years
of the Oligocene, ice sheets grew over most of Antarctica1. The continent
has been largely ice-covered ever since (Fig. 1). But did the severe event
at high southern latitudes affect the rest of the globe? And if so, how?
Elsewhere in this issue, Dupont-Nivet et al.2 and Zanazzi et al.3 describe
climatic and biotic changes in central Asia and North America during the
early Oligocene that implicate declining levels of atmospheric carbon
dioxide as a driver for changes in both hemispheres.
Nature 445, 607-608 (8 February 2007) | doi:10.1038/445607a; Published online 7 February 2007
FIGURE 1. The Eocene–Oligocene boundary in context.
This timeline shows the transition from the warm pre-Oligocene Earth to today's icy planet that
occurred at the Eocene–Oligocene boundary (33.7 million years ago), approximately midway between
the extinction of the dinosaurs and today. The drying in central Asia and cooling of North America
described by Dupont-Nivet et al.2 and Zanazzi et al.3 coincided with an abrupt, 300,000-year build-up
of continental-scale ice sheets on Antarctica. (Graphic after ref. 1.)
From article: Palaeoclimate: When the world turned cold, Gabriel J. Bowen, Nature 445, 607-608(8 February 2007)
Climate anomaly is an artefact
Glitch in the twentieth-century climate record is explained.
Quirin Schiermeier
• The humble bucket turns out to be at the bottom of
a perplexing anomaly in the climate records for
the twentieth century.
• The time series of land and ocean temperature
measurements, begun in 1860, shows a strange
cooling of about 0.3 °C in the global mean
temperature in 1945, relative to the 1961–90
average. The sharpness of the drop stands out
even more if the signatures of internal climate
variability, such as those associated with El Niño
events, are filtered from the record.
Nature 453, 569 (2008) | doi:10.1038/453569a | Published online 28 May 2008
H.Kieffer,et al., 2000,"New eyes in the sky measure glaciers and ice
sheets."EOS,Transactions, American Geophysical Union 81:265,27071.
See also
R. J. Braithwaite and Y. Zhang,"Relationships between interannual
variability of glacier massbalance and climate,"Journal of Glaciology
45 (2000):456-62.
Joughin,I., and Tulaczyk,S., 2002,"Positive mass balance of the Ross Ice
streams,West Antarctica," Science 295 : 476-80.
Thompson,D.W.J., and Solomon ,S., 2002 ."Interpretation of recent
Southern Hemisphere climate change,"Science 296:895-99.
中國時報 2007.04.12
Published online 30 April 2008 | 453, 15 (2008) | doi:10.1038/453015c
News in Brief
Warming Antarctic waters
begin to cool
Antarctica's deep ocean waters are getting colder
after years of warming, say researchers who have just
returned from a Southern Ocean voyage aboard the
German research vessel Polarstern.
Researchers on Polarstern
recover a mooring
Samples from previous expeditions showed that water at a depth of 4,500 metres
in the Weddell Sea warmed by a tenth of a degree Celsius between 1989 and
2005, although the warming trend may have begun earlier. The latest work, by
researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in
Bremerhaven, found that temperatures have cooled slightly since 2005,
suggesting that more cold surface water is reaching the deep ocean, perhaps as
a result of changes in sea-ice coverage and atmospheric conditions. The team
plans to revisit the region during the summer of 2010–11.
Published online 30 April 2008 | Nature 453, 15 (2008) | doi:10.1038/453015c
Published online 24 April 2008 | Nature | doi:10.1038/453013a
Sediment cores reveal Antarctica's warmer past
ANDRILL project discovers that life at the pole wasn’t so chilly 16 million
years ago.
Quirin Schiermeier
• A unique drilling project in the western Ross Sea has revealed that Antarctica
had a much more eventful climate history than previously assumed. A new
sediment core hints that the western part of the now-frozen continent went
through prolonged ice-free phases — presumably offering a glimpse of where
our warming world might be heading.
• Researchers reported initial results from ANDRILL, a US$30-million
international drilling project, on 16 April at the assembly of the European
Geosciences Union in Vienna. During the past two years, the team has
extracted two cores, each containing some 1,200 metres of sediment, from the
seabed below the vast Ross Ice Shelf, a floating extension of the West Antarctic
Ice Sheet. Together, the cores provide an almost uninterrupted 17-million-year
record of Antarctica’s climatic past.
• ………………………………….
