THE WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF LAW SYLLABUS FOR INTERNATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION LAW FOR BUSINESS, FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT LAW-7950-001, 2 CREDIT HOURS PROFESSOR: NANCY Z. BOSWELL CONTACT INFORMATION: (preferred method of contact) OFFICE HOURS: By appointment. Students are encouraged to contact me by email or before/after class. CLASS SCHEDULE: Tuesdays, starting August 21, 2012, from 4:00 pm – 5:50 pm. COURSE DESCRIPTION: International anti-corruption law has evolved significantly in recent years with profound implications for governments, the private sector, non-profits and development assistance communities and for lawyers advising them. This course will discuss international anticorruption conventions criminalizing transnational bribery and enhancing public sector transparency, integrity and accountability and their enforcement. It will also discuss private sector compliance, development assistance governance and sanctions programs and multilateral and multi-stakeholder transparency initiatives. It will emphasize information and issues of concern to contemporary practitioners and feature speakers from the US government, multilateral organizations and the private and non-profit sectors. PREREQUISITES: This is an upper level seminar open to JD students who have taken international law and basic criminal law courses. EVALUATION/GRADING: Evaluation/grading will be based on class attendance and participation in discussions of required reading (25%), a substantial research paper of 20-25 pages (65%) and a presentation on the paper’s key findings (10%). Students are strongly encouraged to meet with me early in the semester to discuss potential research topics. COURSE MATERIALS: Course materials are varied, drawing on legal agreements, cases, academic texts, legislation, policy papers, law review articles and other widely consulted reference materials. Required reading is specified for each class; you will be notified through MyWCL of any changes. TEXTBOOKS: S. Rose Ackerman, Corruption and Government E. Campos, G. Ware, Ed.: The Many Faces of Corruption All other required reading is available online, as indicated. Where links are problematic, a web search using the document title, particularly on the site of the publication source, should help locate the document. Please contact me if you encounter difficulties. READING ASSIGNMENTS: CLASS 1 – ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL CONSEQUENCES OF CORRUPTION (8/21) Readings: S. Rose-Ackerman, Corruption & Government: Causes, Consequences & Reform, pgs. 1-38 D. Kaufmann, C. Gray, “Corruption and Development,” (Finance & Development, March 1998) TI Global Corruption Report 2006 - Corruption in the Health Sector (Read Corruption in Kenya’s National AIDS Control Council, pgs. 112-115 and skim other articles) - TI Corruption Perceptions Index CLASS 2 – CORRUPTION AT THE NEXUS OF PUBLIC & PRIVATE SECTORS: PROCUREMENT GUEST LECTURE: STEVEN SHAW, FORMER DEPUTY GENERAL COUNSEL (CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY, DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE (8/28) Readings: E. Campos, G. Ware, Ed.: The Many Faces of Corruption, (pgs 295-334) World Bank, “Corruption Warning Signs: Is Your Project at Risk” Federal Acquisition Regulation: Debarment, Suspension and Ineligibility, Sub-part 9.4, US v. Siemens Bangladesh Limited, Statement of Offense, US District Court for the District of Columbia, World Bank Detailed Implementation Review – India Health Sector, (pgs. 10-20) pdf CLASS 3 – US FOREIGN BRIBERY LAW: FOREIGN CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT (9/4) FCPA history, anti-bribery and books and records provisions; jurisdiction; scope; intermediaries & supply chain; sanctions; extra-judicial settlements. Readings: - The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Lay Persons Guide, links at - FCPA Record Keeping Provisions, - US v. