Language Training Center SATYA WACANA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Program Intensif Bahasa & Budaya Indonesia (PIBBI) Registration Form PERSONAL INFO Full Name as you wish it to appear in your certificate Name you wish to be called during the program Gender Male Female Nationality Date of Birth Passport Number Permanent Address Phone Mobile Have you ever been to Indonesia before? If yes, When? Email Yes No Where? For what purpose? Rate your knowledge about Indonesia Food Weather People Transport System Communication System Money poor poor poor poor poor poor fair fair fair fair fair fair Are you covered by overseas travel insurance during the program? good good good good good good Yes excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent No EMERGENCY FAMILY CONTACT Name Relationship Address Phone Fax Email TRAVEL SERVICE Do you need travel service from the airport to Salatiga? Yes No The Committee provides airport pick-up services from one the three nearby airports one day before the program date. Please adjust your travel schedule to fit one of the following schedules. Airport Please choose one Leave from the airport at Please choose one YOUR FLIGHT INFO Airport Date of flight Flight number Arrival time ACCOMODATION Do you need LTC’s help for your accommodation? Yes No If, YES, please indicate your type of accommodation for the program: Please choose one NOTE: Participants enrolled through ANU will have to pay homestay and meal fees separately as they are not covered in your tuition fee at ANU. HOMESTAY INFORMATION Rp. 600.000 / week included in the program fee except for ANU Students. Including breakfast & dinner during weekdays, breakfast, lunch & dinner during weekends, and laundry. Cancelation of the arrangement should be done at least a week prior the date or the payment still remained. You can arrive at your homestay family one day prior to your program date. Do let us know if you arrive earlier and require a homestay. We can arrange that with additional fee. Please complete this part to help us find the best homestay family for you. What kind of family would you like to be placed with Married couple with no children Family with grown-up children Would you mind living with pets? (i.e. birds, cat?) Religious preference (optional): Moslem Yes Do you smoke? Yes No Christian Are you willing to attend religious services with your hosts? Family with small children Any Yes No No If you don’t smoke, would you mind living with a smoking family? Yes Would you mind living with other international/Indonesian students in the house? No Yes Any special information/requests that would help us to make the best homestay match possible? No GUEST HOUSE INFORMATION University Guest House ( 1.5 km from Campus) Rp. 112,500/ night HOTEL INFORMATION I will make my own reservation I want LTC to make my hotel reservation: Hotel choice: Grand Wahid Hotel ( 1 km from Campus) Rp. 375,000/night Le Beringin Hotel ( 2.5 km from Campus) Rp. 236,000/night Laras Asri Hotel ( 3 km from Campus) Rp. 502,000/night Kayu Arum ( 3 km from Campus) Rp. 405,000/night Hotel Surya ( 2.5 km from Campus) Rp. 160,000/night All prices are for standard rooms & breakfast. Please contact LTC for the updated price before you choose your hotel. Check-in date: Check-out date: MEDICAL & DIET INFORMATION Specify any allergies you have (eg. Food, pet animals, etc.) that may affect your Homestay and the program Are you on a diet for medical or religious reasons? Yes No If yes, please describe Are you a vegetarian? Yes No OTHERS How would you describe yourself (check all that apply to you)? Outgoing Cooperative Adaptable Studious Motivated Shy Quiet Dependable Other: Enthusiastic Personable Independent Sensitive PROGRAM REGISTRATION Program Enrollment I am registering for Please choose one PIBBI offers four selections of programs for two, four, six and seven weeks. Please indicate in which program you wish to be enrolled. two-week program (3 – 13 January 2012) four-week program (3 – 27 January 2012) six-week program (3 January – 10 February 2012) seven-week program (3 January – 17 February 2012) ANU Students only Field Study Participants enrolled in the four and seven - week programs should write a field study report about Indonesia as part of the program. To help us find suitable readers for your field study report, please briefly explain what are your topic or tentative topics? Indonesian Arts Class As part of your language learning experience, we are offering Indonesian Arts class that will give you hands-on experience with various Indonesian arts. We have a selection of four options: Kelas Pencak Silat, Kelas Menari, Kelas Angklung & Kulintang and Kelas Memasak that you can choose to take for 8 hours in 4 sessions. You will have to stay in one class for the entire 8 hours and may not move from one class to another. All classes are held at the same time and therefore you should really decide what you want to do. At the end of the program