• During a warm period some 3.5 million years ago, for instance, the ice sheet
may have disappeared completely for around 200,000 years, raising sea levels
globally by up to 10 metres.
Published online 24 April 2008 | 453, 13 (2008) | doi:10.1038/453013a
Antarctica had a climate similar to that found today on the
South Island of New Zealand and in southern Patagonia.
Nature 449, 382-383 (27 September 2007) | doi:10.1038/449382a;
Published online 26 September 2007
Chemists poke holes in ozone theory
Reaction data of crucial chloride compounds called into question
Reaction data of crucial chloride compounds called into question.
As the world marks 20 years since the introduction of the Montreal Protocol to
protect the ozone layer, Nature has learned of experimental data that threaten to
shatter established theories of ozone chemistry. If the data are right, scientists will
have to rethink their understanding of how ozone holes are formed and how that
relates to climate change………………….
So Markus Rex, an atmosphere scientist at the Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar
and Marine Research in Potsdam, Germany, ------------------------------This must have far-reaching consequences," Rex says. "If the measurements are
correct we can basically no longer say we understand how ozone holes come into
Nature 449, 382-383 (27 September 2007) | doi:10.1038/449382a; Published online 26 September 2007
Published online 12 August 2009 | Nature 460, 792-795 (2009) | doi:10.1038/460792a
News Feature
Atmospheric science: Fixing the sky
When nations made plans to save the ozone layer, they didn't
factor in global warming. Quirin Schiermeier reports on how
two environmental problems complicate each other.
Published online 12 August 2009 | Nature 460, 792-795 (2009) | doi:10.1038/460792a
• 人類科學自七〇年代開始關注臭氧層破洞問題,而最近又發現到,
Stem-cell pioneer
accused of faking data
Genomics: The dog has its day
12 February 2004
Landmark paper
Woo Suk Hwang from Seoul National University in South
Korea and colleagues announced that they have cloned
30 human embryos and harvested stem cells from one
of them (W. S. Hwang et al. Science 303, 1669-1674;
2004). The work makes headlines worldwide, as a step
towards stem-cell therapies for diseases such as
Parkinson's. Other groups have claimed to clone human
embryos, but the supporting evidence has been sketchy.
This success will also need further supporting evidence.
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
May 2004
Ethical questions
Questions are raised about ethical practices in Hwang's
work after investigations by Nature. It appears that
some of the eggs may have come from junior members
of the research team. This is potentially problematic
because obtaining human eggs is painful and risky.
Hwang denies any wrongdoing, but says that he will
suspend his research until a new national bioethics law
comes into effect in the new year.
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
22 May 2004
The annual meeting of the Korean Bioethics Association
calls on Hwang and a review board to answer questions
about funding sources and the recruitment of egg
donors. The association wants the National Human
Rights Commission, an independent investigative body
funded by the government, to pursue the case. But the
commission's bioethics task force was not intended to
investigate specific research projects.
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
01 January 2005
South Korean bioethics law comes into effect.
13 January 2005
The South Korean government approves Hwang's
embryonic stem cell research. It is the first approval
issued under the nation's new bioethics law.
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
19 May 2005
Landmark paper
Hwang's team at the Seoul National University in South
Korea reports it has established 11 embryonic stem-cell
lines derived from the skin cells of individual patients (W.
S. Hwang et al. Science 308, 1777-1783; 2005). The
experiment is hailed as a huge step towards the medical
use of person-specific cell lines. It also backs up the
embryo-cloning claims in the team's February 2004
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
03 August 2005
Cloned dog
Hwang and colleagues announce the first cloned dog Snuppy, an Afghan hound (Lee B. C. et al. Nature436,
641; 2005). Some scientists hail his birth as a feat of
ingenuity and perseverance, others question its value.
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
19 October 2005
South Korea's government launches the World Stem Cell
Hub, an international network for exchanging embryonic
stem-cell lines and cloning technology. Hwang is to be its
October 2005
Hwang resumes research, ending his
voluntary suspension of activities.
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
10 November 2005
According to Science, Gerald Schatten, a biologist at the
University of Pittsburgh and co-author of the May 2005
Science paper, alerts them to Korean press reports
alleging that researcher Sun Il Roh has illegally traded
ova. Schatten reassures Science that "none of the
oocytes used in Professor Hwang's '04 or '05 Science
papers were obtained from reimbursed women donors."
