Data Caches


ECE 587

Advanced Computer Architecture I

Chapter 3

Data Cache Architecture

Herbert G. Mayer, PSU

Status 7/16/2015



 Introduction

 Definitions

 Effective Times t eff

 Cache Subsystem and Design Parameters

 Single-Line Degenerate Cache

 Multi-Line, Single-Set Cache

 Single-Line, Multi-Set Cache, Blocked Mapping

 Single-Line, Multi-Set, Cyclic Mapping

 Multi-Line per Set (Associative), Multi-Set Cache

 Replacement Policies

 LRU Sample

 Compute Cache Size

 Trace Cache

 Characteristic Cache Curve

 Bibliography


Introduction Cache Architecture

Cache-related definitions below are common, though not all manufacturers apply the same nomenclature. Initially we discuss cache designs for single-processor architectures. In another lecture we progress to more complex and complete MP architectures, covering the MESI protocol for a two-processor system with external

L2 cache. Focus will be data caches



 The speed with which the processor executes an instruction and references data in its registers is generally vastly superior to the speed with which memory can be accessed

 For example, an integer type instruction on a



Pro costs on the order of 1 cycle or less ; less is possible, since multiple operations may be executed in one step on a superscalar processor

 The number of cycles to get an operand out of memory on typical Pentium Pro or newer systems is several dozens of cycles; even way more for MP

 The gap between the slowness of memory and the speed of processors is increasing over time, despite memories getting faster!


Introduction: Trend of Speeds





Intel® Pentium II


Out of Order




Intel® Xeon™ Processor:









Processor speed increases over time.

Memory access speed increases of time.

Yet more slowly than CPU, hence the gap widens!



 To bridge this long recognized gap ( von Neumann bottleneck ), computer architects invented (at

Manchester University in the 1960s) a special purpose memory, now commonly called the cache

 Like regular memory, a cache holds bits of information, data or instructions; copies from memory

 Unlike regular memory, a cache is very fast and more expensive per bit. If it were not so costly, we ’d simply build all of memory in cache technology and the speed gap between processor and memory would be solved; but alas! 

 Even to date, with some caches being several megabytes large, caches are small vs. a memory ’s logical addressing space of 2 64 bytes



 While regular memory is arranged as a linear array of equal cells (bytes, words), caches usually are arranged by lines , also called blocks

 Since block has already several other meanings, we shall use line

 Only the address of the first byte of a line need be remembered

 Individual bytes within lines are addressable by their offset

 Only line-sized and line-aligned portions of memory are moved into cache lines!

 Each line represents a small linearly contiguous subsection of memory, which we ’ll call paragraph

 Line is cache, paragraph is memory!



 Caches evolved into multiple levels and purposes

 Often the first level cache (L1) is physically on-chip, allowing the processor to retrieve information sometimes in a single cycle

 The next level cache (L2) is often a separate physical device, larger in size than the L1, and slower to access, due to “having to go off-chip ”

 With multi-core architectures, L2 caches also tend to move on-chip

 On some multi-core chips the L2 is shared between the cores, yet on others there are individual L2 caches per core

 Often can be reconfigured from shared to individual, and vice versa



 L3 caches are common in servers that process very large amounts of data

 Caches also have become specialized:

 Instructions are stored separately in so-called I-

Caches, while data reside in data caches (D-Cache)

 In the early 2000s, the trend was to replace I-Caches with trace-caches (TC), which store already predecoded micro instructions

 Note the pre-decoding saves time, by decoding once, not repeatedly! That was the key idea!

 Since about 2007 trace-caches are out of favor and Icaches emerge again




 A cache line ’s age is tracked; only in associative cache, doesn ’t apply for direct-mapped cache

 Aging tracks, when a cache line was accessed, relative to the other lines in this set

 This implies that ages are compared

 Generally, the relative ages are of interest, such as: am I older than you?

Rather than the absolute age, e.g.: I was accessed at cycle such and such

 Think about the minimum number of bits needed to store the relative ages of, say, 8 cache lines!