there will be a Culture Day where you will perform or show what you have learned in your Indonesian Arts class. Your active participation in each session will result in a good performance on the culture day. Please read the Indonesian Art Class Descriptions below before making your choice. Your decision in this form is not final as you may still move to another class after the program orientation on 2 August 2011. However, since some classes are only open with a minimum number of students, we need to have some idea as to which classes to make available. Kelas Batik: Batik is a method of dyeing fabric where some areas are covered with wax or pastes made of glues or starches to make designs by keeping dyes from penetrating in pattern areas. Multicolored and blended effects are obtained by repeating the dyeing process several times, with the initial pattern of wax boiled off and another design applied before dyeing again in a new color. Indonesia is famous for its batiks. (taken from: Course Objective: At the end of the course, the participants will be able to produce a piece of Batik cloth following all the complicated procedures involved in Batik including drawing different patterns of common Javanese Batik. The final result of the work will be presented in the Culture Night. PIBBI rating based on previous PIBBI participants’ experience: ***** (Intricate) Kelas Pencak Silat: Pencak Silat is the official name used to indicate more than 800 martial arts schools and styles spread across more than 13,000 islands in Indonesia. However, this is actually a compound name consisting of two terms used in different regions. The word "pencak" and its dialectic derivatives such as "penca" West Java and "mancak" (Madura and Bali) is commonly used in Java, Madura and Bali, whereas the term "silat" or "silek" is used in Sumatra. The ambition to unify all these different cultural expressions in a common terminology as part of declaring Indonesia's unity and independence from colonial power, was first expressed in 1948 with the establishment of the Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia (Indonesian Pencak Silat Association, IPSI). However, it could only be realized in 1973 when representatives from different schools and styles finally formally agreed to the use of "pencak silat" in official discourse, albeit original terms are still widely used at the local level. (taken from: Course Objective: At the end of the course, the participants will be able to perform several basic movements in Pencak Silat. Participants from this class will perform Pencak Silat at the Culture Night. PIBBI rating based on previous participants’ experience: ***** (electrifying) Kelas Menari: Indonesian dances (Indonesian: Tarian Indonesia) are the reflection of the country’s diversity. There are a lot of styles depending on the ethnicities and cultures behind them. With more than 700 ethnic groups in Indonesia, you can find anything from the Austronesian roots to Melanesian tribal forms, with influences ranging from neighboring Asian and even western styles through colonization. However, in regards to the more holistic approach, the dances of Indonesia can be divided into three kinds of stages: Prehistoric Era, the Era of Hinduism and Buddhism, and the Era of Islam. Moreover, dances are divided into two: Court Dances and Folk Dances. (taken from: Course Objective: At the end of the course, the participants will be able to perform one traditional dance complete with the costume. Participants will perform at the Culture Night. PIBBI rating based on previous participants’ experience: ***** (mesmerizing) Kelas Angklung: Angklung is a musical instrument made out of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes are carved so that they have a resonant pitch when struck. The two tubes are tuned to octaves. The base of the frame is held with one hand while the other hand shakes the instrument rapidly from side to side. This causes a rapidly repeating note to sound. Thus each of three or more angklung performers in an ensemble will play just one note and together complete melodies are produced. Angklung is popular throughout Southeast Asia, but originated from Indonesia (used and played by the Sudanese since the ancient times). (taken from: Course Objective: At the end of the course, the participants will be able to perform a mini angklung & kulintang orchestra performance at the Culture Night. PIBBI rating based on previous participants’ experience: N/A Kelas Memasak: Indonesian cuisine reflects the vast variety of people that live on the 6,000 populated islands that make up Indonesia. Indonesian cuisine is as diverse as Indonesian culture, and has taken on culinary influences from many sources. Throughout its history, Indonesia has been involved in trade due to its location and natural resources. Indonesia’s indigenous techniques and ingredients, at least in the Malay World parts, are influenced by India, the Middle East, China and finally