New Teacher Training

5Ws & H
The nuts and bolts.
Presented by
Glen Welch
“Exploring the Possibilities”
Who, What, When, Where,
Why & How
in Adult Education.
The single greatest factor influencing the success of an
AE program is YOU!
Your desire to help others will make a difference,
Thank you for being here!
Is involved in Educating the Adults in Indiana
Schools, Students, Administrators, Testing facilities
IAACE, Indiana AE Team, U.S. Department of Education,
DWD, DOE, WorkOne, Families, Friends, Colleges, Businesses,
Chamber of Commerce, Curriculum and Textbook companies,
Internet, Community Colleges, Community or Faith-based
organizations, Volunteer Literacy organizations, Public or
Private Nonprofit agencies, Public Libraries, Correctional
Facilities, State Agencies, and many more.
But most importantly, YOU!
What tools will you use for AE students?
You can bring to the classroom what adult learners desire.
According to Malcolm Knowels, Adult learners want/need:
A person who can facilitate their learning.
A person who can link past experience for future learning.
A person who can guide their increased desire to learn.
A person who can efficiently use their time for learning.
A person who can harness their motivation to help them
Adult Education
• AEC- Adult Education
• InTERS- Indiana
Technical Education
Reporting System
• WorkINdiana
• TABE assessment
U.S. Department of
• Workforce Investment
Act of 1998 (Public Law
U.S. Department
of Education
The U. S. Department of Education announces the name change for the Office of
Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) to the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult
Education (OCTAE). Vocational education was recognized as a national priority with the
Smith-Hughes Act of 1917. “Career and Technical Education” has now replaced “vocational
education” as a more accurate term to describe what and how students are studying to
be career ready. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has said, “The president and I
believe that high-quality CTE programs are a vital strategy for helping our diverse students
complete their secondary and postsecondary studies.” He acknowledged that those on a
CTE track are helping our nation meet our economic and workforce challenges. “In fact,
by implementing dual enrollment and early college models, a growing number of CTE
pathways are helping students to fast-track their college degrees.”
What standards do I need to teach? What do I
need to know or do to be an effective AE teacher
College and Career
Readiness Standards
for Adult Education
Standards In Action
What to do for students?
Pedagogy VS. Andragogy
Malcolm Knowles’ was one of
the first to really study adult
learner needs as opposed to the
needs of children. His model
•Adults are internally motivated
and self-directed
•Adults bring life experiences
and knowledge to learning
•Adults are goal oriented
•Adults are relevancy oriented
•Adults are practical
•Adult learners like to be
1 As a person matures his self concept
moves from one of being a dependent
personality toward one of being a selfdirected human being
2 They accumulate a growing
reservoir of experience that becomes
an increasing resource for learning.
3 Their readiness to learn becomes
oriented increasingly to the
developmental tasks of his social
4 Their time perspective changes from
one of postponed learning to one of
problem solving.
5 Their motivation to learn is internal
(Knowles 1984:12).
Past, Present, Future
IAACE History
Question / Answer
Can you use your
teaching tools to
assemble the nuts and
Another brick in the wall- Pink Floyd
Most of our student cohort have sung this at
the top of their lungs.
ACRE?? What do you know?
Adult students want/need to know why.
As a teacher you want to be able to give them some
Adults will ask:
 Why can’t I learn?
 Why did I fail?
 What is wrong with me?
Most adult students realize their earlier attempt(s) in
education were less than successful, but are not exactly sure
Respect them and have some empathy when discussing
these issues.
Learning Different
Adults want/need to know why.
Learning Different (LD)
Richard Lavoie discusses a definition of exclusion.
Meaning, It does not include the developmentally disabled (mentally
impaired), emotionally disturbed, people who have been denied the
opportunity to learn, or those with a “modality deficit,” such as the
blind and deaf.
What we have left are people who typically have average or above
average intelligence, but are unable to achieve at their potential.
Most of us think of reading disorders, such as dyslexia, but the
learning disability can be in one or more of the basic processes
involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written.
This can affect the ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or
do math. Some examples are difficulty with visual perception,
auditory processing, organizing information, or the ability to
Barriers and Balance
The adult learner has many responsibilities that must be balanced against the
demands of learning. Because of these responsibilities, adults may have
barriers against participating in learning. Some of these barriers include:
 lack of time
 lack of confidence
 lack of information about opportunities to learn
 scheduling problems
 lack of motivation,
 "red tape"
 Lack of finances
If the learner does not see the need for the change in behavior or knowledge,
a barrier exits. Likewise, if the learner can not apply learning to his/her past
experiential or educational situations, the teacher will have barriers to
overcome. A successful strategy includes showing the adult learner the
relationship between the knowledge/skill and the expected positive outcome.
Adult Learner
By the time we have careers, homes, and families, we learn new
things very differently than we did as a child. We bring life
experience and wisdom to the classroom. We want to understand
the "whys" of what we're learning, and we want to be actively
involved at our own speed. We want to be in control.
Each student may require a unique learning style, adults learn
best when teaching strategies combine visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic activities.
