Dec-Lesson-Plan2 - Upper Darby School District

December 21, 2015
7.2.6 A, B
Describe the characteristics of places
and regions – Describe the physical
processes that shape patterns on
Earth’s surface.
Today’s Objective:
The Great Lakes Study Guide
7.2.6 A, B
Describe the characteristics of places
and regions – Describe the physical
processes that shape patterns on
Earth’s surface.
Today’s Objective:
Study Guide Review
7.2.6 A, B
Describe the characteristics of places
and regions – Describe the physical
processes that shape patterns on
Earth’s surface.
Today’s Objective:
Identify and define important key terms
within chapter 4
Analyze and compare answers of the
study guide
Assess material learned about the
Great Lakes
Warm-up/Do Now:
List the different type of pollution
Active Instruction:
In pairs, complete the study guide on
the great lakes
Closing Activity:
Hand out this weeks HW
How can we stop pollution?
Geography Alive text.
Warm-up/Do Now:
How have the lakes been beneficial?
Active Instruction:
As a class, review the study guide for
chapter 4
Closing Activity:
Which great lake would you visit and
Geography Alive text.
HW handed out.
6th Grade Social Studies
Today’s Objective:
Today’s Objective:
Warm-up/Do Now:
PBIS – Assessment
Active Instruction:
Complete Chapter 4 Essay Test on the
Great Lakes
Closing Activity:
Collect and Assess Tests
Warm-up/Do Now:
Warm-up/Do Now:
Active Instruction:
Active Instruction:
Closing Activity:
Closing Activity:
Geography Alive text.
HW Due
PA.7.1.6. Geography: Basic Geographic Literacy: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the
knowledge and skills needed to:
7.1.6.A. Describe geographic tools and their uses. 32
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.1.6.A.
7.1.6.A.1. Basis on which maps, graphs and diagrams are created: Aerial and other photographs; Reference works; Field observations; Surveys. 24
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.1.6.A.1.
7.1.6.A.2. Geographic representations to display spatial information: Absolute location; Relative location; Flows (e.g., goods, people, traffic); Topography; Historic events. 22
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.1.6.A.2.
7.1.6.A.3. Mental maps to organize an understanding of the human and physical features of Pennsylvania and the home county. 2
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.1.6.A.3.
7.1.6.A.4. Basic spatial elements for depicting the patterns of physical and human features: Point, line, area, location, distance, scale; Map grids; Alpha-numeric system; Cardinal and intermediate directions. 23
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.1.6.A.4.
7.1.6.B. Describe and locate places and regions. 24
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.1.6.B.
7.1.6.B.1. Coordinate systems (e.g., latitude and longitude, time zones). 20
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.1.6.B.1.
7.1.6.B.2. Physical features: In the United States (e.g., Great Lakes, Rocky Mountains, Great Plains); In Pennsylvania (e.g., Coastal Plain, Piedmont, Appalachians). 5
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.1.6.B.2.
7.1.6.B.3. Human features: Countries (e.g., United Kingdom, Argentina, Egypt); Provinces (e.g., Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia); Major human regions (e.g., Mid Atlantic, New England, Southwest); States (e.g.,
California, Massachusetts, Florida); Major cities (e.g., London, Los Angeles, Tokyo); Counties (e.g., Lancaster, Lackawanna, Jefferson); Townships (e.g., Dickinson, Lower Mifflin, Southampton). 135
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.1.6.B.3.
7.1.6.B.4. Ways in which different people view places and regions (e.g., places to visit or to avoid). 4
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.1.6.B.4.
7.1.6.B.5. Community connections to other places: Dependence and interdependence; Access and movement. 112
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.1.6.B.5.
PA.7.2.6. Geography: The Physical Characteristics of Places and Regions: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential
and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:
7.2.6.A. Describe the physical characteristics of places and regions. 82
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.2.6.A.
7.2.6.A.1. Components of Earth's physical systems (e.g., clouds, storms, relief and elevation [topography], tides, biomes, tectonic plates). 30
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.2.6.A.1.
7.2.6.A.2. Comparison of the physical characteristics of different places and regions (e.g., soil, vegetation, climate, topography). 4
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.2.6.A.2.
