Expository Writing PowerPoint - Humble Independent School District

Warm Up: Monday, Oct. 26
Complete questions 1-5 on the front side of
your homework for this week. The homework
requires you to add a dependent clause to the
already existing independent clause.
Remember, dependent clauses start with a
subordinating conjunction.
Example: While we sang at the concert,
parents recorded the show with their video
If this is the definition of expository, what do you think the
definition of expository writing will be?
Expository Writing: writing with a purpose to explain a
topic or idea
Organizational Styles
1. Compare/Contrast
Definition: explain how 2+
more things are alike/
Example: Explain the types
of changes a student may
undergo from middle school
to high school.
As a writer you would have to explain what the
student was like before (in middle school) and what
student was like after (in high school).
Organizational Styles
2. Cause/Effect
Definition: identifies one or
more causes and the resulting
Example: Explain the
importance of being involved in
your community.
As a writer you would have to explain what are
different things that would cause you to become
involved in the community and what the effects of
your involvement would be (could be for yourself or
for the community as a whole)
Organizational Styles
3. Definition
Definition: describes
characteristics or features of
Example: Explain what it
means to be an American.
As a writer you would have to explain what are the
characteristics that make a person American.
Organizational Styles
4. Explanatory
Definition: explains a writer’s
position on a topic
Example: Explain whether second
chances are important.
As a writer you would need to choose a position to explain.
Example: Explain why it’s necessary to
give someone a second chance.
As a writer you are given the position to explain.
Expository Essay Prompt
Read the information in the box below.
“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family:
Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.”
- Jane Howard
Think about people in your life that you consider family.
Write an essay explaining the multiple meanings of family.
Be sure to —
• clearly state your thesis
• organize and develop your ideas effectively
• choose your words carefully
• edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Expository Essay Prompt
Read the information in the box below.
J.K. Rowing is the author of the famous Harry Potter series, but she didn’t become famous
overnight. Penniless, recently divorced, and raising a child on her own, she wrote the first
Harry Potter book on an old manual typewriter. Twelve publishers rejected the
manuscript. A year later, she was finally given a chance with Bloomsbury Publishing, who
agreed to publish the book, but insisted she get a day job because there was no money
in children’s books. Due to her success of the Harry Potter series, she is now worth an
estimated $1 billion dollars.
Think about what would happen if a person gave up after one
Write an essay explaining why perseverance is critical to success.
Be sure to —
• clearly state your thesis
• organize and develop your ideas effectively
• choose your words carefully
• edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Expository Essay Prompt
Read the information in the box below.
“Music’s the only thing that makes sense anymore, man. Play it loud
enough, it keeps the demons at bay.”
- Across the Universe (movie)
Think about how hip-hop or pop culture influences your life and
your friend’s lives.
Write an essay explaining the effect of music on today’s youth.
Be sure to —
• clearly state your thesis
• organize and develop your ideas effectively
• choose your words carefully
• edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Expository Essay Prompt
Read the information in the box below.
In 1955 medical researcher Jonas Salk introduced an effective polio vaccine.
At the time polio was considered the biggest threat to public health, yet Salk
refused to profit by patenting the vaccine because he was more concerned
with preventing disease than with personal gain.
Although many people work to benefit themselves, some people
choose to put others first. Think carefully about this statement.
Write an essay explaining whether people should be more
concerned about others than about themselves.
Be sure to —
• clearly state your thesis
• organize and develop your ideas effectively
• choose your words carefully
• edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
STAAR Essay Overview
Makes up 26% of your total EOC score.
 The
writing components of STAAR (expository essay
and short answers combined) actually make up 50% of
your total EOC score!
26 lines (one single side of a sheet of paper)
 Introduction
+ Thesis
 Body paragraph one
 Body paragraph two
 Conclusion
Let’s Review!
Thesis Statements
single sentence that expresses what you
want your readers to understand; the
controlling idea of your essay and road map
for your paper
 Last
sentence (and possibly the only sentence) of
your introduction
Thesis Statements
Main idea of paper (using words from the prompt) +
transition word + topics/reasons of paper.