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
11 November 2005
According to Science, Schatten tells them he has
stopped working with Hwang, because he believes
Hwang misrepresented facts about consent issues
related to the 2004 paper. Science asks Hwang to
inform them of any concerns regarding his research.
Hwang says he is looking into the matter.
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
Mistake in the 2005 paper
The 2005 paper's authors provide Science with
corrections to data in the paper's table 2, which are not
thought to significantly alter the work's conclusions. The
corrected table is published
12 November 2005
Schatten publicly cuts all ties to Hwang and his
team at Seoul National University.
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
21 November 2005
Sun Il Roh, a fertility expert at MizMedi Hospital in Seoul
and a co-author of the landmark paper, admits that 20
eggs he procured and gave to Hwang for his 2004 study
were paid for. Roh, a co-author on the 2005 paper,
insists that Hwang did not know this.
22 November 2005
Seoul-based Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC)
aired an investigative news programme showing
further evidence that Hwang used eggs from junior
members of his lab - the PD Diary program was called
"The Myth of Hwang Woo-suk and Suspicions over
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
24 November 2005
Admission of payments for eggs
Hwang admits that his stem-cell research used eggs
from paid donors and junior members of his team. He
resigns from his official positions, saying he will continue
his research.
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
01 December 2005
Accusation of mis-matched DNA
The MBC challenges the credibility of Hwang's data.
Pursuing a tip-off, MBC gets five samples of patientspecific cell lines from Hwang and sends them, together
with corresponding tissue samples, to an independent
lab for DNA analysis. The programme reports that the
DNA in one cell line does not match the tissue sample
as it should. There are many possible explanations for
MBC's findings, such as contamination. But the
mismatch also raises the possibility that the embryonic
stem-cell lines were not cloned from the stated patients.
Hwang stands by his science.
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
According to Science, Moon Il Park, Director and Chair
of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) on Human
Subjects Research and Ethics Committees at Hanyang
University Hospital, reveals to them the results of an
investigation by the hospital IRB and Seoul National
University IRB. It finds that: "1) two researchers under
Dr. Woo Suk Hwang's supervision donated oocytes
voluntarily without any coercion and 2) approximately
US$1,445 was paid for direct expenses." This was not
illegal or in violation of the Helsinki Guidelines of 1964,
which prohibit coercion of research subjects. Park also
told Science: "We strongly believe that the identified
concerns have no impact on the validity of the scientific
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
Mistake in the 2005 paper
According to Science editors, Hwang contacts them to
alert them to erroneous duplications in some images
published as part of the Supporting Online Material for
the 2005 paper. "We made some unintentional error by
using about 4 pictures redundantly," he says. Science
determines that the redundant images did not appear
in the PDF version of the accepted paper, but were
inserted later, and says the mistake does not affect the
paper's scientific conclusions.
04 December 2005
Media outlets report that the MBC has apologized for
the reporting tactics used in their 22 November
programme on Hwang.
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
05 December 2005
Investigation opened
University of Pittsburgh officials say they have opened a
preliminary inquiry into the 2005 paper.
11 December 2005
Investigation opened
Seoul National University announces an investigation of
Hwang's research, as requested by Hwang himself. The
university hospital treats Hwang for stress and
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
13 December 2005
Schatten asks Hwang to retract their May 2005 Science
paper. Schatten claims he has news of allegations from
someone involved with the experiment that make him
want his name removed from the paper. According to a
release from the University of Pittsburgh, Schatten
writes to Science and his co-authors: "My careful reevaluations of published figures and tables, along with
new problematic information, now casts substantial
doubts about the paper's accuracy."
A letter from eight scientists, including Ian Wilmut, the
cloner of Dolly the sheep, is published in Science calling
for validation of Hwang's results: "We encourage
Hwang's laboratory to cooperate with us to perform an
independent test of his cell lines."
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
15 December 2005
Scientific American removes Hwang from his position
as a Research Leader of 2005
Accusation of fake data
News stations across Korea report allegations from one
of Hwang's collaborators that the work from May 2005
was based on fabricated data. Roh tells the MBC and two
other television stations that Hwang had told him "there
are no cloned embryonic stem cells".
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
16 December 2005
Science announces that Hwang and Schatten have written
to request a retraction of their 2005 paper. Science editor
Donald Kennedy says the journal received the letter
hours before Hwang's press conference in South Korea
(see entry below). Kennedy quoted from the letter during
a press conference with reporters: "After analyzing the
data, our team concludes the results...could not be
trusted... Therefore we are requesting to withdraw the
paper." Science says it must wait for the entire research
team to consent to the retraction - a process that
Kennedy says should take "days or weeks - not months."
