DRHEA admissions guide January 2015

Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students in HEIs in the Dublin
This is a guide to the admission processes that exist for Mature Applicants to Full-time undergraduate
degree programmes in the 12 participant Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) of the DRHEA Widening
Participation Strand (plus Nursing and Midwifery courses in the Dublin region). Participating institutes are;
Dublin City University incorporating Mater Dei Institute and St Patrick’s College Drumcondra, Dublin
Institute of Technology, Institute of Art Design and Technology Dun Laoghaire, Institute of Technology
Blanchardstown, Institute of Technology Tallaght, National College of Ireland, National University of Ireland
Maynooth, National College of Art and Design, Trinity College Dublin, and University College Dublin.
This guide gives summary information for the application and admission processes in these HEIs. It is,
however, very important that you read the prospectus and talk to a representative in the admissions
department of the institute to which you are applying about the application processes for mature
students for the programme that you are interested in.
What is a Higher Education Institute (HEI)?
A Higher Education Institute provides education programmes at level 6 and above on the National
Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) http://www.nfq.ie/nfq/en/ .
Who is a mature student?
Mature Students are students in higher education who are 23 years of age or over on the 1st January in the
year of entry to a programme. A mature applicant is a person who is applying to attend a programme of
study in a Higher Education Institute. For applicants who wish to begin their programme of study in
September 2015 this means that their date of birth must be on or before the 01/01/1992.
I want to apply to be a mature student…..
Mature applicants to most courses are not required to meet the minimum entry requirements specified for
standard applicants (that is performance in the Leaving Certificate or other examinations) and can apply
based on their experience. This may be life and/or work experience, further studies, or other experience
relevant to the application. There are exceptions to this and when applying to some programmes you may
have to achieve some specific entry requirements. It is important that you check whether the programme
that you are applying for has specific entry requirements with the HEI that is running the programme.
For some programmes it may be necessary to meet specific educational requirements, such as Leaving
Certificate (or equivalent) Science for some science based programmes or higher level mathematics in the
Leaving Certificate (or equivalent) for some engineering programmes. If you wish to train as a Teacher in a
primary school please check this document http://www.education.ie/en/Education-Staff/Information/1
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7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
New-Teachers/Entry-Requirements-Mature-Competition-2014.pdf for entry requirements to
undergraduate degree programmes which prepare students to be teachers in primary schools.
The CAO Handbook and Application Form is available online from the CAO website (www.cao.ie).A paper
copy of the CAO handbook is available from the CAO, Tower House, Eglinton Street, Galway (phone +35391-509800). You can also apply online at www.cao.ie. The closing date for receipt of Irish based
applications to the CAO is 1st February each year. Most but not all of the HEIs listed accept applications as a
mature student through the Central Applications Office (CAO). You can apply directly to some HEIs (for
example NCI), check this with the institution to which you are applying. When applying to the CAO, indicate
that you are a Mature Applicant in the relevant section of the CAO online or paper application.
If you have taken the Irish Leaving Certificate examinations (or equivalent school leaving exam) you can use
the results from these to apply for undergraduate degree programmes in a HEI as a mature student. Check
with the CAO and/or the HEI(s) to which you are applying to see how to do this.
Mature applicants can also apply for entry to higher education on the basis of relevant FETAC Results.
Please see the website of the institute to which you are applying or get in touch with the admissions office
to see how to apply for a programme using the results from FETAC programmes that you have completed.
Where can I get more information?
Before making applications to a HEI for entry to a programme of study it is important to thoroughly
research programmes that you wish to apply for. Sources of information include:
The websites of the HEIs, where you can get information on courses, application and admission
The Adult Education Guidance Service has a network of Guidance Counsellors and Information
Officers who provide independent advice to adults wishing to return to education. Contact details
are available here http://www.onestepup.ie/ .
Prospectuses from the HEI(s) to which you are applying – these are generally available from the
admissions office of the HEI – you can find contact details in this guide.
You may want to talk to a person who can give you information. There are services which can give
you information listed here - <link to information database>
The Qualifax website
http://www.qualifax.ie/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=216&Itemid=3 provides
information on further and higher education and training programmes available in Ireland
The CAO Website http://www.cao.ie/ and Handbook has lots of information on how to apply as a
mature applicant, it also has demo applications where you can practice making an application
The National Framework of Qualifications http://www.nfq.ie/nfq/en/ describes the educational
levels that exist in Ireland.
CareersPortal.ie is a Careers Guidance resource and has information for adult learners which you
might find useful http://www.careersportal.ie/adult_learner/index.php#.UtgIKNLV-RY
Do HEIs provide preparation/assistance for entry to higher education as mature applicants?