Prompt: Explain the types of changes a student may undergo
from middle school to high school.
Many students undergo changes from middle school to high school
such as becoming more responsible and feeling increased levels of
Prompt: Explain the importance of being involved in your
Being involved in the community is important because it helps
people stay connected and gives people pride in their
Let’s Practice!
Read the information in the box below.
In 1955 medical researcher Jonas Salk introduced an effective polio vaccine.
At the time polio was considered the biggest threat to public health, yet Salk
refused to profit by patenting the vaccine because he was more concerned
with preventing disease than with personal gain.
Although many people work to benefit themselves, some people
choose to put others first. Think carefully about this statement.
Write an essay explaining whether people should be more
concerned about others than about themselves.
Be sure to —
• clearly state your thesis
• organize and develop your ideas effectively
• choose your words carefully
• edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Write an essay explaining whether people should be more
concerned about others than about themselves.
Helping other people makes you
feel better. (WARM AND FUZZIES!)
– sense of accomplishment
Helping others keeps you humble.
Improves society
GREATER GOOD – is their life
more important than yours? – lets
six men die
Helping other people makes you
more social. (social skills
KARMA – what goes around comes
around. – Odysseus helps others;
he survives.
You need to put yourself first in
order to maintain your mental
health. You can’t help others if you
are hurting.
We have to help ourselves before
we are prepared to help anyone
else (oxygen masks on airplane)
You should put yourself first
because people will just take
advantage of you in life. – We
didn’t help the French! 
People can end up hurting you. –
Brutus (Julius Caesar event)
If you keep helping others they will
never learn for themselves. – fish
7th Period Thesis: People should be more concerned about themselves
as opposed to others because people end up hurting you; in addition,
if we keep helping others, they will never learn for themselves.
7th Period Thesis: People should be more concerned about themselves as
opposed to others because people end up hurting you; in addition, if we keep
helping others, they will never learn for themselves.
2nd Body Paragraph:
If we continue to coddle others during their times of need,
they will never learn to fend for themselves. In Homer’s Odyssey,
the goddess Athena cannot swoop to Odysseus’ rescue every
single time or he will never learn his lesson. In the final battle, he
must prove his superior battle skills in order to be deemed worthy
by the Greek gods.
Write an essay explaining whether people should be more
concerned about others than about themselves.
When we help other people,
we also in turn help ourselves.
(We learn from the
experience.) – Odysseus when
he was fighting Scylla (greater
We need to help other people
so that we are not selfcentered. Helping other
people builds character and
gives us a better reputation.)
When you help other people,
they are more likely to help
We have to take care of our
own needs first (i.e. health)
before we can even help
If you put yourself first, you
can gain fame and fortune. Steve Jobs (pushed his own
agenda/vision forward for the
product = gained fortune /
brand name)
You need to put yourself first in
order to feel accomplished.
6th Period Thesis: People should be more concerned about themselves as
opposed to others because it can lead to fame and fortune; in addition, we
must take care of our own needs first before we can be of any help to others.
6th Period Thesis: People should be more concerned about themselves as
opposed to others because it can lead to fame and fortune; in addition, we
must take care of our own needs first before we can be of any help to others.
1st Body Paragraph:
When we put our own needs before others, we
can ensure our own success. Steve Jobs, the founder
and visionary of Apple, was persistent in presenting
his own ideas to
Write an essay explaining whether people should be more
concerned about others than about themselves.
It feels good to help others
(sense of accomplishment).
Improves society as a whole
(Ebola doctors put themselves
at risk to save LIVES) (Martin
Luther King)
You can be rewarded for
helping others (A Long Way
Gone) – good karma
When you help others, they are
more likely to help you.
(personal example – HW)
We should look out for
ourselves because people will
only hurt you / disappoint you
in the end.
You have to help yourself first
before you can be of any help
to others (airplane mask
example) (A Long Way Gone)
4th Period Thesis: People should be more concerned about
others than themselves because it improves society; in
addition, helping others can lead to unexpected rewards.
