<Cover> Wind Atlas for South Africa <Insert Logos for DoE, WASA, SAWEP, Royal Danish Embassy, GEF, UNDP, SANEDI, CSIR, UCT CSAG, SAWS, DTU Wind Energy> <Inner Cover> Published By South African National Energy Development Institute Address Second Floor, Block E, 150 Linden Street, Strathavon, Sandton Printed in South Africa By Impumelelo Print Solutions (Pty) Ltd Wind Atlas of South Africa Contact Details Address: Second Floor, Block E, 150 Linden Street, Strathavon, Sandton Tel: +27 (0)11 038 4346 or (0)11 038 4301 Website: www.wasaproject.info Copyright 2015 © Wind Atlas for South Africa All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder. ISBN: 978-0-620-63781-7 Disclaimer This document was prepared as an account of work done for the Wind Atlas of South Africa Project. Neither the sponsors, the agency thereof, nor any of their employees or the authors make any warranty, express or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represent that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or favouring by the sponsors or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the sponsors or agency thereof. <Title Page> Wind Atlas for South Africa South African National Energy Development Institute 2015 MINISTER’S FOREWORD Ms Tina Joemat-Pettersson – allow a spread <Insert Pic and signature where appropriate> DANISH AMBASSADOR AND UNDP COUNTRY DIRECTOR PRELUDE Allow a spread PREFACE vi CONTENTS MINISTER’S FOREWORD ........................................................................................................... IV DANISH AMBASSADOR AND UNDP COUNTRY DIRECTOR PRELUDE ............................................. V PREFACE .................................................................................................................................. VI CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................... VII 1 SOUTH AFRICA AS A MAJOR WIND RESOURCE SITE ........................................................... 1 1.1 BACKGROUND ..............................................................................................................................1 1.2 THE IMPORTANCE OF ASSESSING WIND RESOURCES FOR SOUTH AFRICA .......................................1 1.3 DEFINING THE PROJECT AREA .......................................................................................................3 2 BEHIND THE SCENES ......................................................................................................... 5 3 A SET OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................... 6 4 ABOUT THE WASA PROJECT .............................................................................................. 7 4.1 WP1 – MESOSCALE WIND MODELLING ..........................................................................................7 4.2 WP2 – WIND MEASUREMENTS .....................................................................................................7 4.3 WP3 – MICROSCALE WIND MODELLING ........................................................................................8 4.4 WP4 – APPLICATION FOR WIND RESOURCE ASSESSMENT ..............................................................8 4.5 WP5 – EXTREME WINDS ...............................................................................................................8 4.6 WP6 – DOCUMENTATION AND DISSEMINATION ...........................................................................9 5 EXPECTED OUTCOMES .................................................................................................... 10 6 A SOLID METHODOLOGY................................................................................................. 11 7 IT’S ALL ABOUT RESULTS ................................................................................................. 13 7.1 WP1 MESOSCALE MODELLING (UCT CSAG, DTU WIND ENERGY)................................................... 13 7.1.1 The NWA Explained .............................................................................................................................. 15 7.1.2 Seasonal and Daily Cycles ..................................................................................................................... 16 7.1.3 Final Reports and Data for WP1 ........................................................................................................... 18 7.2 WP2 WIND MEASUREMENTS (CSIR, DTU WIND ENERGY) ............................................................. 19 vii 7.2.1 Final Reports and Data for WP2 ........................................................................................................... 23 7.3 WP3 AND WP4 MICROSCALE MODELLING AND APPLICATION (CSIR, DTU WIND ENERGY) ............. 24 7.3.1 Metadata .............................................................................................................................................. 28 7.3.2 Reports, Data and Training Materialf for WP3 and WP4...................................................................... 28 7.4 WP5 EXTREME WIND ATLAS (SAWS, DTU WIND ENERGY) ............................................................ 29 7.4.1 Final Reports and Data WP5 ................................................................................................................. 30 7.5 WP6 DOCUMENTATION AND DISSEMINATION (SANEDI).............................................................. 31 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 7.5.4 7.5.5 7.5.6 7.5.7 7.5.8 7.5.9 Web Presence since September 2010 .................................................................................................. 31 Website User statistics (May 2014) ...................................................................................................... 31 Workshops ............................................................................................................................................ 32 WASA Briefs .......................................................................................................................................... 32 Windaba Presentations ........................................................................................................................ 32 Final Wind Seminar 8 April 2014 .......................................................................................................... 32 Press releases ....................................................................................................................................... 33 IRENA Global Solar and Wind Atlas ...................................................................................................... 33 Projects referencing WASA ................................................................................................................... 33 7.6 CAPACITY BUILDING AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ...................................................................... 34 7.6.1 SAWS Capacity Building and Human Development ............................................................................. 34 7.6.2 UCT (CSAG) Capacity Building and Human Development .................................................................... 34 7.6.3 CSIR Capacity Building and Human Development ................................................................................ 35 7.6.4 DTU Wind Energy Capacity Building and Human Development........................................................... 35 7.6.5 Capacity Building and Human Development in Measurements ........................................................... 35 7.6.6 Capacity Building and Human Development in Microscale Modelling ................................................ 36 7.6.7 Seminars for Capacity Building and Human Development................................................................... 36 7.6.8 Teaching of the WASA Data for Capacity Building and Human Development ..................................... 36 7.6.9 International Conferences and Presentations for Capacity Building and Human Development ......... 37 7.6.10 Conference Papers Published for Capacity Building and Human Development .................................. 37 7.6.11 Publications Published for Capacity Building and Human Development ............................................. 37 7.6.12 Journal Articles Published for Capacity Building and Human Development ........................................ 38 7.6.13 Dissemination of WASA Results for Capacity Building and Human Development ............................... 39 7.6.14 Other Capacity Development Activities................................................................................................ 39 8 CONCLUDING REMARKS.................................................................................................. 40 APPENDICES: ........................................................................................................................... 41 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................ 41 ENDNOTES/REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 42 GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................................... 43 FURTHER READING .............................................................................................................................. 44 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 46 viii IMPLEMENTATION PARTNERS .............................................................................................................. 47 ix List of Tables Table 1: WASA wind measurement masts data recovery .....................................................................................................................22 Table 2: IEC 61400-1 turbine classification scheme ..............................................................................................................................29 List of Figures Figure 1: Wind resource assessments are important .............................................................................................................................2 Figure 2: Wind resource assessments are important .............................................................................................................................3 Figure 3: WASA Phase 1 Project Area: Western Cape and Parts of Northern and Eastern Cape Provinces ............................................4 Figure 4: The WASA methodology ........................................................................................................................................................12 Figure 5: ................