Pink Ribbons Inc. Assignment

ENG4C – Pink Ribbons Inc. and Business Writing
“Breast cancer has become the target of cause-related marketing campaigns.
Countless people walk, run and shop for the cure, believing they are doing
‘good’. Each year, millions of dollars are raised in the name of breast cancer,
but where does this money go, and what does this fundraising actually achieve
in relation to find a cure?”
1. Define marketing.
2. Define the term ethical.
3. Why is breast cancer a particularly attractive cause for marketers?
Cause-related marketing has generated a lot of controversy.
4. Brainstorm reasons why cause-related marketing for breast cancer is beneficial.
5. Brainstorm reasons why cause-related marketing for breast cancer is detrimental.
Your assignment!
I. Read The Five Cs of Business Writing and the example to create a business memo.
II. Next, take a look at an example of a business letter and a memo to help you create
your letter and memo.
III. Choose a topic from the list below and write a business memo and letter.
The Five Cs of Business Writing
When you are writing any business communication, ask yourself the following questions:
 Is the message clear? Think about what you want to say and jot down your ideas on
paper or key them into your computer.
 Is the message concise? Say what you want to say in as few words as possible.
 Is the message complete? Be certain all the essential information is given.
 Is the message courteous? Showing consideration and good manners helps build a
favourable company and personal image. A friendly, business-like tone builds goodwill
between you and the receiver and gives polish to your work.
 Is the message written correctly? Always be sure to reread your work several times.
 that your spelling is correct. (Use a dictionary and/or the spellcheck program on
your computer).
 that your grammar is correct
 that you have used terms correctly. (If a word is new to you, look it up in the
dictionary to make sure that you have the correct meaning).
 that you have caught all typing errors.
 that you have caught any missing words.
 that all headings, initials, dates, and names are correct
 that any mathematical calculations are accurate
Memo Example
All Staff
FROM: I. Donno
DATE: March 4, 2014
SUBJECT: Meeting – Making Ethical Decisions
Determining whether a practice is ethical or not, is more than just a matter of intuition or
opinion. When facing an ethical dilemma consider the following; consider ethical
principles, consider the consequences of the decision, and consider who the decision will
most help or harm. When designing a marketing plan for our client you have a duty of care
to ‘do the right thing’. This includes truthfulness and keeping promises. Making ethical
decisions is a complex process and therefore the meeting on Monday March 17th at 1pm
held in the conference room will explore issues when making ethical decisions for our
current and future clients.
Business Letter Example
17 March 2014
Mr. Joshua Miner
Pepsico Inc.
299 Hunter St. E.
Peterborough, ON
K9J 5H9
Dear Mr. Miner:
I am writing to inform you about the ethical decisions I wish to discuss with you in person
for the marketing contract (#12345) for Pepsico Inc.
First, your product has the right to safety. The product should not result in injury or hard to
the consumer if they are used in the fashion prescribed. Second, the consumer has the right
to be informed. This includes clear, accurate, understandable information about the
products we are marketing. Third, the right to choose. Your consumers have the right to
choose among competitors and should not be coerced into purchasing your product.
Fourth, the right to be heard. A process has been put in place so the consumers have the
right to voice complaints about the product. Fifth, the right to redress. If the consumer has
a legitimate claim with regard to a fault product, they are entitled to a fair compensation.
Finally, the right to privacy. The consumer’s right to privacy must be honoured.
I look forward to meeting with you to further discuss the ethical decisions for your product.
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely yours
J. Lenox
1. Select a stakeholder group (e.g. sufferers of breast cancer) and write about the
consequences (both positive and negative) that might occur as a result of the Pink Ribbon
For example: In my business letter I may be writing on behalf of the Stage IV Support Group
from San Francisco. I would be writing the Pink Ribbons Inc. campaign expressing my
disappointment and displeasure with their campaign for only focusing on ‘survivors’ and
not those dying of cancer (the Stage IV group). I would be requesting a meeting to discuss
ways to include the support group in their campaign. In my memo, I would send out a
message to all Stage IV Support Group members requesting a meeting to discuss ways the
group would like to be included in the Pink Ribbons campaign (e.g. guest speakers).
2. Write about the ethical issues of cause-related marketing to potential sponsors.
For example: In my business letter I might be assuming the role of a lead marketer for the
Pink Ribbons campaign and be addressing a letter to potential sponsors for an upcoming
campaign. In the letter I would ask for sponsors to submit a proposal for their ‘ethical’
product that could be marketed towards breast cancer survivors. In my memo, I would
outline what constitutes an ethical product and request sponsors to attend a meeting for
more information.
3. Write about the unethical issues of cause-related marketing to an organization like the
Canadian Cancer Society.
For example: In my business letter I might be writing to a dairy company (like Neilson’s
Dairy) asking for information with regards to the process they use to acquire milk. I would
ask the company if they are currently using growth hormones to stimulate milk production
in their cows. I would further state that the Pink Ribbons campaign is looking for ethical
partnerships and will no longer use their company as a sponsor if their products contribute
to breast cancer. For my memo I would outline examples of unethical ingredients and
products (e.g. growth hormones, parabens, etc).
4. Write about an ethical norm (do not harm, foster trust in the marketing system, embrace
ethical values) to members of a marketing team.
For example: In my business letter I may assume the role of a Pink Ribbons executive and
write to Nike. I would ask for their support in an upcoming campaign and ask for them to
submit a proposal for a new ethical product to market. In my memo, I would define the
term ‘ethical norm’ and invite members of the Nike marketing team to meet with me to
outline some of their products.
5. Write about an ethical value (honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, transparency,
citizenship) to a potential sponsor.
For example: In my business letter I may write a letter from the Pink Ribbons campaign to
Mercedes Benz to ask if their ‘Smart’ car be marketed to breast cancer survivors in an
upcoming campaign. In my memo, I would give more information about what is are ‘ethical
values’ and invite Mercedes Benz in for a meeting.