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Department of Justice Statement of Offense and Sentencing Memorandum, 12/12/08, - Siemens AG Litigation Release No. 20829 - Faro Technologies- Non-prosecution agreement letter - US v. DePuy, Inc., Deferred Prosecution Agreement, Department of Justice Deferred Prosecution Agreement, January 14, 2012 Optional: SEC v Alcatel-Lucent, S.A., US District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Complaint, pgs 15-19 Taiwan and Malaysia “Former Chairman and CEO of Kellogg, Brown & Root Inc. Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison for Foreign Bribery and Kickback Schemes,” CLASS 4 – US LAW: A PROSECUTOR’S PERSPECTIVE ON THE FCPA & EMERGING ISSUES (Guest Lecture: Mark Mendelsohn, Former Department of Justice Criminal Division Fraud Section Deputy Chief) (9/11) Investigations, negotiations, sanctions, voluntary disclosure, monitors, whistleblower rules, FCPA reform. Readings: - An Overview of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, deral_Sentencing_Guidelines.pdf - Statement of Greg Andres, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, June 14, 2011 - US v. Kellogg, Brown & Root, Plea Agreement, February 11, 2009, - Alcatel-Lucent Costa Rica Settlement, - US v. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Department of Justice Statement of Offense, Annex 2 on Monitorship, Institute for Legal Reform, February 21, 2012 Letter to Justice Department Re “Guidance Concerning the FCPA” M. Hudson, D. Danielsen, “Busting Bribery,” (Open Society Foundations) September 2011, Optional: “SEC Adopts Rules to Establish Whistleblower Program,” SEC Press Release, May 25, 2011, Asadi v. GE Energy (USA), LLC, US District Court, S.D. Texas, Houston Division, June 28, 2012, 20.xml&docbase=CSLWAR3-2007-CURR&SizeDisp=7 - - CLASS 5 – “Whistleblower Provisions What Others Are Saying” J. Warin, M. Diamant, V. Root, “Somebody’s Watching Me: FCPA Monitorships and How They Can Work Better” FOREIGN LAW ON TRANSNATIONAL BRIBERY (9/18) (Guest Lecture: Kathryn Nickerson, Senior Counsel, Office of the Chief Counsel for International Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce) OECD and other Convention transnational and commercial bribery prohibitions, peer review monitoring and illustrative country review findings and cases. Readings: - OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and Related Documents, - The UK Bribery Act of 2010, - OECD Phase 3 Report on Implementing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention in the United Kingdom, March 2012, Executive Summary. - OECD Phase 1 Report on Implementing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention in the Russian Federation, pgs. 3-4 and 33-34. - OECD Working Group on Bribery Annual Report 2011, (pgs. 14-17, select among Phase 3 Monitoring Reports at pgs. 51-68, and 24-29.) CLASS 6 - PRIVATE SECTOR PROGRAMS & PRACTICE (9/25) US and evolving international norms of voluntary compliance practice. Readings: [Department of Justice Guidance; publication expected shortly] US Sentencing Commission Organizational Guidelines, Effective Compliance and Ethics Programs:8B2.1 and Reason for 2010 Amendment to Ch. 8 ganizational_Guidelines.cfm “Former Morgan Stanley Managing Director Pleads Guilty for Role in Evading Internal Controls Required by FCPA,” April 25, 2012, OECD Good Practice Guidance on Internal Controls, Ethics and Compliance, The Bribery Act 2010: Guidance about commercial organizations preventing bribery, Optional: - Opinion Procedure Release No:08-02, June 13, 2008, - CLASS 7 - Fighting Corruption, International Corporate Integrity Handbook, ICC (Handout: Chapter 6) UN Global Compact Reporting Guidance on the 10th Principle Against Corruption, Heineman: High Performance with High Integrity (Handout: pgs. 9-24) PUBLIC SECTOR CORRUPTION: ANTI-CORRUPTION CONVENTIONS (10/2) UNCAC and other convention provisions; peer review monitoring and illustrative country reviews Readings: - Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption and Explanatory Note, GRECO, - United Nations Convention Against Corruption, Chapters I-V, - GRECO Evaluation Report on Georgia Incriminations, Third Evaluation Round, May 2011, Analysis and Conclusions