File - Summer the Intern

Monday January 5th
Meet at Metrolink Pedley Station
Arrive at Union Station in LA
Walking Tour-Union Station
Olvera Street
Chinese American Museum
Meet at Union Station Purple Line to Pershing Square
Walk to Grand Central Market (Lunch)
Leave GCM, walk to The Last Great Bookstore
The Last Great Bookstore
453 South Spring Street
Leave LGB, walk to Midnight Mission
601 South San Pedro Street
Leave Midnight Mission to Pershing Metro Station, Red
Line to Union Station
Note: We have a limited amount of time to get back to
Union Station and catch the last train back to Riverside.
This is a BRISK walk.
Union Station to Pedley Metrolink Station
**Wear long pants, closed toe shoes, t-shirt, and bring something to tie
back long hair.
**Bring money to spend at the Last Great Bookstore, if desired
My Chaperone is:_____________________
Project Ideas:
To Consider:
How does homelessness impact the community?
How can I impact the homeless?
What are some of the ways cultural identity is expressed in Los
What are some of the positive and negative ways people in
Los Angeles experience the city?
To See:
⎕ Olvera Street- known as “the birthplace of Los Angeles”
⎕ The Avila House-The oldest adobe in Los Angeles
⎕Food Adventure Students-be on the lookout for Dulce de Camote,
Cocados, and other authentic Mexican Candy at the puestos
⎕ Sun Wing Wo General Store and Herb Shop (recreation of an 1890’s
Los Angeles store)
“One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”
- Henry Miller
The LA
Riverside Learning Center
January 5-16 2015
Los Angeles Natural History Museum
My Thoughts:
What are some
stereotypes you have
encountered today?
Can You Find:
⎕ A picture of Howard Hughes
⎕ A picture of tires
⎕ The Hang Ten Skateboard
⎕ The first woman US NAVY gunnery officer
⎕ A picture of Shirley Temple
⎕ A picture of General George Patton
⎕ Charlie Chaplain
⎕ A picture of the Los Angeles Olympic Games
What was your favorite exhibit?
Draw a picture of it, or tell why you liked it.
List any contrasts
you have seen today
Do you have any ideas
for your project
so far?
Note something you want to explore further next time you come to LA
Tuesday January 6th
Meet at Pedley Metrolink Station
Arrive at Union Station
Red Line to Hollywood Highland Station
Movie and Tour: Egyptian Theater
6712 Hollywood Blvd
Lunch: McDonalds
6776 Hollywood Blvd
(Scavenger Hunt)
Red Line from Hollywood/Highland to
7th Street Metro Station
Tour and Gallery Walk: FIDM
2631 South Bronson Ave
Depart FIDM
Via Red Line 7th St Metro Station to Union Station
Union Station to Pedley Metrolink Station
California Science Center
1. Take a moment. Watch an animal interacting with its environment.
Why does it behave this way?
2. Be a scientist. Imagine you are part of a scientific expedition and
could pick anything from this exhibit to study. What would it be?
Why and what would you like to find out?
My Thoughts:
3. Look closely. For 15 seconds, study an object up close. What do you
notice? What questions do you have about it?
4. I remember. Find something that relates to your own experience.
Tell your story.
Note something you want to explore further next time
you come to LA
The Getty Museum
History Through Fashion Students-January work samples 
Your task: Find between six and nine works of art (painting, sculpture,
decorative art, whatever) from 1300 to 1600 that depict how people lived,
especially their clothing & make them into a timeline.
Photograph each piece of art (& the explanatory caption). Make sure
the clothing is clear in the photo.
Place the images in chronological order onto a timeline.
For each image, label at least one article of clothing.
Write a brief paragraph explaining what you notice changing about
clothing during this time period and theorize why you think those
changes may have happened.
Page Museum
Go to the Lake Pit. What do you:
Go to the Pleistocene Garden. Rub some sage
between your fingers and smell. How would you
describe the scent?
Find Project 23. Why is it called Project 23?
