Principles of American Democracy American Government Mrs. Black

Principles of American Democracy
American Government
Mrs. Black-Knyazik
Room: #622
Office Hours: Monday 8:15-8:30 am, Tuesdays and Thursday 2:45 pm – 3:30 pm, or by
appointment. I teach 7th period Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so I will not be available on those
days after school.
Course Description:
This course requires students to pursue a deeper understanding of the institutions of American
government. They compare systems of government in the world today and analyze the history and
changing interpretations of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the current state of the
legislative, executive, and judiciary branches of government. An emphasis is placed on analyzing the
relationship among federal, state, and local governments, with particular attention paid to
important historical documents. The aim of the course is to promote civic literacy as students
prepare to vote, participate in community activities, and assume the responsibilities of citizenship.
Topics/Concept Timeline:
 Unit 1 – The Foundations of American Government (Chapters 1-4 and 22-23)
 Unit 2 – The Executive Branch (Chapters 13-17)
 Unit 3 - The Legislative Branch (Chapters 10-12)
 Unit 4 – The Judicial Branch (Chapters 18-21)
 Unit 5 – Elections and Voting (Chapters 5-9)
 Unit 6 – Local Government and the Education System (Chapters 24-25)
McClenaghan, William A. Magruder's American Government: California
Edition. Needham, MA: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006. Print.
Supplemental Readings: Various written and multimedia materials that are appropriate
to the subject matter being discussed will be utilized in class and in homework.
Materials to bring everyday:
 Please bring a pen, a pencil (for the multiple choice section on exams), your notebook, and
notebook paper every day to class.
 You will need a notebook to keep your assignments, tests, essays, etc. organized.
 Class Participation
 Packets – Includes all classwork and homework
 Individual and Group Projects
 Tests – Multiple Choice and Short Answer
 Essays
Grading Policy:
Grading will be based on a point system and rubrics; however some assignments will be holistically
evaluated. The percentage breakdown is:
A+ 99–100%
B+ 88-89%
C+ 78-79%
D+ 68-69%
A 92-98%
B 82-87%
C 72-77%
D 62-67%
F 59% and below
Participation Grade - Your participation will be graded out of five participation points
each week. If you choose to break any of the class expectations you will lose weekly
participation points. If a student adheres to all class rules for the week, they will receive
four points. To receive the maximum five points, the student must positively participate
during class on a regular basis.
o Ask yourselves: How are you contributing and making the class better?
o Participation and classroom discussion are a very important part of this class.
Homework – Homework is due at the beginning of class. Any homework submitted after
that will be counted as late.
Absences - If you are absent you are responsible for finding out what you missed from
another student or from me the next day. If your absence is excused, you have the number
of days you were absent to turn in your work. Extended illnesses will be evaluated on an
individual basis.
Late Work - Late work will be accepted for half credit only if it is one day late, and NO
credit if it is more than one day late. Late work is defined as work turned in after I collect it
in class.
Plagiarism is absolutely unacceptable. It includes but is not limited to: copying someone
else's answers or letting someone copy your answers on a test, quiz, homework, or other
assignment; copying information from a book, website, magazine, or other source. All major
papers must be submitted to Plagiarism or Cheating will result in an
automatic referral to the discipline office and a zero on the assignment.
Classroom Expectations:
 Be on time and be in your seat, ready to work, when the bell rings.
 Be respectful of the teacher, the classroom, and your peers.
 Keep all electronic devices out of sight.
 Be accountable for your behavior and academic success at all times.
 Ask questions and participate.
 Work well with other students. Help and respect each other.
 Understand that while you may disagree with another student's beliefs or opinions, you
MUST show them respect. Tolerance and objectivity will be expected in all classroom
 Class time is not the proper time to discuss your grade. Please see me during office hours or
make an appointment. I am happy to address your concerns then.
 All school rules and policies will be enforced in this class.
 If any Classroom Policy needs to be altered for any reason an announcement will be made in
Consequences for Misbehavior:
1. Warning (may affect participation points)
2. Move to another seat (if appropriate)
3. Teacher Detention
4. School wide Afterschool Detention
5. Parent phone call/conference
6. Behavioral Referral
** Punishment for severe misbehavior is subject to teacher’s discretion.
Questions? I’m here to help!
If you have questions or concerns, I am here to help. See me during my office hours or by
appointment. This also applies if you have any concerns about the way I am conducting class. I
want you to succeed!
American Government
Mrs. Black-Knyazik
September 2014
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by and support the policies covered in the
Government Syllabus.
Student Name ______________________________________________________________ Date_____________
Student Signature _____________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name _______________________________________________________________________
Home Phone Number _____________________________ Parent Work/Cell _____________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________________________________________________
Permission Slip
I am the parent/guardian of __________________________________________________ and I give permission for
my student to watch appropriate segments of rated R movies for educational purposes. I
understand these movies may have graphic or mature content, but that the films are being shown
only for an educational purpose.
Parent Signature ______________________________________________________________ Date: ________________
If you are NOT comfortable with your students viewing segments of these movies, and would like
other arrangements to be made for your child if this situation arises, please circle “NO”:
If you would like more information, please email me at