Kindergarten Lesson Plans Date: Tuesday, April 30 Unit: Farm/Safari Word Wall Words: when, little 7:45-8:05 Breakfast, Restroom, Water, Unpack, and Settle 8:00-8:30 Attendance, Lunch Count, Morning Work, and Morning Meeting Indicators: K.SL-1a Follow agreed upon rules for discussion. K.SL-6 Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Morning Meeting: Greeting. “Say Your Name”. Morning Message. Each teacher will write a morning message based on what is going on in the classroom. The student of the week will share the Mystery Bag. Assessment: The teacher will visually assess the students to see if they are orally participating in the activity, following directions, and answering and participating in discussions. 8:30-9:15 Special Area 9:15-10:54 Language Arts & Literacy Stations Materials Needed: Indicators: Procedures: K.RL-2 With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details. K.RF-2b Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. K.RL-10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding. K.RF-2e Add or substitute individual sounds in simple one-syllable words to make new words. 1. Read Aloud: Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Farm By: Joy Cowley Beginning: Mrs. Wishy Washy loves to wash things. What do you think she will wash on the farm? Middle: The animals run away from the farm. Where will they go? End: How do the animals feel about Mrs. Wishy Washy now? Why do you think they feel different? Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Farm “Sheep in s Jeep”(Fast Start for Early Readers) Whiteboards Journeys Teacher’s Edition 2. Shared Reading: “Sheep in a Jeep” (Fast Start for Early Readers) Before Reading: Have students blend and segment syllables in words to read correctly. During Reading: The students will read along with the teacher using correct phrasing and fluency. After Reading: Model how to add or substitute individual sounds to make new words using the words sheep and jeep. 3. Word Wall Words: TTW introduce the words: when, little. TSW practice writing words on whiteboards. 4. Journeys: Week 25 Day Two, Phonemic Awareness – Blend and segment phonemes. 5. Interactive Writing, Shared Writing, Guided Witing: The teacher will do interactive writing, shared writing, and guided writing based on the needs of the students in each class. Assessment: The teacher will observe to see if students meet standards listed above. 10:54-11:35 Lunch Times & Calendar Calendar Standards: K5.7 Use a calendar to identify dates, days of the week, and months of the year. K5.8 Recall equivalencies associated with time: 7 days = 1 week and 12 months = 1 year. Calendar Activities: Students and teacher participate in Everyday Counts Calendar math. 11:35-12:15 Math Activities Materials Needed: Indicators: K.OA-2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem. Procedures: 1. Warm – up: Have students come to the front and tell an addition story using the students in the class. 2. Using farm clip art pictures and numeral or dot cubes, students act out and tell a farm story. For instance, one student picks a picture of a chicken and rolls the numeral 3 and then says “There are 3 chickens on the farm.” Another student chooses another picture card and the die. “There are 5 cows on the farm.” Now there are 8 animals on the farm. Record using picture story with numbers and words. 3. In small group, students use clip art pictures and dice to act out, tell, draw and record their own addition stories. 4. Students will draw and write their own farm addition stories in their math journals. Picture cards of farm animals Dice Math Journals Assessment: The teacher will observe students as they draw and write addition stories in their math journals to check for understanding. 1:15-2:20 Recess Times: 1:00- 1:15 McCormick/Edens/English Cox/Monroe Social Studies and Science: Indicators: SSK-4.3 Recognize the ways that community businesses have provided goods and services for families in the past and do so in the present. K-2.4 Compare individual examples of a particular type of plant or animal to determine that there are differences among individuals. K-2.3 Match parents with their offspring to show that plants and animals closely resemble their parents. Social Studies: Procedures: 1. The teacher will review the words: goods, services, wants, and needs. 2. Read: If You Give a Pig a Pancake By: Laura Numeroff. 3. Create a Tree Map with the words: goods, services, wants, and needs. Determine if students can think of things form the book that would fall into any of the categories. 