4th Period Thesis: People should be more concerned about others
than themselves because it improves society; in addition, helping
others can lead to unexpected rewards.
2nd Body Paragraph:
Often times when we put the needs of others first, we can
experience surprising benefits. In the memoir A Long Way Gone,
Ishmael Beah travels to UN conferences to speak about his
experience as a child soldier. In his quest to help his fellow child
soldiers, he experienced unexpected rewards in the form of a
new home with Laura Simms.
Write an essay explaining whether people should be more
concerned about others than about themselves.
Helping others gives you a sense of
You should help other people
because you might need help too
in the future.
Helping others builds character
and gives you a good reputation.
(provides recognition) - Odysseus
Helping others improves society. /
Showing acts of kindness
encourages others to follow suit.
(lead by example)
Makes you appreciate your own
life more
People take advantage of you, so
you should put yourself first. Ender’s Game
You need to see to your own needs
first (stay recharged /
rejuvenated) because who else will
do that for you?
You cannot help others if you are
not composed.
You don’t want others to drag you
down with them.
3rd Period Thesis: People should be more concerned about others as
opposed to themselves because it builds character; in addition, when
we help other people, they are more likely to return the favor.
3rd Period Thesis: People should be more concerned about others as opposed
to themselves because it builds character; in addition, when we help other
people, they are more likely to return the favor.
1st Body Paragraph:
Society respects you when you put the needs of others
first. In Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus gains the respect of his men
due to his battle prowess. After he uses his cunning nature to save
his men from the cyclops’ cave, they can’t help but to revere
Odysseus’ leadership skills. Just like Odysseus, we should all
strive to put the needs of others first for the greater good. Its
selflessness that people recognize and ultimately defines your
Write an essay explaining whether people should be more
concerned about others than about themselves.
Helping others makes you feel better.
(WARM AND FUZZY) - promotes self
If you help other people, they can help
you when you need it.
When you help other people, you learn
life lessons.
Helping others builds character and a
better reputation in your community.
GOLDEN RULE! (Treat others how you
want to be treated.)
Helping others improves society.
You have to take care of yourself first in
order to be of any help to others.
Human nature is inherently selfish.
You have to be selfish to be successful.
Your safety / essential needs must be a
Not everyone wants your help, but you
can always take your own help/advice.
If you focus on everyone else your whole
life, you don’t have time to ensure your
own happiness. (You can’t help those
who don’t want your help.)
2nd Period Thesis: People should be more concerned about other than
themselves because it helps to improve society; in addition, when you
help other people, they will be there for you in return.
2nd Period Thesis: People should be more concerned about others than
themselves because it helps to improve society; in addition, when you help
other people, they will be there for you in return.
1st Body Paragraph:
When people go out of their way to help others without
any selfish ambitions, society benefits. The founder of Five Hour
Energy drinks uses his own salary to fund a clean water project
for third world nations. He has selflessly committed to this project
because he desires to better this world as a whole. When
Write an essay explaining whether people should be more
concerned about others than about themselves.
Helping others builds familylike bonds
Pride in yourself and your
If we don’t help other people
we will lack basic human
If you don’t help others, no one
will ever help you.
Life is short, so you should give
to others as much as possible.
You can’t help other people if
you don’t take care of yourself
You have to take time to
recharge and rejuvenate
Human nature is selfish /
survival instincts are strong
Life is short, so you should live
life to the fullest.
“You have to be selfish to
become successful.” -MJ
1st Period Thesis: People should be more concerned about themselves as
opposed to others for human nature is inherently selfish; in addition, if you
sacrifice too much of yourself, you cannot help anyone else.
1st Period Thesis: People should be more concerned about themselves as
opposed to others for human nature is inherently selfish; in addition, if you
sacrifice too much of yourself, you cannot help anyone else.
