Heartland Community College Social & Business Sciences Division Course Syllabus for Students Spring 2012 Course Prefix and Number: ACSM 101-02 Course Title: Introduction to Computers Credit Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Days and time the course meets: Mondays and Wednesdays at 11:00 AM -12:15 PM Meeting Room: WDC 2003 CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Introduction to Computers will introduce students from any major to the essential computing concepts including computer hardware and software, in addition to the Internet and World Wide Web. Students will work with a current operating system in addition to software packages used in business and industry. Ethical and social issues will be emphasized. Keyboarding ability recommended. Credit will not be awarded for students who have taken ACSM 102 and ACSM 103 combined. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Instructor Name: Aaron Hurley Phone number to contact instructor: 217.737.5737 Instructor e-mail address: aaron.hurley@heartland.edu Office Location: WDC 2003 INSTRUCTOR'S OFFICE HOURS: After class or by appointment TEXTBOOKS REQUIRED: Muir, N., and Verno, A., Guidelines for Microsoft Office 2010, St. Paul, MN: Paradigm Publishing, Inc., 2011. ISBN-978-0-76384-212-3 (text) ISBN-978-0-76384-260-4 (text, CD) Gordon, J., Lankisch, K., Muir, N., Seguin, D., and Verno, A., Our Digital World: Introduction to Computing, St. Paul, MN: Paradigm Publishing, Inc., 2011. ISBN 978-0-76383-750-1 METHODS OF INSTRUCTION AND NEEDED SUPPLIES: Instruction will take the form of lecture/discussion and lab exercises to reinforce topics covered in the class. In order to be successful in this course, you must have the required textbooks within the first week of classes and you must bring your books to class each time we meet. Some hands-on exercises will be completed in class, per the attached course schedule. This will enable you to receive personalized coaching as you learn and practice new concepts and processes. You are responsible for timely submission of assigned assessments, which will require extensive time management outside of regularly scheduled class meetings. You will not be able to complete all your assigned work during the 3 hours of weekly class time; it is strongly suggested that you allow 4-6 hours outside of class for assignment completion. You can use any of the HCC labs to work on your lab assignments. To get individualized instructions, you may use the Business Technology Center located at Workforce Development Center (WDC Room 2606). 1 Late assignments will be given only 50% of their point value regardless of the reasons for such tardiness. You must save all of your class exercises and assignments on your Heartland personal folder (in the Idrive) and also have some type of secondary storage (e.g., a USB drive) to backup all of your work for this class. Working on computers for personal purposes (e.g., Facebook, email, Internet) during the class time is absolutely prohibited. ATTENDANCE: Attendance is required for all class sessions. Students will be required to sign the attendance sheet upon arrival to class. It will be your responsibility to remember to sign the attendance sheet. Even if you attend class, but forget to sign the attendance sheet, you will be still counted absent. Also, if you miss a class, it will be your responsibility to obtain the notes from a classmate. To prevent class disruptions, the classroom door will be locked after ten minutes from the beginning of class time. There are no excused absences in this course, so save your absences for emergencies. However, you will be given 25 attendance bonus points at the end of the semester if you miss classes/come late/leave early NO MORE THAN a total of three times during the entire semester. RELATIONSHIP TO ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AND TRANSFER: ACSM 101 fulfills 3 semester hours of elective credit for the A.A. or A.S. Degrees. It should transfer to most colleges and universities as an elective course. However, since this course is not part of either the General Education Core Curriculum or a baccalaureate major program described in the Illinois Articulation Initiative, students should check with an academic advisor for information about its transferability to other institutions program described in the Illinois Articulation Initiative, students should check with an academic advisor for information about its transferability to other institutions. It is a core course for pursuing the A.A.S. degree of Business Technology and for the Certificate in Business Technology. ACSM 102 and ACSM 103 combined equate to ACSM 101, which fulfills 3 semester hours of elective credit for the A.A. and A.S. degrees. 2 COURSE OBJECTIVES (LEARNING OUTCOMES): General Course Outcomes Education Outcomes* Program Outcomes Range of Assessment Methods Computer Concepts 1. Identify the basic components and functions of a computer system and demonstrate understanding of their relationship. 2. Identify and explain the process of purchasing, operating, and maintaining a personal computer. 3. Demonstrate understanding and proficiently use the Internet and World Wide Web. 4. Identify and reflect upon the social and ethical issues regarding responsible computer use. Throughout the semester, students will achieve the following Gen Ed outcomes: CO1 DI1 PS1 CT1 7. Create and modify documents using word processing, spreadsheet, presentations and database software. Compose and send electronic mail in a professional manner. Workplace Communication Workplace Technology Workplace Communication DI3 Administrative Skills Computer Skills 5. Understand and use operating system software with emphasis on file management. 6. Workplace Technology Workplace Technology Workplace Communication Workplace Technology PS1 CT1 DI1 CO1 Throughout the semester, the following assessment methods will be used to measure the course and Gen Ed and Program learning outcomes: Quizzes, Exams, and Assignments Workplace Communication Administrative Skills Workplace Technology Workplace Communication * CO1: Students compose a message and provide ideas and information suitable to the topics, purpose and audience. DI1: Students are receptive to believes and values that differ from their own. PS1: Students solve problems based on examples and frameworks provided by instructors. CT1: Students gather knowledge, apply it to a new situation, and draw reasonable conclusions in ways that demonstrate comprehension. 