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Figure 6: A screenshot of the VNWA Google interface tadpole ............................................................................................................14 Figure 7: VNWA for South Africa, based on WRF, was launched in April 2014 (generalised wind climate – flat terrain, 3 km x 3 km resolution) ............................................................................................................................................................................................15 Figure 8: The WRF-based NWA agrees well between the measured wind speed and direction distribution. ......................................16 Figure 9: WM01 comparison of the wind speed at 62 m AGL ..............................................................................................................17 Figure 10: Features of WASA masts ......................................................................................................................................................21 Figure 11: The measure wind data is used to create the wind statistics ..............................................................................................23 Figure 12: Resolution is important for the real wind energy potential .................................................................................................25 Figure 13: The microscale modelling at the WASA met mast ...............................................................................................................25 Figure 14: Large scale high resolution wind resource map was launched in April 2014 (local wind climate, 250 m resolution) and shows the mean wind speed ................................................................................................................................................................26 Figure 15: Large scale high resolution wind resource map was launched in April 2014 (local wind climate, 250 m resolution) and shows the mean wind power density ...................................................................................................................................................27 Figure 16: Verification using measurements at 10 masts .....................................................................................................................27 Figure 17: 10 minute wind speed [m/s] at 10 m above ground level (standard conditions) over last 50 years ...................................30 Figure 18: 2-3s gust speed [m/s] at 10 m above ground level (standard conditions) over last 50 years ..............................................30 x 1 SOUTH AFRICA AS A MAJOR WIND RESOURCE SITE 1.1 Fast Fact BACKGROUND 1 In 2003 the Department of Energy’s (DoE) Capacity Building Project in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (CaBEERE), which was funded by the Danish, commissioned the Review of Wind Energy Resource Studies in South Africa2 study. This study reviews wind energy resource studies and estimates if the potential of the resources discussed in these studies are correct. Conclusions drawn by this study include: “The accuracy of the prediction of wind energy resource at potential sites based on the present wind atlases is very poor. The main reason is the location of the weather measuring masts close to buildings and other obstacles. Therefore the present wind atlases should not be used to predict the energy output at potential sites to be used in feasibility studies.” Wind speed determines the amount of power in the wind . Wind power (P) is directly proportional to the wind speed cubed (U3) P α U3 P = ½U3 [W/ m2] (watt per square meter), = wind density When you apply this formula and multiply the wind speed by two or divide the wind speed by two, the power in the wind will multiply by eight or divide by eight. The amount of energy a wind turbine produces depends on the power (P) in the wind and the efficiency of the wind turbine (C). The efficiency of the wind turbine is specified for each wind turbine as a function of the wind speed at hub height (the distance from the ground to the hub which connects the wind turbine blades its main shaft). It is therefore very important that we determine the wind speed accurately at or near the hub height of a wind turbine. “The accuracy of the resource estimates may be improved significantly by establishing a network of high quality wind measurements including at least 30 m masts.” The study also revealed that South Africa has potential sites with wind resources that are equal to wind resources at sites around the world that have been exploited for large scale wind power projects. This finding agrees with the findings of another study conducted for the African Development Bank, Strategic Study of Wind Energy Deployment in Africa3, which hails South Africa as having the best wind resource in Africa (out of 15 African countries). “South Africa one of 15 African countries with the best wind resource in Africa.” 1.2 THE IMPORTANCE OF ASSESSING WIND RESOURCES FOR SOUTH AFRICA It is mainly important to assess the wind resources correctly because if the data is e.g. only 10% wrong, the calculation of the amount of energy produced could be up to 28% wrong (P α U3) . An error of such a magnitude would result in cost-benefits being incorrectly determined for: 1 Investment costs Operation and maintenance costs Formerly the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) See Reference (Review of Wind Energy Resource Studies in South Africa, 2003) 3 See Reference (Strategic Study of Wind Energy Deployment in Africa, 2004, Africa Development Bank) 2 Electricity production Turbine lifetime Environmental benefits Incorrectly assessing the wind resources will also result in the modelling output being incorrect.. It is also important to assess the wind resources as: Energy, electricity and sustainable solutions are needed The development of power systems are long-term efforts Need to look for the best place for wind resources Need to plan, implement and operate the power systems for time and place wind power distributions Traditional climatology models do not give the required answers for wind resources Data on wind is not adequately available and or of poor quality4 The figures below also show the importance of assessing the wind resource. “An error of such a magnitude would result in cost-benefits being incorrectly determined.” Figure 1: Wind resource assessments are important 4 See Reference (Wind atlas methodology – the why and the how. Mid-term workshop, 14 and 16 March 2012.) Figure 2: Wind resource assessments are important “The WASA Phase 1 project covers The Western Cape Provinces and certain areas of the Northern Cape and Eastern Cape provinces.” 1.3 DEFINING THE PROJECT AREA The WASA Phase 1 project covers The Western Cape Provinces and certain areas of the Northern Cape and Eastern Cape provinces. The site selection was aimed at choosing the best sites to fulfil the criteria for verifying the Numerical Wind Atlas (NWA).5 The criteria for which sites would work best were:6 5 6 Topography Including mountains, escarpments, hills, gradient of hills, distance to mountain ranges, valleys Roughness Such as vegetation, forests, agricultural land, distance to towns and cities Communication Such as GSM network, radio modem and satellite Infrastructure Such as access, roads, building material and concrete Distance to power grid Sensitive areas See Reference (Hansen, J.C. and Mortensen, N.G. 2014, Report on Measurements.) See Reference (Hansen, J.C. and Mortensen, N.G. 2014, Report on Measurements.) Such as airports, nature reserves, game parks, bird migration routes, bats, SANO Land ownership Such as private, trust, government, local authority and tribal Land classification Such as industrial or agricultural. The positions were carefully chosen to cover the WASA domain, to be in the representative terrain types and climatology found in the domain and to be suitable for modelling. They were not chosen because they were the windiest or the best locations for wind farms.7 The end result of this WASA project is to allow large-scale use of wind energy in South Africa. “The end result of this WASA project is to allow large-scale use of wind energy in South Africa.” Figure 3: WASA Phase 1 Project Area: Western Cape and Parts of Northern and Eastern Cape Provinces 7 See Reference (WASA Training Presentation Slides Final) 2 BEHIND THE SCENES The Wind Atlas for South Africa (WASA) Project commenced in 2009 as an initiative of the South African Department of Minerals and Energy (DME). The South African Wind Energy Programme (SAWEP) was the principal funder and received funding from the Royal Danish Embassy (DKK9 998 441.20) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) (R8 million), with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The project’s Executing Partner is the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI), and the project’s Implementation Partners are: The South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) The University of Cape Town (UCT) Climate Systems Analysis Group (CSAG) The South African Weather Service (SAWS) The Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark (DTU Wind Energy) The Project Steering Committee guiding the project’s implementation is comprised of the DoE (Chair), SAWEP, UNDP, Danish Embassy, SANEDI, South African Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA). The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) is comprised of SANEDI (Chair) and the various implementation partners. Together, they are responsible for implementing the project. The PIU Chair (SANEDI) reports to, and is a member of, the Project Steering Committee. “The PIU Chair reports to, and is a member of, the Project Steering Committee.” WASA Project Project Steering Committee: DoE (Chair), SAWEP. UNDP, Danish Embassy, SANEDI, DST and DEA SANEDI PIU Chair CSIR UCT CSAG SAWS DTU Wind Energy UNDP Funding Implementation Partner GEF Executing Partner SAWEP PIU Royal Danish Embassy DoE 3 A SET OBJECTIVE Through capacity development and research co-operation, The WASA project’s main objective is to develop and employ numerical (modelled) wind atlas methods. In using these methods, the project also aims to develop capacity so that the long-term planning of using large-scale wind power in South Africa can take place. This includes dedicated wind resource assessment and siting tools for planning purposes. The siting tools used when planning are: Physical wind measurements Numerical (modelled) wind atlases Databases for South Africa “The WASA project’s main objective is to develop and employ numerical (modelled) wind atlas methods.” 