Many HEIs hold information events in the form of open days/evenings before the CAO deadline of the 1st
February each year. See the Qualifax website for a list of events
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Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
http://www.qualifax.ie/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=55 . Staff in HEIs
admission offices will be happy to talk to you about applying for a programme of study in their institute.
Access and Foundation courses exist in many institutions which aim to prepare people who wish to apply to
higher education. You will need to check with the HEI to which you are applying to see if an Access or
Foundation Course is suitable for you.
Will I have to pay fees?
As a mature student you may be entitled to arrange of financial supports to help with a return to
education. The overall cost of your studies will depend on your circumstances. Studentfinance.ie is a
website with information on fees, grants and financial supports for students attending further and higher
education http://www.studentfinance.ie/.
The main sources of financial support available are the Free Fees Initiative, Student Grant (SUSI Grant) and
Back to Education Allowance.
If you are a mature student entering your first undergraduate, full-time degree in an approved HEI you are
likely to be covered by the Free Fees initiative. This means that you will not have to pay tuition fees. The
Student Grant is a means tested payment administered by SUSI to help you with the various costs
associated with Post-leaving certificate and Higher Education programmes. If you are in receipt of certain
social welfare payments you may be entitled to Back to Education Allowance (BTEA). Generally, the BTEA is
for those over the age of 21 and have been getting a qualifying payment for over 9 months. If you are
receiving JobSeeker’s Benefit or Allowance you must transfer to BTEA if you are in Full-time education. If
you are on other payments you may have an option to switch to BTEA – more information is available from
your local Citizens Information Service or your local Social Welfare Office.
Applications from Non- EU Mature applicants are welcome but attendance on a programme may be subject
to fees. Admissions offices in HEIs may contact applicants to seek documentation regarding their status.
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Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
.............. 1
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students in HEIs in the Dublin Region ........................................... 1
Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) ........................................................................................................... 5
Dublin City University (DCU) incorporating Mater Dei Institute of Education and St. Patrick’s College,
Drumcondra................................................................................................................................................... 6
Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) ............................................................................................................. 7
Dundalk Institute of Technology (DKIT)......................................................................................................... 8
Institute of Art Design and Technology, Dun Laoghaire (IADT)..................................................................... 9
Institute of Technology Blanchardstown (ITB) ............................................................................................ 10
Institute of Technology, Tallaght (ITT)......................................................................................................... 11
Marino Institute of Education (MIE)............................................................................................................ 12
National College of Art and Design (NCAD) ................................................................................................. 14
National College of Ireland (NCI) ................................................................................................................. 16
Nursing Careers Centre, Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland ............................................................. 17
Maynooth University ................................................................................................................................... 18
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)................................................................................................. 20
University College Dublin (UCD) .................................................................................................................. 21
University of Dublin, Trinity College ............................................................................................................ 22
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7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT)
Name of Institution
What options are
there for mature
How do I apply?
Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT)
There are extensive support services available in AIT to support mature students
to return to full-time study.
The Department of Lifelong Learning in AIT gives information on Part-Time
Courses that are available. http://www.ait.ie/part-time/
A foundation course is available in AIT for adult learners who wish to return to
education. More information on it is available here
Apply to AIT through the CAO by February 1st on the year of entry.
Some courses in AIT may accept applications up to the 1st May but this is subject
to the availability of places on the programme of study. Contact the Admissions
Office for clarification on late applications.
Mature students to Nursing/Midwifery courses are required to sit a written
assessment test. Applicants must register and apply to the Public Appointments
Service (PAS) on www.publicjobs.ie. For further information please see
What do I need to
include with my
Late applications (i.e. applications made to the CAO after 1 February) will not be
considered for mature applicants to Nursing/Midwifery.
Assessment for mature entry to courses that do not have specific entry
requirements is based on the information supplied on the CAO application form
and in an interview.
Further information to support your application (e.g. CV, transcripts, certificates
or assessment results), should be sent to the CAO.
Do I need to do an
interview or entry
Where can I get
further information
on the application,
admission process
and entry criteria?
Keep a record of what you send and do not send original documents. Make sure
your CAO number is clearly written on all documents that you send for
Interviews normally form part of the selection process for mature applicants.
These take place in April and May.
Prospectus is available here http://www.ait.ie/prospectus/
AIT Admissions Office
Tel: 090 646 8130
Email: admissions@ait.ie
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7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Dublin City University (DCU) incorporating Mater Dei Institute of Education and
St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra
Name of Institution
Dublin City University (DCU) incorporating Mater Dei Institute of
Education and St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra
What options are
there for mature
DCU welcome applications from mature students. For application information,
please visit http://www4.dcu.ie/registry/undergrad.shtml#Mature .
How do I apply?