2nd Body Paragraph:
One must take care of his or her individual needs first
before he or she can be of any help to someone else. In the
memoir A Long Way Gone, Ishmael Beah must confront the
demons of his child soldier past before he can speak out and
help other children heal from their experience. Ishmael spent
time at a rehabilitation center in order to cope with his PTSD
symptoms, which allows him to share his message of redemption
when he speaks at UN conferences. By dealing with your own
hurts first, you can become an instrument of healing for others.
Sometimes it is necessary to put your own needs first for the
greater good.
Additional Practice
Prompt 2: Write an essay explaining
whether second chances are important.
Prompt 3: Write an essay explaining why it
is sometimes necessary to make sacrifices.
Prompt 2: Write an essay explaining whether
second chances are important.
Not Important
Prompt 3: Write an essay explaining why it is
sometimes necessary to make sacrifices.
Warm Up: Tuesday, Oct. 27
A complex sentence consists of an independent clause and one
or more dependent clauses. Using a relative pronoun (who,
whom, that, or which) also creates a dependent clause.
Directions: Underline the dependent clause in each of the
sentences below.
I know the woman who owns that store.
The DVD that you borrowed last week is due at the library
The student whom I recommend for class president is Lindsey.
**You will see examples of complex sentences on your homework (back side) that use
relative pronouns to create dependent clauses! Make sure you mark them as complex
and not simple!
Warm Up: Tuesday, Oct. 27
Directions: Underline the dependent clause in each of the
sentences below.
I know the woman who owns that store.
The DVD that you borrowed last week is due at the library
The student whom I recommend for class president is
Expository Essay Organization
Introduction + thesis sentence
Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence
 Evidence
 Analysis
 Transition sentence / concluding sentence
Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence
 Evidence
 Analysis
 Transition sentence / concluding sentence
Body Paragraph Organization
This should look familiar!
*Topic Sentence (sentence 1) – shows the main idea of
the paragraph (baby thesis statement)
*Evidence (sentences 2 and 3) – example, facts/data,
and quotes
*Analysis (4 and 5) – your analysis, explanation, or
interpretation of your evidence.
*Concluding/Transition Sentence (6) – wraps up the
main idea of the paragraph, or leads the reader into
the idea of the next paragraph
Here’s where things change…
You don’t have books to pull text evidence from on
the STAAR test! Since you won’t be able to embed
quotes, where does your evidence come from?
Evidence Options
Definition: Facts or examples to prove that your ideas are true
1. Literary examples:
- using well known examples from literature to prove a point.
Ex: In Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus’ dedication to get home to his wife
Penelope after 20 years lost at sea proves the value of sacrifice and
2. Historical examples (events or people):
- using well known examples from history to prove your ideas.
Ex: Rosa Parks demonstrates how one woman’s involvement in her
community impacted not only a single city, but an entire country.
3. Personal examples:
- using your own life experiences to relate to your audience
Ex: Having to balance school work, a job, and theater rehearsals was one
element of my high school experience that caused extreme stress.
Definition: explaining to the audience how your evidence connects to
your thesis.
Strong analysis (connects evidence to the big picture): Many
students experience similar juggling acts as I did, trying to
succeed both academically and extra-curricularly. These students
lack the time management skills needed to balance all of their
activities, leading to an amount of stress that was not experienced
in middle school.
Weak analysis (only applies to the writer): Trying to keep up with
all my stuff was just crazy. It was really hard to stay focused on
all the things I was supposed to do. I don’t remember feeling that
way in middle school.
Body Paragraph Organization
An example of an entire paragraph:
One negative change that many students experience from
middle school to high school is an increased amount of stress.
Having to balance school work, a job, and theater rehearsals
was one element of my high school experience that caused an
increased amount of stress for me. Many students experience
similar juggling acts as I did, trying to succeed both
academically and extra-curricularly. These students lack the
time management skills needed to balance all of their
activities, leading to an amount of stress that was not
experienced in middle school. Even though the increased
stress can be difficult, learning those time management skills
are a valuable life lesson for students.
Strong Transitions
Your reader needs to see how your ideas connect or where
your ideas are about to change.
Here is a toolbox of strong transition words to use in your writing
Even though
In addition,