4 ABOUT THE WASA PROJECT The WASA Project consists of six Work Packages (WPs). The items to be completed for each package are summarised in this chapter. Fast Facts: Just list the WASA work packages titles WP1,…..WP6 “The WASA Project consists of six Work Packages (WPs).” WP1 – MESOSCALE WIND MODELLING 4.1 The initial model set up and the preliminary calculations form part of the first work package. This involved the downscaling from global datasets to regional data with the KAMM method and the WRF model. Wind classes Terrain elevation Terrain roughness Model configuration Statistical or dynamic downscaling (Karlsruhe Atmospheric Mesoscale Model [KAMM] / Weather Research and Forecasting [WRF] / Weather System and Assessment Programme (WAsP)] Dynamical downscaling (WRF) Methods for satellite data input to mesoscale models Post-processing of mesoscale outputs which are coupled to microscale models Analysing the mesoscale results versus the measured data Creation of a numerical wind atlas (NWA) for the Western Cape and areas of the Northern and Eastern Cape Training, including the exchange of PhD Theses WP2 – WIND MEASUREMENTS 4.2 The most important objective of the second work package was to get high quality wind measurements over three years from the 10 masts in order to verify the mesoscale modelling. Design of wind measuring system Design of data acquisitions by GSM Procurement, shipment, customs clearance, tax and Value Added Tax (VAT) exemption and necessary import permits Survey, screening and selection (if appropriate) of the existing data from private measurements, agreement and confidentiality, and value of data Siting and necessary approvals Consideration of appropriate mast design Construction and installation Recalibration Operation, security and data collection Data analyses Technical training on upgrading to wind energy related measurement systems “The most important objective of the second work package was to get high quality wind measurements over three years.” WP3 – MICROSCALE WIND MODELLING 4.3 During this work package, microscale modelling was carried out for the 10 chosen meteorological stations to create an observational wind atlas for each mast. Wind speed and the distribution of the direction Terrain elevation Terrain roughness Sheltering obstacles WAsP modelling Analysing the microscale results versus the measured data Creation of Observational Wind Atlases for selected measurement sites in South Africa WAsP training which will consists of Training of Trainers (ToT) WP4 – APPLICATION FOR WIND RESOURCE ASSESSMENT 4.4 This work package concerns the use of the results for actual applications particular for those parties that are not part of the project. Mid-term workshops for invited stakeholders from authorities, planners, developers, banks, scientists, etc. Develop tools, such as guidelines and training materials, for the CSIR courses on how to use the NWA for wind resource assessment Course for trainers Microscale resource map for 30-50% of the modelled areas in the three provinces, including integration as a Geographic Information System (GIS) layer Seasonal variation of wind resources at the mast locations Final workshops and ToTs for invited stakeholders, including opportunities for application in determining extreme wind climate, seasonal forecasting and anything which is not wind energy WP5 – EXTREME WINDS 4.5 During this work package, the project was further developed and methods related to the exploitation of the first three work packages’ results were applied. This resulted in an estimation of the extreme wind climate of South Africa. Develop tools and guidelines Course for trainers Workshops as technical working sessions and progress reporting for PIU Better understanding of the estimation of extreme winds Capacity development of theoretical aspects of extreme wind estimation Application of mesoscale modelling results to the estimation of an extreme wind climate of the project area WP6 – DOCUMENTATION AND DISSEMINATION 4.6 During the last work package, the WASA project will be presented at conferences, seminars, published and distributed through websites: Prepare and disseminate research publications of the results of the twinning programme, including the final book and homepage publication Prepare national wind seminars for dissemination of the results of the twinning programme Establish and document research co-operation between South African and international wind research partners 5 EXPECTED OUTCOMES The expected projects outcomes can be summarised in 11 notions: A NWA and database for the Western Cape Province and selected areas of the Northern Cape and Eastern Cape Provinces, including seasonal variations and resource maps prepared for introduction as a GIS layer A microscale resource map and database for 30-50% of the modelled areas in the three provinces A map and database of extreme wind climates of the modelled areas in the three provinces 10 high-quality wind measurement masts and data collection are operational A minimum of two mid-term and two end-term workshops for invited participants in the application of the NWA and database The CSIR established as a resource centre for microscale modelling The UCT established as a resource centre for mesoscale modelling Training tools and software Research publications of the results of the twinning programme, including the final book and homepage publication A minimum of one national wind seminar for dissemination of the results of the twinning programme The establishment and documentation of research co-operation between South African and international research partners “One of the expected project outcomes is a microscale resource map and database for 30-50% of the modelled areas in the three provinces.” 6 A SOLID METHODOLOGY Mesoscale models, which were developed for numerical weather prediction and have been used more and more since the 1990s. The calculation of these models have also been refined and validated in the calculation and numerical (modelled) wind atlases have been developed for Europe, Egypt, Canada, the United States, China, India, etc. Studies shown that if you use appropriate mesoscale and microscale models, you can calculate and develop wind atlases which cover large geographical areas in much less time and cost than when you do not use these models. This is because it extends the wind atlas beyond physical wind monitoring. However physical wind monitoring is still required to verify the numerical wind atlas (NWA). The mesoscale model uses a variety of global, geophysical and meteorological databases such as the reanalysis database. This database is a gridded historical weather data set produced by the United States National Centres for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) to calculate regional wind atlases and the database is presented in a numerical wind atlas. Decision makers, planners, utility personnel, developers and those providing finances can identify potential wind development areas if they integrate local wind climate data with the data from the electricity networks. Incorporating surface effects such as local topography, roughness, obstacles, called microscale modelling (high resolution), enables you to estimate the local wind climates and to identify wind hot spots for wind farm planning, layout and wind resource assessment. “If you use appropriate mesoscale and microscale models, you can calculate and develop wind atlases which cover large geographical areas in much less time and cost.” Figure 4: The WASA methodology Figure 5: 7 IT’S ALL ABOUT RESULTS The WASA results are divided into six work packages as well as the capacity building and human development. These are: WP1 mesoscale modelling – carried out by UCT GCAG and the DTU Wind Energy WP2 wind measurements – carried out by CSIR and DTU Wind Energy WP3 microscale modelling and WP 4 application – carried out by CSIR and DTU Wind Energy WP5 extreme wind atlas – carried out by SAWS and DTU Wind Energy WP6 documentation and dissemination – carried out by SANEDI Capacity building and human development These WASA results are summarised below according to these divisions and you are welcome to download and read the original reports and data by following the provided links. The NWA is the main result of the mesoscale modelling based on the WRF model in April 2014. The responsible parties for WP1 are UCT CSAG and DTU Wind Energy. 