Imperialism & Progressivism Arguments for Annexing the Philippines Economic Benefits Military Benefits Markets for the U.S. Naval Bases bases landing areas Hawaii Type title here Our "Duty" to teach others Type title here Economic Benefits Military Benefits Bases Landing Areas Markets for the U.S. • Buy American •Arguments against Annexation of Philippines •Too expensive •Cheap labor will compete with U.S. wages •Imperialism goes against Freedom • Coming of War I. The Maine blew up in Havana, Cuba. II. Rebels were fighting for independence. • Rebels…. III. Sugar, railroads, plantations • Valuable Resources Yellow Journalism : may be true, maybe not.. But let’s sell papers • IV. U.S. stays neutral. • V. Hearst & Pulitzer want to sell papers Brutal • VI. Violence : burning plantations, destroy RR……Reconcentration Camps, thousands die of starvation & disease. Stay Neutral So……. • VII. President McKinley wanted to be neutral. • Cuba wanted full independence II. Spanish – American War • I. Navy blockaded Cuba + 20,000 troops • II. U.S. took Manila, Philippines , but hostility grows between rebels & U.S. • III. Many Americans die from disease. • IV. 17,000 soldiers land in Cuba + the Rough Riders come to save the day Rough Riders Cowboys, Miners, Polo players, law officers & Teddy V. Rough Riders & Army defeated the Spanish in 2 battles • These victories panicked the Spanish commander in Santiago, who ordered all Spanish fleet to leave, as the ships leave American warships attack, sinking every ship. The Spanish surrender • . Americans occupy Puerto Rico. August 12, 1898, Spain & U.S. cease- fire After the fighting • I. U.S. Annexed Guam & Puerto Rico • II. What about the Philippines?? • Advantages & Disadvantages III. Treaty of Paris Dec. 10, 1898 • Cuba becomes independent. • U.S. gets Puerto Rico & Guam • U.S. Pays $20 million to annex Philippines • IV. U.S. becomes an imperial power V. Philippine Resistance • U.S. troops are attacked. • Fight the Guerrillas, concentration camps, to separate the guerrillas from supportive people • 1,000’s die VI. William Howard Taft • 1st Governor of the Islands • Reform, railroads, telegraphs, schools, health care Fat Man in the Bathtub • Decreases hostility/ Dollar Diplomacy • In 1946 total More independence VII. Puerto Rico • Citizens in 1917 VIII. Platt Amendment • New conditions for Cuban independence, designed by McKinley • Cuba could not make treaties with other nations that would weaken its independence. • No foreign power could get territory in Cuba. • U.S. must be able to lease naval stations. • Debt must stay low to avoid danger take -overs. • U.S. has right to intervene to protect them Cuba becomes a Protectorate of the U.S. Policeman of the world? What countries today are considered a world power? Ways that TR Helped Make U.S. a World Power • 1. Supported Open Door Policy in China 2. Great White Fleet around the world 3. Built the Panama Canal Saved money & Time for U.S. merchants 4. Declared the Roosevelt Corollary TR’s Rise to Power • McKinley’s Vice President, useless job, control him • McKinley is assassinated. • TR is youngest President & in power !!! Look Out…. U.S. Diplomacy in Asia • By 1899, bases across the Pacific • Exports to China had quadrupled • Sphere of Influence = a foreign nation controlled economic development like mining & railroads Open Door Policy • U.S. Says that all nations would be allowed to trade with China. • Boxer Rebellion – to rid the foreign control, • Crushed……………. Great White Fleet • Sent 16 battleships around the world to demonstrate military power Caribbean Power • Speak softly & carry a big stick • Bought the Panama Canal Zone • Exclusive Progressive Movement • 1. Religion • 2. Press • 3. Radical Groups Religion • Social Gospel= Churches help the poor & underpaid workers Other Religious Groups • YWCA, YMCA • Salvation Army • Settlement Houses • Federal Council of Churches= • Living wage, 6 day workweek, child labor & sweatshops abolished Press • Muckrakers= exposed social wrongs • Upton Sinclair = The Jungle Radical Groups • Socialist = eliminate private ownership of the means of production. • Government becomes more responsive to the public State Reform • Robert LaFollette = governor of Wisconsin – reform govt. • Use council – manager form of government, honest men to city jobs, trained for the work Reform • Regulate rates of railroad commissions • 17th Amendment = popular election of senators • By 1914, some state laws of child employment, workers compensation • By 1916, Direct primary to elect candidates Teddy Roosevelt Rough Riders • Teddy & Friends Teddy Roosevelt • • • • Well Educated, Harvard World Traveler Explorer Soldier, charging up San Juan Hill Political Career • • • • Secretary of the Navy Governor of New York Vice President President , elected in 1904, by the largest margin of victory up to that time TR & McKinley 6 of TR’s Achievements • Increased Federal Power • Mediated a Coal strike • Regulated Trusts • Regulated Transportation • Protected Public Health Conserved Natural Resources • • • • • Withdrew 1.5 million acres of land Established 50 wildlife sanctuaries 5 national parks 18 National monuments Newlands Reclamation Act New Nationalism • TR’s idea that the Government would use it’s power for the welfare of the people. Bully Good Work • "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far" Square Deal • "Let the watchwords of all our people be the old familiar watchwords of honesty, decency, fair-dealing, and commonsense."