4. List goods and/or services farmers provide for others. Science: Procedures: 1. Read and discuss Lakeshore big book: One Day on the Farm. 2. Teacher Resource Activity: Animal Families pg. 36 Materials Needed If You Give a Pig a Pancake Chart Paper Lakeshore Big Book: One Day of the Farm Resource Activity page 36 Assessment: TTW observe to see if students master the standards listed above. 2:20-2:25 Pack Up/Dismissal Kindergarten Lesson Plans Date: Wednesday Unit: Farm/Safari Letter(s):what,will May 1, 2013 7:45-8:00 Restroom, Water, Unpack, and Settle 8:00-8:30 Attendance, Lunch Count, Morning Work, and Morning Meeting Indicators: K.SL-1a Follow agreed upon rules for discussion. K.SL-6 Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Morning Meeting: Greeting. “Shake a Hand”. Morning Message. Each teacher will write a morning message based on what is going on in the classroom. The student will share his/her items from the “Student of the Week” bag. Send it home with the next student. Assessment: The teacher will visually assess the students to see if they are orally participating in the activity, following given directions, and answering and participating in and discussions. 8:30-9:15 Special Area 9:15-10:55 Language Arts & Literacy Centers Materials Needed Indicators: K.RL-2 With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details. K.RF-2e Add or substitute individual sounds in simple one-syllable words to make new words. K.RF-3 Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. K.RF-3c Read common high frequency words by sight. Procedures: 1. Read Aloud: Click Clack Moo Cows That Type: Beginning: TTW generate 3 Questions relating to the main idea of the story to ask students. During: TTW point out examples of alliteration in the story. Ending: What was the main idea of the story? 2. The TTW review letters and sounds. TTW introduce WWWs what, will. Students will practice writing WWWs on white boards and rainbow writing. 3. Journeys: Lesson 25 Words to know: Play, make, all, no, said, good, he, she Read Big Book: Pie in the Sky 4. Shared Reading: “Little Boy Blue” Before reading: The students will read the title aloud (all three words are high frequency words). During: Guess the covered word try. After Reading: Why do you think the little boy will cry? Create new words by changing sounds (dry, fry, try etc.) Sing the song, Little Boy Blue by Dr. Jean. Shared/Interactive/Guided Writing: The teacher will conduct a mini lesson to fit the needs of her class based on the district writing rubric. Assessment: TTW listen for student response to literature read aloud. TTW observe student ability to summarize the main topic and key details. passed read aloud Click Clack Moo Cows That Type “Little Boy Blue” what, will whiteboards journals 10:55-11:35 Lunch Times & Calendar Calendar Indicators: Name the days of the week and months of the year, distinguish weekdays and weekend days, find today, look for patterns. Count sequentially, recognize numerals. Count with one-to-one correspondence math quantities with numerals, count on and count back, group by tens and ones. Name the months of the year, interpret a picture graph, and compare small quantities. Calendar Activities: Students and teacher participate in everyday Counts Calendar math. 11:35-12:15 Math Activities/Whole Group Materials Needed Indicators: K-OA.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, farm animals and/or clip art and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to math journal represent the problem. Procedures: Warm-up: Have students come to the front and tell a subtraction story using the students in the class. Using farm clip art pictures and numeral or dots, cubes, students act out and tell a farm subtraction story. Student will choose a picture and roll dot or numeral die. “There were 6 pigs in the mud”. Another student rolls again and gets a 2 and says, “Two left to eat”. How many are left?” Record the problem using pictures, words and numbers. In small group, students use clip art pictures and dice to act out, tell, draw and record their own subtraction stories. Assessment: TTW observe student’s ability to tell, draw, and record their own subtraction story. 