Mature applicants may apply to transfer from another institution. In some cases,
this can be for advanced entry. For further information, please visit,
DCU offers a range of post entry supports for mature students, for further
information, please visit http://www.dcu.ie/students/mature/index.shtml
All mature applicants should apply through the CAO by February 1st in the year of
Special Categories: Mature applicants to Nursing/Midwifery must apply to the
CAO by 1st February using the mature application CAO codes
(DC225/DC226/DC227/DC228). No late applications are accepted. In addition to
the CAO application, Mature Nursing/Midwifery applicants must register and
apply to the Public Appointments Service (PAS) on www.publicjobs.ie. Applicants
will undertake a written assessment arranged by the Irish Nursing Board. For
further information please see www.nursingcareers.ie.
What do I need to
include with my
Mature applicants for the Bachelor of Education (Honours Degree) (DC002 &
DC003) must apply to CAO by 1st February. In March, those meeting the eligibility
criteria will receive a supplementary form and instructions for completing and
submitting this form. Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and complete the
supplementary form will be invited to attend for an interview and test.
For many programmes at DCU, experience other than examination grades may be
taken into consideration. Assessment is based in your CAO application,
supplementary information supplied during the application process (transcripts,
certificates etc.) and in some instances, an assessment and/or interview.
For some courses, however, there are specific Leaving Certificate requirements.
In all cases, the university will want to ensure that you have the ability and
motivation to succeed in your studies at DCU.
Do I need to do an
interview or entry
Where can I get
further information
on the application,
admission process
and entry criteria?
Special Requirements: DC002 & DC003 Bachelor of Education. All applicants must
present a minimum of HC3 in no fewer than three subjects and a minimum of OD3
in three other subjects to include HC3 in Irish; OC3 or HD3 in English; OD3 in
For entry to some programmes, there is an assessment and/or interview.
Applicants may be called for interview in late March or early April.
For general information on programmes available in DCU, please visit our website,
http://www.dcu.ie. To request a prospectus, use the following link,
For further information about applying to DCU, use the following link,
http://www.dcu.ie/registry/undergrad.shtml or contact the DCU Registry Office
on 01 7005338 or by email on registry@dcu.ie
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7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)
Name of
What options
are there for
How do I
What do I need
to include with
my application?
Do I need to do
an interview or
entry test?
Where can I get
information on
the application,
process and
entry criteria?
Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)
Mature applicants can apply for any course in DIT.
There is no guarantee of a place especially in popular courses.
DIT run an access course for mature students see
If appropriate, a mature student may gain entry into the second or subsequent year of
a course through advanced
Apply to DIT through the CAO by February 1st on the year of entry.
Late applications will be accepted up to the 1st May (subject to a late application fee)
but there is no guarantee that late applications will be assessed. There is no late
application on restricted programmes
https://www.dit.ie/study/undergraduate/restrictedprogrammes/ .
For advanced entry to the second or subsequent year of a course apply through the
CAO. See http://www.dit.ie/study/undergraduate/advancedentry/
Additional information such as qualifications, descriptions of work experience,
background interests, voluntary work etc. must be posted or emailed to the CAO.
These will be forwarded to DIT. Documents supporting your application such as CVs,
transcripts, accreditations, qualifications, personal statements and/or references
should be photocopied with your CAO number written on them and sent to the CAO as
soon as you can after application. Decisions on applications are often made based on
what a student has provided to CAO. Not every programme interviews applicants so it
is important that students provide documentation with their applications in order to
have their application assessed.
Keep a record of what you send and do not send original documents. Make sure your
CAO number is clearly written on all documents.
For many programmes there is an interview, audition or portfolio review
process. https://www.dit.ie/study/suitabilitytestsauditionsinterviews/
More details are available to applicants expected to sit a test, submit a portfolio or
attend an interview here. http://www.dit.ie/study/undergraduate/suitabilitytests/
There is a Maths Competency Test for applicants to Engineering Level 8 Degree
Programmes. More details
here https://www.dit.ie/study/undergraduate/mathsexamforengineering/
See http://www.dit.ie/study/mature/prospective/
For a prospectus see
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7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Dundalk Institute of Technology (DKIT)
Name of
What options
are there for
Dundalk Institute of Technology (DKIT)
A minimum of 20% of first year places on all programmes are reserved for mature
applicants. (Please note that entry to Nursing and Midwifery programmes are
managed by the Nursing Careers Centre of the Nursing Board -please contact them
directly for information on mature entry to these programmes).
Applied Music, Performing Arts and Community Youth Work assess mature
applications at the same time as they audition / interview all applications to these
How do I
All applications must be made through the CAO by 1st February and the
supplementary application form relating to mature applications must be completed on
the CAO form.
What do I need You should send the CAO copies of all relevant documentation to support your
to include with application e.g. examination transcripts, training certificates, employer references, etc.
my application? You should also include a personal statement - please feel free to include more than
one personal statement if you have applied for a range of programmes at DkIT.