 Memory access addresses only one line, hence all lines in a set have distinct (relative) ages




 Alignment is a spacing requirement, i.e. the restriction that an address adhere to a specific placement condition

 For example, even-alignment means that an address is even, that it be divisible by 2

 E.g. address 3 is not even-aligned, but address

1000 is; thus the rightmost address bit will be 0

 In VMM, page addresses are aligned on pageboundaries. If a page-frame has size 4k, then page addresses that adhere to page-alignment are evenly divisible by 4k

 As a result, the low-order (rightmost) 12 bits are 0.

Knowledge of alignment can be exploited to save storing address bits in VMM, caching , etc.




 If a cache has multiple lines per set , we call it k-way associative; K stands for number of lines in a set

 Having a cache with multiple lines K > 1 requires searching , or address comparing, whether a referenced object is in fact present in cache; the key term is: to hit the cache

 Another way of saying this is: An object at some address in memory has more lines than one where it might live in an associative cache

 Synonym: full associativity

 Antonym: direct mapped ; if only a single line (per set) exists, the search is reduced to a simple, single tag comparison



Blocked Cache

 If a cache cannot be accessed by the HW while some line is currently being streamed i n, the cache is said to be blocked

 This can be a performance limiter, if the current memory access wishes to refer to a line different from the one being streamed in

 Not to be confused with cache blocks , AKA cache lines!



Critical Chunk First

 The number of bytes in a line is generally larger than the number of bytes that can be brought into the cache across the bus in 1 step, requiring multiple bus transfers to fill a line completely

 It would be efficient, if the actual byte needed, would reside in the first chunk brought across the bus

 The deliberate policy that accomplishes just that is the Critical Chunk First policy

 This allows the cache to be unblocked after the first transfer, even though the line is not yet completely loaded

 Other parts of the line may be used later, but the critical byte can thus be accessed right away



Direct Mapped

 If each memory address has just one possible location (i.e. one single line, of K = 1 ) in the cache where it could possibly reside, then that cache is called direct mapped

 Antonym: associative , or fully associative

 Synonym: non-associative


 The collection of all tags is referred to as the cache directory ; opposed to actual data bits in a

D-Cache or actual instruction bits in an I-Cache



Dirty Bit

 If a line in a cache with write-back policy is never modified (written), then that line doesn ’t need to be copied back into memory upon retirement; it is already there in original, unmodified form

 However, if at least one write (AKA store, AKA modification) somewhere into the line has occurred, the line must be copied back into memory eventually, lest memory becomes stale

 To discern, whether or not to copy back, the dirty bit must be set upon write; initially this bit is clear.

(See also: modified state)

 Synonym: write-bit and modified bit



Effective Cycle Time t eff

 Let the cache hit rate h be the number of hits divided by the number of all memory accesses, with an ideal hit rate being 1; m being the miss rate = 1-h ; thus: t eff

= t cache

+ (1-h) * t mem

= t cache

+ m * t mem

 Alternatively, the effective cycle time might be t eff

= max( t cache

, m * t mem


 The latter holds, if a memory access to retrieve the data is initiated simultaneously to the cache access

 t cache

= time to access a datum in the cache, ideally 1 cycle, while t mem is the time to access a data item in memory; generally not a constant value

 The hit rate h varies from 0.0 to 1.0



Hit Rate h

 The hit rate h is the number of memory accesses

(read/writes, or load/stores) that hit the cache, over the total number of memory accesses

 By contrast H is the total number of hits

 A hit rate h = 1 means: all accesses are from the cache, while h = 0 means , all are from memory, i.e. none hit the cache

 Conventional notations are: h r write hits and h w for read and

 See also miss rat e




 Acronym for Last Level Cache . This is the largest cache in the memory hierarchy, the one closest to physical memory, or furthest from the processor

 Typical on multi-core architectures

 Typical cash sizes: 4 MB to 32 MB

 Common to have one LLC be shared between all cores of an MCP (Multi-Core Processor), but have option of separating (by fusing) and creating dedicated LLC caches, with identical total size




 Acronym for Least Recently Used . A cache replacement policy (also page replacement policy discussed under VMM) that requires aging information for the lines in a set

 Each time a cache line is accessed, that line become the youngest one touched; others age

 Other lines of the same set do age by one unit, i.e. get older by 1 event

 Relative ages are sufficient for LRU tracking; no need to track exact ages!