7.2.6.A.3. Climate types (e.g., marine west coast, humid continental, tropical wet and dry). 39
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.2.6.A.3.
7.2.6.B. Describe the physical processes that shape patterns on Earth's surface. 37
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.2.6.B.
7.2.6.B.1. Earth-sun relationships (i.e., differences between equinoxes and solstices, reasons they occur and their relationship to latitude). 4
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.2.6.B.1.
7.2.6.B.2. Climate influences (e.g., elevation, latitude, nearby ocean currents). 39
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.2.6.B.2.
7.2.6.B.3. Climate change, (e.g., global warming/cooling, desertification, glaciations). 5
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.2.6.B.3.
7.2.6.B.4. Plate tectonics and Hydrologic cycle. 10
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.2.6.B.4.
PA.7.3.6. Geography: The Human Characteristics of Places and Regions: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential
and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:
7.3.6.A. Describe the human characteristics of places and regions by their population characteristics. 6
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.3.6.A.
7.3.6.A.1. Spatial distribution, size, density and demographic characteristics of population at the county and state level. 6
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.3.6.A.1.
7.3.6.A.2. Causes of human movement: Mobility (e.g., shopping, commuting, recreation); Migration models (e.g., push/pull factors, barriers to migration). 18
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.3.6.A.2.
7.3.6.B. Describe the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural characteristics.
7.3.6.B.1. Ethnicity of people at the county and state levels (e.g., customs, celebrations, languages, religions). 2
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.3.6.B.1.
7.3.6.B.2. Spatial arrangement of cultures creates distinctive landscapes (e.g., cultural regions based on languages, customs, religion, building styles as in the Pennsylvania German region). 2
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.3.6.B.2.
7.3.6.C. Describe the human characteristics of places and regions by their settlement characteristics.
7.3.6.C.1. Current and past settlement patterns in the local area. 2
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.3.6.C.1.
7.3.6.C.2. Factors that affect the growth and decline of settlements (e.g., immigration, transportation development, depletion of natural resources, site and situation). 20
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.3.6.C.2.
7.3.6.D. Describe the human characteristics of places and regions by their economic activities.
7.3.6.D.1. Spatial distribution of economic activities in the local area (e.g., patterns of agriculture, forestry, mining, retailing, manufacturing, services). 2
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.3.6.D.1.
7.3.6.D.2. Factors that influence the location and spatial distribution of economic activities (e.g., market size for different types of business, accessibility, modes of transportation used to move people, goods and
materials). 10
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.3.6.D.2.
7.3.6.D.3. Spatial distribution of resources and their relationship to population distribution: Historical settlement patterns and natural resource use (e.g., waterpower sites along the Fall Line); Natural resourcebased industries (e.g., agriculture, mining, fishing, forestry). 21
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.3.6.D.3.
7.3.6.E. Describe the human characteristics of places and regions by their political activities.
7.3.6.E.1. Spatial pattern of political units in Pennsylvania. 2
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.3.6.E.1.
7.3.6.E.2. Functions of political units (e.g., counties, municipalities, townships, school districts, PA General Assembly districts (House and Senate), U.S. Congressional districts, states). 29
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.3.6.E.2.
PA.7.4.6. Geography: The Interactions Between People and Places: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to
acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:
7.4.6.A. Describe the impacts of physical systems on people. 15
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.4.6.A.
7.4.6.A.1. How people depend on, adjust to and modify physical systems on a regional scale (e.g., coastal industries, development of coastal communities, flood control). 63
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.4.6.A.1.
7.4.6.A.2. Ways in which people adjust to life in hazard-prone areas (e.g., California and earthquakes, Florida and hurricanes, Oklahoma and tornadoes). 37
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.4.6.A.2.
7.4.6.B. Describe the impacts of people on physical systems.
7.4.6.B.1. Changing spatial patterns on Earth's surface that result from human activities (e.g., lake desiccation as in the Aral Sea, construction of dikes, dams and storm surge barriers in the Netherlands,
designation of state parks and forests throughout Pennsylvania). 46
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.4.6.B.1.
7.4.6.B.2. Ways humans adjust their impact on the habitat (e.g., Endangered Species Act, replacement of wetlands, logging and replanting trees). 55
Suggested Titles for Pennsylvania Social Studies State Standard 7.4.6.B.2.