In the interests of fairness to all applicants, only information that is supported by
evidence will be taken into account.
Keep a record of what you send and do not send original documents. Make sure your
CAO number is clearly written on all documents.
Do I need to do
an interview or
entry test?
Where can I get
information on
the application,
process and
entry criteria?
No. Academic staff assess applications based on the documentation supplied by the
applicant (including one or more personal statements).
Further queries should be directed to access@dkit.ie
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7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Institute of Art Design and Technology, Dun Laoghaire (IADT)
Name of
What options
are there for
How do I
Institute of Art Design and Technology, Dun Laoghaire (IADT)
Mature applicants can apply for any course in IADT.
A number of places are reserved for mature students on all courses in IADT.
Limited places may be available each year for advanced entry or transfer to some
programmes, e.g. direct entry to 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of a programme. More
information is available here http://www.iadt.ie/en/ProspectiveStudents/HowtoApply/
Apply to IADT through the CAO by February 1st on the year of entry.
Late applications will be accepted up to the 1st May (subject to a late application fee).
There is no late application on the following BA (Hons) programmes:
DL 826 Visual Communication Design, DL827 Visual Arts Practice, DL828 Model making;
Design and Digital Effects, DL829 Design for Stage and Screen; Make Up Design, DL 830
Design for Stage and Screen; Production Design, DL 832 Animation, DL833
Photography, DL 834 Film and Television Production.
What do I need As a mature applicant, it is essential that you provide all relevant supporting
to include with documentation such as CV, transcripts, certificates, assessment results or other
my application? suitable information from courses previously taken for consideration as outlined on
page 14 and 15 of the CAO handbook. These can be sent to the CAO directly.
Keep a record of what you send and do not send original documents. Make sure your
CAO number is clearly written on all documents that you send for consideration.
Do I need to do
an interview or
entry test?
Where can I get
information on
the application,
process and
entry criteria?
If applying for a programme in the Department of Film and Media and the Department
of Design and Visual Arts, you must submit a portfolio for assessment. Portfolio
requirements and guidance are available here
You may be invited to an informal interview to discuss your application and any
additional provisions that may be necessary to ensure your full participation on
The Access office may be able to support you in making an application. Details here
Information on open days for entry in 2014 here
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7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Institute of Technology Blanchardstown (ITB)
Name of
What options
are there for
How do I
What do I need
to include with
my application?
Institute of Technology Blanchardstown (ITB)
Mature applicants can apply for any course in ITB. A number of places are reserved on
each course for mature applicants.
There is no guarantee of a place especially in popular courses.
If eligible, a mature student may gain entry into the second or subsequent year of a
course through direct entry. More information is available here
Apply to ITB through the CAO by February 1st on the year of entry.
Late applications will be accepted up to the 1st May (subject to the CAO late application
For advanced entry to the second or subsequent year of a course apply to ITB directly.
See http://www.itb.ie/howtoapply/direct.html
Mature applicants competing based on a FETAC Award or Leaving Certificate should
include their PPS number and Leaving Certificate Exam Number on their CAO
application in order for exam results to be matched to their application. Applicants
who have completed a full FETAC Award or Leaving Certificate prior to 2014 should
send a copy of their award and exam results to the CAO.
Keep a record of what you send and do not send original documents. Make sure your
CAO number is clearly written on all documents that you send to the CAO
Do I need to do
an interview or
entry test?
It is the responsibility of applicants to check course entry requirements to ensure they
meet the minimum entry requirements.
Mature applicants will be assessed either on the basis of a 1) written assessment of
suitability* or 2) full FETAC award**or Leaving Certificate results
*advised option since required FETAC/Leaving Certificate points may vary from year to
**FETAC Quotas apply for two courses. Applied Social Studies in Social Care at level 7
(BN011) and level 8 (BN107).
Where can I get
information on
the application,
process and
entry criteria?
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7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Institute of Technology, Tallaght (ITT)
Name of
What options
are there for
How do I
What do I need
to include with
my application?
Do I need to do
an interview or
entry test?
Where can I get
information on
the application,
process and
entry criteria?
Institute of Technology, Tallaght (ITT)
Mature applicants can apply for any course in IT Tallaght.
Up to 20% of places on each course are reserved for mature students who do not have
the standard minimum entry requirements.
If you have relevant prior learning and/or educational attainment you may be eligible
for entry to the 2nd or even the 3rd year of a course. Such applications are made
directly to the Institute. See the “Advanced Entry” information on www.ittdublin.ie for
more information http://www.it-tallaght.ie/advancedentry_transferform1.
Apply through the CAO by February 1st on the year of entry.
