US NHD Semester Research Project 2012

United States History
Semester Research Project
National History Day is an EPIC Nerdfest for history buffs. As a US History student, you
will be expected to create a glorious research project and participate in this year’s National History
Day Competition. You will create an NHD project during the Fall Semester and complete the project
during the early part of Spring Semester.
Theme – Rights and Responsibilities in History
Every year National History Day frames students' research within a historical theme. The
theme is chosen for the broad application to world, national or state history and its relevance to
ancient history or to the more recent past. This year's theme is Rights and Responsibilities in
History. Your NHD project must formulate a thesis that fits within this thematic framework.
Choose a topic that analyzes the fight for change, the efforts of individuals who worked for greater
freedoms -- or the dictators who tried to crush them. In what ways has this topic affected history?
What were the successes and failures of this turning point? What were the results?
Fame and Fortune
Each of your semester projects will be entered into the National History Day competition by
March 1st. If your project makes it beyond the regional and state competitions, you will receive an
all-expense paid trip to the University of Maryland (just outside D.C.) to compete nationally. Some
prizes include cash rewards ($5000.00 for example), and scholarships (full-ride scholarships to
universities such as the University of Minnesota or the University of Hawaii among others).
Although you are strongly encouraged to enter your project into the national NHD
competition, your grade in this class is not dependent upon it. However, every student must finish a
project and participate in our BCCHS qualifying round to possibly earn the chance to enter in the
Regional Competition held at MSU-Billings in April.
Project Details
 Presentation Format – narrow your research topic into a strong THESIS, then decide on your
presentation format, which can include one of the following:
 Historical Research Paper
o Length must be 6-10 pages in MLA format, and complete with footnoted citations
(Mr. F can help you with your formatting)
 Exhibit
o Panel or three-dimensional exhibit similar to a science faire exhibit
 Performance
o 10-minute creative interpretation/re-enactment of an historical person or event
 Media Documentary
o Computer-generated Slide Presentations – presents your research with a
slideshow AND recorded voice-over (DO NOT simply have slide after slide of
o Video Documentary – presents your research through a combination of audio and
visual presentation
 Website
o Self-contained and interactive method of presenting historical research.
Process Paper – all projects (except the Historical Research Paper) must include a Process Paper
that meets all of the following credentials:
 Title Page
 500 word (approx. 2 pages double spaced) description of your research method and the
importance of your topic to the study of history
 Annotated Bibliography that lists primary and secondary sources in alphabetical order
and provides a short (one paragraph) description of that source
Calendar of Due Dates (more precise dates will be given later):
 November  Topic Choice, Group Members
 December  Source Materials (Primary and Secondary)
 January  1st draft of the project
 March  Final draft of the project
Point Value: approx. 1000 pts throughout 1st and 2nd semesters