Google Docs Assignment #1

It’s a
Monica Isabel Martinez
TCEA Director of Professional Development
Google Certified Administrator
Before We Start
Morning Session (8:30 AM – 11:30 PM)
Introduction & Overview
Google Docs
Google Sites
Working Lunch Break (11:30 AM – 1:00PM)
Afternoon Session (1:00PM - 4:00PM)
iGoogle and Google Reader
3-List a Web 2.0 Tool you use that in NON-GOOGLE
-You are allowed to make mistakes and not suffer consequences.
-You are encouraged to think of crazy and unlikely ideas.
-You are allowed to mess up and start over again.
-It’s ok, to not know what you’re doing, and it’s encouraged for
you to try and figure it out.
-There are no wrong questions: all comments are useful and
-You are in an environment where skills are not a requirement,
but the desire to learn is necessary.
 Identify basic and advanced features of Google
 Identify and discuss relevant 21st Century Skills.
 Align tools to lessons and real-world applications
 Define the role of the student and the teacher
when implementing these technologies.
class survey
1-Check your email for a Google Form
2-Complete this survey
user account
1-Go to:
2-Log in or create an account
class survey
How do you Google?
• Collaboration Tools:
– Google Docs
– Google Sites
• Search Tools:
– Google Maps
– Google Earth
– Google Squared
– Google Images
– Google Scholar
– YouTube
– Google Chrome
• Readers:
-Google Reader
• Google Picasa
• Google eBlogger
• Email
-Google Wave
-G Mail
• Google Calendar
• Google Translate
The Basics
> Features > System Requirements >
Google Features:
Share Information
Online Collaboration
Interactive functionality
Facilitate processes
Innovate learning experience
More robust search capability
One Login
System Requirements:
No matter what browser you use, here's what you need to do:
Enable cookies
Enable JavaScript
Google Docs
> Collaboration > Sharing Documents > Surveys > Creating Documents >
1-Upload and convert
2-Formating Options
3-Share your files (view/edit)
4-Collaborate in real-time
5-Create documents,
presentations, spreadsheets,
drawings, and surveys
Know Your Limits:
-10 people can edit presentations
-50 people can edit spreadsheets
-10 people can edit documents
-200 combined viewers/collaborators for all
Know Your Limits:
-Docs: Each doc can have a maximum size of 500K,
plus up to 2MB per embedded image to be
converted to Google Docs format.
-Spreadsheets: Each spreadsheet can be up to 256
columns, 200,000 cells, or 100 sheets, whichever is
reached first, to be converted to Google Docs
format. There's no limit on rows.
-Presentations: Files in .ppt and .pps formats can
have a maximum size of 10MB or 200 slides to be
converted to Google Docs format; files uploaded
from the Web can be up to 2MB.
-Stored files: Files that you store but don't convert
to Google Docs can be up to 1 GB each.
You can upload documents from any of the
following file formats:
-Plain text (.txt)
-Microsoft Word
-RTF (Raw Text Format)
-Open Office (.odt)
-StarOffice Writer (.sxw)
You have a combined limit of 5000 documents and
presentations and 5000 images.
You can import and convert spreadsheets up to
approximately 1MB in these formats:
You have a limit of 1000 spreadsheets. The
spreadsheets that are shared with you do not count
against 1000 limit.
The limit on spreadsheets open at one time is 11.
You can upload presentations from any of the
following file formats from your local computer:
can be up to 10MB in size or 200 slides.
By entering the URL of a file on the Web, you can
upload presentations up to 2MB.
You have a combined limit of 5000 documents and
presentations and 5000 images.
> Create > Upload > Share > Features >
In pairs, complete slides #23 - 29
Working in Document
(in groups of two)
1-Person 1: create a document and share it with
Person 2. Allow your partner to be able to view only.
After viewing, Person 1: give Person 2 access to edit.
Both participants should edit the document to view
the process.
Working in Document
(in groups of two)
Both participants should add a comment to the
(Go to ‘Insert’ and select ‘Comment’)
Working in Document
(in groups of two)
Answer the following questions:
-How can you tell if more than one person is editing the
-What happens if more than one person tries to edit the
same copy?
-What is the difference between a comment and simply
editing your text?
Working in Document
(in groups of two)
2-Person 2: Upload the document “20th Century
Classroom vs 21st” (from your presentation
materials) and share it with Person 1. Allow your
partner to be able to edit without log in. Both
participants should edit the document in real-time.
