Title of the Presentation - West Hills Community College District

September 30, 2013
Harris Ranch, South Ballroom
Capital Investments
Welcome and
Opening Remarks
Frank Gornick, Chancellor
Capital Investments
Collective Bargaining Agreement Changes
Becky Cazares, Director of Human Resources
Ken Stoppenbrink, Deputy Chancellor
Collective Bargaining Update
• The District and CSEA began negotiations in October 2012
and an agreement was reached in April 2013.
• The District and CTA began negotiations in June 2012
an agreement was reached in May 2013.
• New collective bargaining agreements (CBA) cover 20132016.
Capital Investments
California School Employees Association
CSEA Key Highlights
• Article 1: Recognition
– Agreement to allow for temporary appointment on new
positions for ninety (90) days pending negotiations.
Capital Investments
CSEA Key Highlights
• Article 6: Compensation & Benefits
– Memorandum of Understanding
• Allows for a 2% wage increase effective MayCapital
1, 2013
for the 2012-13 school year only (paid out by
• Effective October 1, 2013, the maximum District
contribution shall be a sum which, for calculation
purposes, shall be the monthly amount necessary to
pay 100% of the premium for the 80% plan offered
by SISC.
CSEA Key Highlights
• Article 6: Compensation & Benefits (continued…)
– Effective July 1, 2013, salaries shall be based on the
2013-14 salary schedule which reflects a “squaring
of a 5% increase per step and 2.5% per range. On July
1, 2013, employees shall be placed on the step nearest,
but not less than, their step on the former schedule as
of June 30, 2013.
CSEA Key Highlights
• Article 6: Compensation & Benefits (continued…)
– Classification Study
Capital Investments
• Commencing July 1, 2013, on his or her anniversary
date, each unit member shall be placed on the
recommended range identified in the study, and on
the corresponding step that is nearest, but not less
than, his or her current step.
• Any disputes related to this process shall be resolved
through the appeal process.
CSEA Key Highlights
• Article 6: Compensation & Benefits (continued…)
– On their anniversary date, unit members will advance
Capital Investments
one step per year of service provided the unit member
has no formal disciplinary charges pending or adversely
adjudicated against him or her during the prior year. If
pending charges are dismissed or withdrawn, the step
increase will be reinstated retroactively.
CSEA Key Highlights
• Article 6: Compensation & Benefits (continued…)
– Through the term of this agreement, the maximum
District contribution shall be a sum necessary toCapital
100% of the 80% plan.
CSEA Key Highlights
• Article 7: Hours & Overtime
– If compensatory time off is not used within twelve (12)
calendar months, the employee shall be paid forCapital
overtime as quickly as practicable.
– A check for 100% of the balance due, less statutory
withholdings, shall be to the employee within five (5)
business days if there is a payroll error.
CSEA Key Highlights
• Article 11: Classification, Reclassification and Abolition of
– During the recruitment process, the District mayCapital
fill Investments
vacancies for not more than ninety (90) days with a
CSEA Key Highlights
• Article 16: Leaves
– Unit members may use up to five (5) days per fiscal
year of accumulated sick leave for Personal Business.
Capital Investments
Personal business days do not carry over from year to
year and must be used in the year in which they are
CSEA Key Highlights
• Article 17: Grievance Procedure
– Failure of the District to respond within the time
limitation shall allow the grievant the right to appeal
Capital Investments
the next step. Failure of the grievant to appeal within
the time limits set forth shall render the grievance
resolved on the basis of the district’s response.
CSEA Key Highlights
• Article 18: Safety and Fitness
– Added language to include all other District fitness
Capital Investments
Capital Investments
California Teachers Association
CTA Key Highlights
• Article 2: Association Rights
– Added language stipulating release time for each
Academic Senate President, Curriculum Committee
Capital Investments
Chair, and SLO Coordinator (40% each)
– All release time, stipend, or extended duties contract,
with the exception of the WHCFA President, shall have a
job description and expected outcomes approved by the
College President and Chancellor.
CTA Key Highlights
• Article 4: Evaluation Procedure
– Language was added in order to clarify and define the
process and also what is allowed to be a part ofCapital
– Evaluation forms were updated.
(See Handout)
CTA Key Highlights
• Article 5: Calendar
– Effective July 1, 2013, total faculty work days were
increased from 177 to 179 adding 2 additional Capital Investments
Professional Development Days.
– Language was added to reflect the purpose of the
Professional Development Days and attendance at these
– Additional language was added regarding Flex Days.
(See Handout)
CTA Key Highlights
• Article 6: Workload
– Added language that would allow instructors teaching a
portion of their load online to hold a portion of their
Capital Investments
office hours online.