If you have the minimum entry requirements (FETAC Certificates/Leaving
Certificate/equivalent overseas qualification) you will also be in the competition for
places based on exam results. This will not interfere with your mature application.
Ensure you complete all sections of the CAO application, and pay particular attention
to the section where you “Explain the relevance…” in 1000 characters
Send further information (CV, transcripts, certificates, assessment results or other
relevant information) directly to the CAO.
Keep a record of what you send and do not send original documents. Make sure your
CAO number is clearly written on all documents that you send for consideration.
Applicants may be shortlisted for an interview.
IT Tallaght does not have entry tests for mature applicants.
See the IT Tallaght Prospectus http://www.ittallaght.ie/contentfiles//Documents/publications/prospectus/ft_prospectus.pdf for
information on minimum requirements for courses.
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7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Marino Institute of Education (MIE)
Name of
What options
are there for
How do I
Marino Institute of Education (MIE)
Marino Institute of Education (MIE) provides two undergraduate courses –
 Bachelor of Education (B Ed) programme which qualifies graduates to teach at
primary level (CM001, with CM002 for Gaeltacht applicants) and
 BSc in Education Studies programme which provides an opportunity to engage
with the broad field of education (CM010).
MIE welcomes applications from mature students for both undergraduate
programmes. The number of places reserved for Mature Students on the Bachelor of
Education programme is determined by the Department of Education and Skills and is
usually about 10%.
Apply to the CAO by 1st February for both B Ed and B Sc programmes.
If you are applying for the B Ed on mature grounds you are required to have a Leaving
Certificate (or approved equivalent) with a minimum of a Grade C3 in three Higher
Level subjects, and a grade D3 in three other subjects. Essential subjects include:
 a C3 in Higher Level Irish,
 a C3 in Ordinary Level English or a D3 in Higher Level English
 a D3 in Ordinary or Higher Level Mathematics.
See http://www.mie.ie/getdoc/f96f7f8b-60da-45ec-ae80-5e2adf257b31/2014-EntryRequirements-Mature-Competition-FEB-14.aspx for more details. You can achieve
these requirements over more than one sitting.
In mid-March the CAO will let you know by email if you meet the minimum entry
requirements. If you meet these eligibility requirements you will be requested to fill in
a Mature Students’ Supplementary Application Form.
Fill out this form and send it to St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, by the 4th
There is no late application availability on the B. Ed. Programme.
If you are applying to the BSc in Education Studies as a mature student, you must have
the following requirements. Grade C3 Higher Level in at least two subjects; Grade D3
or higher in four Ordinary or Higher Level Leaving Cert subjects including a pass in
Maths, English and one other language. If you apply via the CAO by 1 February, then in
mid-March the CAO will let you know if you meet the criteria or not. In addition, the
Admissions Office of MIE will contact all applicants who meet the requirements,
requesting them to complete the Mature Students’ Application Form by 30 April. The
Form is returned to the Admissions Office of MIE.
Late application is available for the BSc in Education Studies programme by applying
through the CAO between 5 March and 1 May.
What do I need
to include with
my application?
You will need to contact MIE directly for details of application processes and
requirements for entry as a mature student if using FETAC Qualifications.
Any supporting documents (certified copies of birth certificate, Leaving Certificate or
equivalent and other documents if necessary) should be sent to the CAO and included
with the supplementary application form.
Keep a record of what you send and do not send original documents. Make sure your
CAO number is clearly written on all documents that you send for consideration.
Draft with updates for 2015 entrants
7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Do I need to do
an interview or
entry test?
Where can I get
information on
the application,
process and
entry criteria?
Mature applicants to the B Ed will be invited to attend a general interview and an oral
Irish test in mid-May with a board from the institution of your higher preference on
your initial CAO application.
As a mature applicant on the B Sc you will be invited to attend a general interview in
mid-May in MIE.
More information and a prospectus is available from
Draft with updates for 2015 entrants
7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
National College of Art and Design (NCAD)
Name of Institution
What options are
there for mature
How do I apply?
What do I need to
include with my
National College of Art and Design (NCAD)
Mature applicants can apply to any course in NCAD. See here for information on
programmes available in NCAD http://www.ncad.ie/study-atncad/undergraduate-year-1/
Please find information for mature students here
If appropriate, a mature student may gain entry into the second or subsequent
year of a course through Advanced Entry. Applications for Advanced Entry are
made through the CAO. See details here http://www.ncad.ie/study-atncad/undergraduate-year-1/undergraduate-year-2/
If you are applying for any of the following courses
 AD101 First Year Art & Design (Common Entry) ,
 AD202 Design or Fine Art and Education (Second Level Teaching)
 AD212 Product Design
you should apply to the CAO by the 1st of February and you will need to submit a
portfolio to NCAD by the 6th February 2015.