Working in Document
Together go to ‘Tools’ and conduct the following:
-Check Spelling
-Look up word
-Word Count
WORD COUNT: Includes statistics about the document
including the Automated Readability Index. Gives
students the ability to review the work and improve
word choice, sentence structure and other key elements
in their document.
Working in Document
Together go to ‘Insert’ and add a footnote:
FOOTNOTES: Great lead in to teach about copyright, plagiarism, and cyberethics in general. Document will include a # at the location of the inserted
footnote with information in the sidebar. When printed, it is located at the
end of the document for proper documentation.
Working in Document
Together go to ‘Tools’ and translate your document to
Spanish. Save as a new document under a different
Working in Document
1-Google App
2-Safari (browser to access the Internet)
Google Docs
Google Help Discussion
Help Forum
> Create > Upload > Share > Features > Templates > Active Sheets > Syntax >
In groups, complete slides #35 - 38
Working in Spreadsheet
(in groups of four)
1-Person 1: Create a spreadsheet
in Excel, upload and share with
your group. Give two people the
right to edit, and the other person
the right to view only.
2-Everyone in the group should
access the document.
Working in Spreadsheet
1-Format in Excel (Freeze Panes, Color Themes)
2-Undo in squares
3-Invite without sign in
Working in Spreadsheet
Take my spelling test.
Code: 1234
This quiz was created using
a template that was shared
with me.
Save as your copy
Working in Spreadsheet
Template gallery: Using and previewing a template
1-Search Templates
Once you find a template you like, you can preview it and use it.
To preview a template, click the Preview link on the right, and a full screen
preview of the template appears in a new window.
2-Select the template
To use a template, click Use this template and a copy of the template is
created and added to your Docs list. You can start editing this document
directly in Google Docs and sharing it with others. You need to be signed
in to your Google Account in order to use a template.
When you use a template, you create your own copy, so it doesn't matter
if the template owner changes or deletes the original template; your copy
remains unchanged.
Working in Spreadsheet
(in groups of four)
1-Each team member will
conduct a search, select
templates and share with
2-Edit at least one template.
3-Pick one template out of
the groups finding to share
with the class.
Share the template with me
to post on the screen.
1-No user registration needed (saves w/login)
3-Requires standard web access
4-Facts are organized into a table
5-Aggregates information via Google
*Customizable data results
Working in Spreadsheets
Together go to Google Squared (web address in the
previous slide) and conduct a search for: US Presidents.
Working in Spreadsheets
In an active document you can
populate squares:
1-Type in names of a few states
2-Hover over a square and a small
blue square will appear on the
right lower hand corner of that
3-Ctrl + Click and drag to the
squares below and the table will
populate with data.
Working in Spreadsheets
In an active document you can populate squares:
1-Look up the population of Texas by using the
following syntax:
Syntax: =GoogleLookup("entity"; "attribute")
where "entity" represents the name of the
entity that you want to access, like Kuala
Lumpur, Audrey Hepburn, or oxygen, and
"attribute" is the type of information that
you want to retrieve.
Try other syntax:
Working in Spreadsheets
Insert the Function for easier
1-Go to ‘Insert’ and select
2-The ‘Google’ tab displays the
Google Lookup function
> Create > Templates > Sharing > Results >
class survey
> Create > Upload > Share > Features > Templates > Active Sheets > Syntax >
Working in Presentations
Instead of sharing a presentation in the normal way, allow
students to view the published version.
In this way it remains protected and edits are closed.
Your students will get a better look at the presentation.
You can retain control over what they see and when.
Just email or share the presentation URL from the top
right of the presentation screen.
An alternative would be to invite "Viewers" instead of
Working in Presentations
View Speaker Notes
Working in Presentations
Presentation Mode:
-Follow the presenter
-Take control
-View Together
While in presentation
view, you can enter full
screen mode by pressing
Working in Presentations
Publishing: Embedding presentations in a website
If you'd like to post a presentation online, you'll need to publish it first. To
publish a presentation, follow the instructions below:
1-Click the Publish tab in the upper-right corner of the screen.
2-Click the Publish document button.
3-After publishing your presentation, use the Select presentation size
dropdown menu to choose the preferred size of your embedded presentation.
4-Copy and paste the code that appears into your website to embed it. Small
or medium sizes work best in blogs, while large is most suitable for onscreen
viewing and reading.
5-Once you've embedded a presentation, please keep in mind that others can
access the code and embed this presentation on additional sites by clicking the
Menu button at the bottom-right of the embedded presentation.
Google Sites users: The Insert feature of Sites must be used to insert a
presentation. Just click Edit page > Insert > Presentation from within your site.