7.1 WP1 MESOSCALE MODELLING (UCT CSAG, DTU WIND ENERGY) The NWA is the main result of the mesoscale modelling based on the WRF model in April 2014. The measured data from the 10 WASA wind measurement stations verified the result which resulted in a Verified Numerical Wind Atlas (VNWA). You can apply this VNWA to more than the 10 WASA mast areas and can even apply it to the whole WASA modelling domain with data every 3 km x 3 km that corresponds to about 40 000 points of data (or “virtual masts) covering the WASA area. You can directly use this VNWA with most of the standard software that is used to assess wind resources, such as WasP. These resources are used to plan wind farms and to site. “You can directly use this VNWA data with most of the standard software that is used to assess wind resources.” Fast Facts The Deputy Minister of Energy launched the first VNWA that was based on the KAMM method at the WASA workshop in March 2012. The KAMM-WAsP method underestimated the generalised mean wind speeds at the sites with an absolute mean error of 9.29.Whereas the the WRF-based method results in an absolute mean error of only 4.75Thereby the WRF method generates wind time series data. Therefore the WASA results used the WRF based NWA and wind time series data *average of the absolute errors Figure 6: VNWA for South Africa, based on WRF, was launched in April 2014 (generalised wind climate – flat terrain, 3 km x 3 km resolution) The VNWA database can be accessed through Google Earth interface (Tadpole) here: http://wasaclimates.eu/Tadpole/Viewer?gid=08aee5e5-e31f-416a-ad12-9a7a4d26f92e Figure 7: A screenshot of the VNWA Google interface tadpole The Numerical Wind Atlas User Guide provides A step by step instruction on how you can access the database’s assumptions, usage and limitations Instructions on why the microscale resource modelling is important for assessing detailed wind resources and for planning wind farms You can access this guide at the following link: http://stel-apps.csir.co.za/wasa-data/docs/WIND_ATLAS_GUIDE.pdf 7.1.1 The NWA Explained The NWA that is based on the WRF method not only agrees excellently with the average measured wind speed but also with the measured wind speed and direction distributions “The NWA that is based on the WRF method agrees excellently with the average measured wind speed, wind speed and direction distributions.” Figure 8: The WRF-based NWA also shows good agreement l with the wind speeds and wind directions distributions 7.1.2 Seasonal and Daily Cycles The WRF regional model gives data on wind that occurs at the same time with the data from the 10 WASA wind measurement masts. For most masts, the period the data were collected overlaps for three years. However, the data for some of the masts are missing. The WRF wind data of each of the 10 WASA measurement masts is verified to have wind speeds at 62 m Altitude Above Ground Level (AGL). The daily and yearly cycles of the wind speed at each of the masts are compared with the data collected from the corresponding WRF-based grid cell in which that mast would be situated. For each of the 10 masts the following assessments were made: Histogram of wind speed, seasonal cycle, daily cycle (see fig 9) Summary statistics Mean bias Root mean squared error (RMSE) Mean absolute cycle bias (this is the mean absolute difference between the daily cycles across the seasonal cycles) A Pearson’s correlation coefficient* (see table 1) * linear correlation coefficient Figure 9: WM01 comparison of the wind speed at 62 m AGL The above figure shows: The wind speed distribution (top left) The mean seasonal cycle (top centre) The mean daily cycle (top right) in the mast measurements (blue) and in the WRF model simulations (green). The mean wind speed (ms−1) at 62 m AGL as a function of the time of the day and the month of the year for the mast observations (bottom left) and the WRF simulations (bottom right) The mean bias, RMSE and mean absolute cycle bias are calculated using the data collected every hour. The Pearson correlation is calculated using the data collected every hour, day and month for the wind speed averages. Table 1: Summary statistics at the 10 mast sites Mast WM01 WM02 Mean Bias (ms-1) -0.04 0.47 RMS (ms-1) 2.4 2.5 Mean absolute cycle bias (ms-1) 0.46 0.61 Hourly 0.78 0.74 Pearson correlation coefficient Daily Monthly 0.82 0.87 0.87 0.88 Mast WM03 WM04 WM05 WM06 WM07 WM08 WM09 WM10 Mean Bias (ms-1) -0.46 0.04 -0.65 0.45 -0.14 -0.08 0.42 -0.02 RMS (ms-1) 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.4 2.7 Mean absolute cycle bias (ms-1) 0.52 0.48 0.66 0.55 0.38 0.47 0.45 0.66 Hourly 0.78 0.83 0.86 0.79 0.72 0.76 0.84 0.74 Pearson correlation coefficient Daily Monthly 0.85 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.86 0.89 0.91 0.83 0.90 0.97 0.89 0.91 0.78 0.86 0.97 0.89 The WRF model data agrees excellent (near unity 1.0 Pearson correlation coefficients) with the hourly, daily and monthly measured wind speed averages The WRF model data agrees excellent (near unity 1.0 Pearson correlation coefficient) with the hourly, daily and monthly measured wind speed averages The wind time series are particularly useful: To study the yearly, seasonal and daily variations in wind resources As input for the power system modelling The WRF time series data (. the hourly mean wind speed and direction from 1 September 1990 to 31 December 2012) can be downloaded by visiting log in at http://wasadata.csir.co.za/wasa1/WASAData To study the geographical cross correlation of wind across South Africa For long-term corrections of the wind resources given by the WRF wind climate files 7.1.3 Final Reports and Data for WP1 A final report was created for the first work package, named the Mesoscale Modelling for the Wind Atlas of South Africa (WASA) Project. The report documents the results of the two NWA developed for the WASA project and looks at the way the two atlases were created: one was created using the KAMM-WAsP method, while the other was created using the WRF model. The report indicates that both methods result in a slightly different estimate of the wind climate and there are uncertainties in terms of the results. You can access the report by going to the links below: http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/final_reports/WP1/WASA1Mesoscale_April2014.pdf The main result of WP2 was to collect quality measurements from the 10 installed wind masts. WP2 was carried out by the CSIR and DTU Wind Energy. 7.2 WP2 WIND MEASUREMENTS (CSIR, DTU WIND ENERGY) The Minister of the DoE launched 10 wind measurement masts (WM1 to WM10, see Table 2) at the second Annual Wind Energy Seminar in September 2010, after they were installed according to the Independent Electrical Commission (IEC) and Measnet standards. These masts have been operational since their launch. Fast Facts The 10 masts are located at Alexander Bay, Calvinia, Vredendal, Vredenburg, Napier, Sutherland, Beaufort West, Humansdorp, Nouport and Butterworth. The tenth mast was completed on 17 September 2010 and the three-year measurement period only started once this mast was completed. CSIR indicated that the time to install instruments on a mast was improved from taking two days to only taking five hours at the tenth mast. Wind data was stored in MYSQL database of the Rodeo* database management system after which it was displayed on the websiteStringent quality assurance process was applied to the WASA date after which it was published on the the website. The preferred mast type for the WASA measurements was a narrow, triangular, lattice mast. * Risø Online Database for Environmental Observations The 5 m height contour elevation maps for the site inspection and description were derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 3 arcsecond data. Table 2: WASA mast site information Site Closest town Dominant wind directions derived from SAWS General boom directions WM01 Alexander Bay E-W WM02 WM03 Calvinia Vredendal WM04 Vredenburg WM05 Napier WM06 Sutherland WM07 Beaufort West WM08 WM09 Humansdorp Noupoort WM10 Butterworth South (Alexander Bay) E/W (Calvinia) NW and SSE (Namaqua Sands) S and SSW (Langebaanweg W and E (Struisbaai and Hermanus) W to E no dominant in reanalysis p gradient E, ENE (Beaufort west, SW, SSW WSW (Tsitsikamma) SSW, NNW (Noupoort) SSW-W (Umtata) Wind Atlas mast information General Latitude Longitude anemometer (degrees, (degrees, direction minutes, minutes, seconds) seconds) W -28°36’06”S 16°39’51”E Latitude (decimal degrees) Longitude (decimal degrees) A.m.s.i Magnetic declination (degrees Data start date (15 m mast) -28.601882 16.664410 152 -19.5 2010/06/23 NW-SA WNWESE E-W SE ESE -31°31’29”S -31°43’49”S 19°21’38”E 18°25’11”E -31.524939 -31.730507 19.360747 18.419916 824 241 -24.5 -24.2 2010/06/30 2010/06/24 W -32°50’46”S 18°06’33”E -32.846328 18.109217 22 -23.4 2010/05/18 N-S S -34°36’42”S 19°41’32”E -34.611915 19.692446 288 -26.0 N-S N -32°33’24”S 20°41’28”E -32.556798 20.691243 1581 -24.9 (2010/02/11)/ 2010/05/20 2010/09/17 NW-SE SE -32°58’00”S 22°33’24”E -32.966723 22.556670 1047 -26.1 2010/05/28 NW-SE WSWENE NNE-SSW SE WSW -34°06’35”S -31 °15’09”S 24°30’51”E 25°04’42”E -34.109965 -31.252540 24.514360 25.028380 110 1806 -29.6 -24.9 2010/08/04 2010/09/01 SSW -32°05’26”S 28°08’09”E -32.090650 28.135950 925 -28.9 2010/08/05 20 “The Minister of the DoE launched 10 wind measurement masts in September 2010.” Features of WASA Wind Measurement masts Instrumentation arranged to minimise errors and uncertainties due to flow distortion Proven sensors of high quality and individuality calibrated Regular maintenance Anemometers at five different heights: 10 m, 20 m, 40 m, 60 m and 65 m Wind vanes at two heights: 20 m and 60 m Temperature and pressure sensors Data recovered at 10 minute average intervals Turbulence calculated and recorded Data downloaded and checked regularly to minimise loss of data or data gaps You can access the WASA mast site information by going to http://stel-apps.csir.co.za/wasadata/docs/Mast_Site_Info.pdf Rodeo has been installed and is operational at the CSIR branch in Stellenbosch. It is system which manages data and stores online measurement data in a MYSQL database. The data is automatically displayed on a website from this MYSQL database. The online graphs on this website can be viewed at http://www.wasa.csir.co.za You can access this data form the website after the quality has been checked by going to http://wasadata.csir.co.za/wasa1/WASAData Figure 10: Features of WASA masts Table 3: WASA wind measurement masts data recovery WASA Umean @ 61.9 m 1 YEAR [m/s] 5.86 6.21 7.09 6.59 8.64 7.02 6.85 7.36 7.58 6.55 WM01 WM02 WM03 WM04 WM05 WM06 WM07 WM08 WM09* WM10* Umean mean wind speed U difference Umean 1 year and Umean 3 years Umean @ 61.9 m 3 YEARS* [m/s] 6.06 6.14 7.14 6.71 8.56 7.36 6.93 7.34 8.22 6.55 U Data recovery [%] 2.7 -1.8 0.0 0.9 -0.8 1.6 0.3 0.3 3.0 0.0 [%] 100 93.4 100 100 98.6 99.9 97.0 100 99.7 98.8 * 2-year periods for WM09 and WM10: WM09: 2010-10 to 2013-09 minus the year 2011. WM10: 2011-03 to 2012-02 plus 2012-10 to 2013-09. Table 3 shows a minimum % difference in mean wind speed for some of the WASA sites for the 1st year and after 3 years measurement with an excellent data recovery rate. The measured wind data is used to create the statistics of the wind at each of the WASA meteorological stations that are used to verify the NWA. Figure 11: The measure wind data is used to create the wind statistics 7.2.1 Final Reports and Data for WP2 Three final reports were created for the second work package. These were: WASA WP2 Report on Training WASA Report on Measurements WASA Station and Site Description Report The Report on Training covers the training which was required as part of WP2 and which was provided by DTU. Training was provided on the correct methods for setting up and installing the hardware on the mast to ensure the measurements are of a high quality and on the Rodeo database