These are restricted courses and late applications will not be accepted for courses
requiring submission of portfolios.
Apply to the CAO for AD215 BA Visual Culture before the 1st February. AD215 does
not require portfolio. Late applications will be accepted for this programme.
You will be informed of the outcome of your application in April/May.
If you are applying for any of the following courses
 AD101 First Year Art & Design (Common Entry)
 AD202 Design or Fine Art and Education (Second Level Teaching)
 AD212 Product Design
You will need to submit a portfolio in accordance with the NCAD portfolio
submission brief to NCAD by the 6th February 2015having applied to the CAO by
the 1st February. Find more information about submitting a portfolio here
As a mature applicant you should make sure the CAO has information on your
previous education and any relevant work experience as well as copies of
supporting documents.
When applying for AD 215 Visual Culture Please send copies of supporting
documents (for example, transcripts, CVs or other information) to the CAO
marked clearly with your CAO number.
Do I need to do an
interview or entry
Where can I get
further information
on the application,
Keep a record of what you send and do not send original documents. Make sure
your CAO number is clearly written on all documents.
Mature applicants for AD215 BA Visual Culture will be shortlisted and called for
interview based on the information provided through the CAO. Applicants for first
year AD 101/AD202 /AD212 are not normally called for interview. However, the
college reserves the right to call any applicant for interview.
Interviews, where required, are held in April/May.
There is no pre-entry test in NCAD
More information and a prospectus for NCAD is available here
Draft with updates for 2015 entrants
7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
admission process
and entry criteria?
Draft with updates for 2015 entrants
7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
National College of Ireland (NCI)
Name of
What options are
there for mature
National College of Ireland (NCI)
Mature applicants can apply for any course in NCI.
Up to 20% of places on all full-time day courses are reserved for nonstandard
applicants (mature students, transfer students), at the discretion of the College.
NCI does not have an access or a foundation course for mature students.
How do I apply?
If appropriate, a mature student may gain entry into the second or subsequent year
of a course through advanced entry/transfer
Apply directly to the NCI.
Fill in an application form which you can get from the Student Services Office which
looks after admissions
What do I need to
include with my
Do I need to do an
interview or entry
Where can I get
information on the
admission process
and entry criteria?
The closing date for applications is 1st August 2015.
It is not necessary to send further information but if you wish to send CV,
transcripts, certificates, assessment results or other suitable information from
courses previously taken for consideration these can be sent to NCI directly.
Keep a record of what you send and do not send original documents. Make sure
your contact details are clearly written on all documents that you send for
Applicants will be called for interview where necessary
Contact NCI Admissions Office for further details: 1850 221 721
Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) Applicants who wish to apply for
entry to a programme for which they may not necessarily meet the minimum entry
requirements can apply to the College under the RPEL policy
Draft with updates for 2015 entrants
7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Nursing Careers Centre, Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland
Name of
What options
are there for
How do I
Nursing Careers Centre, Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland
Mature applicants can apply for any Pre-Registration Degree Courses in General
Nursing, Intellectual Disability Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Children’s & General
Nursing (Integrated) and Midwifery.
A quota of places (between 15% and 35%) is allocated to Mature Students.
The following institutes offer courses in Nursing and Midwifery in the Dublin region:
AIT (AL831, AL833)
DCU (DC225, DC226, DC227, DC228)
TCD (TR092, TR094, TR096, TR098, TR912, TR914)
UCD (DN 460, DN461, DN462, DN463)
DkIT (Dk870, Dk871, Dk872, Dk873, Dk874, Dk875, Dk877, Dk878)
Apply for all Nursing and Midwifery courses through the CAO by the 1st February.
As a mature applicant, you will also need to apply to the Public Appointments Service
(PAS) to sit a written assessment test. You will be assessed solely the basis of this
aptitude test
Late applications (i.e. applications made to the CAO after 1st February) will not be
considered for mature applicants.
What do I
need to
include with
Do I need to
do an
interview or
entry test?
Where can I
get further
information on
process and
entry criteria?
As a Mature Applicant for Nursing and Midwifery Programmes you will be assessed
solely on the basis of an aptitude test conducted with the Public Applications Service.
Do not submit supplemental information with your CAO application or directly to
As a Mature Applicant for Nursing and Midwifery Programmes you will be assessed
solely the basis of an aptitude test conducted with the Public Appointments Service.
After you have applied to the CAO applicants must also register AND apply through the
Public Appointments Service (PAS) website www.publicjobs.ie.
Application to PAS opens on the 24th February 2015 until the 15th March 2015.
Further information is available here http://www.nursingboard.ie/en/making-anapplication.aspx
A booklet titled Nursing and Midwifery A Career for You is also available from this page
on the website http://www.nursingboard.ie/en/careers.aspx or from the Nursing
Careers Centre 01 6398562.
