Personal Pronouns

•a pronoun is a word that is used
in place of a noun or another
•Pronouns such as we, I , she,
them, and it are called
Person – 1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
Case – Subject or Nominative Case
Object Case
Possessive Case
Number – Singular (1) or Plural
Personal Pronouns have a variety of
forms to indicate person, numbers
and cases.
Person: 1st person: I, me, we, us
2nd person: you
3rd person: he, she, it,
they, him, her, them
Personal Pronouns: Number
Number: Singular or Plural
Singular: I, me, you, he, him, she,
her, it
Plural: We, us, you, they, them
Personal Pronouns: Cases
Subject or Nominative Case: I, you,
he, she, it , we, they
Subject pronouns are used as the
subject of the sentence, or as the
predicate pronoun.
Ex. You and I both think we should go on to
The greatest astronauts were they.
Subject Case Pronouns
1. Used as the subject of the
Ex. They are going home.
He and I went to the game.
We love to win!
(Nominative Case)
Used as the predicate pronoun in a
sentence. Predicate pronouns
immediately follow linking verbs.
(am, is, are, was, were, has been, have
been, can be, will be, could be, should
be) and identifies the subject.
Ex. The fans were he and I.
The greatest astronauts were they.
1. Some big fans of space
exploration are Sam and (I, me).
2. (We, Us) learned that in April
1970, the Apollo 13 astronauts
almost didn’t make it back to Earth.
3. (They, Them) never did land on
the moon.
4. Two hundred thousand miles from
home, (they, them) heard an explosion.
5. Jim Lovell was the mission
commander; it was (he, him) who
radioed the message “Houston, we’ve
had a problem.”
6. Then (he, him) Jack, Swigert, and
Fred Haise were forced to abandon the
main ship for the lunar module.
7. The tiny module was designed to
keep two people alive for just two
days, but (they, them) were four
days from Earth.
8. (They, Them) finally splashed
down in the Pacific Ocean four days
later, having overcome crisis after
9. (We, Us) watched the movie
about their dangerous journey.
10. It was (they, them) who won
our respect and admiration.
Personal Pronouns: Cases
Object or Objective Case: me, you,
him, her, it, us, them
An object pronoun is used as a direct
object, indirect object, or an object
of the preposition.
Ex. Bad storms scare me. (direct object)
I told him the story. (indirect object)
The storm is coming straight at us.(obj. of prep.)
Object Case Pronouns
follow action verbs or
Ex. Bob hit me.
He gave the present to her.
1. Hurricane Floyd ravaged the East
Coast in 1999; the extent of the damage
horrified my friends and (I, me).
2. My brother and (I, me) read that
Floyd was 600 miles across and had
winds of 155 miles an hour.
3. Geral Keeth is a U.S. sailor; the
hurricane gave (he, him) the scare of
his life.
4. “The bad weather started pounding
(we, us) Tuesday night,” he wrote.
5. “(We, Us) launched our life raft in
…55-foot seas with 60-knot winds.”
6. The raft accidentally left (he, him)
and two others behind.
7. (They, Them) had only life jackets
and an emergency locator beacon.
8. “I could hear each wave from behind
(I, me) like a freight train coming.”
9. Then a helicopter rescued (they,
10. “Rescue swimmer Shad Hernandez
put a harness on each of (we, us) and
(we, us) were hauled into the helicopter.
Personal Pronouns : Cases
Possessive Case
Possessive pronouns show ownership.
Examples: my, mine, our, ours, yours,
your, his, hers, theirs
Possessive Pronouns NEVER have an
1. Caves are one fascinating element of
this natural world of (ours, our’s).
2. Caves can be formed by the sea,
lava, glaciers, or the wearing away
of underground rock; depending on
(their, they’re) origins, caves have
different characteristics.
3. Is exploring a cave (you’re, your)
idea of fun?
4. The exploration of caves has (it’s, its)
own name – (it’s, its) called
5. If (you’re, your) thinking of
becoming a spelunker, it’s important
to learn the proper safety techniques.
6. (It’s, Its) not dangerous to explore a
cave if you follow the safety rules
and use good judgment.
7. If people don’t pay attention in a cave,
(their, they’re) more likely to fall down
or get lost.
8. Rescuing an injured person from a
cave can be quite difficult, especially if
(its, it’s) passageways are narrow and
9. You can sometimes find (you’re, your)
way out of a cave by following
underground water downstream to the
mouth of the cave.
10. Many caves have strong echoes;
any shout you hear could be (your’s,
You are to write 10 sentences.
- 2 sentences with subject pronoun as
the subject
- 2 sentences with subject pronoun as
the predicate pronoun
-2 sentences with object pronoun as
the object of a preposition
- 2 sentences with object pronoun as
the object of an action verb
- 2 sentences with possessive
Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
Reflexive pronoun
• ends in self or selves
• refers back to the subject and directs
the action of the verb back to the
• Reflexive pronouns are REQUIRED
for the meaning of a sentence.
• Example
The Carson family tried to lift themselves
out of poverty.
Ben Carson dedicated himself to becoming a
Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
Intensive Pronouns
• Ends in self or selves
• Emphasizes a noun or another pronoun
within the same sentence.
• NOT NECESSARY to the meaning of
the sentence.
Intensive Example
• You yourself have overcome many
• Dr. Carson himself has survived
great poverty.
Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
1. Have you ever asked yourself how
you might deal with a disability?
2. Basketball player Mahmoud AdulRauf has found the strength within
himself to succeed, in spite of a
3. He suffers from Tourette’s syndrome,
a nerve disease that causes him to
twitch and shout in spite of himself.
Reflexive and Intensive
4. A star with the NBA’s Denver
Nuggets in the mid -1990’s, Adul
inspired many people who have
struggled themselves with
5. People with this condition sometimes
isolate themselves from others
because the disorder causes such
Reflexive and Intensive
6. Abdul believes that the disorder itself
has made him into a better person and
7. It has caused him to push himself and
practice harder.
8. He dedicated himself to overcoming
the condition and becoming the best
basketball player he could be.
Reflexive and Intensive
9. The player’s faith and dedication
are qualities we ourselves can
admire and try to imitate.
10. I myself have seen Adul play
many times on television.