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
Apology and defense
Hwang tells a press briefing that he and his team did
create stem cells matched to individual patients, but
that there were "mistakes made, human errors, in
taking photographs and in the preservation of the stem
cells''. Hwang says he will seek agreement from his coauthors to retract the Science paper, and will
investigate how the mistakes were made. He adds that
his team is thawing some frozen stem-cell lines from
the study to authenticate them.
Timeline of a controversy
Published online 19 December 2005 | Nature | oi:10.1038/news051219-3
This Space reserved for the future
Korean Nobel Prize Winner
Jan-Hendrik Schön
News in Brief
Physicist Schön stripped of doctorate
The University of Constance in Germany has withdrawn the PhD of Jan
Hendrik Schön, the German physicist who fabricated data in 16 high-profile
papers produced during his stay at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New
Nature 429, 692 (17 June 2004) | doi:10.1038/429692a
Nature 429, 789 (24 June 2004) | doi: 10.1038/429789b
Nature 429, 789 (24 June 2004) | doi:10.1038/429789b
If you can lose a driving licence, why not a PhD?
A doctorate is seen as a licence to do science. It should be
revocable for misconduct.
Adam G. Hart1
Nature 430, 503 (29 July 2004) | doi:10.1038/430503a; Published online 28 July 2004
You don't need a licence (or PhD) to use your brain
David L. Anderson1
13609 E. Cornell Avenue, Aurora, Colorado 80014, USA
Do scientists look down on the general public with whom they seek
better relations?
Enough. I cannot take it any more.
……To an infrared astronomer, a molecular biologist is part of
this general public, even though both have advanced degrees. The
PhD versus non-PhD dichotomy is condescending and very poor
"general public" relations.
Science is a philosophy, a problem-solving methodology, a
way of looking at the world that has nothing to do with a specific
institution's requirements for a degree.
Nature 430, 965 (26 August 2004) | doi:10.1038/430965a; Published online 25 August 2004
日期: 820705
版序: 26
"We seek solutions. We don't seek —
dare I say this — just scientific papers
any more."
Steven Chu
In the San Francisco Chronicle, 2007 (22 March, page B1)
Words From: On the record
Published online 14 January 2009 | Nature 457, 242-243 (2009) | doi:10.1038/457242a
Newsmaker of the year :
Steven Chu (朱棣文)
Nature 462(24 December 2009)
Luk Van Parijs was an associate professor of biology at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Center for Cancer
Research. After investigating for a year, MIT fired Van Parijs for
research misconduct. In a press release, MIT claimed Van Parijs
admitted to fabricating and falsifying research data in a paper, several
unpublished manuscripts, and grant applications. From Wikipedia:Luk_Van_Parijs
David Baltimore
Caltech’s seventh president
David Baltimore is perhaps one of the most influential biologists of his generation.
Awarded the Nobel Prize at the age of 37 for his work in virology.
Thereza Imanishi-Kari
BIOLOGY’S IMAGE PROBLEM, Published on SCIENTIST, The Rockefeller University, Spring 06
News Feature
The trouble with replication
Jim Giles1
Nature 442, 344-347 (27 July 2006) | doi:10.1038/442344a; Published online 26 July 2006
Scientists behaving badly
Brian C. Martinson, Melissa S. Anderson & Raymond de Vries
To protect the integrity of science, we must look beyond falsification,
fabrication and plagiarism, to a wider range of questionable research
practices, argue Brian C. Martinson, Melissa S. Anderson and Raymond de
Serious misbehaviour in research is important for many reasons, not least because
it damages the reputation of, and undermines public support for, science.
Historically, professionals and the public have focused on headline-grabbing cases
of scientific misconduct, but we believe that researchers can no longer afford to
ignore a wider range of questionable behaviour that threatens the integrity of
Nature 435, 737-738 (9 June 2005) | doi:10.1038/435737a; Published online 8 June 2005
From the article: Scientists behaving badly, Brian C. Martinson, Melissa S. Anderson and Raymond de Vries
Nature 435, 737-738(9 June 2005) doi:10.1038/435737a
News Feature
Religion and Science: Buddhism on the brain
Jonathan Knight
Many religious leaders find themselves
at odds with science, but the head of
Tibetan Buddhism is a notable
exception. Jonathan Knight meets a
neurologist whose audience with the
Dalai Lama helped to explain why.