Draft with updates for 2015 entrants
7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Maynooth University
Name of
What options
are there for
Maynooth University
Mature applicants can apply for any course in NUI Maynooth. Up to 15% of places on all
degree courses are reserved for mature students.
NUI Maynooth runs the following foundation/preparatory courses;
 NUI Certificate in Return to Learning
 NUI Certificate in Science and Engineering
Find out about these courses at:
There is a two day orientation programme for mature students before the start of each
academic year.
How do I
Mature Students may apply to transfer from another institution. In some cases, this can
be for advanced entry. For further information, please visit,
Apply to NUI Maynooth through the CAO by February 1st on the year of entry.
You will also need to submit a Mature Students Online Application Form
https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/study-maynooth/undergraduate-studies/howapply/mature-student-applicants directly to the University by the 1st February (you will
need a CAO number before you complete this form)
Follow this link for information on applying to the Primary Education course in NUI
Maynooth https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/froebel-department-primary-and-earlychildhood-education .
What do I
need to
include with
Do I need to
do an
interview or
entry test?
Where can I
get further
information on
Late applications may be considered for some courses. Mature applicants should check
the website for courses accepting late applications.
Once you have filled in the NUI Maynooth online application form and have uploaded
relevant documentation (such as transcripts, certificates, results, etc.) it is not
necessary to send further information but if you wish to include further supporting
documentation about your qualifications or experience for consideration, please send
to NUI Maynooth directly or to CAO.
Keep a record of what you send and do not send original documents. Make sure your
CAO number is clearly written on all documents that you send for consideration.
Selection of mature students onto courses varies depending on the degree applied for.
Some courses require an entrance test while for others an interview is required. During
the interview a candidate’s suitability is explored based on previous education and/or
life, work experience etc.
For more information on entrance tests see: http://www.nuim.ie/studymaynooth/undergraduate-studies/how-apply/mature-student-applicants
For further information on application and selection of mature student see:
https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/study-maynooth/undergraduate-studies/howapply/mature-student-applicants .
Prospectus is available at https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/study18
Draft with updates for 2015 entrants
7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
process and
entry criteria?
Mature Student Handbook and general information can be seen at:
Check here for answers to many of your questions:
Mature Student Information Packs can be requested by email from the Access Office at
access.office@nuim.ie or by telephoning 01 708 6025.
Open days take place in November , April and June see
Draft with updates for 2015 entrants
7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)
Name of Institution
What options are
there for mature
How do I apply?
What do I need to
include with my
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)
RCSI welcomes applications from mature applicants. The aim of the Mature Entry
Pathways (MEPs) is to widen access and provide an opportunity for individuals
who may not otherwise find it possible to join degree programmes in medicine,
physiotherapy or pharmacy. RCSI selects mature entrants in an holistic manner,
focusing on life experiences such as volunteer work or relevant work experience in
addition to the candidate's academic background.
Mature applicants must be 23 years of age on or before 1st January prior to
admission and meet matriculation requirements (Irish Leaving Certificate or
equivalent Access to Science Programme). Mature applicants often present a third
level qualification but this is not an essential requirement for consideration.
There are 15 places for mature entrants on the Medicine course.
There is one place for mature entrants on the Physiotherapy course.
There is one place for mature entrants on the Pharmacy course.
Apply to RCSI for Medicine (RC001) through the CAO by February 1st on the year of
Mature applicants for Physiotherapy and Pharmacy apply directly to RCSI using
the online application before February 1st.
Late applications i.e. applications made to the CAO after February 1st will not be
considered for mature applicants to Medicine (RC001).
The RCSI Admissions Office will request supplementary information for Mature
applicants to Medicine (RC001) after HPAT shortlisting (see below).
Supplementary information (such as transcripts, certificates, results, personal
statement, references etc.) should be included with your application for
Physiotherapy and Pharmacy.
Do I need to do an
interview or entry
Where can I get
further information
on the application,
admission process
and entry criteria?
Keep a record of what you send to RCSI. Make sure your CAO number (or name if
you are applying for Physiotherapy or Pharmacy) is clearly written on all
documents that you send for consideration.
Mature Applicants for Medicine RC001 must present a current year HPAT test
score http://www.hpat-ireland.acer.edu.au/ . Suitable candidates will be selected
for a structured interview on the basis of their HPAT score. Mature Entry Medicine
interviews take place in May each year.
Suitable Mature candidates for Physiotherapy and Pharmacy will be selected for a
structured interview on the basis of their application in Spring.
Contact the Admissions Office in RCSI for further information
Tel: +353 1 402 2228/2248
Email: admissions@rcsi.ie
Draft with updates for 2015 entrants
7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
University College Dublin (UCD)
Name of
What options
are there for
How do I
What do I
need to
include with
University College Dublin (UCD)
Mature applicants can apply for most degree programmes in UCD.