 Antonym: last recently used !




 Storage area in cache able to hold a copy of a contiguous block of memory cells, i.e. a paragraph

 The portion of memory stored in that line is aligned on an address modulo the line size

 For example, if a line holds 64 bytes on a byteaddressable architecture, the address of the first byte stored in such a line will have 6 trailing zeros , as it is evenly divisible by 64, it is 64-byte aligned

 Such known zeros don ’t need to be stored in the tag , the address bits stored in the cache; they are implied

 This shortens the tag , which makes the cache cheaper to build: less bits!



Locality of Data

 A surprising, beneficial attribute of memory access patterns: when an address is referenced, there is a good chance that in the near future another access will happen at or near that same address

 I.e. memory accesses tend to cluster , also observable in hashing functions and memory page accesses

 Antonym: Randomly distributed, or normally distributed



Miss Rate

 Miss rate is the number of memory (read/write) accesses that miss the cache over total number of accesses, denoted m

 Clearly the miss rate, like the hit rate, varies between 0.0 .. 1.0

 The miss rate m = 1 - h

 Antonym: hit rate h




 A paragraph is a contiguous portion of memory of exactly line-size bytes

 The starting address of a paragraph is evenly divisible by the line-size

 For example, if a cache line is 32 bytes long, memory can be thought of as logically partitioned into contiguous byte streams, AKA paragraphs

 These start at 32-byte boundaries, each 32 bytes long; hence the rightmost 5 bits = log


(32) are 0

 Paragraphs or correspondingly line sizes may be of any size, not just 32 bytes, but a power of 2 seems handy on a binary system 



Replacement Policy

 A replacement policy is a defined convention that defines which line is to be retired in case a new line must be loaded, none is free in a set, so one has to be evicted

 Ideally, the line that would remain unused for the longest time in the future should be replaced and its contents overwritten with new data

 Generally we do not know which line will stay unreferenced for the longest time in the future

 In a direct-mapped cache, the replacement policy is trivial, it is moot, as there will be just 1 line




 A logically connected region of memory, to be mapped onto a specific area of cache (line), is a set; there are N sets in memory

 Elements of a set don ’t need to be physically contiguous in memory; if contiguous, leftmost log


(N) bits are 0; if cyclic distribution, then the rightmost log


(N) after alignment bits are 0

 The number of sets is conventionally labeled N

 A degenerate case is to map all memory onto the whole cache, in which case only a single set exists: N = 1 ; i.e. one set

 Notion of set is meaningful only if there are multiple sets. A memory region belonging to one set can be physically contiguous or distributed cyclically

 In the former case the distribution is called blocked , the latter cyclic . Cache area into which a portion of memory is mapped to is also called set




 A cached system in which each set has multiple cache lines is called set-associative

 For example, 4-way set associative means that there are multiple sets (could be 4 sets, 256 sets,

1024 sets, or any other number of sets) and each of those sets has 4 lines

 That ’s what the 4 refers to in 4-way

 Antonym: non-associative , AKA direct-mapped



Stale Memory

 A valid cache line may be overwritten with new data

 The write-back policy records such over writing

 At the moment of a cache write with write-back, cache and memory are out of synch ; we say memory is stale

 Poses no danger, since the dirty bit (or modified bit) reflects that memory eventually must be updated

 But until this happens, memory is stale

 Note that if two processors ’ caches share memory and one cache renders memory stale, the other processor should no longer have access to that portion of shared memory




 Streaming out a line refers to the movement of one line of modified data, out of the cache and back into a memory paragraph


 The movement of one paragraph of data from memory into a cache line. Since line length generally exceeds the bus width (i.e. exceeds the number of bytes that can be move in a single bus transaction), a stream-in process requires multiple bus transactions in a row

 Possible that the byte actually needed will arrive last in a cache line during a sequence of bus transactions; can be avoided with the critical chunk first policy




 A tag is the relevant portion of address bits . If a memory object (paragraph) is present in the cache, its address must be stored, so the cache control unit can determine, whether the referenced bits are present

 That portion of a memory address that must be stored in the directory is the tag . If there is only one set in the whole cache and any line can hold only a single addressable unit (e.g. byte), then the tag would hold the complete address