3 COURSE OUTLINE: 1. The central processing unit and memory 2. System and application software 3. Secondary storage 4. Input and Output 5. The Internet, World Wide Web and electronic mail applications 6. Communication and network technologies 7 Social and ethical issues 8 File Management 9. Word processing 10. Presentation graphics 11. Spreadsheet applications 12. Database management METHOD OF EVALUATION: Students will be evaluated by Examinations, Assignments, Quizzes, and on the basis of their participation in class discussions. I grade all assignments and tests on a total point system. Daily assignments may be worth a total of 10-20-40 points each, quizzes 10-25 points, and tests 100 point. You can calculate your grades at any point in the course. You simply divide the number of points you have earned by the total number of points possible. Satisfactory completion of quizzes, exams and assignments is required for this course: GRADING POLICY/SCALE Grading is based on: Percentage Requirements 15% Quizzes 1. 15% Exam one 2. 15% Exam two 3. 15% Exam three (Final Comprehensive Exam) 4. 20% Group Project and Presentation 5. 22.5% Participation/Attendance and bonus 5. Total Possible Points Points 150 150 150 150 200 225 1025 GRADING SCALE A= 90% - 100% B= 80 - 89 % C= 70 - 79 % D= 60 - 69 % F= 59 % and below REQUIRED WRITING AND READING: Required reading includes the texts and supplementary course materials. Students are expected to write content related to course assignments (approximately 10-20 pages) as specified by the instructor. SYLLABI DISCLAIMER: The syllabus, course policies and calendar are subject to change at any time by the instructor, you will be informed of changes as they are deemed necessary by the instructor. 4 Course Calendar Week 1 Mon, Jan 16th No Class – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Wed, Jan 18th Course Orientation & Syllabus Review Lab Introduction to Microsoft Office 2010 Suit Log on to Microsoft Windows 7 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 2) Managing Files and Folders (Guidelines for Office 2010, Chapter 2) Week 2 Mon, Jan. 23th The Internet (Digital World, Chapter 2) Lab Class Exercise on Internet, E-mail, Microsoft Suite Basics (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 3 & 4) Working with Windows Setting, Gadgets, and Accessories (Guidelines for Office 2010, Chapter 3) Wed, Jan. 25th Lecture Computing Essentials (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 1) Digital Technologies (Digital World, Chapter 1) Lab Microsoft World 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 5, Chapter 1) Week 3 Mon, Jan 30th Lecture Quiz 1 on Computing Essentials (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 1) & Digital Technologies (Digital World, Chapter 1) Lab Microsoft World 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 5, Chapter 1) Wed, Feb 2nd Lab Microsoft World 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 5, Chapter 2) 5 Mon, Feb 6th Wed, Feb 8th Week 4 Lecture Computer Hardware and Peripherals (Digital World, Chapter 3) Lab Microsoft World 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 5, Chapter 2) Lecture Computer Hardware and Peripherals Cont. (Digital World, Chapter 3) Lab Microsoft World 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 5, Chapter 3) Mon, Feb. 13th Wed, Feb 15th Week 5 Lab System Software (Digital World, Chapter 4) Quiz 2 on Computer Hardware and Peripherals (Digital World, Chapter 3) and The Internet (Digital World, Chapter 2) Microsoft World 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 5, Chapter 4) Exam 1 from (Digital World, Chapters 1, 2 & 3) Week 6 Monday, Feb 20th Wed, Feb 22nd Mon, Feb 27th Wed, Feb 29th Lab Microsoft Excel 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 6, Chapter 1) Lecture Application Software (Digital World, Chapter 5) -Ch. 5 Week 7 Lecture Quiz 3 on System Software (Digital World, Chapter 4) Lab Microsoft Excel 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 6, Chapter 2) Lecture Communications and Network Technology: Connecting Through Computers (Digital World, Chapter 6) Lab Microsoft Excel 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 6, Chapters 2 & 3) 6 Mon, March 5th Week 8 Lecture Communications and Network Technology: Connecting Through Computers Cont. (Digital World, Chapter 6) Wed, March 7th Exam 2 on (Digital World, Chapters 4, 5 & 6) Mon, March 12th SPRING BREAK Wed, March 14th SPRING BREAK Week 9 Mon, March 19th Wed, March 21st Lab Microsoft Excel 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 6, Chapters 3 & 4) Lab Microsoft Excel 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 6, Chapters 3 & 4) Week 10 Mon, March 26th Lab Microsoft PowerPoint (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 8, Chapters 1 & 2) Work on Group Project paper and presentation Wed, March 28st Lecture The Social Web Opportunities for Learning, Working, and Communicating (Digital World, Chapter 7) Lab Microsoft PowerPoint (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 8, Chapters 3 & 4) Work on Group Project paper and presentation Week11 Mon, April 2nd Wed, April 4th Mon, April 9th Lab Microsoft Access 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 7, Chapter 1) Work on Group Project paper and presentation Lab Microsoft Access 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 7, Chapter 1) Work on Group Project paper and presentation Week 12 Lecture Digital Defense Securing Your Data and Privacy (Digital World, Chapter 8) Lab: Microsoft Access 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 7, Chapter 2) 7 Wed, April 11th Lab Microsoft Access 2010 (Guidelines for Office 2010, Module 7, Chapter 2) Work on Group Project paper and presentation Week13 Mon, April 16th Lab Work on Group Project paper and presentation Wed, April 18th Lab Work on Group Project paper and presentation Mon, April 23rd Week14 Quiz 4 on- The Social Web Opportunities for Learning, Working, and Communicating (Digital World, Chapters 7) and Digital Defense Securing Your Data and Privacy (Digital World, Chapter 8) Work on Group Project paper and presentation Wed, April 25th Group Project paper and presentation are due Group Project Presentations Mon, April 30th Week 15 Review Session for Final Wed, May 2nd Exam3 - Comprehensive from (Digital World, Chapters 1-8) May 11 – 17th Week 16 Final Exam Week (No Classes) 8