Europe. Spanish and Portuguese traders brought New World produce even before the Dutch came to colonize most of Indonesia. The Indonesian islands of Maluku are famed as "the Spice Islands" for their introduction of native spices to Indonesian and global cuisine. The most popular dishes that originated in Indonesia are common across most of Asia. Popular Indonesian dishes such as satay, beef rendang, and sambals are also favored in Malaysia and Singapore. Soy-based dishes, such as variations of tofu (tahu) and tempe, are also very popular. In fact, tempe is an adaptation of tofu to the tropical climates of Indonesia. Indonesian meals are commonly eaten with the combination of spoon in the right hand and fork in the left hand, although in many parts of the country (such as West Java) it is also common to eat with one's hands. (taken from: Course Objective: At the end of the course, the participants will be able to cook a variety of Indonesian dishes from various parts of the country. A sample of the dishes will be presented at the Culture Night. PIBBI rating based on previous PIBBI participants’ experience: **** (An adventure) Kelas Gamelan A gamelan is a kind of musical ensemble of Indonesia typically featuring a variety of instruments such as metallophones, xylophones, drums, and gongs; bamboo flutes, bowed and plucked strings, and vocalists may also be included. The term refers more to the set of instruments than the players of those instruments. A gamelan as a set of instruments is a distinct entity, built and tuned to stay together — instruments from different gamelan are not interchangeable. The word "gamelan" comes from the Javanese word "gamel", meaning to strike or hammer, and the suffix "an", which makes the root a collective noun. In Indonesia, gamelan usually accompanies dance, wayang puppet performances, or rituals or ceremonies. Typically players in the gamelan will be familiar with dance moves and poetry, while dancers are able to play in the ensemble. In wayang, the dalang (puppeteer) must have a thorough knowledge of gamelan, as he gives the cues for the music. Gamelan can be performed by itself - in "klenengan" style, or for radio broadcasts - but concerts in the Western style are not traditional. (Taken from: Course Objective: At the end of the course, the participants will be able to perform a mini gamelan orchestra performance at the Culture Night. PIBBI rating based on previous PIBBI participants’ experience: ***** (spellbinding) I will take: First choice: Kelas Batik Second choice: Kelas Batik Third choice: Kelas Batik Excursion Excursion is part of the program but not compulsory. To help us finalizing our plan, please indicate your participation in the excursions. Please read the excursion description (see file: Excursion Description.pdf) with date and details for your chosen PIBBI program before signing up for the excursion. Should you wish to join us please adjust your other travel plans accordingly. Yes, I will join excursion No, I will not join excursion Excursion is part of the program but not compulsory. Make sure you are prepared for the excursion including your insurance. Expected level: Please choose your level Have you ever studied Bahasa Indonesia before? Yes No If yes, When? For Where? academic For how long? business pleasure Rate your Bahasa Indonesia proficiency SPEAKING poor LISTENING poor READING poor WRITING poor What do you expect to get from the program? fair fair fair fair good good good good excellent excellent excellent excellent PAYMENT Registration Status: NOTES FOR PARTICIPANTS REGISTERED IN ANU’S IN-COUNTRY COURSE: 1. You will still have to pay for your meals and accommodation during the program of ± AU$ 390 2. Payment for accommodation other than homestay should be done directly at the hotel or guesthouse. LTC can only help with the reservation and by providing UKSW corporate rate for the hotels. Please indicate your method of payment: Please choose one I will pay my Please choose one in Please choose one with the total of For payment in Rupiah, please use the exchange rate from your bank on the date of payment. Please send us the copy of your payment record from the bank in order to confirm your payment. Our Bank Account Details: For payment in Dollars: BNI Salatiga Account Name : Satya Wacana Salatiga Indonesia P.I.B.B.I Bank Address : Jl. Jend. Sudirman Salatiga 50711 Salatiga Account Number : 0037169045 Switch Code : BNINIDJAXXX Please earmark as : your name PIBBI For payment in Rupiah: Bank CIMB Niaga Salatiga Account Name : UKSW Jl. Diponegoro Salatiga 50711 Salatiga Account Number : 448-01-00099-00-4 Please earmark as : your name PIBBI Please return the completed form to Language Training Center by email: RPN Dian Widi Sasanti (Coordinator) Student Signature Date TYPE YOUR NAME NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED YOUR REGISTRATION IS CONFIRMED WITHOUT YOUR SIGNATURE IF SUBMITTED FROM YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THIS FORM