12:15-1:35 Math Centers/Small Group Instruction/Recess Materials Needed Small Group Manipulatives/Activities Recess Times: 1:00-McCormick/Edens/English/Price/Monroe 1:20-1:30 1:30-2:20 Snack Science Materials Needed Indicators: K-1.1 Identify observed objects or events by using the senses. K-1.3 Identify the location of his or her home, school, chart paper neighborhood, and city or town on a map. K-2.3 Match parents with their offspring to show that plants and animals closely resemble their parents. K-2.4 Compare individual examples of a particular type of plant or animal to determine that there are differences among individuals. Procedures: View “What is a Farm?” From the video segment “Let’s Explore: Around the Farm” and “Dairy Farm” ( Review the chart with the vocabulary words about a farm from the video clip. Review with the students the types of farms. Give each group of students a carton of milk. Ask students to use their senses to observe the milk. Read the book Milk Makers by Gail Gibbons. In this book, students will observe how milk is made and produced as well as how cows and calves are similar (e.g. there is a difference between dairy cows and cows raised for meat). From Discovery Education, the students will watch the video clip: “Dairy Farms” (:54). Add more vocabulary to the chart that includes facts about dairy farms. Assessment: TTW administer the culminating assessment. Social Studies Indicators: K-4.4 Recognize the ways that community businesses have provided goods and services for families in the past and do so in the present. Procedures: TTW use the social studies big book, Lesson 7 “What do you need?” “What do you want?” to begin the lesson. Look at the picture and ask “What does the little girl need?” and What does the little girl want”? Is this the same or different than you? Discuss as a class. Review thing we need by looking at Lesson 8-10 (food, shelter, and clothing) and things that we want. Give examples to clarify needs and wants. Have student name something they need and something they want. Have the students tell how their needs and wants would be different than the needs and wants from children long ago. Assessment: TWS will make a chart of natural features in the tundra. 2:20-2:25 Pack Up/Dismissal Kindergarten Lesson Plans Date: Thursday Unit: Farm/Safari Words: when, little nd May 2 , 2012 7:45-8:00 Restroom, Water, Unpack, and Settle 8:00-8:30 Attendance, Lunch Count, Morning Work, and Morning Meeting Indicators: K.SL-1a Follow agreed upon rules for discussion. K.SL-6 Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Morning Meeting: Greeting. “Say Your Name.” Morning Message. Each teacher will write a morning message based on what is going on in the classroom. Give any news and announcements for the day. Each student will share using 1 complete sentence for practice in talking and writing. Assessment: The teacher will visually assess the students to see if they are orally participating in the activity, following given directions, and answering and participating in and discussions. 8:30-9:15 9:15-11:00 Special Area Language Arts & Literacy Centers Indicators: K.RL-2 With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details. K.RL-5 Recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems). K.RL-10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding. K.RF-2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). K.RF-3c Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do,does). Procedures: 1. Read Aloud: Bug Safari. Ask students what they think the word safari means. Explain. Read title. TSW predict key details the story. What are some of the bugs that are seen on the safari? Draw 3-4 boxes on board. TSW retell the story in order. TTW write key details in boxes to show sequence of story. 2. Word Study: Making Words. TTW review the week’s WWW with students by cheering the words. Each student will be given a Ziploc bag with the letters (w, h, e, n, l, i, t). TTW call a WWW and TSW make the corresponding WWW using their bag of letters. TSW read each word aloud after they have made it. 3. Shared Reading: “The Elephant.” Before reading, TSW recognize the text as poem. During reading, TTW read, echo read, altogether read, sing the poem to tune of “Mulberry Bush.” After reading, TSW identify rhyming words. TSW identify WWW. 4. Journeys: Lesson 25, Pie in the Sky. Day 4: Phonics, Blending, review Hh, Kk, Oo, Jj, Xx. Oral Language – Retelling. 5. Shared/Interactive/Guided Writing: The teacher will conduct a mini lesson to fit the needs of her class based on the district writing rubric. Students will write on a topic of their choice in their journals. Materials Needed Passed read aloud Letter bags for each child containing (w, h, e, n, l, i, t) Bug Safari “The Elephant” Journeys: Lesson 25, Day 4 Journals Assessment: TTW listen for student response to literature read aloud. TTW listen for student ability to recall details and retell texts read aloud. TTW observe student ability to recognize, read, and spell high frequency words. TTW listen for student ability to recognize rhyming words. 