CTA Key Highlights
• Article 7: Workload Reduction/Part-Time
– Added a statement which states this Article is in
compliance with Education Code sections 87483Capital
CTA Key Highlights
• Article 8: Compensation
– The salary schedule for 2013-14 was increased by 3%
effective July 1, 2013.
Capital Investments
– For 2014-15 and 2015-16, each cell of the salary
schedule shall be increased by the greater amount of
3% or the state funded COLA percentage effective July
1st of that year.
CTA Key Highlights
• Article 14: Grievance Procedure
– Updated language and forms to reflect proper
Capital Investments
– Added language stipulating if the grievant does not
comply with the time limits set forth in this Article, it
shall be considered settled on the basis of the last
decision rendered. If the District does not comply with
the timelines, the grievant may advance to the next
(See Handout)
CTA Key Highlights
• Article 20: Distance Learning
– The class size stipend for an online or video-conference
class with 51 or more has increased to $1,250. Capital Investments
– Language has been added stating that if a class size on
all sides would normally be considered full, either an
instructor will be assigned to each section or the videoconference instructor shall receive load credit for all
CTA Key Highlights
• Article 23: Student Grievance/Complaint Procedure (New)
– Referencing student grievances and complaints shall be
handled in accordance with applicable Board policies
Capital Investments
and procedures.
(See Handout)
CTA Key Highlights
• Article 24: Term
– The term of this agreement is July 1, 2013-June 30,
Capital Investments
Capital Investments
Hiring Procedures
Becky Cazares, Director of Human Resources
Ken Stoppenbrink, Deputy Chancellor
Capital Investments
Recruitment and Selection
• All vacancies are advertised via the Internet, newspaper, and other
media depending on the position (e.g. email distribution, etc.)
• A minimum 15-day recruitment period is established for all positions
Capital Investments
unless otherwise extended.
• Applicants are required to submit an application and resume.
Transcripts and other supplemental material may be requested.
• Any pre-employment testing should be monitored by the Human
Resources Department.
• The composition of the committee is determined based on the
procedure for the classification of the position being hired.
• The Director of Human Resources, or designee, reviews all applications
for minimum qualifications. Those meeting the requirements will be
forwarded to the committee.
Recruitment and Selection: Getting Started
• Complete the Request for Position to be Filled (RTF) form.
– This form is required for ALL positions with the exception of
student workers.
Capital Investments
– If recruiting for a new position that currently does not exist, a new
job description will need to be developed and approved by
Chancellor’s Executive Cabinet before moving forward for Board of
Trustees approval.
– If recruiting for a new classified position that currently does not
exist, a new job description will need to be developed and
approved by CSEA before moving forward to Chancellor’s Executive
Cabinet and the Board of Trustees for approval.
• Once approved, Human Resources staff will post the position for the
standard recruitment period.
Recruitment and Selection: Responsibilities of the Committee
• Create paper screening forms and interview questions.
• Select a chairperson to guide committee.
• The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Representative distributes
Capital Investments
the appropriate policy relevant to the classification of the position to be
hired, along with the appendices explaining each members’ duties and
• Serve on assigned committee from beginning to end.
• The number of applicants to be interviewed is determined by the hiring
manager and interviews are conducted by the committee.
• After the interview process is complete, the committee forwards their
recommendations to the hiring manager for consideration.
• All communication with candidates is done through the Human
Resources Department.
Recruitment and Selection: Salary Placement
• Administrative/Management/Confidential Employees
– Range is already determined by job description. Step placement is
based on a variety of factors (current salary, experience, etc.).
Capital Investments
• Classified Employees
– Range is already determined by job description. Step placement is
based on a variety of factors (current salary, experience, etc.).
– CBA requires an increase of 4.75% when a classified employee is
• Certificated Employees
– Column placement is based on education (units) and step
placement is based on experience.
• New certificated staff are placed no higher than step 10.
Recruitment and Selection: Confidentiality
• Interview records and committee notes are treated as
confidential information by everyone involved in the hiring
process which shows high regard for candidates and
Capital Investments
enhances the fairness of discussions and decisions.
• Each committee member is responsible for maintaining
strict confidentiality which includes, but is not limited to,
the names of applicants and their qualifications; scores or
ratings from paper screening; scores or ratings from
interviews; any conversations held during screening
committee meetings; or any other information provided
throughout the selection process.