and quality control system. The User’s Manual for Rodeo is also provided. “Training was provided on the correct methods for setting up and installing the hardware on the mast to ensure the measurements are of a high quality.” The Report on Measurements concerns the importance of good quality data as this is key to a good and accurate wind atlas. It documents the three-year measurement campaign and includes all the aspects related to the measurements, including the mast positions, design of the masts, the instruments to be used and the layout. The best practices for the measurements are also provided. Finally, the Station and Site Description Report discusses findings of the site inspections to the 10 mast sites which were carried out by the CSIR and Risø DTU in 2011. These site inspections considered the quality of the mast installations and to collect the data needed for the analysis. The report concludes, among others, that the mast installations were mostly of a high standard and no changes were made to the installations during the site visits, except for removal of birds’ nests in a few places. . “The mast installations were mostly of a high standard.” You can download these reports by following the links below: http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/final_reports/WP2/WASA1Report%20on%20training_Apr2014.pdf http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/final_reports/WP2/WASA1Report%20on%20Measurements_Apr2014. pdf http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/final_reports/WP2/WASA1Station%20and%20Site%20Description%20R eport_April%202014.pdf WP3 AND WP4 MICROSCALE MODELLING AND APPLICATION (CSIR, DTU WIND ENERGY) observational wind atlases while WP4 mainly resulted in ways to apply the maps and data. These WPs were carried out by CSIR and DTU Wind Energy. The main result of WP3 was 10 7.3 The highest resolution for the wind atlases is important to resolve the real wind energy potential and create the wind resource maps. This is indicated in the figure below. Fast Facts Figure 12: Resolution is important for the real wind energy potential Figure 13: The microscale modelling at the WASA met mast The VNWA and the local terrain topography are used with the DTU WAsP Wind Resource Mapping Tool Frogfoot to create large scale high resolution (250 m resolution) wind resource maps. “The VNWA and the local terrain topography are used to create large scale high-resolution wind resource maps.” The outputs of the high-resolution maps are given below: Mean wind speed at 100 m and a resolution of 250 m Power density, terrain ruggedness index, etc. are also given as the modelling of the map is done with WAsP These high resolution maps that were based on the WRF model have been verified with the measured data from the 10 mast sits and are shown in Figure 16 and Figure 17. Figure 14: Large scale high resolution wind resource map was launched in April 2014 (local wind climate, 250 m resolution) and shows the mean wind speed Figure 15: Large scale high resolution wind resource map was launched in April 2014 (local wind climate, 250 m resolution) and shows the mean wind power density Figure 16: Verification using measurements at 10 masts “The high resolution wind resource map depicts the local wind climate that a wind turbine would encounter.” 7.3.1 Metadata The high resolution wind resource map depicts the local wind climate that a wind turbine would encounter. It also offers important benefits for developers, policy makers, utilities and the industry: Saving time and costs as the bankability of a potential wind farm site can now be estimated, before and wind measurements only to be undertaken for bankable wind sites. It levels the playing field between small and large industry players to identify and develop project sites for wind farms (wind hot spots). However, financiers still require physical wind measurements to confirm if a site identified for a wind farm project is bankable. The map assists the South African Government in estimating the real wind resource potential It identifies possible wind development zones in line with the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) studies or in line with frameworks. The Department of Environmental Affair’s SEA for Solar PV and Wind is an example of such an SEA studies and you can view it by going to http://www.csir.co.za/nationalwindsolarsea/ Long-term grid planning to connect with high potential wind development areas. Wind farm planning in position the wind turbines for optimal wind exposure The Beginners Guide to Microscale Modelling with the NWA provides Step by step instructions on how to use the NWA with the topography data to do microscale wind resource mapping If you want to access this guide, you can follow this link: http://stel-apps.csir.co.za/wasadata/docs/Beginners%20Guide%20to%20Microsacle%20Modelling%20using%20WAsP_v5.pdf 7.3.2 Reports, Data and Training Material for WP3 and WP4 For the third work package, the Observational Wind Atlas for 10 Meteorological Masts in Northern, Western and Eastern Cape Provinces report was developed and can be accessed by going to http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/final_reports/WP3/WASA1Observational%20Wind%20Atlas%20Report _April2014.pdf This report describes the microscale modelling that was done for the 10 meteorological masts, using the latest version of the Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP). This modelling was done to create the first observational wind atlas and it was concluded that the WAsP works well in South Africa., but that WAsP best practices should be followed. The fourth work package resulted in the reports, training and maps listed below: Best Practice Guide for Application of WASA A training course in applying the products of the WASA Project Detailed wind resource maps The Best Practice Guide for Application of WASA discusses the necessary information and instructions for interested parties to apply the WASA results. It briefly discusses the Wind Atlas Method, the application opportunities, how to apply the NWA to plan wind energy and wind farms, case studies on the application of the NWA and the best practices. The report concludes that the WRF-based NWA should be used and that there are various applications of the WASA project, including application for wind farm studies. “There are various applications of the WASA project.” The training course in applying the products of the WASA project concerned the planning, reviewing potential wind farm production and education for the purposes of teaching planners, assessors and students about wind atlases and, specifically, the Wind Atlas for South Africa. The course was divided into three themes: Theme 1 e.g. wind atlases Theme 2 e.g. the wind industry sector Theme 3 e.g. the WASA project You can download the WP4 reports and material by going to http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/WP4Applications.zip WP5 EXTREME WIND ATLAS (SAWS, DTU WIND ENERGY) WP5 mainly resulted in an Extreme Wind Atlas and was carried by SAWS and DTU Wind Energy. 7.4 Wind makes up most of the essential environmental loading that affects the structural design of South Africa’s built environment. You also need information on extreme winds when you design wind farms in places where there is relatively strong winds. The Extreme Wind Atlas shows the the 1 in 50 years 10-minute average wind speed which together with turbulence define the wind turbine class according to the IEC standard 61400-1. It is important that the appropriate wind turbine class is selected, especially in those places that have gusts of fast wind. Fast Facts Extreme winds are strong winds that can damage a turbine but do not frequently occur. So it is a wind speed that is, on average, exceeded only one in 50 years. The origins of strong winds are dominated by thunderstorms, cold fronts and a mixed strong wind climate. The generalised wind speed of the M5 (Napler) mast from 180° is 20.94 m/s. Wind data have been obtained from the original WRF data for 10 m, 15 m, 45 m, 75 m and 100 m. The maximum speed and the corresponding direction of the speed at each height for each grid point were collected. “It is important that the appropriate wind turbine class is selected, especially in those places that have gusts of fast wind.” Table 4: IEC 61400-1 turbine classification scheme Wind Turbine Class Vref (m/s) I 50 A Iref (-) 16% B Iref (-) 14% C Iref (-) 12% II 42.5 III 37.5 S Values specified by the designer Vref = 1:50 year 10 minute average speed at the hub height A, B and C = reference turbulence intensities Figure 17: 1 in 50 years, 10 minute wind speed [m/s] at 10 m above ground level (standard conditions) Figure 18: 1 in 50 years, 2-3s gust speed [m/s] at 10 m above ground level (standard conditions) 7.4.1 Final Reports and Data WP5 For this work package, the metadata for the Extreme Wind Atlas has been created. The Guidelines for Using the Extreme Wind Data from the Selective Dynamical Downscaling Method from April 2014 was also created. This guideline was created to get the design parameters required in the IEC standard and gives step by step indication of how the WEng software was used to calculate the 50-year return wind at a particular site at the hub height. You can download these documents, by following the links below: http://wasadata.csir.co.za/wasa1/WASAData (please note that login is required) http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/ExtremeAtlasGuide.pdf WP6 DOCUMENTATION AND DISSEMINATION (SANEDI) The main result of the sixth WP is to create awareness of the WASA Project and its results. This WP was carried out by SANEDI. 