 If there are N sets in the cache, log


(N) = m bits of the virtual address are implied. If there are L aligned bytes per line, log


(L) = n bits are implied in the tag . Hence, for an address of M bits, only Mm-n need be represented in a line ’s tag



Trace Cache

 Special-purpose cache that holds pre-decoded instructions, AKA micro-ops

 Advantage: Repeated decoding for instructions is not needed

 Trace caches have fallen out of favor in the 2000s



Valid Bit

 Single-bit data structure per cache line, indicating, whether or not the line is free; free means invalid

 If a line is not valid (i.e. if valid bit is 0), it can be filled with a new paragraph upon a cache miss

 Else, (valid bit 1), the line holds valid information

 After a system reset, all valid bits of the whole cache are set to 0

 The I bit in the MESI protocol takes on that role on an MP cache subsystem

 To be discussed in MP-cache coherence topic



Write Back

 Write back is a cache write policy that keeps changed bits in cache after modification (after a write), until the line is evicted

 Thus, whenever a line is written (AKA modified), that fact must be remembered by the dirty bit

 Upon retirement, any dirty line must be written back (streamed-out) to memory

 Advantage: Multiple writes to the same line put traffic onto the bus only once: Upon retirement



Write Once

 Cache write policy that starts out with write through

 After the first write hit, causing a write through , the write once policy then changes to write back

 That is what the write once refers to

 Applies only to multi-level caches



Write Through

 Cache write policy that copies modified data from cache back to memory immediately , i.e. when the write hit occurs

 Thus cache and main memory are always in synch; no state memory ever

 Disadvantage: Each cache write consumes memory bus bandwidth

 Antonym: Write back


Effective Time t eff

 Starting with t eff

= t cache

+ ( 1-h ) * t mem we observe:

 No matter how many hits (H) we experience during repeated memory access, the effective cycle time is never less than t cache

 No matter how many misses (M) we experience, the effective cycle time to access a datum is never more than t cache

+ t mem

 It is desirable to have t eff miss

= t mem in case of a cache

 Another way to compute the effective access time is to add all memory-access times, and divide them by the total number of accesses, and thus compute the average


Effective Time t eff

Average time per access: t eff

= ( hits * t cache

+ misses * ( t cache total_accesses

+ t mem

) ) / t eff

= h * t cache

+ m * ( t accessed immediately: cache

+ t mem

) if memory t eff

= ( h + m ) * t cache

+ m * t mem

= t cache

+ m * t mem

• Assume an access time of 1 (one) cycle to reference data in the cache

• Assume an access time of 10 (ten) for data in memory –yes, unrealistically fast!!

• Assume that a memory access is initiated after a cache miss ; then:


Effective Time t eff


Effective Time t eff










Number of successful cache accesses

Number of failed cache accesses

All accesses A = H + M t cache t mem t

T eff h m

Total time Time for A memory accesses

Cache time

Mem time

Hit rate

Miss rate

Time to access data once via the data cache

Time to access data via memory once

Effective tm. Average time over all memory accesses

H / A = h = 1 – m

M / A = m = 1 – h h + m Total rate = 1 Total rate, either hit or miss, probability is 1


Effective Time t eff


Highlights of Different Kinds of Caches,

Not all Useful


Purpose of Cache

 Cache is logically part of Memory Subsystem , but physically often part of processor (on same silicon die)

 Purpose: render slow memory into a fast one

 With minimal cost , since the cache is just a few % of total physical main store

 Works well, if locality is good, but only if locality is good; else performance is same as memory access, or worse, depending on architecture

 With poor locality, i.e. there is a random distribution of memory accesses, any cache can slow down if: t eff

= t cache

+ (1-h) * t mem and not: t eff

= max( t cache

, (1-h) * t mem



Purpose of Cache

 With good locality , cache delivers available data in close to unit cycle time

 On an MP system, caches must cooperate with other processors ’ caches and with memory

 Cache must cooperate with VMM of memory subsystem to jointly render a physically small, slow memory into a virtually large, fast memory at small cost in additional hardware (or silicon), and system SW

 L1 cache access time should be within order of magnitude of machine cycle time. For example, a successful L1 data cache access costing 1 cycle is desirable


Cache Design Parameters

 Number of lines in set: K

Quick test : K is how large in a direct-mapped cache?