World and US History Students-January Work Samples 
Your Task (Choose one…unless you really want to do both)
Option 1 – Major Artistic movements of the late 19th & early 20th centuries: The
above timeline indicates most of the major artistic movements of the late 19 th & early
20th centuries. As you explore the museum, find & photograph a work of art from at
least five of these movements. Don’t forget to photograph the caption that explains
the work of art. Place the photographs onto a timeline. Then, in two brief paragraphs,
explain why you chose those works of art & what they show about the changes taking
place in the world during that time period.
Option 2 – Exploring WWI: Spend time in the WWI: War of Images, Images of War
exhibit. You won’t be able to take pictures here, but notes will be helpful.
Throughout this exhibit, find three images that stand out for you. In an essay of at
least two pages, describe each of the three images, explain why these images stand
out to you, and discuss what they say to you about World War I.
Who is ZED? What have we learned about him?
Excavate: to carefully and systematically remove earth in
order to find remains.
Thursday January 8th
Wednesday January 7th
Meet in school parking lot
St. Elmo’s Village Tour and Craft
4830 St. Elmo Drive
Lunch: Little Ethiopia-Merkato
1036 South Fairfax Ave
5905 Wilshire Blvd
A&D Museum
6032 Wilshire Blvd
Depart LA to school parking lot
Vehicle Assignments:
**You may select your vehicle for the day.
**Stay in your selected vehicle for the ENTIRE day, do NOT change
I am in ____________________’s vehicle
Meet in school parking lot
Getty Museum
*****Validate your parking ticket please*****
Meet at the parking tram
Lunch: Farmer’s Market (or sack lunch)
6333 West 3rd St
*****Validate your parking ticket please*****
Depart to Page Museum
5801 Wilshire Blvd
Depart to school parking lot
Vehicle Assignments:
**You may select your vehicle for the day.
**Stay in your selected vehicle for the ENTIRE day, do NOT change
I am in ____________________’s vehicle
To Consider
Does art talk? If so, what can it say? What does it say
to you?
 How is cultural diversity apparent in Los Angeles?
 How does it impact the city?
Thoughts, Contrasts, Wonderings:
I Wonder…..
Note something you want to explore further next time
you come to LA
Note something you want to explore
further next time you come to LA
Q: What are some ways that art translates to the business world?
LACMA/St. Elmo’s Village
You are an art critic. Sketch your favorite piece from
today’s visits or use the space to write about it.
*Which is your favorite or least favorite work? Why do you like/not like it?
*Which piece would you want to take home and where would you put it?
*Which work of art do you think was the most fun for the artist to create?
Why do you think so?
*Make comparisons between the works of art you like and the ones you
don’t like.
3 Things I learned on the FIDM Tour:
Q: What surprised you about FIDM?
Curator: someone who obtains artifacts (historical items) for a museum.
They are also responsible for arranging exhibits and planning museum
events and displays.
Friday January 9th
Hollywood Scavenger Hunt
Meet at Pedley Metrolink Station
Union Station
Red Line to 7th Street Metro Center Station
Metro Expo Line (Blue) to Exposition Park/USC Station
Arrive Exposition Park, CA Science Center
Lunch on your own
Natural History Museum
Depart Exposition Park/USC Station
Metro Expo Line to 7th Street Metro Center Station
Red Line to Union Station
Depart for Pedley Metrolink Station
Project Ideas:
Note something you want to explore
further next time you come to LA
Whose star do you see to the right just as
you come up from the subway entrance &
what was it for (film, television, radio,
music, or live theater)? This picture is a
What theater entrance
boasts this
beautiful art?
Where do you see this critter?
Find this image & write the name of one of the first eight stars
on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Whose star are you
standing on when
you see this?
Where do you
see this image?
Where was the first Hollywood Premiere held?
What show is directly behind you when you see this?
There are five different types of stars on the Walk of
Fame. Find one of each & name the star on it.
Type of star
Star’s name
How many
elephants can be
spotted in this
two block area?