7.5 Awareness of the WASA Project is created through websites, workshops, WASA briefs, Windaba presentations, wind seminars, press releases, the IRENA Global Solar and Wind Atlas and other projects that reference the WASA project. These forms of communication are also used to share the information gathered by the WASA Project. You can follow the link below to access these: http://www.wasaproject.info/wind_energy_presentations.html 7.5.1 Web Presence since September 2010 The WASA project has had a web presence and the websites that make use of information from the WASA project is listed below: To view the online graphs, go to http://www.wasa.csir.co.za To download the data, got to http://wasadata.csir.co.za/wasa1/WASAData (please note that log in is required) To view the WASA information, go to http://www.wasaproject.info/ To read about the WRF model which forecasts wind speed, power density and direction of the wind over South Africa, go to http://veaonline.risoe.dk/wasa This model is the basis of the research based NWA. 7.5.2 Website User statistics (May 2014) The latest user statistics of the WASA website (http://www.wasaproject.info/) can be found below: 1537 - registered users 62 - countries 47670 - station data downloads 1055 - users that downloaded data 20 - Non-SA Governmental/Provincial/Municipal Agencies 21 - Non-SA Non-Profit Fast facts . At the EWEA in Barcelona in 2014, it was stated that the first preliminary wind atlas was made available in March 2012 and that the WRF-based research-based wind atlas will be made available for free when the WASA project is completed. At the first Windaba it was indicated that South Africa’s wind resource compares well with other countries with major wind energy developments and that large-scale wind energy developments should be possible with the land availability in South Africa. At the WASA Final Wind Seminar in 2014, the presentations included topics such as an overview and project introduction, a look at WP2, the microscale modelling and applications as well as case studies of WP3 and WP4 and the results of the WASA project. The first press release announced that the first wind resource map has been made available to the public and is based on the verified numerical WASA which was launched in March 2012. The second press release, at the end of the project, indicates that the second phase of the WASA project is expected to be completed in 2018. 198 - Non-SA Private Companies 79 - Non-SA Universities and Schools 12 - Non-SA Other 114 - SA Government/Provincial/Municipal Agencies 65 - SA Non-Profit 557 - SA Private Companies 185 - SA Universities and Schools 50 - SA Other 225 - Other 1112 - registered users 50 - countries 29440 - downloads 792 - users that downloaded data 7.5.3 Workshops Four workshops were completed since 2010 in order to distribute the information from the WASA Project and to make people aware of the project. These were: SAWEP Wind Atlas Workshop (completed on 4 March 2010) WASA Mid-Term Workshop (completed on 14 to 16 March 2012) DoE WASA Workshop (completed on 11 December 2012) SANEDI WASA Workshop (completed on 10 April 2014) “Four workshops were completed since 2010 in order to distribute the information from the WASA Project.” 7.5.4 Windaba Presentations Since 2011, three Windaba presentations were done every year, as shown below: In 2011, the Windaba was held in Cape Town on a comparative and quantitative assessment of South Africa’s wind resource – the WASA project. In 2012, the Windaba presentation concerned quantifying South Africa's wind resource – an update on the WASA project and verification against two years of measurements In 2013, the Windaba presented on large-scale, high-resolution wind resource mapping for strategic environmental assessment and wind farm planning and development 7.5.5 Final Wind Seminar 8 April 2014 A final wind seminar was presented on 8 April 2014 and was divided into three sections. The three sessions concerned: The WASA results An overview of the WASA project and the first two work packages Work package 3 to 5, including case studies. You can download the posters for this final seminar by going to http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/posters/ “A final wind seminar was presented on 8 April 2014.” 7.5.6 Press releases Two press releases were created to make people aware of the project. The first press release announced the launch of South Africa’s first large-scale, high-resolution wind resource map and notified people that the map would boost renewable energy efforts. This press release can be read in its entirety at http://www.sanews.gov.za/south-africa/wind-resource-map-boost-renewable-energy-efforts The second press release was released on 8 April 2014 and notified the public about the completion of the project with the final seminar of the WASA Phase 1 taking place. You can read this press release in its entirety at http://www.energy.gov.za/files/media/pr/2014/PressRelease-WASA-Seminar-08April2014.pdf 7.5.7 IRENA Global Solar and Wind Atlas WASA supports the DoE and the DoE Minister with the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and is a technical partner in the IRENA Global Solar and Wind Atlas initiative. You can find out more about the other partners of the IRENA Global Solar and Wind Atlas initiative by visiting http://globalatlas.irena.org/Partnership.aspx WASA is also included in the catalogue of this initiative, as can be seen from http://irena.masdar.ac.ae/?map=405 as well as the initiative’s booklet (http://www.irena.org/DocumentDownloads/Publications/GA_Booklet_Web.pdf). “WASA supports the DoE and the DoE Minister with the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and is a technical partner in the IRENA Global Solar and Wind Atlas initiative.” 7.5.8 Projects referencing WASA The WASA project has been referenced by other projects as well and through these references it has increased awareness of the project and distributed information to the public. The Terms of Reference in September 2013 of the World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP) Renewable Energy Resource Mapping initiative (Renewable Energy Mapping: Wind in Pakistan, South Asia Region, Project ID: P146140, Selection #: 1118422)8 referred to the WASA project as: “In the numerical wind atlas supplied by the bidder, each cell shall provide downloadable directional Weibull distributions in WAsP lib-file format, applicable to a generalized wind climate with flat terrain and a uniform roughness of 0.03m. (See, for example, the Wind Atlas for South Africa (WASA project)).” You can visit http://www.esmap.org/RE_Mapping for more information on the project that referred to the WASA project. 8 See Reference 2 The Palestinian Energy Authority also made reference to the WASA project in their Request for Proposal in June 2013 for the Energy Sector Assistance in Palestine, Phase V project which were to produce a comprehensive, validated atlas for wind energy resource based on satellite data (RFP No. Phase V-PEA/CSW). They referenced the WASA project as follows: “The Consultant must supply all wind maps and data for the same heights above ground level as in the Wind Atlas for South Africa (WASA).” “Directional Weibull distributions for each cell is the most important data, cf. the WASA model data online.” “The Palestinian Energy Authority also made reference to the WASA project in their Request for Proposal in June 2013.” 7.6 CAPACITY BUILDING AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT As this WASA Project is unchartered territory for South Africa, capacity building and human development were encouraged and promoted. The public has since shown their interest in participating in this capacity building and human development: 7.6.1 SAWS Capacity Building and Human Development WASA supported the doctoral thesis of Dr Andries Kruger, a SAWS WASA team member, entitled Wind Climatology of South Africa relevant to the Design of the Built Environment. This thesis is relevant for extreme winds. “SAWS refined the quality control procedures of its wind climate data in view of the information obtained through the measured wind data analysis in the WASA project. This included the training of SAWS Climate Service personnel in the optimal quality control of wind data.” The development of the revised map of the South Africa Wind Loading Code will now take into account the South African mixed wind climate and other uncertainties. It will also be based on a more comprehensive set of wind statistics from a much larger set of wind data compared to the data that were available previously. This was presented at two wind seminars on the provisions of South African National Standards (SANS) 10160-3, organised by the University of Stellenbosch. “The development of the revised map of the South Africa Wind Loading Code will now take into account the South African mixed wind climate and other uncertainties.” 7.6.2 UCT (CSAG) Capacity Building and Human Development Students have directly or indirectly benefited from the WASA project. How we understand the many aspects of the wind climate of South Africa has been aided by these students’ work. Certain students have already graduated, while others are still studying: Graduated Students Christopher Broderick (BSc Hons) used sonic detection and ranging (sodar) for wind measurements to assess the correlations of wind profiles from sodar, radiosonde and anemometer data Teboho Nchaba (MSc) verified gridded seasonal wind forecasts over South Africa Current Students Brendan Argent (PhD) is expected to graduate at the end of 2014 with a look at Towards an Uncertainty Atlas for Wind Forecasts in South Africa Teboho Nchaba (PhD) is expected to graduate at the end of 2016 with and improved South African wind atlas from multi-model super-ensemble Zaccheus Olaofe (PhD) is expected to graduate at the end of 2017 with an assessment of the offshore wind resources along the west coast of South Africa Tich Mukunga (MSc Hons) is expected to graduate at the end of 2014 with an assessment of the wind power resource in the Sere region of the Western Cape “Christopher Broderick used sonic detection and ranging for wind measurements to assess the correlations of wind profiles.” 7.6.3 CSIR Capacity Building and Human Development The capacity and expertise of the CSIR can be divided into three main themes: Measurements Data management Microscale modelling. Although no new CSIR staff members were appointed during the WASA1 period to assist with WASA1 objectives, a number of staff members received training in various aspects of the project which ensured the final outcomes of the second, third and fourth work packages. 7.6.4 DTU Wind Energy Capacity Building and Human Development Jens Carsten Hansen, the DTU Project leader, has stated the following regarding the WASA project’s contribution to research and training at the DTU. “The WASA project is an applied research project for DTU through which we get an opportunity to pilot new models and methods in a real application and collect feedback for further developments and research. Depending on the definition of the term “capacity building”, this has certainly happened here at DTU, i.e. as we see it, WASA has contributed to building capacity at DTU, including teaching students and applied research.” Xiaoli Guo Larsén gave the below statement about WASA’s contribution to creating the background for further WAsP Engineering development: “WASA has contributed to creating the background necessary for DTU decisions regarding how to further develop WAsP Engineering.” 