... "We must treat each man on his worth and merits as a man. We must see that each is given a square deal, because he is entitled to no more and should receive no less.""The welfare of each of us is dependent fundamentally upon the welfare of all of us." New York State Fair, Syracuse, September 7, 1903 42 = youngest President • Orator • Loved the Job TR at the White House • A big presence The Roosevelt Family Conservationist • Progressive TR goes on Safari • The First Bull Elephant William Howard Taft Chosen By TR • Cautious, legalistic • Conservative Governor General of the Philippines as secretary of war, Taft • Believed in Compromise • Could not handle members in his own party • Signed Payne-Aldrich tariff Act amid public outcry • Returned govt. land for sale And……….. • Fired Pinchot ( TR’s conservationist who supervised the national forest) • Supported Joseph Cannon in House • Continued to Split the Republican Party Can a Champion Come Back? • Unhappy with Taft, TR ponders the Q. So TR Returns to Save the Day With the Bull Moose Party rd 3 • • • • Party= spoiler Divided the votes Progressive Republicans vote for TR Conservative Republicans vote for Taft Woodrow Wilson wins the majority of Electoral votes & the Presidency. Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson • progressive reform and asserted international leadership • 1913 – 1921 • Democrat President of Princeton • Intelligent • Governor of New Jersey New Freedom Attacked the Triple Wall of Privilege = • High Tariff • High Finance • Trust Interest Believed in Strong Executive • Break up Trusts! st 1 President to • Earn a PHD • Have regular press conferences • Let sheep graze on the White House Lawn To support the Red Cross during WWI Federal Reserve Act The passage of the Federal Reserve Act provided the Nation with the more elastic money supply it badly needed. Other Actions = • Lower tariff, the Underwood Act; attached to the measure was a graduated Federal income tax. • In 1914 antitrust legislation established a Federal Trade Commission to prohibit unfair business practices. And More Action = • Prohibited child labor • Limited railroad workers to an eight-hour day. • Neutrality in WWI!!! He kept us out of War! • Isolationist Ideas • Re - Elected On April 2,1917, he asked Congress for a declaration of war on Germany. • House passes war resolution , 373 to 50 --the Fourteen Points, • The Final Point is Big!! Versailles Treaty • containing the Covenant of the League of Nations, and asked, "Dare we reject it and break the heart of the world?" Versailles Treaty failed in the Senate • By seven votes A national tour to mobilize Public sentiment for the treaty. Exhausted, he suffered a stroke and nearly died. Tenderly nursed by his second wife, Edith Bolling Galt, he lived until 1924. Presidents have to maneuver “Carefully on politically hot issues, and women's suffrage was no exception. The movement had been growing for decades. Despite a history of hostility to their cause, Wilson soon saw the political handwriting on the wall. Gradually, he began modifying his position. But only a world war would bring the president fully behind efforts to secure a federal amendment for women's suffrage.” Susan B. Anthony, L. Mott Women’s Suffrage • Protesting outside the White House The Senate rejected women's suffrage • by two votes. The PBS - American Experience: Woodrow Wilson | Wilson- A PortraitNineteenth Amendment would have to wait until 1920, after the war was already won. • 1920 • On August 26, the 19th constitutional amendment is adopted when Tennessee ratifies it, granting full woman suffrage in all states of the United States. Harry Burn, 24 yrs. • One young legislator, had voted with the antisuffrage forces to that time. But his mother had urged that he vote for the amendment and for suffrage. When he saw that the vote was very close, and with his anti-suffrage vote would be tied 48 to 48, he decided to vote as his mother had urged him: for the right of women to vote. And so on August 18, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th and deciding state to ratify. Harry Burns??? Listen to the Mother • Alice Paul celebrates