UCD runs two access courses
 Access to Arts and Human Sciences
 Access to Science and Engineering
Further information on Access Courses in UCD is available here:
If appropriate, a Mature Student may enter into the second year of a course through
advanced entry/transfer. See https://myucd.ucd.ie/programme_info/transfer.ezc
Application to undergraduate degree programmes in UCD is through the CAO. The
closing date for most degree programmes is the 1st February.
Some programmes will accept late applications up to the 1st May (subject to a late
application fee). Please see details of individual degree programme for appropriate
deadlines on http://www.ucd.ie/maturestudents
Mature students to Nursing/Midwifery courses are required to sit a written assessment
test. Applicants must register and apply to the Public Appointments Service (PAS) on
www.publicjobs.ie. For further information please see www.nursingcareers.ie.
Late applications (i.e. applications made to the CAO after 1 February) will not be
considered for mature applicants or for mature applicants to Nursing/Midwifery.
When applying for an undergraduate degree programme in UCD you should ensure that
you tick the Mature Special Category on the application form and complete sections 111 of the Mature Application section. Where an additional personal statement is
required, a general Personal Statement template is provided on
www.ucd.ie/maturestudents . Send your completed personal statement templates to
the CAO. Supplementary information such as a CV, transcripts, certificates, assessment
results or other relevant information should be sent to the CAO within 7 working days.
Keep a record of what you send and do not send original documents. Make sure your
CAO number is clearly written on all documents that you send for consideration after
you have made an online application to the CAO.
Do I need to
do an
interview or
entry test?
Several programmes in UCD may invite short-listed applicants for interview. See the
supplementary guidelines for mature applicants for information on the programme(s) that
require interviews http://www.ucd.ie/maturestudents.
Where can I
get further
information on
process and
entry criteria?
The following publications are available from the UCD Admissions Office
 UCD Undergraduate prospectus 2014 (see link above)
 www.ucd.ie/maturestudents
Open days take place prior to the Christmas break. An information session will take
place before 1st February CAO deadline.
Call Emma Donnelly on (Telephone 01 7161536) or email mature.students@ucd.ie
Several programmes in UCD require mature applicants to complete an assessment as part of the
application process. See www.ucd.ie/maturestudents for further details.
Draft with updates for 2015 entrants
7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
University of Dublin, Trinity College
Name of
University of Dublin, Trinity College
What options are Mature applicants can apply for any course in Trinity College.
there for mature http://www.tcd.ie/courses
Trinity College run an access course for mature students see
How do I apply?
If appropriate, a mature student may gain entry into the second or subsequent year
of a course through advanced entry. See
Apply to Trinity College through the CAO by February 1st on the year of entry.
You will also need to submit an online Mature Student Supplementary Application
form (more information here http://www.tcd.ie/maturestudents/apply/) by the 1st
February (you will need a CAO number before you complete this form). A guide to
completing the online Mature Student Supplementary Application Form is available
here http://www.tcd.ie/maturestudents/content/pdf/TCD-Mature-StudentGuidelines-2015.pdf.
What do I need
to include with
my application?
Do I need to do
an interview or
entry test?
Where can I get
information on
the application,
process and
entry criteria?
Mature students to Nursing/Midwifery courses are required to sit a written
assessment test. Applicants must register and apply to the Public Appointments
Service (PAS) on www.publicjobs.ie. For further information please see
Late applications (i.e. applications made to the CAO after 1 February) will not be
considered for mature applicants or for mature applicants to Nursing/Midwifery.
You are assessed, in the first instance, on the information you provide in the Trinity
College Mature Student Online Application Form only.
Do not submit any other documents as they will not be forwarded for consideration
with your application.
From the information that you provide in the application form the department that
you are applying to will:
Call you for interview
Offer you a place
Put your name on a waiting list
Decide that your application is not successful
Interviews take place between mid-March and end of May
The undergraduate prospectus is available from www.tcd.ie/admissions and contains
information on all undergraduate courses.
Trinity college open day takes place in late November/early December every year.
More details on www.tcd.ie/admissions/undergraduate
There is an information seminar for mature students held every year – more
information is available here.
See www.tcd.ie/maturestudents for more information.
Draft with updates for 2015 entrants
7th November 2014
Guide to Admission Processes for Mature Students Applying to HEIs in the Dublin Region
Please send feedback on this document to:
Sinéad Hyland
DRHEA Widening Participation Strand Project Coordinator
Email: sinead.hyland@ucd.ie
Tel: 01 7161619
Mob: 087 2632785
Draft with updates for 2015 entrants
7th November 2014