11:00-11:30 Lunch Times & Calendar Calendar Indicators: Name the days of the week and months of the year, distinguish weekdays and weekend days, find today, look for patterns. Count sequentially, recognize numerals. Count with one-to-one correspondence math quantities with numerals, count on and count back, group by tens and ones. Name the months of the year, interpret a picture graph, compare small quantities. Calendar Activities: Students and teacher participate in everyday Counts Calendar math. 11:30-12:10 Math Activities/Whole Group Indicators: K.OA-2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and Materials Needed Safari animal pictures subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem. Procedures: 1. Warm up: TSW share (-) and (+) story made up about farm. TSW record these in their math journals. TS can use clip art pictures that you have given or draw pictures of their own. 2. Review graphs with students. Discuss what a graph is and what it gives us or helps us to learn. TSW share ways they could graph things they have learned about the farm and safari this week. Reference any class graphs that you have made earlier in the year. 3. TSW complete the Posing for a Horizontal Bar Graph worksheet. Math journals Posing for a Horizontal Bar Graph Paint/crayons/construction paper/chocolate pudding Center Manipulatives/Activities Small Group Manipulatives/Activities Chart paper Animal Sorting Center (Lakeshore) BB 3, Lesson 4-6 Assessment: TTW observe student ability to create addition stories using safari animals and numerals up to 10. TTW observe student ability to explain what a graph is, what it tell us, and how to use a graph. TTW check student journals for accuracy. TTW check worksheets for accuracy. 12:10-1:30 Math Centers/Small Group Instruction/Recess Art: Students will create pigs in the mud and farm pictures. Recess Times: 12:45-1:00-McKormick/Edens/English 1:00-1:15-Cox/Monroe 1:20-1:30 1:30-2:20 Water/Rest Science & Social Studies Indicators: Science: K-1.1Identify observed objects or events by using the senses. K-1.3 Predict and explain information or events based on observation or previous experience. K-2.4 Compare individual examples of a particular type of plant or animal to determine that there are differences among individuals. Social Studies: K-4.4 Recognize that families of the past have made choices to fulfill their wants and needs and that families do so in the present. Procedures: Science: 1. TTW review the 5 senses. Make a t-chart labeled farm and safari animals. List as many as possible underneath. In each category, sort further by animals with fur/without fur and animals live on land/in water. 2. Show students Animal Sorting Center. TSW sort to show how animals are alike and different. Choose 1 of the topic headings. Place corresponding category at top of each column. TSW take turns choosing an animal and placing it on the board. TSW explain choice. Some animals fit into more than 1 category. Sort animals in secret way. TSW guess rule used. Social Studies: 1. Using BB 3, Lesson 4-6, discuss how people earn money at jobs. Families trade things for goods and services that families need or want. 2. TTW explain families make choices when they spend money. 3. TTW give scenarios to TS with options to spend money on needs or wants. Discuss how to make a choice to get what they need and/or want. Assessment: TTW listen for student response to discussion about needs and wants and making choices to spend money. 2:20-2:25 Materials Needed Pack Up/Dismissal Materials Needed Kindergarten Lesson Plans Friday, May 3, 2013 Unit: Farm / Safari WWW: when, little 7:45-8:00 Restroom, Water, Unpack, and Settle 8:00-8:30 Attendance, Lunch Count, Morning Work and Morning Meeting Standards: K.SL -1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. K-SL1a Follow agreed-upon rules for discussion (listening, taking turns). K-SL-1b Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges, K.SL-6 Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly Morning Meeting Greeting: One, Two, Three, Four Morning Message- TTW write a morning message based on classroom happenings. Assessment: The teacher will visually assess the students to see if they are orally participating in the activity, following given directions, and answering and participating in and discussions. 8:30-9:15 Special Area 9:15-10:55 Language Arts & Literacy Centers Standards: K.RL-3 With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story. K.RI-8 With prompting and support, identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a book. K.RF-2b Count, pronounce, blend and segment syllables in spoken words. K.W-2 Use a combination of drawing, dictating and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. K.SL-4 Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail. Procedures: 1.Read Aloud: TTW display the book The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash. Display cover and discuss what is happening on it. Beginning: Who is telling the story? Name characters, setting, problem. Discuss cause and effect. List in a table on board. 