Name:______________________ Date:_______________________ Per:________________________ The Jackson Era (1824 - 1840) The Early Years • Andrew Jackson was born in a log cabin in the backwoods of the Carolinas in 1767. • Jackson joined the Patriots during the American Revolution at the age of 13. • At the age of twenty, Jackson moved to Nashville, Tennessee, where he eventually becomes a wealthy attorney. Entering Public Service • Jackson became the first person from Tennessee to serve in the House of Representatives and he also served as Senator before becoming President in 1828. • As a young general in the army, President James Monroe sent Jackson to protect the border of Florida against the Seminole and Creek Indians. • After defeating the Creeks battle, they began to refer to Jackson as “Sharp Knife” after Jackson forced them to give up lands that had been guaranteed to them in earlier treaties with the U.S. Depiction of Andrew Jackson during the Battle of New Orleans • Jackson also gained fame for his military achievements during the War of 1812 leading American forces to victory over the British in the Battle of New Orleans. • Jackson earned the nickname, “Old Hickory” after a soldier said that he was “tough as hickory.” Elections of 1824 and 1828 • While earning the most popular votes in the presidential election of 1824, Jackson did not receive enough electoral votes to secure the victory. • Choosing from the top three vote getters, the House of Representatives selected John Quincy Adams to be the sixth president of the United States. • However, Jackson easily defeated Adams in the election of 1828 to become the first President from a western state. Jacksonian Democracy • Jackson was extremely popular with the “common man”, which he considered to be farmers, factory workers and western frontiersmen. • Jackson’s belief in shifting the political power from the wealthy and educated elite to the “common man” was part of what became known as Jacksonian democracy. • However, Jackson’s critics viewed his popularity as a danger sign that his presidency was coming to resemble that of a king. • As a result, Jackson earned yet another nickname. His opponents called him “King Andrew”, fearing Jackson’s intentions of strengthening the powers of the presidency. The Spoils System • Upon assuming the Presidency, Jackson fired over 200 government workers and replaced them with his own Democratic supporters. • A supporter of Jackson’s replied to criticism of the president by stating, “To the victor belong the spoils.” Spoils system – practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs • Jackson appointed some of his most dedicated supporters with jobs within his Cabinet, although few of them were qualified for the job. • Instead of relying on his Cabinet for advice, Jackson relied on a small group of unofficial advisors as the “kitchen cabinet” since Jackson frequently met with them in the White House kitchen. • Friends become primary advisers, dubbed “kitchen cabinet” The Bank War • Jackson believed that the Bank of the United States had too much power and served the needs of the rich over those of average Americans. • For example, the Bank of the United States had the ability to limit the amount of money state banks were allowed to lend to small business owners such as farmers and merchants. • Jackson felt particular anger towards the bank’s president, Nicolas Biddle. • Pet Banks- Jackson puts federal money in state banks loyal to Democratic Party • BUS president Nicholas Biddle unsuccessfully maneuvers to save bank • Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, political enemies of Jackson, devised a plan to exploit Jackson’s hatred of the Bank of the United States to help weaken him before the 1832 presidential election. • Clay and Webster convinced Nicholas Biddle to submit his application to renew the charter for the Bank of the United States earlier than required. • Clay, Webster and Biddle predicted that Jackson would veto the charter application, angering so many Americans that he would eventually lose his bid for reelection in 1832. • Whig Party Forms- People unhappy with Jackson form Whig Party, back American System • It turns out that Clay, Webster and Biddle underestimated Jackson’s popularity. • Jackson defeated Clay in the election of 1832. • Jackson also succeeded in destroying the Bank of the United States by having it shut down in 1836.