Academic Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: Academic Development
Title: Study Skills and Study Habits
Grade Level: Third Grade
Time: 45-60 minutes
ASCA Student Standards:
A: Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective
learning in school and across the lifespan.
B: Students will complete school with the academic preparation essential to choose from a
wide range of substantial post-secondary options, including college
ASCA Competencies:
A:A1 Improve Academic Self-concept
 A:A1.2 Display a positive interest in learning
 A:A1.5 Identify attitudes and behaviors that lead to successful learning
A:B1 Improve Learning
 A:B1.3 Apply the study skills necessary for academic success at each level
A:B2 Plan to Achieve Goals
 A:B2.3 Develop and implement annual plan of study to maximize academic ability
and achievement
Learning Objectives:
 Students will develop a positive interest in learning.
 Students will learn study skills to improve academic achievement and achieve
academic goals.
 Students will learn to apply the study skills necessary for academic success.
 Students will be able to identify their good and poor study habits.
 Students will develop a plan apply the study skills just learned.
 Students will become familiar with effective study habits.
 Study Habits Task Worksheet
 Colored index cards/notecards
 Paper
 Pencils
 Thinking Caps!
The students are welcomed and share how knowledgeable they are about learning styles
and whether or not they are familiar with the terms. As a class, we will discuss any study
skills they are aware of or have been using. Students will share out any study skills that
have worked well for them currently or in the past. Counselors and students will discuss
student performance and how it relates to study skills.
(1) Counselors will introduce the study skills topics after open discussion with students.
(2) Counselors will discuss different learning styles, characteristics of styles and strategies.
(3) Counselors will work with teacher in discussing tips for studying, successful studying,
study methods and good vs. poor study habits.
(4) Counselors will pass out worksheet and students will complete activity (study habits task
(5) After completion of worksheet, counselors and students will come together and
brainstorm ideas about good and poor study habits and their personal learning styles.
Counselors will end lesson by assessing how the lesson has helped the students
brainstorm and implement better study skills and personal learning styles. The counselors
will explain that good study habits prepare them to succeed in school (elementary, middle,
high school, and eventually—college!). Counselors will make students aware that effective
study habits prepare them to perform well academically in any class subject.
Plan for Evaluation:
Students will fill out an exit ticket (on colored index card), which will assess meaningful,
personal take-aways from this activity/worksheet. Students will express their opinions in
how this lesson will help them in the future at Harvard, when applying for and attending high
school, and selecting and performing well academically in higher education as well.
Process Data: Fifty-two third grade students will participate in the delivery of the
academic lesson plan.
Perception Data: Prior to delivery of the academic lesson, students will list two (2)
study skills and/or study habits that they either use or are aware of on a colored
index card. Immediately following the delivery of the academic lesson, the students
will fill out an “exit ticket” on a colored index card where they will be required to
record three (3) study skills and/or study habits that they have learned and plan to
utilize when studying in the future, including prior to the 2014-2015 ISAT testing
Outcome Data: Third grade students will show a 20% increase in standardized
reading test scores, as noted in the Harvard Elementary School report card.
Follow Up: Counseling Department will retrieve and analyze data from both the 2013-2014
ISAT test results and the 2014-2015 ISAT test results and will compare growth (in what
standards, subject strands, etc.) to determine the percentage increase in standardized
reading test scores.
Appendix A
Study Habits - Task Worksheet
Rate yourself in the following areas:
Study Skills
High Average Low
Listening in class
Organizing my materials
Taking notes
Completing class work assignments (on time)
Completing homework assignments (on time)
Turning in neat work (on time)
Paying attention in class every day
Participating in class discussions
Asking questions when unsure
Memorizing key facts
Scheduling a set time to study at home
Keeping up with books and other school materials
Bringing supplies to class every day
Other (please specify):
In which areas could I improve my study habits and how could I improve them?