Understanding the syllabus - Queensland Curriculum and

KLA Years 1 to 10
Understanding the
The Years 1 to 10
Mathematics Syllabus
 is based on current research into
mathematics education
 reflects current national and
international best practice
 replaces and builds on the 1987
Years 1 to 10 Mathematics syllabus.
The syllabus has links to
 Early Years Curriculum Guidelines
 Year 2 Diagnostic Net
 Queensland Years 3, 5 and 7 testing
 national numeracy benchmarks Years
3, 5 and 7
 senior secondary syllabuses.
The syllabus is organised into
 rationale
 outcomes
 assessment
 reporting.
 emphasises the importance of providing
opportunities for students to think, reason and
work mathematically
 highlights how mathematics helps individuals
make meaning of their world
 describes how the language of mathematics
enables communication.
Thinking, reasoning and
working mathematically
 is the underlying premise on which the
Years 1 to 10 Mathematics Syllabus has
been developed
 is promoted through engagement in
mathematical investigations.
Positive dispositions towards
mathematics learning are integral
to thinking, reasoning and working
Students think, reason and work
mathematically when they
 see the mathematics in
situations encountered.
Students think, reason and work
mathematically when they
 plan, investigate, conjecture, justify,
think critically, generalise,
communicate and reflect on
mathematical understandings and
Students think, reason and work
mathematically when they
 select and use relevant
mathematical knowledge,
procedures, strategies and
technologies to analyse and
interpret information.
Mathematical knowledge
 knowing about mathematics
 knowing how to do mathematics
 and knowing when and where to use
An outcomes approach
 The Years 1 to 10 Mathematics
Syllabus is based on an outcomes
Principles underpinning an
outcomes approach
a clear focus on learning outcomes
high expectations for all students
a focus on development
planning curriculum with learners and
outcomes in mind
 expanded opportunities to learn.
There is a hierarchy of outcomes in the
 overall learning outcomes
 key learning area outcomes
 core, discretionary and
Foundation Level learning
Overall learning outcomes
 are common to all key learning areas
 assist students to become lifelong learners,
achieve their potential and play active roles
in their family and work lives
 are the outcomes expected both during,
and as a result of, learning experiences
throughout the 10 years of the common
A lifelong learner is
 a knowledgeable person with deep
 a complex thinker
 a responsive creator
 an active investigator
 an effective communicator
 a participant in an interdependent world
 a reflective and self-directed learner.
Key learning area outcomes
 are the intended results of extended
engagement with the Years 1 to 10
Mathematics key learning area
 are the ‘big picture’ outcomes
for Mathematics across
Years 1 to 10.
Level statements
 are included for each level of each
strand of the syllabus
 summarise learning outcomes at each
level and provide the conceptual
framework for developing the learning
Core learning outcomes
 describe learnings considered essential for
all students
 describe what students should know and
be able to do with what they know
 are sequenced across Levels 1 to 6
 are presented in levels of increasing
complexity and sophistication
 provide the focus for planning for learning
and teaching.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
The sequencing of the learning
outcomes based on each topic is such
that each level is ‘nested’ within the
following level.
Foundation Level learning
 are examples of outcomes for students with
Foundation Level outcomes could also be
developed by teachers to meet the needs
and interests of individual students or
groups of students.
Discretionary learning
 describe learnings beyond what are
considered essential
 are included in the Years 1 to 10
Mathematics Syllabus at
Beyond Level 6
 are linked with learnings identified in
senior syllabus documents.
Mathematics key learning area
Five strands are used to organise the
Mathematics key learning area:
 Number (N)
 Patterns and Algebra (PA)
 Measurement (M)
 Chance and Data (CD)
 Space (S)
 identify the key aspects of mathematics
within each strand
 are interconnected within the strands
 are coded to aid identification.
For example, CD 3.2 identifies Chance
and Data strand, core learning outcome
Level 3, topic 2 — Data.
Number strand
 Number concepts
 Addition and subtraction
 Multiplication and division
Key emphases of Number strand are
 the language and conventions associated
with number
 different representations of numbers
 links between the four operations based
on the knowledge of each operation
 mental strategies for calculations of exact
and approximate answers
 money conventions, financial literacy and
factors influencing decisions.
Patterns and Algebra strand
 Patterns and functions
 Equivalence and equations PA_.2
Key emphases of Patterns and
Algebra strand are
 the language and conventions associated with
patterns and algebra
 backtracking, equivalence and balance
 interpretation of relationships through different
representations of functions
 strategies and methods for solving equations
 links between, and use of, the four operations when
solving equations.
Measurement strand
 Length, mass, area and volume M_.1
 Time
Key emphases of Measurement
strand are
the language and conventions of measurement
strategies for comparing different measurements
skills for measuring
relationships between units of measure and between the
dimensions for formulae
 conversion of measurements into manageable forms
when calculating
 time-management skills.
Chance and Data strand
 Chance
 Data
Key emphases of Chance and Data
strand are
 the language and conventions of chance and data
 data collection methods and displays appropriate
for a range of purposes
 selection of strategies for situations involving
probability and statistics
 application of strategies to calculate probability
and analyse data
 interpretations of probabilities and statistics to
inform judgments and decisions.
Space strand
 Shape and line
 Location, direction and movement
Key emphases of Space strand are
 the language of, and conventions associated
with, space
 geometric properties
 connections within and between families of
 methods to represent orientation and
movement, and to construct shapes
 visualisation strategies for dynamic spatial
Core content
 is strand and level specific
 is organised using subsets of the
 is used with the core learning
outcomes to plan for learning and
 should be in a range of contexts.
Use assessment information to:
 provide ongoing feedback about
learning to students
 inform decision making related to
student learning.
For assessment to be effective it should
focus on students’ demonstration of learning
be comprehensive
be valid and reliable
take account of individual learners
provide opportunities for students to take
responsibility for their own learning and for monitoring
their own progress
 reflect equity principles.
Assessment involves
 providing students with opportunities to
demonstrate what they know and can do
with what they know
 gathering and recording evidence of
students’ learning
 using evidence to make overall judgments
about students’ learning.
 is the process of communicating
information and judgments about
students’ learning
 should provide students and
parents/carers with timely and
accurate information that they can
understand, interpret and use to
support student learning.
Information and judgments about
student learning are communicated to
 students
 parents/carers
 other professionals.
Support materials
 are intended to help teachers develop
understandings about the Mathematics
key learning area and the syllabus.
Materials to support the syllabus
Understanding the syllabus
 core learning outcomes table
 elaborations
 sample investigations
 ideas for investigations
 planning advice
P–12 links
 connections with
- senior syllabus documents
- Early Years Curriculum
- Years 3, 5 and 7 testing program
Additional information
 annotated bibliography
Contact us
Queensland Studies Authority
PO Box 307
Spring Hill
Queensland 4004
Phone: +61 7 3864 0299
Fax: +61 7 3221 2553
Visit the QSA website at