Capital Investments
Educational Services and
Workforce Development
Portal Site
Capital Investments
Stu Van Horn, Vice Chancellor of Educational Services
and Workforce Development
http://westhillscollege.com/district/educationalCapital Investments
Capital Investments
One Year Registration
Keith Stearns, Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic
and Information Services/Registrar
Registration History
• Past to 2010
– Priority registration for special groups only
Capital Investments
• 2010-2011
– Added early registration for unit levels
• 2011-2012
– Added educational plan requirement
– Added high school students with educational plan,
assessment, orientation, and FAFSA
– Year round schedule implemented
• Students encouraged to add spring classes to
“preferred list”
Preferred Seats
Coalinga Campus
Capital Investments
Lemoore Campus
Naval Air Station Center
NDC, Firebaugh
Online Coalinga
Online Lemoore
The Next Step
One Year Registration
• In April 2014, registration will open for all three semesters
Capital Investments
in the academic year:
– 2014 Summer
– 2014 Fall
– 2015 Spring
• Will allow students to plan/guarantee their full academic
year schedule
• Should increase our fall to spring retention
Preliminary Project Overview
1. Get the word out
A. Incorporate in our high school outreach
Capital Investments
B. Marketing to our new and continuing students
C. Changing messages on our registration and search
2. Minor changes to registration screens for each term and
need to modify a few registration rules
Preliminary Project Overview (continued…)
3. Adjust Registration Procedure (AP 5055)
A. Need to realign with new Title 5 regulations
Capital Investments
B. Current unit levels (45) are designed to allow
completion in one term
C. Want to reward students who complete 15 units in
fall and are enrolled in 15 units in spring
D. Considering a 30 unit level of early registration
E. Need to run some data on where students would
Preliminary Project Overview (continued…)
4. Student payment
A. Attempt to keep payment process close to the same
B. Student will pay for 2015 spring sections onCapital Investments
November 1, 2014, not at time of registration
C. We will need some consulting help with the billing
Preliminary Project Overview (continued…)
5. Prerequisite process needs adapting and fixing
6. Additional time and information to construct a firm
7. Financial aid
A. Issues with transmitting financial aid when future
fees are owed
B. Verify other financial aid processes not impacted
Capital Investments
Federal Loans
Capital Investments
Stu Van Horn, Vice Chancellor of Ed Services and Workforce Development
Sandy McGlothlin, Vice President of Student Services, WHC Coalinga
Sylvia Dorsey-Robinson, Vice President of Student Services, WHC Lemoore
Deborah Soria, Director of Financial Aid, WHC Lemoore
Understanding Student Loans
• Federal Loans and Awards
– Federal Perkins Loan
– Direct Subsidized Loan
– Direct Unsubsidized Loan
– Direct PLUS Loan
Capital Investments
Loan Default Rates
2009 – 3 Year Cohort Default Rate
Capital Investments
WHC Coalinga
WHC Lemoore
Number in Default
Number in Repay
Default Rate
Loan Default Rates
2010 – 3 Year Cohort Default Rate
Capital Investments
WHC Coalinga
WHC Lemoore
Default Rate
Number in Default
Number in Repay
Number of Student Loans Awarded
Number of students awarded a student loan:
Capital Investments
WHC Coalinga
WHC Lemoore
Factors to Consider
• If WHCCD stays in the loan business:
– What initiatives will be essential in reducing the loan default
Capital Investments
– What student education initiatives need to be developed or
• If WHCCD gets out of the loan business:
– What is the exit plan and student communication needs?
– What is the impact for students that are entering a 3
semester, Spring 2014 program?
– What communications need to happen with constituents?
Alternatives to Loans
• Work study
• Alternative loans funded by outside lenders such as Wells
Capital Investments
Fargo and Salle Mae
• Expand fee pay and institutional support
• Increase financial literacy initiatives
True Story of a Student
Began first semester in spring 2010
Received Board of Governors Grant (BOGG) fee waiver
Received full book award from Department of Rehabilitation Capital Investments
Received monthly bus pass from Department of Rehabilitation
Took out first loan in Spring 2011
Has maintained continuous enrollment to present
Has continued to receive BOGG, book award, bus passes, and loans
In danger of not making satisfactory academic progress (SAP)
Has amassed a total of $21,500 in student loans
Probable Outcome: Student will enter loan default
• Re-examine the current structure of the financial aid offices
– Explore what functions can be performed by one or two
vs. multiples
Capital Investments
– Analyze ways to increase efficiency, minimize
redundancies, and reduce possible error rates and
delinquencies in Federal, State, and District
• Explore ways to streamline financial aid with other student
– Student federal grants, scholarships, career exploration,
internships, and jobs
Capital Investments
Accreditation Update
Carole Goldsmith, President, WHC Coalinga
Don Warkentin, President, WHC Lemoore
Capital Investments
Accreditation Midterm Report Timeline
September 1, 2013 –
October 15, 2013
October 16, 2013 –
November 30, 2013
Distribution of draft report to college constituency groups for review and approval
• Academic Senate
• Student Services Group
• Instructional Learning Areas
Capital Investments
Distribution to college governance groups for review and approval
WHC Coalinga College Planning Council (CPC)
WHC Lemoore Planning and Governance Council (PGC)
November 2013
Chancellor’s Executive Cabinet review
December 2013
Chancellor’s Executive Cabinet approval
December 2013
Board of Trustees first reading
January 2014
Board of Trustees approval
February 2014
Midterm reports to be printed
March 2014
Midterm reports to be mailed to Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior
Colleges (ACCJC)
Capital Investments
Lumina Program
Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP)
West Hills College Coalinga
Up to now…
• Committee attended ACCJC Webinar
Capital Investments
• Clarified the 5 categories
– Broad knowledge; Specialized knowledge; Intellectual
skills; Applied skills; and Civic learning
• Mapped Program Level SLOs
– AOJ edited previously written PSLOs
– AG incorporated national “tasks”
Going forward…
• Fall semester
– Finalize Program Level SLOs for AOJ and AG
• DQP Worksheet AG
– Incorporate General Education courses
– Map course level SLOs
Capital Investments
• Spring semester
– Present findings to faculty on Flex Day
– Make curriculum changes, if needed
– Work on assessment of course level SLOs
– Decide on an electronic system to track student data
Capital Investments
Achieving the Dream
West Hills College Lemoore
Capital Investments
Capital Investments
Capital Investments
Capital Investments
Title V Grant /
Technology Discussion
Capital Investments
Apple Education / Apple, Inc.