7.6.5 Capacity Building and Human Development in Measurements The WASA project has also provided other valuable training for measurements: E. Prinsloo and E. Mabille were trained in site selection to ensure conformity with the WAsP criteria. The training was provided by DTU (Risø). P. Truter, T. Hendricks, E. Prinsloo and E. Mabille were training in installing measurement sensors on the masts according to the MEASNET and IEC standards. The training was provided by DTU (Risø). E. Prinsloo, P. Truter, T. Hendricks, J. Kieviet, S. Mashabala and P.O. Connor attended a Working at Heights course in June 2010 in Cape Town so they could comply with Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality (SHEQ) requirements. E. Prinsloo, P.O. Connor, J. Kieviet and T. Hendricks attended a course in August 2013 to be certified again. H. Jelbert, S. Haasbroek and E. Mabille also completed the full course for the WASA2. U. von St Ange, M. August, E. Prinsloo and S. Pietersen were trained on the Rodeo Data Management System by DTU (Risø). E. Prinsloo was trained in data quality control. It was first done by DTU, but E. Prinsloo was trained and eventually took over the quality control of the date from the 10 stations. Both the recertification course in August 2013 and the full course for the WASA2 were conducted by Alpinist Safety Consultants at their premises in Montague Gardens. P Truter and P.O. Connor are no longer with the CSIR. 7.6.6 Capacity Building and Human Development in Microscale Modelling E. Prinsloo, E. Mabille, S. Szewczuk and other CSIR staff members were trained on the WAsP microscale modelling software at the Pretoria campus by expert from DTU (Risø). However, only one trainee has been involved with the microscale modelling in the third work package. A potential intern, Y. Spamer, was mentored by E. Mabille to build capacity in this field. However, it was not possible to offer her a permanent job and she eventually found a job somewhere else. 7.6.7 Seminars for Capacity Building and Human Development Niels Mortensen presented the following seminar: Mortensen, N.G. (2013). Mast and Site Inspection – Why, What and How? Seminar in Test and Measurements Section, Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark, 13 September 2013. 7.6.8 Teaching of the WASA Data for Capacity Building and Human Development The WASA sites and data have been added to our list of possible project sites in the DTU course 46200 Planning and Development of Wind Farms. Four teams chose to work with WASA data in 2014: Arasanz, A.M.C, Tomaszewski, A., Thyssen, A.B. and Dupont, N. 2014. Sutherland Wind Farm, Northern Cape, South Africa. Report for Course 46200, DTU Wind Energy, 89 pp. Gili, J., Zoethout,J., Deaves, M. and Perez, M.F. 2014. Laingville Wind Farm, Western Cape, South Africa. Report for Course 46200, DTU Wind Energy, 59 pp. Papathoma, C., Kocaturk, A.S., Raj, A. and Panagiotopoulos, D. 2014. Feasibility Study of PALS PARK Wind Farm, Napier, South Africa. Report for Course 46200, DTU Wind Energy, 41 pp. Necula, A., Xiomara, G.S., Feregrino, H. and Jurado, A.M.P. 2014. Wind Farm in Western Cape, South Africa. Report for Course 46200, DTU Wind Energy, 46 pp. One of these four teams describes their report like this: “This report provides a complete analysis of the steps in the planning and development of a new wind farm near Napier, South Africa. The project is based on the recent Wind Atlas for South Africa (WASA), developed by DTU and South African partners.” As an example, the report prepared by Gili et al. is available from https://www.dropbox.com/s/d7m7etrurngb3o6/FinalReport_Group6.pdf 7.6.9 International Conferences and Presentations for Capacity Building and Human Development This publication was also presented at an international conference: Hahmann, A.N., Badger, J., Volker, P., Nielsen, J.R., Lennard, C., Hansen, J.C. and Mortensen, N.G. 2014. Validation and Comparison of Numerical Wind Atlas Methods: the South African Example. Presented to European Wind Energy Association, European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 10 March 2014. 7.6.10 Conference Papers Published for Capacity Building and Human Development The WASA Project has also been referred to in the following conference papers: Kruger, A.C., Goliger, A.M. and Retief, J.V. 2011. Integration and Implications of Strong Wind Producing Mechanisms in South Africa, presented to ICWE 13, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 10-15 July 2011. Kruger, A.C., Goliger, A.M. and Retief, J.V. 2011. An Updated Description of the Strong-Wind Climate of South Africa, presented to ICWE 13, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 10-15 July 2011. Kruger, A.C., Goliger, A.M. and Retief, J.V. 2013. Directional Analysis of Extreme Winds Under Mixed Climate Conditions, presented to EACWE 2013, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 7-11 July 2013. Kruger, A.C., Goliger, A.M. and Retief, J.V. 2013. Representivity of Wind Measurements for Design Wind Speed Estimations, presented to EACWE 2013, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 7-11 July 2013. Larsén, X.G., Kruger, A.C., Badger, J. and Jørgensen, H.E. Extreme Wind Atlases of South Africa from Global Reanalysis Data, presented to EACWE 2013, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 7-11 July 2013. Kruger, A.C., Goliger, A.M., Larsén, X.G. and Retief, J.V. 2014. Optimal Application of Climate Data to the Development of Design Wind Speeds, presented to 26th Conference on Climate Variability and Change (Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society), Atlanta, United States of America, February 2014. Larsén, X.G., Kruger, A.C., Badger, J. and Jørgensen, H.E. 2014. Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling Approaches for Extreme Wind Atlas of South Africa, presented to EMS conference, Reading, United Kingdom, February 2014. “There are also numerous publications which have used the WASA project.” 7.6.11 Publications Published for Capacity Building and Human Development There are also numerous publications which have used the WASA project, such as: Hansen, J.C., Hahmann, A.N., Mortensen, N.G. and Badger, J. 2011. How Can Denmark Support Wind Mapping in Africa? Third Wind Energy Seminar Between South Africa and Denmark. Presented to Side Event at COP17, Durban, South Africa, 8 December 2011. Mortensen, N.G., Hansen, J.C., Kelly, M.C., Prinsloo, E, Mabille, E. and S, Szewczuk. 2012. Wind Atlas for South Africa (WASA) Station and Site Description Report. Presented to Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Risø Nationallaboratoriet for Bæredygtig Energi. 70 p. (Risø-I; No. 3271(ed.3)(EN)). Mortensen, N.G., Hansen, J.C., Kelly, M.C., Szewczuk, S., Mabille, E. and Prinsloo, E. 2012. Wind Atlas for South Africa (WASA) Observational Wind Atlas for 10 Met. Stations in Northern, Western and Eastern Cape Provinces. Presented to Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Risø Nationallaboratoriet for Bæredygtig Energi. 42 p. (Risø-I; No. 3273(ed.2)(EN)). Mortensen, N.G., Hansen, J.C., Mabille, E. and Spamer, Y. 2013. Large-Scale, High-Resolution Wind Resource Mapping for Strategic Environmental Assessment and Wind Farm Planning and Development. Presented to Windaba 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, 25 September 2013. Hahmann, A.N., Badger, J., Volker, P. Nielsen, J.R., Lennard, C., Hansen, J.C. and Mortensen, N.G. 2014. Validation and Comparison of Numerical Wind Atlas Methods: the South African Example. Presented to European Wind Energy Association, European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 10 March 2014. Mortensen, N.G., Badger, J. Hansen, J.C., Mabille, E. and Spamer, Y. 2014.Large-Scale, High-Resolution Wind Resource Mapping for Wind Farm Planning and Development in South Africa. Presented to Proceedings of EWEA 2014, European Wind Energy Association, 2014. Andrea N.H. said the following "The DTU wind atlas method is based on the generalization of the wind climatologies derived from the mesoscale modelling. This generalization post-processing method has been used extensively in a number of wind resource assessment studies within the KAMM-WAsP method. The WRF based WASA wind atlas is the first wind atlas study where the generalization has been carried out on the WRF-model output with excellent results." Goliger, A.M., Retief, J.V. Dunaiski, P.E. and Kruger, A.C. 2009. “Revised Wind-Loading Procedures for SANS 10160”. In Retief, J.V. and Dunaiski, P.E. (eds). Background to SANS 10160. Basis of Structural Design and Actions for Buildings and Industrial Structures. SunMedia, Stellenbosch. 7.6.12 Journal Articles Published for Capacity Building and Human Development The following journal articles have referenced to the WASA project: Goliger, A.M. and Kruger, A.C. et al. 2013. Comparative Study between Poland and South Africa: Wind Climates, the Related Damage and Implications of Adopting the Eurocode for Wind Action on Buildings. Archives of Civil Engineering. Kruger, A.C., Retief, J.V. and Goliger, A.M. 2013. Strong Winds in South Africa: Part I – Application of Estimation Methods. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering. Kruger A.C., Retief, J.V. and Goliger, A.M. 2013. Strong Winds in South Africa: Part II - Mapping of Updated Statistics. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering. Kruger, A.C., Goliger, A.M, Retief, J.V. and Sekele, S.S. 2012. Clustering of Extreme Winds in the Mixed Climate of South Africa. Wind and Structures. Kruger, A.C., Goliger, A.m., Retief, J.V. and Sekele, S. 2010. Strong Wind Climatic Zones in South Africa. Wind and Structures. Larsén, X.G., Mann, J., Rathmann, O. and Jørgensen, H. 2013. Uncertainties of the 50-Year Wind from Short Time Series Using Generalized Extreme Value Distribution and Generalized Pareto Distribution. Wind Energy. Larsén, X.G. and Kruger, A.C. 2013. On the Effects of Diurnal Variation and the Resolvable Scales Related to the Spectral Correction Method. Submitted to Journal of Wind Engineering and Aerodynamical Industries. 