 Number of bytes in a line, AKA L ength of line: L

 Number of sets in memory, and hence in the cache: N

 Policy upon store instruction ( cache write policy )

 Policy upon load instruction ( cache read policy )

 What to do, when an empty lines is needed for the next paragraph to be streamed-in, but none is available ( replacement policy )


Cache Design Parameters

 Size = K * ( L + bits for tag and control bits ) * N

 Ratio of cache size to physical memory generally is very small

 Cache access time, typically close to 1 cycle for

L1 cache

 Number of processors with cache, 1 in UP, M in

MP architecture

 Levels of caches, L1, L2, L3 … Last one referred to as LLC, for l ast l evel c ache


Single-Line Degenerate Cache


Single-Line Degenerate Cache

 Quick test : what is the minimum size (in number of bits) of the tag for this degenerate cache ? (assume 32-bit architecture, and 64-byte lines)

 The single-line cache, shown here, stores multiple words

 Can improve memory access if extremely good locality exists within narrow address range

 Upon miss cache initiates a stream-in operation

 Is a direct mapped cache: all memory locations know a priori where they ’ll reside in cache; there is but one line, one option for them

 Is a single-set cache, since all memory locations are mapped onto the same collection of lines, as there exists just one line


Single-Line Degenerate Cache

 As data cache : exploits only locality of near-by addresses in the same paragraph

 As instruction cache : Exploits locality of tight loops that completely fit inside the address range of a single line

 However, there will be a cache-miss as soon as an address makes reference outside of line ’s range

 For example, tight loop with a function call will cause cache miss

 Stream-in time is time to load a line worth of data from memory

 Total overhead: tag bits + valid bit + dirty bit (if write-back)

 Not advisable to build this cache subsystem 


Dual-Line, Single-Set Cache


Dual-Line, Single-Set Cache

 Next cache has one set, multiple lines; here 2 lines as shown

Quick test : minimum size of tag on byte-addressable, 32-bit architecture with 2 lines, 1 set, line size of 16 bytes?

 Each line holds multiple, contiguous addressing units, 4 words, 16 bytes shown

 Thus 2 disparate areas of memory can be cached at the same time

 Is associative cache ; all lines in the single set must be searched to determine, whether a memory element is present in cache

 Is single-set associative cache, since all of memory

(singleton set) is mapped onto the same cache lines


Dual-Line, Single-Set Cache

 Some tight loops with a function call can be completely cached in an I-cache, assuming loop body fits into line and callée fits into the other line

 Also would allow one larger loop to be cached, whose total body does not fit into a single line, but would fit into two (or more if available) lines

 With multiple lines in a set locality, the constraints to avoid misses are less stringent

 Applies to more realistic programs

 But if number of lines K >> 1, the time to search all tags (in set) can grow beyond unit cycle time

 Sometimes trade-off between cycle time and cache access so that multiple cycles needed even in case of cache hit


Single-Line, Multi-Set Cache


Single-Line, Multi-Set Cache

 Next cache architecture has multiple sets, 2 shown, 2 distinct areas of memory, each being mapped onto separate cache lines: N = 2, K = 1

Quick test : minimum size of the tag on 4-byte per word, 32-bit architecture with 16-byte lines?

 Each set has a single line, in this case 4 memory units (e.g. words, AKA 16 bytes) long; AKA paragraph

 Thus 2 disparate areas of memory can be cached at the same time

 But these areas must reside in separate memory sets, each contiguous, each having only 1 option

 Is direct mapped ; all memory locations know a priori where they ’ll reside in cache

 Is multi-set cache, since different blocks of memory are mapped onto different sets . Different parts of memory have their own portion of cache


Single-Line, Multi-Set Cache

 Allows one larger loop to be cached, whose total body does not fit into a single line of an I-cache, but would fit into two lines

 But only if by some great coincidence both parts of that loop reside in different memory sets

 If used as instruction cache, all programs consuming half of memory or less never use the second line in the second set. Hence that is again a bad idea!

