FNMI Drama - NESD Curriculum Corner


FNMI Drama

There was a time during the Indian Act period that any ceremony or activity by

First Nations was banned in Canada. The area of drama did not get a lead until the late 1960’s.

First Nations theater is one of the most multifaceted Canadian genres, featuring a diverse range of performative traditions and themes. From the Ojibway bear ceremonies to the Makah initiation rites, and from the potlatches of the Northwest coast to contemporary powwows, Native drama has effectively resisted colonization and continuously reinvented itself over the centuries. http://canlit.ca/letters/archive/24

Myths and Legends are a great way to practise drama: http://www.curriculum.org/arts/dramaelements.shtml

The Elements of Drama – Gr. 2 students create a drama piece about a legend. 6:24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh2vPD5BDY8

Trickster@MTL - Spectacle / Theatre play 6:32

(French but English sub titles)

Indigenous theatre confronts and is reciprocally constituted with mainstream Canadian stage drama, exposing colonial oppression, exploiting and disrupting stereotypes, and enacting traditions that build community and challenge dominant understandings of what theatre is. Rather than identify a distinct or unified Canadian voice, our focus on diverse Canadian and First Nations plays helps us to understand the network of coalitions and contradictions that, together, stage Canada.

https://academicalism.wordpress.com/syllabi/canadian-first-nations-drama /

FNMI Performing Artists http://ipaa.ca/members/membership-directory/

Site provides many names of FNMI performers and a short bio for each one

Saskatchewan FNMI Performers: http://www.imdb.com/search/name?birth_place=Saskatchewan%2C+Ca nada&

Read the profiles and locate the FNM performers

Saskatchewan Native Theatre Company – site has much info to offer

Curtis Peeteetuce

Micheal Greyeyes http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0340729/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyBVTOc7Nbk michael greyeyes native actor 4:13

More Performers http://www.ammsa.com/publications/sa skatchewan-sage/musical-expands-itsaudience

Media article about Maureen Belanger

Maureen Belanger

Maureen originates from the community of Ile-la Crosse, SK. Besides her Social Work career, Maureen is a talented

Aboriginal performer on the Saskatchewan performing arts scene and is well known in that field. Through her signature name, Ernestine, Maureen’s fun, humble, humour has her in demand for hosting many events. Through her signature character, Ernestine, a spirited Metis Elder who loves attention, she has enlightened people on the Metis and their struggles. Ernestine aspires to preserve her language, Michif, by incorporating Michif into all her appearances,

Ernestine ensures that the language will never be lost. Ernestine is well loved across Canada. Since 1976, Maureen has been the general manager of Upisasik Theatre Company Inc., the first Metis performing arts organization in

Saskatchewan. Maureen’s long-term experience with Upisasik Theatre has revealed her dynamic abilities as Director and Producer, in addition to her well established performance and storytelling abilities.



Andrea Menard 2:00 http://andreamenard.com/images/2013%20Full%20Menard%20


Andrea Menard bio


Kenneth T. Williams http://www.culturestorm.ca/thunderstick.html

http://newborntheatre.weebly.com/playwright-of-the-day/playwright-of-the-daykenneth-t-williams http://www4.nac-cna.ca/pdf/eth/aboriginal_theatre.pdf

Document about FNM playright (lengthy but lots of learning) http://www.saskdrama.com/pdfs/FN-catalogue/Catalogue.pdf

Gr. 7-12 Site offers a catalogue of plays and short descriptions of available scripts https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aimpas/american-indian-motionpicture-awards-show-aimpas

American Indian Motion picture Awards Show (AIMPAS)

(Has some insert videos)




Site offers how Wapos Bay creates their clay animation characters

(there are many other sites to refer to from the list offered)


Site has brief description of shadow puppets used for teachings FNM Legends http://lancecardinal.blogspot.ca/2011/03/first-nations-puppetry-project.html

Has a video insert of students using FNM puppets for a presentation and site has many other areas to visit regarding drama

Derric Starlight - Puppeteer http://www.derricstarlight.com/pages.php?lang=en&page=ho me

Much info and bio regarding Derric Starlight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HLTZalrIxk

Elmo Does Pow-wow South Bay 1:15

Animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RYByws56TQ 2:36

The Legend of Weesakayjack - First Nation Legend - How North America came to be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d2Zh318kRY

How the Coyote got his Cunning 3:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNo2hFTMay4

When Raven Stole the Moon 1:52

Shadow Puppets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN0mU_W1nYw

Raven: A Trickster's Tale 6:18

Template Animation – overlay on photo background https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LXPCnTFSmo

Raven Tales - How Raven Stole the Sun 1:56

Comedy (This frame for gr. 8- 12) http://www.laughinggas.ca/Performers.aspx

Site offers some short bio’s of FNM comedians

Candy Palmater http://www.thecandyshow.com/2014/03/

The Candy Show – features comedian Candy Palmater http://femalecomedians.ca/entertainer/candy-palmater/

Bio info

Don Burnstick http://www.idobusiness.ca/don-burnstick-bio.html

Bio info


Site offers an annotated bibliography of First Nation plays http://www.playwrightscanada.com/index.php/genres/aboriginaldrama.html?mode=list

Site offers a list of drama titles for purchase http://www.strongnations.com/store/item_list.php?it=2&cat=1744

Site offers a list of drama titles for purchase http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_First_Nations_actors

An alphabetical list of First Nation actors

Let the Spirit of the Buffalo kindle your creativity!

Thank-you for listening and learning!

Sharon Meyer – First Nation, Metis, and Inuit Education Consultant

North East School Division meyer.sharon@nesd.ca