2. Shared Reading: TTW use an interactive writing lesson from this week to focus on the concepts of print. For example, why this writing piece was written, model how to blend and segment syllables in spoken words, and adding details. 3.Letter Study/ Word Wall Words: TSW clap and cheer the WWW. TSW clap and cheer the WWW. TTW administer a ‘test” to students. TSW write the WWW named by tchr on their whiteboards. Or if desired the students can play “Draw”. 4. Journeys: Lesson 25 Pie on the Sky Writing: report Grammar: Exclamations: capitalization and punctuation 5.Shared/Interactive/Guided Reading: Students will write in their journals on a topic of their choice. TTW use interactive writing, shared writing, guided writing based on the needs of the students in her class. Assessment: The teacher will visually assess to see if the students meet the standards listed above, Materials Needed Word wall words The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash chart paper journals Journeys , Lesson 25 whiteboards, markers 10:52 – 11:33 Lunch Times & Calendar Calendar Activities: Students and teacher participate in Everyday Counts Calendar math. The students will name the days of the week and months of the year, distinguish weekdays and weekends, find today, look for patterns. TSW count sequentially and recognize numerals. TSW count with 1:1 correspondence math quantities with numerals, count on and back, group by tens and ones. 11:35-12:15 Math Activities Materials Needed Standards: K.OA-2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract We All went on Safari within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem. Warm-up: TSW display We All Went on Safari and locate Tanzania on a numeral or dot cubes map. As tchr reads aloud and before turning page, talk about “What number is one more?” On the page for 5, point out that the illustration on the page Safari graphing worksheet shows 2 and 3, 7 is 3 and 4, etc. (There are true facts at the end of book.) Large group: Using safari clip art pictures and numeral or dots cubes. TSW act out and tell a safari story. TSW choose a picture and roll dot or numeral cube and says for example “There were 6 lions roaming the grasslands.” Another student rolls again and gets a 2 and says “Two left to take a nap. How many are left?” Record the problem using pictures, words and numbers. Small group: TSW complete Safari graphing worksheet. Assessment: TTW observe to see if the students participate by listening to story, making up safari story problems, record problems and complete graphing worksheet. 12:15-1:35 Math Centers/Small Groups/ Instruction/Recess Materials Needed Art Projects: paint/ construction paper Recess Time: 1:00 – 1:15 center manipulatives/ All Kindergarten classes activities small group manipulatives/ 1:20 – 1:30 Snack activities 1:30-2:20 Science & Social Studies Materials Needed Social Studies Standards: K-4.3 Recognize the ways that community businesses have provided goods Science TE, Unit B, and services for families in the past and do so in the present. Lesson 7, pgs. 104 – 100 K-4.4 Recognize that families of the past have made choices to fulfill their wants and needs and that families do so in the present. Flipbook, pgs, 23 -24 Procedures: TSW name goods that a farmer provides us. Then they will name goods that Unit B, lesson 2 Song 4 other businesses provide us. “Animals Need” TTW read Going To Town (My First Laura Ingalls Wilder) to help students recognize goods from long ago. The students need to recognize what goods and services businesses provided long ago. TTW draw a Venn diagram to Guest speaker: compare and contrast which goods and services (and wants and needs) were Myrl Garment the same and which were different. Science Standards: K-2.1Recognize what organisms need to stay alive (including air, water, food and shelter). PASS pep rally K-2.5 Recognize that all organisms go through stages of growth and change called life cycles. Procedures: TTW use TE, Unit B, Lesson 7, pgs. 104 – 110 to show how animals grow and change. TTW use the Flipbook so students can understand how animals grow and change as they mature. TTW review what animals need to survive and life cycles. TSW listen to the song ‘Animals Need”. Assessment: TTW observe to see that students participate in discussion. 2:20-2:25 Pack Up/Dismissal