 If used as data cache, all data areas that fit into first block will never utilize second set of cache

 Problem specific to blocked mapping; try cyclic instead


Multi-Set, Single-Line, Cyclic


Multi-Set, Single-Line, Cyclic

 This cache architecture below also has 2 sets, N = 2

 Each set has a single line, each holding 4 contiguous memory units, 4 words, 16 bytes, K = 1

 Thus 2 disparate areas of memory can be cached at the same time

Quick test : tag size on 32-bit, 4-byte architecture?

 Disparate areas (of line size, equal to paragraph size) are scattered cyclically throughout memory

 Cyclically distributed memory areas associated with each respective set

 Is direct mapped ; all memory locations know a priori where they ’ll reside in cache, as each set has a single line

 Is multi-set cache : different locations of memory are mapped onto different cache lines, the sets


Multi-Set, Single-Line, Cyclic

 Also allows one larger loop to be cached, whose total body does not fit into a single line, but would fit into two lines

 Even if parts of loop belong to different sets

 If used as instruction cache, small code section can use the total cache

 If used as data cache, small data areas can utilize complete cache

 Cyclic mapping of memory areas to sets is generally superior to blocked mapping


Multi-Line, Multi-Set, Cyclic


Multi-Line, Multi-Set, Cyclic

 Quick test: minimum size (in bits) of the tag?

 Here is a more realistic cache architecture

 Two sets , memory will be mapped cyclically , AKA in a round-robin fashion

 Each set has two lines, each line holds 4 addressable words (a paragraph)


Multi-Line, Multi-Set, Cyclic

 Associative cache: once set is known, search all tags for the memory address in all lines of that set

 In example, line 2 of set 2 is unused

 By now you know: sets, lines, associate, nonassociative, direct mapped, etc.!!


Replacement Policy

 The replacement policy is the rule that determines:

 When all lines are valid, and a new line must be streamed in

 Which of the valid lines is to be removed?

 Removal can be low cost, if the modified bit (AKA dirty bit) is 0

 Or removal may be costly, if dirty bit (AKA modified bit) is set


Replacement Policy

# Name Summary




Replaces Least Recently Used cache line; requires keeping track of relative “ages” of lines. Retire line that has remained unused for the longest time of all candidate lines. Speculate that that line will remain unused for the longest time in the future.

Replaces Least Frequently Used cache line; requires keeping track of the number m of times this line was used over the last n>=m uses.

Depending on how long we track the usage, this may require many bits.

First In First Out : The first of the lines in the set that was streamed in is the first to be retired, when it comes time to find a candidate. Has the advantage that no further update is needed, while all lines are in use.

4 Random Pick a random line from candidate set for retirement; is not as bad as this irrational algorithm might suggest. Reason: The other methods are not too good either 

5 Optimal If a cache were omniscient, it could predict, which line will remain unused for the longest time in the future . Of course, that is not computable. However, for creating the perfect reference point, we can do this with past memory access patterns, and use the optimal access pattern for comparison, how well our chosen policy rates vs. the optimal strategy!


LRU Sample

Assume the following cache architecture:

• N = 16 sets, cyclic distribution

• K = 4 lines per set

• 32-bit architecture, byte-addressable

• write back (dirty bit)

• valid line indicator (valid bit)

• L = 64 bytes per line

• 2 LRU bits (4 lines per set), to store relative ages of the 4 lines in each set

• This results in a tag size of ????



LRU Sample

Assume the following cache architecture:

• N = 16 sets, cyclic distribution

• K = 4 lines per set

• 32-bit architecture, byte-addressable

• write back (dirty bit)

• valid line indicator (valid bit)

• L = 64 bytes per line

• This results in a tag size of 22 bits

• 2 LRU bits (4 lines per set), to store relative ages of the 4 lines in each set


LRU Sample

 Let lines be numbered 0..3

 And accessed in the order x=0 miss, x=1 miss, 0 hit, x=2 miss, 0 hit, x=3 miss, 0 hit, and another miss

 Assume initially a cold cache, all lines in the cache are free

 Problem: Once all lines are filled (Valid bit is 1 for all 4 lines) some line must be retired (i.e. kicked out) to make room for the new paragraph x that caused a miss, but which?