A Teacher Will Appear When The Student Is Ready To Learn
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow’s hierarchy
 Maslow “Original 5 plus 3 more”
 1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth,
sex, sleep, etc.
 2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, limits,
stability, etc.
 3. Social Needs - Belongingness and Love, - work group, family, affection,
relationships, etc.
 4. Esteem needs - self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence,
status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc.
 5. Cognitive needs - knowledge, meaning, etc.
 6. Aesthetic needs - appreciation and search for beauty, balance, form,
 7. Self-Actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment,
seeking personal growth and peak experiences.
Maslow’s hierarchy cont.
 8. Transcendence needs - helping others to achieve self
 Reduction of threat until it no longer blocks learning,
continuing provision of a wide range of choices between
growth and safety, respect by teachers and planners for
learners and their nature. Suggestions included promoting
maximum learner participation in program planning and
evaluation, encouraging "peak experiences" of high selfactualization, making programs as attractive and free of threat
and risk as possible, and evaluating programs in terms of their
contribution to self-actualization and intrinsic learning.
Student must
reach a learning
Can you find what you need?
This is a fantastic place to start. There is a
bit of everything in this handbook and it is
intended to be a living document that will be
updated as time goes by.
Adult Education
Teacher Handbook
Can I get all this done?
Get organized
Be real
Know your students
Know your curriculum
If that doesn’t work… Ask Sara. 
With researched based methods.
Dr. Knowles suggests how instructors should deal with
each of these assumptions.
 Adults want to know why they should learn.
 Adults need to take responsibility.
 Adults bring experience to learning.
 Adults bring experience to learning.
 Adults are task-oriented.
How can I apply Knowles’ principles
Good question!! Here we will discuss some ways to
facilitate learning by applying Knowles' principles.
1. Adults are internally motivated and self-directed
Adult learners resist learning when they feel others are imposing information,
ideas or actions on them.
Your role is to facilitate a students' movement toward more self-directed and
responsible learning as well as to foster the student's internal motivation to
As a teacher you can :
 Set up a graded learning program that moves from more to less structure,
from less to more responsibility and from more to less direct supervision, at
an appropriate pace that is challenging yet not overloading for the student.
 Develop rapport with the student to optimize your approachability and
encourage asking of questions and exploration of concepts.
Knowles’ principles applied cont.
 Show interest in the student's thoughts and opinions. Actively and
carefully listen to any questions asked. (Rogerian)
 Lead the student toward inquiry before supplying them with too
many facts.
 Provide regular constructive and specific feedback (both positive and
 Review goals and acknowledge goal completion
 Encourage use of resources such as library, journals, internet and
other department resources.
 Set projects or tasks for the student that reflect their interests and
which they must complete and "tick off" as they finish the task.
(Knowles,1980 ).
Knowles’ principles applied cont.
2. Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning
Adults like to be given opportunity to use their existing foundation of
knowledge and experience gained from life experience, and apply it to their
new learning experiences.
As a teacher you can:
 Find out about your student - their interests and past experiences (personal,
work and study)
 Assist them to draw on those experiences when problem-solving, reflecting
and application.
Knowles’ principles applied cont.
3. Adults are goal oriented
Adult students become ready to learn when "they experience a need to
learn it in order to cope more satisfyingly with real-life tasks or
problems" Your role is to facilitate a student's readiness for problembased learning and increase the student's awareness of the need for the
knowledge or skill presented. As educator, you can:
 Provide meaningful learning experiences that are clearly linked to
personal, client and fieldwork goals as well as assessment and future
life goals. (Knowles,1980 ).
Knowles’ principles applied cont.
4. Adults are relevancy oriented
Adult learners want to know the relevance of what they are learning to what
they want to achieve. One way to help students to see the value of their
observations and practical experiences throughout their placement, is to:
 Ask the student to do some reflection on for example, what they expect to
learn prior to the experience, on what they learnt after the experience, and
how they might apply what they learnt in the future, or how it will help them
to meet their learning goals.
 Students really benefit from individualized teaching sessions.
Knowles’ principles applied cont.
5. Adults are practical
Through practical learning activities, students move from classroom and
textbook mode to hands-on problem solving where they can recognize first
hand how what they are learning applies to learning goals.
 Clearly explain your clinical reasoning when making choices about
assessments, interventions and when prioritizing client's clinical needs.
 Be explicit about how what the student is learning is useful and applicable to
the job and client group you are working with. (Knowles,1980 ).
 Promote active participation by allowing students to try things rather than
observe. Provide plenty of practice opportunity in assessment, interviewing,
and intervention processes with ample repetition in order to promote
development of skill, confidence and competence.
Knowles’ principles applied cont.
6. Adult learners like to be respected
Respect can be demonstrated to your student by:
 Taking interest
 Acknowledging the wealth of experiences that the student
brings to the class
 Regarding them as a colleague who is equal in life experience
 Encouraging expression of ideas, reasoning and feedback at
every opportunity. (Knowles,1980 ).
Lean On Me
A good message
Motivational song