Frank Gornick, Chancellor
Capital Investments
Contract Authorizations
Frank Gornick, Chancellor
Before engaging the following services,
the review and approval process must be followed:
Legal Services
District Architect Services
Other Consultant Services
Capital Investments
Step 1:
College President
Review and Approval
Step 2:
Step 3:
(College level requests)
Deputy Chancellor
Vice Chancellor
Review and Approval
Review and Approval
(All levels)
(All levels)
Review and Approval
(District level requests)
Capital Investments
Update on Bond Measures and
Energy Projects
Frank Gornick, Chancellor
Ken Stoppenbrink, Deputy Chancellor
Bond Measures Update
• SFID 1: North District Center, Firebaugh has approximately
$6 million in funding available for their match for new
construction and some small projects.
Capital Investments
• SFID 2: West Hills College Coalinga has expended all of
the $11 million and there are no remaining funds available.
• SFID 3: West Hills College Lemoore currently has
approximately $7 million left in Series B bond funds and
has authority to issue an additional $12 million. These
funds are needed to pay for the student union and other
projects such as a learning center in Avenal.
Energy Projects Update
• Solar field in progress at West Hills College Coalinga Farm
of the Future
Capital Investments
• Energy audit has been started through the Energy
Capital Investments
Upcoming Projects Update
Carole Goldsmith, President, WHC Coalinga
Don Warkentin, President, WHC Lemoore
WHC Coalinga – Facilities Update
• Educational Plan update has begun and includes a Facility
Master Plan as module in planning document
Capital Investments
• Mendota High School
– Agreement proposed layout for Health Careers pending
• San Joaquin Resource Center project is completed
– Classes will begin in the spring
– Ribbon cutting scheduled
Workforce One Stop at WHC Coalinga
Capital Investments
Solar Farm at the Farm of the Future
Capital Investments
North District Center Site Improvements, Phase 1
• 98% complete
• Soil preparation is
Capital Investments
• Second application of
amendments –complete
• Sod is in to control dust
and allow for a temporary
green space
• Temporary fence has been
repaired and will be
Master Planning for New North District Center
Capital Investments
• Held planning meeting with City of Firebaugh and County
• Faculty and staff planning session scheduled
Scheduled Maintenance Projects
• Campus irrigation improvements – Installation by M&O in
progress, 75% complete
Capital Investments
• Men’s dorm roof patch and recoat – On hold
• Dorm ceiling repairs – On hold
• Sump pump replacement/alarming – On hold
• SAM building repairs – On hold
• EMS upgrade – Work in progress, 55% complete
• IDF H-Wing AC removal/replacement and installation – In
WHC Coalinga – College Redesign
Capital Investments
WHC Lemoore – Student Center
View WHCL Student Union
Capital Investments
Capital Investments
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Frank Gornick, Chancellor
Ken Stoppenbrink, Deputy Chancellor
Assumptions and Project Scope
• Determine Assumptions
– Square footage of facility
– Square footage of site
– Site grounds/acreage
– Term of ownership
– Renovation cycle
– Ownership
– Decommissioning
• Determine Project Scope
Capital Investments
• Planning/Acquisition
• Project Construction
• Operations and Maintenance
• Recapitalization
• Decommissioning/Building Reuse Recycling
• Funding Analysis – Operations Budget Impact
Capital Investments
Capital Investments
Other Business
Capital Investments
Have a great week!