Sector Analysis Labour Market Overview - Population 865,200 - Working Age 575,500 (66.1%) - Economic Activity 80.1% - 41,900 employers - 454,000 employees Contribution to GVA Contribution to GVA Economic Activity Unemployment - JSA Jobs Forecasts Business confidence: over the next 2-3 years, do you expect to… 1. Expand your business significantly? 39% 2. Expand your business a little? 46% 3. Stay the same? 13% 4. Contract your business a little? 3% 5. Contract your business significantly? 0% Source Thames Valley Berkshire LEP Roadshow What do you see as the most serious barriers to economic growth? Shortage of skills Transport issues –congestion Broadband speed availability Lack of affordable, high quality business premises Accessing finance Red tape Planning processes Source Thames Valley Berkshire LEP Roadshow Lack of affordable housing Other Location Development Sector No. of jobs Jobs breakdown Salary levels Expected timeline South Reading Tesco Distribution Centre Construction then distribution/vehicle maintenance/admin/ management 1200 615 warehouse/supe rvisory 200 HGV drivers 120 Management & admin 100 cleaning/caterin g (contracted out) £16500 days £20k nights £25k+ mgt Approved Sept, operational Sept 2012 Theale Ikea Retail 450 40% f/t 60% p/t 140 Sales 80 catering 80 logistics 80 checkout 40 management 30 Supervisory Team leaders from £15500 £6.72 ph Planning decision early 2012 W’ham Suttons Business Park Construction followed by distribution/vehicle maintenance/admin management 510 200 Drivers 200 warehouse 100 admin & clerical Admin £20k Distribution Planner £32k Shift Manager £35k Stock Control £25k Managers £27.5k Drivers £28k Warehouse £20k/£25k Planning permitted operational April 2012 South Reading Distribution Centre Construction followed by distribution/warehousing/ admin/management 450 Planning approved – new mixed use application expected South Reading Racino Construction/hospitality/ leisure 75 PP approved – operational within 12 months Bracknell Waitrose Retail 300 Opened Oct 2011 Bracknell Healthspace Health 160 Planning approved Bracknell Data centre building B8 use Circa 100 Planning approved Bracknell Warehouse/ Distribution B8 with small amount of independent offices (B1) Circa 75 Planning approved Reading Circle Hospital Health 120 On site- complete Dec 2011 Broad sectors Logistics – c 2300 Retail – c 600 Commercial/admin – c650 Catering/leisure – c 375 Health – c300 C4500Berks wide 2500+ Gtr Reading Total no of jobs Wokingham Town Centre Regeneration Construction followed by retail development 400 - 500 construction to start 2013 Winnersh Expansion of IQ Winnersh Construction and Office workers 2000-3000 Some activity underway Shinfield Science Park Construction work 200-300 Science park when complete c5000 First phase development could start late 2012 Wokingham Station Redevelopment Construction Work 100 Projected start date is 2014 Slough SEGRO – Trading Estate Mainly commercial mixed use 4,000 Approved Oct 2010, completion 2026 Reading Royal Mail sorting office Mixed use to include housing, commercial, retail, hospitality & leisure, hotels 900 Approved-staged development from 2013 Reading Station Hill Mixed use housing, commercial, retail, hospitality & leisure, hotels Not known PP approved – likely to be resubmitted Qualifications Berkshire Apprenticeship Starts All Ages – 1011 Data All ages 2010-11 Full Year 2009-10 Full Year 790 522 ↑ 51.3% 1, 320 691 ↑ 91.0% Slough 770 484 ↑ 59.0% West Berkshire 980 719 ↑ 36.3% Windsor and Maidenhead 630 448 ↑ 40.6% Wokingham 2, 500 2, 660 ↓ -6.2% Berkshire 6, 990 5, 524 ↑ 26.5% 56, 190 39, 121 ↑ 43.6% Local Authority Bracknell Forest Reading South East region 09-10 to 10-11 % change Sector Detail Construction - Number of employers: 4,215 Number of employees: 19,180 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 5 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Increase of 5% Current Provision: - 140 L2 apprenticeships and 100 L3 apprenticeships 1,700 course achievements 7% of total FE achievements Manufacturing - Number of employers: 1,833 Number of employees: 32,040 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 17 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Decrease of 9% Current Provision: - 130 courses at L2 750 achievements 3% of total FE achievements no apprenticeships Wholesale, Retail & Motor Trades - Number of employers: 6,894 Number of employees: 82,977 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 12 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Increase of 4% (distribution, hotels etc.) Current Provision: - 430 L2 apprenticeships and 120 L3 apprenticeships 2,090 course achievements 9% of total FE achievements Transport and Storage - Number of employers: 1,440 Number of employees: 18,335 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 13 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Increase of 0.1% (transport and communications) Current Provision: - 70 L2 apprenticeships achieved; 670 course achievements 0.1% of total FE achievements Accommodation and Food Services - Number of employers: 2,444 Number of employees: 27,448 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 11 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Increase of 4% (distribution, hotels etc.) Current Provision: - 120 apprenticeships at L2 20 at L3 achieved 900 course achievements 3.6% of total FE achievements Information and Communication - Number of employers: 5,431 Number of employees: 54,244 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 10 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Increase of 12% (Fin, Bus and other market services) Current Provision: - 130 apprenticeships at L2 210 at L3 achieved 2,740 course achievements 11% of total FE achievements Finance and Insurance - Number of employers: 921 Number of employees: 14,102 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 15 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Increase of 12% (Fin, Bus and other market services) Current Provision: - 20 L2 and 50 L3 apprenticeships 770 course achievements 3% of total FE achievements Property - Number of employers: 1,217 Number of employees: 5,669 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 5 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Increase of 12% (Fin, Bus and other market services) Current Provision: - No apprenticeships achieved 200 course achievements 1% of total FE achievements Professional, Scientific and Technical - Number of employers: 7,206 Number of employees: 49,671 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 7 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Increase of 12% (Fin, Bus and other market services) Current Provision: - 830 L2 and 640 L3 apprenticeships achieved 2,110 course achievements 9% of total FE achievements Business Administration and Support Services - Number of employers: 3,901 Number of employees: 42,177 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 11 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Increase of 12% (Fin, Bus and other market services) Current Provision: - 320 L2 and 90 L3 apprenticeships 1,620 course achievements 7% of total FE achievements Education - Number of employers: 1,015 Number of employees: 39,022 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 38 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Decrease of 0.4% (non-market services) Current Provision: - 10 L3 apprenticeships achieved 380 course achievements 2% of total FE achievements Health - Number of employers: 1,617 Number of employees: 34,814 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 22 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Decrease of 0.4% (non-market services) Current Provision: - 270 L2 and 210 L3 apprenticeships 5,260 course achievements 21% of total FE achievements Public Administration/Other - - Number of employers: 3,728 Number of employees: 42,444 E’er/E’ee avg ratio: 11 Forecast employment (2011-2016): Decrease of 0.4% (non-market services), decrease of 8% (agriculture) Current Provision: - 50 L2 and 10 L3 apprenticeships 2,020 course achievements 8% of total FE achievements How well informed are the partners of emerging sectors/jobs growth. How do we inform - - Careers Advisors Teachers Further Education Providers Parents Employers Conclusions -Commercial world ‘cautious’ -However c4500 private sectors jobs growth in 12 months -Growth brings opportunity and challenges -Use LMI to - Inform and influence Target interventions eg pan Berkshire apprenticeship campaign -Skills remains biggest barriers to growth – these can be imported though -Shout about growth – open for business