7.6.13 Dissemination of WASA Results for Capacity Building and Human Development WASA results have also been disseminated through: Hahmann, A.N., Badger, J., Morgensen, N.G. and Hansen, J.C. 2009. From Trades to Turbines: The Art and Science of Wind Energy Resource Assessment. Presented to WASA Mesoscale Workshop, Pretoria, South Africa, 24 September 2009. Hahmann, A.N. and Kruger, A. 2010. What is the large-Scale Wind Regime in South Africa? Presented to SAWEP Wind Atlas Workshop, Cape Town, 4 March 2010. Hahmann, A.N., Badger, J. Mortensen, N.G. and Hansen, J.C. 2010. Wind Atlas Introduction. Presented to SAWEP Wind Atlas Workshop, Cape Town, 4 March 2010. Hahmann, A.N., Badger, J., Vincent, C.L., Kelly, M., Volker, P., Refslund, J., Hansen, J.C., Mortensen, N., Lennard, C. and Argent, B. 2014. WP1: Mesoscale Modelling for the Second Verified WASA Numerical Wind Atlas. Presented tp Final WASA wind seminar, Cape Town, 8 April 2014. Hahmann, A.N. 2014.The Wind Atlas of South Africa. Presented to DTU Wind Energy Internal Seminar, Roskilde, Denmark, 4 May 2014. 7.6.14 Other Capacity Development Activities The other capacity development activities that have been performed by the WASA project, is given below: Brendan Argent was able to attend the 2012 European Wind Energy Association meeting and present his work there. Teboho Nchaba, Brendan Argent and Chris Broderick presented their work at the annual meetings of the South African Society of Atmospheric Sciences. Dr Chris Lennard has learned advanced techniques related to the WRF model in his work with Dr Andrea Hahman at DTU and is also trained in the use of the WAsP microscale model. Assessment of the WASA forecast using South African Weather Service wind data was carried out. “Brendan Argent was able to attend the 2012 European Wind Energy Association meeting and present his work there.” 8 CONCLUDING REMARKS All the project objectives and expected project outcomes have been met and exceeded with the budget for the WASA project. For example, the WASA Wind Resource map based on both the KAMM method and the WRF model could be done without making any changes to the project budget. This was done for the entire WASA domain expected project outcome: microscale resource map and database for 30-50% of the modelled areas in the three provinces. The WASA Project could help the SIP 8: Green Energy SEA initiative, while it is being implemented by the Department of Environmental Affairs. The WASA Project could also help the revision of the South African Wind Loading Code. Fast Facts The project objectives were all met within the budget. The Expected project outcomes were exceeded within the budget. The SIP 8: Green Energy SEA initiative and the revision of the South African Wind Loading Code were aided by the WASA Project. Capacity building and human development in South Africa were helped with the use of the WASA project. Other projects have made reference to the WASA Project, including the World Bank ESMAP Renewable Energy Mapping initiative. WASA was the first project to use Frogfoot successfully at large scale. The project helped with the capacity building and human The WASA Phase 2 will use the WRF modelling as it was customised in the WASA Phase 1. development both in South Africa and overseas and other projects are using the WASA project. The World Bank ESMAP Renewable Energy Resource Mapping initiative is an example of another project using the WASA project information. The amount of governmental, public and private people using the WASA project’s website also indicates how useful its information it. Also, WASA is the first project that used Frogfoot successfully at large scale when it created the large-scale, high-resolution WASA resource maps. The WRF-based wind WASA wind atlas is also the first ever study where the WRF-model output has been generalised with good results. Finally, the WASA Phase 1 results is a good basis to use the WASA Phase 2, which will use the WRF modelling as it was set up and customised during the WASA Phase 1. APPENDICES: ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Acronym / Abbreviation ADB AGL CaBEERE CEM CHPC CSAG CSIR DEA DME DoE DST DTU Wind Energy ESMAP GEF GIS GSM IEC KAMM NCAR NCEP NWA PIU RMSE SANEDI SANS SAWEP SAWS SEA SHEQ sodar SRTM ToT UCT UNDP USGS VNWA WASA WRF WAsP Description African Development Bank Altitude Above Ground Level Capacity Building Project in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clean Energy Ministerial Centre for High Performance Computing Climate Systems Analysis Group Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Department of Environmental Affairs Department of Minerals and Energy Department of Energy Department of Science and Technology Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme Global Environment Facility Geographic Information System Global System for Mobile Communications International Electrotechnical Commission Karlsruhe Atmospheric Mesoscale Model National Centre for Atmospheric Research National Centre for Environmental Prediction Numerical Wind Atlas Project Implementation Unit root mean squared error South African National Energy Development Institute South African National Standards South African Wind Energy Programme South African Weather Service strategic environmental assessment Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality sonic detection and ranging Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Not in text Training of Trainers University of Cape Town United Nations Development Programme United States Geological Survey Verified Numerical Wind Atlas Wind Atlas for South Africa Weather Research and Forecasting Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program ENDNOTES/REFERENCES 1. 2. Renewable Energy Mapping: Wind, Pakistan, South Asia Region, Project ID: P146140, Selection #: 1118422 GLOSSARY FURTHER READING Description WASA website for all WASA information VNWA in three dimensions The Numerical Wind Atlas User Guide The WRF time series and the WASA wind time series downloads Mesoscale Modelling for the Wind Atlas of South Africa (WASA) Project WASA mast site information Online graphs created by the Rodeo software Data created by the Rodeo software which have been quality checked WASA WP2 Report on Training WASA Report on Measurements WASA Station and Site Description Report The Beginners Guide to Microscale Modelling with the NWA The Observational Wind Atlas for 10 Meteorological Masts in Northern, Western and Eastern Cape Provinces The WP final reports, data and training manual, these are: Best Practice Guide for Application of WASA A training course in applying the products of the WASA Project Detailed wind resource maps The metadata for the Extreme Wind Atlas Guidelines for Using the Extreme Wind Data from the Selective Dynamical Downscaling Method from April 2014 For all WP documentation and dissemination documents To read about the WRF model which forecasts wind speed, power density and direction of the wind over South Africa The posters for the Final Wind Seminar on 8 April 2014 The first press release of the WASA Project The second press release of the WASA Project For more about the other partners of the IRENA Global Solar and Wind Atlas initiative IRENA Global Solar catalogue IRENA Global Solar booklet For more information on the World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP) Renewable Energy Resource Mapping initiative that referenced the WASA Project Link to Access Source http://www.wasaproject.info/ http://wasaclimates.eu/Tadpole/Viewer?gid=08aee5e5-e31f416a-ad12-9a7a4d26f92e http://stel-apps.csir.co.za/wasadata/docs/WIND_ATLAS_GUIDE.pdf http://wasadata.csir.co.za/wasa1/WASAData (Please note that log in is required.) http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/final_reports/WP1/WASA1 Mesoscale_April2014.pdf http://stel-apps.csir.co.za/wasa-data/docs/Mast_Site_Info.pdf http://www.wasa.csir.co.za http://wasadata.csir.co.za/wasa1/WASAData http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/final_reports/WP2/WASA1 Report%20on%20training_Apr2014.pdf http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/final_reports/WP2/WASA1 Report%20on%20Measurements_Apr2014.pdf http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/final_reports/WP2/WASA1 Station%20and%20Site%20Description%20Report_April%20 2014.pdf http://stel-apps.csir.co.za/wasadata/docs/Beginners%20Guide%20to%20Microsacle%20Mo delling%20using%20WAsP_v5.pdf http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/final_reports/WP3/WASA1 Observational%20Wind%20Atlas%20Report_April2014.pdf http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/WP4Applications.zip http://wasadata.csir.co.za/wasa1/WASAData (please note that login is required) http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/ExtremeAtlasGuide.pdf http://www.wasaproject.info/wind_energy_presentations.html http://veaonline.risoe.dk/wasa http://www.wasaproject.info/docs/posters/ http://www.sanews.gov.za/south-africa/wind-resource-mapboost-renewable-energy-efforts http://www.energy.gov.za/files/media/pr/2014/PressReleaseWASA-Seminar-08April2014.pdf http://globalatlas.irena.org/Partnership.aspx http://irena.masdar.ac.ae/?map=405 http://www.irena.org/DocumentDownloads/Publications/GA_ Booklet_Web.pdf http://www.esmap.org/Clean_Energy or http://www.esmap.org/RE_Mapping Description The report prepared by Gili et al. on the DTU course 46200 Planning and Development of Wind Farms Link to Access Source https://www.dropbox.com/s/d7m7etrurngb3o6/FinalReport_G roup6.pdf ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Wind Atlas for South Africa project is an initiative of the Government of South Africa – Department of Minerals and Energy (now Department of Energy) – and the project is co-funded by: UNDP-GEF through the South African Wind Energy Programme (SAWEP) with UNDP support Royal Danish Embassy The South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) is the Executing Agency, coordinating and contracted with the Implementing partners: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), University of Cape Town Climate Systems Analysis Group (UCT CSAG), South African Weather Service (SAWS) and DTU Wind Energy (formerly Risø DTU) Technical University of Denmark. IMPLEMENTATION PARTNERS (logos and contact details to be supplied by SANEDI)