Argument Essay - West Ada School District

Name: _________________
Date: _________
Period: _____
Mrs. Dietrich
Unit 4: 8th grade ELA Summative Assessment: Argument Essay
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to look at both sides of an issue and present evidence that proves one
side to be more credible than the other. Remember this is an academic argument, so it should be based on fact and
logic. The goal is to express and share ideas about the novel and the choices that were made.
Requirements: 5 paragraph MLA formatted essay that includes:
Paragraph 1.
 An introductory paragraph with a solid thesis statement that states the topic, stance, and reasons which
will be addressed (your plan or a list of the three body paragraph topics).
Paragraphs 2-4.
 A minimum of 3 body paragraphs
o Each should contain a topic sentence
o Your claim (the point you are arguing)
o At least one direct quote, correctly cited
o The counter claim (what the opposition would argue)
o A rebuttal (how you disprove the counter claim)
o A transition sentence that moves the reader to your next idea
Paragraph 5.
 A concluding paragraph that summarizes your claims, and restates the thesis
Typed or handwritten on clean paper (must be extremely neat and in blue or black ink); illegible papers will
not be graded.
The Claim: This is your side of the argument, it is listed in your thesis and should be the bulk of each paragraph. It is
supported by textual evidence (citation) which is then explained.
The Counter Claim: This is how the opposition would argue that your point is invalid. It is directly related to your
claim and should be relatively short, only a sentence or two.
Rebuttal: This is how you rebuke or disprove the counter claim. It should be related to your original point and
relatively short as well.
Example Body Paragraph: (Written by Mr. Spurny)
The implementation of school uniforms greatly reduces disruptive and unsafe behavior. As schools become
overcrowded in many areas dangerous behavior becomes a greater concern for many school districts. Districts that
face this issue often look to school uniforms as a possible solution to the problem. In 1995 the Long Beach school
district implemented a school uniform policy, in one year they saw a 90% reduction in school suspensions, a 69%
drop in incidents of vandalism, and an overall crime rate reduction of 91% (School). The statists clearly show that
uniforms have a positive effect on the safety of schools. It is possible that other factors, such as urban renewal,
may have caused the drop in negative behavior. Factors such as urban renewal however are incapable of causing
such a dramatic drop in disruptive behavior. School uniforms have a direct impact on individual students every day
and increase the sense of community as well as the connections among individual students. Clearly uniforms should
be considered by districts looking to increase positive student behavior and achievement.
Name:___________________________ Date:_____________ Period:__________ Teacher: _Mrs. Dietrich_
Directions: CCSS: RI.8.2, RI.8.3, W.8.1.a-d
Using the novel A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, and the notes/outline created, write an argument essay that details a claim
and a counterclaim on one of the following topics. It must include a thesis statement on that topic (using the topic, stance,
and reasons), give three reasons and evidence for the claim, as well as a rebuttal and evidence for the counterclaim in each
paragraph with transitions, and a conclusion that re-words the thesis (claim statement) and ensures the audience truly
understands the claim being argued.
Topic Options:
1. Conor should have been punished for destroying his Grandmother’s sitting room.
2. Conor shouldn’t have beaten up Harry OR Conor shouldn’t be punished for beating up Harry.
3. Conor should/shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting it to be over.
4. Grandmother appears insensitive.
5. The Monster is real OR The Monster is imaginary.
Argument Writing Rubric Grade 8: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
Standards: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence (CCSS.W.1, Common Core State Standards for ELA, p. 42); Produce clear and
coherent writing in which the development, organization and style are appropriate to task purpose, and audience (CCSS.W.4, Common Core State Standards for ELA,
p. 43).
The claim is stated
using the topic, stance,
& reasons (grounds)
Subject, Stance and
Support are logically
linked to the three wellchosen paragraph
Complex claims are
well-developed, clearly
stated and
distinguished from
alternate or opposing
support/evidence for
the claims,
demonstrating a
understanding of the
topic or text with wellchosen evidence that is
skillfully integrated
using correct citations.
Subject, Stance and
Support are clear.
Three paragraph topics
are listed.
Subject, Stance and
Support are evident.
One or more paragraph
topics are missing.
Subject, Stance and
Support are unclear.
Paragraph topics are
not addressed.
Claims are focused and
consistent; clearly
stated and
distinguished from
alternate or opposing
Provides adequate
support/evidence for
the claims,
demonstrating an
understanding of the
topic or text with
relevant, logical
evidence that
integrates evidence
from sources with
generally correct
Claims are sometimes
clear, focused or
consistent; alternate or
opposing claims are
sometimes addressed.
Claims are unclear,
unfocused, inconsistent
or missing, and
alternate or opposing
claims are not
Provides little or no
support/evidence for
the claims,
demonstrating a lack of
understanding of the
topic or text and
frequently uses
irrelevant, repetitive, or
inadequate evidence;
lacking citations.
The writing has a clear
and effective
organizational structure
creating unity and
Language and
The writing uses
precise and topicspecific language and
maintains a
Conventions: The
writing demonstrates a
command of
conventions and
assigned format.
Claims, reasons, and
evidence are organized
into clear categories
with effective
Claims, reasons, and
evidence are organized
into categories with
appropriate transitions.
Use of topic-specific
vocabulary is clearly
appropriate for the
audience and purpose.
Use of topic-specific
vocabulary is generally
appropriate for the
audience and purpose.
Minimal errors/patterns
of error in usage,
sentence structure,
capitalization, spelling,
and format.
Some errors/patterns
of error in usage,
sentence structure,
capitalization, spelling,
and format.
errors/patterns of error
in usage, sentence
structure, punctuation,
capitalization, spelling,
and format.
Advanced 4: 90-100%
Proficient 3: 70-89%
Basic 2: 60-69%
The argument is
focused and clearly
states the claim(s).
Elaboration of
The claim is developed
and supported with
logical reasoning and
relevant evidence using
accurate, credible
Provides inadequate
support/evidence for
the claims,
demonstrating a partial
understanding of the
topic or text that uses
some irrelevant,
repetitive, or
inadequate evidence
with limited integration
of evidence from
sources with some
attempt at citations.
Claims, reasons, and
evidence are
organized into
categories with
Inconsistent use of
vocabulary that does
not acknowledge the
audience and purpose.
Claims, reasons, and
evidence are
unorganized without
logical transitions.
Lacks topic-specific
vocabulary which
leaves audience
Severe errors/patterns
of error in usage,
sentence structure,
capitalization, spelling,
and format interfere
with understanding.
Below Basic 1: 50-59%