pgs. 20-29 12_Georgia_One_EN.pdf - Federative Republic of Brazil, Final Report, Mechanism for Follow-Up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption, December 2008 (Second Round Conclusions & Recommendations, pgs 42-57, Reference: UN Convention Against Corruption & Technical Guide to the UNCAC CLASS 8- PUBLIC SECTOR CORRUPTION: G-20, TRADE & INVESTMENT AGENDA (10/9) Expanding adherence through trade agreements, multilateral arrangements and bilateral ‘dialogues’ Readings: - G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan, - B20 Task Force Recommendations: Concrete Actions for Los Cabos, - APEC Transparency Standards & Implementation, - Free Trade Agreements: Matrix of transparency & anti-corruption provisions (Handout) - 2012 U.S. Model Bilateral Investment Treaty, Articles 10, 11 Optional: - Deauville Partnership: Action Plan on Governance & AntiCorruption - APEC Procurement Transparency Standards in Indonesia, TI-USA, CIPE, TI-Indonesia, CLASS 9- Ala'I, Padideh. “The WTO and the Anti-Corruption Movement.” Loyola University Chicago International Law Review 6, no. 1 (2008-2009): 259-278. National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers. DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE AGENCIES FIGHTING CORRUPTION (10/16) GUEST LECTURE: STEVEN ZIMMERMANN, DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, WORLD BANK INTEGRITY VICE PRESIDENCY Examples from World Bank, Millennium Challenge Corporation, The Global Fund, OECD Readings: - INT Annual Report, Fiscal 2011, World Bank Integrity Unit & Debarment, - “New World Bank Chief Backs Defunding Bangladesh Bridge Project, “ Inter-Press Service, July 3, 2012, Millennium Challenge Corporation, Final Investigation Report of Sub-recipient PMUK-Bangladesh, (investigative analysis sections), The Global Fund, July 5, 2012, Optional: - Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Operations, Transparency International, - CleanBizGov Toolkit for Integrity CLASS 10: THE ROLE OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & GATEKEEPERS (10/23) Money laundering and corruption, bank secrecy, offshore havens, beneficial ownership, legal professional responsibility Readings: - Corruption: A Reference Guide and Information Note on the use of the FATF Recommendations to support the fight against corruption, - Laundering the Proceeds of Corruption, FATF Report, July 2011,, pgs. 16-34. Keeping Foreign Corruption Out of the United States: Four Case Histories, US Senate Permanent Sub-Committee on Investigations, pgs 1-14, February 4, 2010 - “How Delaware Thrives as a Corporate Tax Haven,” Leslie Wayne, New York Times, June 30, 2012 - “Risks and threats of corruption and the legal profession Survey 2010,” IBA, OECD, UNODC, pdf available at Optional: “France Issues Arrest Warrant for Obiang”, S. Rubenfeld, Wall Street Journal, July 13, 2012 warrant-for-obiang/?mod=google_news_blog “Amended Complaint in Obiang Case Details Alleged Corruption”, S. Rubenfeld, Wall Street Journal, June 13, 2012, T. S. Greenberg, Politically Exposed Persons: A Guide to Preventive Measures for the Banking Sector, The World Bank - - CLASS 11 - INDUSTRY SECTOR INITIATIVES (10/30) Readings: E. Campos, G. Ware, Ed.: The Many Faces of Corruption, Corruption in the Petroleum Sector, pgs. 191-220) “Anti-bribery and corruption systems and controls in investment banks” Financial Services Authority, March 2012, The Wolfsberg Group 2011 Anti-Corruption Guidance Annotated Water Integrity Scans - Manual, CLASS 12 - CORRUPTION & POLITICS (11/6) Political finance and corruption, disclosure, lobbying and trading in influence - - Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, Brief Amicus Curiae of Campaign Legal Center, et al, No.08-205, After Citizens United: Improving Accountability in Political Finance, Committee for Economic Development, 2011. Y-M Doublet, Fighting Corruption, Political Funding, GRECO,2012, excerpts to be determined Third Evaluation Round Evaluation Report on the USA Transparency of Political Funding, excerpts to be determined, EN.pdf CLASS 13 & 14 – PRESENTATIONS OF PAPERS (11/13 & 20)