You'll be prompted to provide the URL of your Google Docs presentation, at
which point your presentation will be embedded.
Working in Presentations
While presenting, encourage the class to respond to
verbal questions in the chat window of the
Better still have questions prepared on the slides for
them to respond to.
I have found that Year 5 (9-10 years old) children are
engaged and motivated by using this instant
messaging in a structured form in lessons.
Classroom Group Project Presentations:
Students collaborate on presentations during and after school
Student Research Projects:
Students collaborate on documents and spreadsheets to compile research
The teacher creates a survey to pre-assess students knowledge about the
next unit’s content.
Homework Tool:
A shared spreadsheet students access to post questions about homework.
Student created surveys:
Students collect important data for their projects.
Paperless Processes & Instant Feedback:
Students submit work online. Teacher reviews student work and provides
feedback via comments and students may access feedback instantly and
revise their papers.
Create an example
Create an example for teacher or student
use from any of the Google Doc tools.
Partnership for 21st Century Skills
-Thinking critically and making judgments about content
-Solving complex, multidisciplinary, open-ended problems that all
workers, in every kind of workplace
-Creativity and entrepreneurial thinking
-Communicating and collaborating with teams of people across cultural,
geographic and language boundaries
-Making innovative use of knowledge, information and opportunities to
create new services, processes and products.
-Taking charge of financial, health and civic responsibilities and making
wise choices.
-Creativity and Innovation
-Communication and Collaboration
-Research and Information Fluency
-Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
-Digital Citizenship
-Technology Operations and Concepts
Seven Survival Skills (Careers/College/Citizenship)
 -Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
 -Collaboration Across Networks and Leading by -Influence
 -Agility and Adaptability
 -Initiative and Entrepreneurialism
 -Effective Oral and Written Communication
 -Accessing and Analyzing Information
 -Curiosity and Imagination
Working lunch break
Google Sites
1-Keep information secure: Set consistent sharing permissions
2-Make useful information accessible: Create an Intranet or let
groups build sites to capture and share info.
3-Share files:
4-Unify content from many sources: Display documents,
spreadsheets, presentations, YouTube videos, Picasa slideshows,
and gadgets without any programming skills.
5-Find information instantly: Google search is built-in to the site as
easy as searching the Internet
6-Create new internal sites: anyone can share and add data
More Google Tools
-Google Reader
Google Picasa
Google eBlogger
What does it do?
How does it work?
How can this be used in education?
21st Century Skills
1-User registration needed
3-Share your thoughts, photos and
more with your friends and the
4-Easy to use. It’s easy to post text,
photos and videos from the web or
your mobile phone.
5-Flexible. Unlimited flexibility to
personalize your blog with themes,
gadgets and more.
> Creating > Sharing > Printing > Picasa Web >
1-User registration needed
3-Download Application
4-Upload to share photo/video
5-Create Movies, Collages, Albums
7-Tag and sort by key terms
8-Map images
9-Order Prints
> Collaboration > Sharing Documents > Surveys > Creating Documents >
1-User registration needed
3-RSS Reader & Collaborative tool
4-Previews selected content, videos,
5-Chat6-Data not screened; may not be
suitable for all levels
7-Socail Gadgets*
*Take a video tour
Bonus Round
> Alerts > Translate > Mobile > SMS > Maps > Voice > Maps >
1-Set up alerts to get email
messages every time your
organization (or whatever your
interest topic is) is mentioned on
the web
*real-time search
*search google for #tcea
1-Visit this URL in your
2-Search using your
voice and your location.
Find websites, local
businesses, product
prices, and more.
1-Search Google via text messages
2-Text message query to: 466453
3-Text HELP to 466453
4-Send STOP to cancel to 466453
1-Visit this URL in your
phone’s browser:
2-Find locations, business
locations, view what’s
happening nearby and
driving directions.
1-Request Google Voice account
2-Select new number
3-Set up voice mail system for 3 accounts
4-View voicemail in text format
-Everyday Essentials
-Reference Tools
-Keyword Search
-Local Search
-Health Conditions
-Trip Planning
-Query refinements
-Search by Number
1-Go to the Search Features site (link
in the notes below)
2-Conduct one search in each of the
above categories
Where can I find an eBook?
Browse subjects
Business & Economics
Current Events
Family & Relationships
Health & Fitness
House & Home
Literary Collections
Literary Criticism
Literary Criticism & Collections
Body, Mind & Spirit
Performing Arts
Political Science
Psychology & Psychiatry
Social Science
Technology & Engineering