
Guidelines for writing a
Ministry Plan
Written by: Dr. Stan Granberg | Last Revised: November 13, 2008
Your Ministry Plan is a Dynamic Tool
The ministry plan will be your major fund-raising and vision-casting tool. You will use the plan as you
ask for funding, partner churches and team members. The Strategic Summary is used as a standalone paper as well as providing a strong overview of your plant project. The ministry plan also
provides a foundation for your work with your coach during the Groundwork and Launch phases.
General Information
The ministry plan should be specific in terms of what it contains while reflecting your
personality and your mission. Effective presentations often use themes or colors that reflect the
region of the church plant.
The length should not exceed 20 pages, including reference letters. Use headings and page
All pages should be arranged vertically, do not use landscape.
Fonts should be readable (typically 10 or 11 pt.). Do not use fancy fonts. A good sans serif font,
such as Arial, Helvetica or Calibri provides a clean, readable, modern look.
Bind your printed proposals with spiral bindings available at Kinko’s Fed Ex, Office Depot, etc.
This will give a professional look and feel to your work. Use a clear plastic front cover and
cardstock back cover.
If you email your proposal to potential partners or launch team members, email it in Adobe pdf
file format.
Please include your connection with Kairos, a Kairos logo and the following contact information:
website, address 11124 NE Halsey St., #497, Portland, OR 97220,
phone 360-609-6700.
Contents of the Church Plant Proposal
Your proposal should include the following items:
First Glance (cover page and ToC)
 Clearly state your project name and place
 Your name and contact information
 Graphic and interest catching text
 Table of Contents (1 page only)
Strategic Summary (printed front and back as a stand alone document the Strategic
Summary is your primary handout)
 1 page, front and back overview of the project
 Name of the new church (if you have one)
 Place
o Identify the specific place or area: city, State and neighborhood if you know it
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State the Need – why does this place demand the resources for a new church?
o What is the area like? Provide a compelling picture of the area and people
o Use demanding demographics that cry out for a new church
o Provide personal motives and reasons why you are the right person for this
Describe your vision
o Vision statement
o Core values
o Time frames
Explain how will you accomplish your mission
o What are the means, the tools you will use to contact and teach people?
o What would people see when they visit (church model, meeting place, worship
o Emphases (theology/teaching, worship, outreach, social needs, mission,
fellowship, etc.)
Introduce yourself and any team members
o Very brief bio that helps readers place you and provides you credibility
o Colleges, significant work experiences, church where you grew up or became a
Christian, current home church
o Make your contact information obvious
Reference letters
 Kairos
 Partner church (when secured)
 Other significant person (teacher, minister, elder, employer, etc.)
Your Kingdom Concept
 The Planter: Who am I? (Apostolic esprit)
 Essential biographical sketch and family photo with names and ages
 State your calling
 State your motives
 Brief statement of what you have done that has prepared you for this new ministry
 Tell about your relationship with Kairos: Discovery Lab, Strategy Lab, coaching,
networking, etc.)
The People: Who is my ministry focus group? (Local Predicament)
 Describe the proposed location
 Describe the community and community needs, include a photo or two if it visually
contributes to understanding your community
 Describe your ministry focus group and reason for selection.
 Use appropriate demographics via graphs, tables and charts
 Provide a summarized description of target group (Saddleback Sam/Sally)
The Personnel: With whom will we plant this church? (Collective Potential)
 Define the specific roles you expect to fill
 Include a profile of any confirmed seed team members
The Pyramid: What kind of church are we trying to plant?
 State your basic biblical beliefs
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Provide your mission, vision, and values
The Missional Map: How you will plant this church
 Illustrate your strategic plan through your Missional Map
 How you will gather your launch team
 How you will meet new people and introduce them to Jesus (evangelizing)
 Describe the essential ministries you will develop
 Provide your expected 36 month time line
Make your ASK
 Describe what it will take to bring this plan to reality
 Your estimated salary, breakdown by:
o Housing (rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance)
o Charitable contributions
o Car (payments & operating expenses)
o Essential items: social security, other taxes, insurances, educational loans
o Living expenses (food, clothing, household expenses, entertainment, vacations, etc.)
o Other (particularly any debt payments)
 Include a start-up budget for the new church
 Provide a financial summary
o Sources of income (use table or pie chart)
 Churches
 Individuals
 Grants
 Team and new church contributions
o Expenses, use table or pie chart
 Salaries
 Start-up
 Operations
Partnering with us: How can someone be involved?
 Tell them how they can contribute, where to send money and how much
 Volunteer options: mailings, dinners, mission trips, distributing flyers, etc.
 Prayer items
 Equipment needs that could be donated or given in a new church shower
Contact Information
 Your contact information
 Reference information
 Kairos contact information
Soma, Dwayne Hilty, West Salem, OR
Ethos, Dave Clayton, Nashville, TN
Mosaic. Seattle, WA.
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