 The answer is based on the LRU line (Least

Recently Used line), which is line 1


LRU Sample

 The access order, assuming all memory accesses are just reads (loads), no writes (no stores), i.e. dirty bit is always clear:

Read miss, all lines invalid, stream paragraph in line 0

Read miss (implies to a new address), stream another paragraph in line 1

Read hit on line 0

Read miss to a new address, store paragraph in line 2

Read hit, access line 0

Read miss, store paragraph in line 3

Read hit, access line 0

Now another Read miss, all lines valid, find line to retire

 Note that LRU age 00

2 and 11

2 is youngest for cache line 0, is the oldest line (AKA the least recently used line) for cache line 1, of the 4 relative ages out of 4 total lines


LRU Sample


LRU Sample

 Whenever an empty line is filled, its relative age is set to 00. It will be the youngest line. All others must be checked, some may be updated. This automatically avoids any of 4 lines ever growing as “old” as 4 or “older”. Detail:


Initially, in a partly cold cache , if we experience a miss and there is an empty line ( partly cold cache), the paragraph is streamed into the empty line, its relative age is set to 0, and all other ages are incremented by 1


In a warm cache (all lines are used) when a line of age X experiences a hit, its new age becomes 0.

But the ages of all other lines whose age is younger than that of X, all and only those ages are incremented by 1; i.e. older ones remain “older”


Compute Cache Size

Typical Cache Design Parameters:


Number of lines in set: K


Number of bytes in a line, Length of line: L


Number of sets in memory, and hence in cache: N


Policy upon memory write (cache write policy)


Policy upon read miss (cache read policy)


Replacement policy (e.g. LRU, random, FIFO, etc.)


Size (bits) = K *( 8 * L + tag + control bits ) * N


Compute Cache Size

Compute minimum number of bits of an 8-way, setassociative cache with 64 sets, using cyclic allocation of memory sets, cache line length of 32 bytes, using

LRU replacement. Use write-back. Memory is byte addressable, 32-bit addresses:


LRU 8-ways

= 32-5-6 = 21 bits

= 3 bits

Dirty bit

Valid bit

= 1 bit

= 1 bit

Overhead per line

# of lines

= 21+3+1+1

= K * N = 64*8 = 2 9

= 26 bits lines

Data bits per cache line= 32*8 = 2 8

Total cache size = 2 9 *(26+2 8 ) = 144,384

Byte size = ~141 kB


Trace Cache

 Trace Cache is a special-purpose cache that does not hold (raw) instructions, but instead stores predecoded operations (micro-ops)

 The old AMD K5 uses a Trace Cache (TC); see [1]

 Intel ’s Pentium ®

P4 uses a 12 k micro-op TC

 Advantages: faster access to executable bits at every cached instruction

 Disadvantage: less dense cache storage exploitation, i.e. wasted cache bits compared to a regular I-cache

 Note that cache bits are more costly than memory bits!

 Trace caches are falling out of favor in the 2010s


Trace Cache


Characteristic Cache Curve

 In graph below we use relative number of cache misses [RM] to avoid infinitely high abscissa

 RM = 0 is ideal case: No misses at all

 RM = 1 is worst case: All memory accesses are cache misses

 If a program exhibits good locality, relative cache size of 1 results in good performance; we use this as the reference point:

 Very coarsely, in some ranges, doubling the cache ’s size results in 30% less cache misses

 In others, doubling the cache results in a few % less misses: beyond the sweet spot!


Characteristic Cache Curve


Cache vs. Core on 22 nm Die



 A cache is a special HW storage device that allows fast access

 Its is costly, hence the size of a cache relative to the size of memory is small; cache holds a subset

 Frequently used data (or instruction in an I-cache) are copied in a cache, with the hope that the data present in the cache are accessed relatively frequently

 Miraculously, that is generally true, so caches in general do speed up execution despite slow memories

 Caches are organized into sets, with each set having 1 or more lines

 Defined portions of memory get mapped into any one of these sets



1. adid=29382&enterthread=y


Lam, M., E. E. Rothberg, and M. E. Wolf [1991]. "The Cache

Performance and Optimizations of Blocked Algorithms," ACM

0-89791-380-9/91, p. 63-74.





Kilburn, T., et al: “One-level storage systems, IRE Transactions,

EC-11, 2, 1962, p. 223-235.