Jan Michael Ihl
One of the first things people discover when they meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama is that
the head of Tibetan Buddhism likes a good laugh. “He jokes all the time,” says Fred Gage, a
neuroscientist at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, who met the
spiritual leader for the first time in October.
Nature 432, 670 (9 December 2004) | doi:10.1038/432670a; Published online 8 December 2004
Neuroscientists see red over Dalai Lama
David Cyranoski
Researchers petition against meditation lecture.
A growing number of neuroscientists are calling for the
cancellation of a special lecture to be given by the Dalai Lama
in November. The Buddhist leader is due to speak at the annual
meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) in Washington
DC, but a petition against the talk has already gathered some 50
Nature 436, 452 (28 July 2005) | doi:10.1038/436452b; Published online 27 July 2005
Buddhism is no bar to an open mind. Is science?
Janis L. Dickinson
I was appalled to learn, through your News story
“Neuroscientists see red over Dalai Lama” (Nature 436, 452;
2005), of a petition by a group of neuroscientists to cancel a
lecture by the Dalai Lama scheduled for the November meeting
of the Society for Neuroscience.What are the motives behind
this petition?
Nature 436, 912 (18 August 2005) | doi:10.1038/436912a; Published online 17 August 2005
News Feature
Intelligent design:
Who has designs on your students' minds?
Geoff Brumfiel
The intelligent-design movement is a small but
growing force on US university campuses. For
some it bridges the gap between science and faith,
for others it goes beyond the pale. Geoff Brumfiel
meets the movement's vanguard.
For a cold Tuesday night in March, the turnout is surprisingly
good. Twenty or so fresh-faced college students are gathered
together in a room in the student union at George Mason
University in Fairfax, Virginia, the state's largest public
Nature 434, 1062-1065 (28 April 2005) | doi:10.1038/4341062a; Published online 27 April 2005
From the article: Intelligent design: Who has designs on your students' minds?, Nature 434, 1062-1065 (28 April 2005)
From the article: Intelligent design: Who has designs on your students' minds?, Nature 434, 1062-1065 (28 April 2005)
From the article: Intelligent design: Who has designs on your students' minds?, Nature 434, 1062-1065 (28 April 2005)
From the article: Intelligent design: Who has designs on your students' minds?, Nature 434, 1062-1065 (28 April 2005)
The Monkey Trial
Pakistani scholar wins international chemistry award
By Suhail Yusuf / Dawn.com
Monday, 25 Oct, 2010
Dr. Hina Siddiqui, a research officer at ICCBS urged women to come
towards Science and research. – Photo by Suhail Yusuf / Dawn.com
Harvard president
Lawrence Summers
Remarks at NBER Conference on Diversifying the Science &
Engineering Workforce
Lawrence H. Summers
Cambridge, Mass.
January 14, 2005
I asked Richard, when he invited me to come here and speak, whether he wanted an institutional talk about Harvard's
policies toward diversity or whether he wanted some questions asked and some attempts at provocation, because I was
willing to do the second and didn't feel like doing the first. And so we have agreed that I am speaking unofficially and not
using this as an occasion to lay out the many things we're doing at Harvard to promote the crucial objective of diversity.
There are many aspects of the problems you're discussing and it seems to me they're all very important from a national point
of view. I'm going to confine myself to addressing one portion of the problem, or of the challenge we're discussing, which is
the issue of women's representation in tenured positions in science and engineering at top universities and research
institutions, not because that's necessarily the most important problem or the most interesting problem, but because it's the
only one of these problems that I've made an effort to think in a very serious way about. The other prefatory comment that I
would make is that I am going to, until most of the way through, attempt to adopt an entirely positive, rather than normative
approach, and just try to think about and offer some hypotheses as to why we observe what we observe without seeing this
through the kind of judgmental tendency that inevitably is connected with all our common goals of equality. It is after all not
the case that the role of women in science is the only example of a group that is significantly underrepresented in an
important activity and whose underrepresentation contributes to a shortage of role models for others who are considering
being in that group. To take a set of diverse examples, the data will, I am confident, reveal that Catholics are substantially
underrepresented in investment banking, which is an enormously high-paying profession in our society; that white men are
very substantially underrepresented in the National Basketball Association; and that Jews are very substantially
underrepresented in farming and in agriculture. These are all phenomena in which one observes underrepresentation, and I
think it's important to try to think systematically and clinically about the reasons for underrepresentation.
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