Child Neglect

Child Neglect
…Is a common form of child abuse
that occurs when a parent or
guardian fails to meet the basic
needs for the child.
Warning Signs
• Clothes don’t fit, are dirty, or are not weather
• Bad hygiene: obvious body odor and matted
• A child is sick or injured without being taken
to the doctor for long periods of time.
• Is constantly not watched over or is permitted
to play in dangerous areas.
• Is always late or absent from school.
Talking to a neglected child
• Avoid denial, be reassuring to child and stay calm.
Do not show any shocking and disgusted feelings
you might be having or the child will shut down.
• Don’t grill the child about what has happened to
them, let them tell their story and refrain from
asking too many questions.
• Help them know that none of this is their fault.
• If you or the child’s safety is currently at stake,
seek out professional help before you intervene.
Fears of Reporting Child Neglect
• It’s not my place to meddle in someone else’s family life.
– If you don’t then who will? The effects of child neglect are lifelong and
can be a hindrance in any progression in their social, education, work
• What if I ruin a family? Reporting a case doesn’t always mean the
child will be removed from the home, it is the goal of any child
protective agencies to keep the families together unless danger is
clearly evident.
• They will know it was me who called. Reporting is anonymous.
• It won’t make a difference what I have to say. If you feel a child is
in danger, you’re more than likely not the only one. It’s always
better to be safe than sorry. Follow your instincts and you could
save a child’s life.
Signs that you’ve crossed the line
• You can’t stop the anger. When one swat on the bottom
turns into many swats that get increasingly harder. When
you shake your child continuously or throw them down.
Yelling is loud and uncontrollable.
• You feel emotionally disconnected from your child. You
don’t want to do anything with your child.
• Meeting the daily needs of your child seems impossible. If
you continually cannot manage the basic needs of the child
such as feeding, clothing, bathing, and quality time.
• Other people have expressed concern. If someone you
know and trust is expressing concern, take a step back and
analyze your actions with them.
Changing your reactions: Recognize
and then change!
• Have realistic expectations for your child taking
into consideration their age. Learn age
appropriate behaviors.
• Read up on some parenting books, go to a
parenting class, learn how to discipline
• Make sure you are taken care of: adequate
amount of sleep and a healthy diet.
• You feel you can’t stop anger patterns, seek
professional help and learn how to control your
Personal Experience