Lesson Plan/Learning Guide for AMES Earth Systems Course: Unit Theme: Grade Level: Date/Time: - Earth Systems (Academy for Math, Engineering, and Sciences) - Geology: “Plate Tectonics, Part 1: History of Theory Development” - Grade 9 - 19-20 Jan 2016 (4 sections @ 90 minutes) Utah State Core Standard: Objective: USOE S-2: Evaluate the source of Earth’s internal heat and the evidence of Earth’s internal structure. USOE S-2, O-2: Describe the development of the current theory of plate tectonics and the evidence that supports this theory. Essential Questions: 1. Understanding how heavy elements are formed, what process (logically) created the Solar System? 2. What features of our Solar System provide clues to how it formed? Understanding: “Earth is an enigma, waiting to be understood.” Students will know: Key Concepts, per USOE standards: (today’s words bolded) a. Explain Alfred Wegener’s continental drift hypothesis, his evidence (e.g., fossil record, ancient climates, geometric fit of continents), and why it was not accepted in his time. Side note: Include other discoverers and their advances as well, not solely the ‘old white guy.’ b. Cite examples of how the geologic record preserves evidence of past change. c. Establish the importance of the discovery of mid-ocean ridges, oceanic trenches, and magnetic striping of the sea floor to the development of the modern theory of plate tectonics. d. Explain how mantle plumes (hot spots) provide evidence for the rate and direction of tectonic plate motion. e. Organize and evaluate the evidence for the current theory of plate tectonics: sea floor spreading, age of sea floor, distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes. Additional Vocabulary Words: - radioactive decay - mantle - lithosphere - asthenosphere - latent heat - inner core - outer core Students will be able to do: - Use scientific processes to connect early ideas of continental movement through the discoverers and their ideas up until the current theory was widely accepted. Articulate how the lines of evidence support each other. - Accurately sketch and label a cross-section of continental subduction zone. How do activities connect students’ prior knowledge? - Lecture connects students’ prior knowledge of the differentiated core. - Their learning styles and intelligences should include some handiness in video/auditory styles, as well as interest in naturalistic/logical intelligences. Assessments 1. Pre-Assessment (1 page, 8 questions). Below, Appendix 1. 2. Group Activity (Spider Map, Wave 1): “Tectonics Lines of Evidence” 3. Cloze activity (Earth structure & Plate Tectonics), due next class. Learning Activities: 1. Introduction (2 mins): “Leading question: Earth is an Enigma.” 2. Pre-Assessment (10 mins): Earth’s Internal Structure & Plate Tectonics 3. Interest Survey (10 mins): Captures ‘How do I learn? What am I into?’ 4. Death by PowerPoint (30-40 mins): Continental Drift & Plate Tectonics. Includes “gentleman science” in Europe and other advancements 5. Group Activity (15 mins): “Spider Map, (Wave 1)” Ind & Group inquiry. 6. Video (5 mins): “The mystery of Earth’s core revealed” (DNews.) -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXTEWQdu3aE 7. Open Discussion (to end of class): Students may opt to do their homework in class -or- participate in the discussion.) Accommodations for struggling and accelerated learners (group patterns, content strategies, etc.): IN GENERAL: For ELLs: All videos selected by subtitle availability. Where possible, bilingual speakers assist in the classroom. For accelerated students: Additional video and audio analysis, with crossreferencing in the text; additional time with Astronomy teacher, if possible. For challenged students: Paired with assistants; advanced students help challenged students with basic understanding and concept expression. Resources Discovery News. (Sep 21, 2013). The mystery of Earth’s core revealed. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXTEWQdu3aE. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2011). Underwater microphone captures Honshu, Japan earthquake. Audio file retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rWDrZIucAQ. NOAA Vents Program. Textbook: How has the prior day assessment shaped your instruction? Background: Students’ performance on the Jan 2016 Midterm Test revealed prior-science school year gaps in their knowledge of the Earth and the Solar System. Where possible, reinforce: - Laws of gravity - Rocky Planets vs. Gas Giants - Internal Structure of the Earth (layers) - Basic scientific historical discoveries Pre-unit Assessment (Plate Tectonics) Name: _____________________________ Period: _________ Date: __________2016 Directions: Do your best individual work, writing legibly. (10/10 points for fully participating.) 1. Visualize the entire world: What are the four “spheres” of the Earth System? A. B. C. D. Mesosphere, Troposphere, and Ionosphere. Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, Geosphere, and Biosphere. Lithosphere, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core. Earth, Moon, Sun, Mars, and Venus. Matching: Link up the following rock-forming environments with their descriptions. 2. Crust ____ A. A massive ball of solid spinning iron and nickel 3. Mantle ____ B. Uppermost boundary is the asthenosphere 4. Outer Core ____ C. Uppermost part of the lithosphere 5. Inner Core ____ D. A thick subterranean layer of liquid metal 6. What are the primary differences between Continental Drift Hypothesis and the Theory of plate Tectonics? A. The hypothesis was never accepted, but the theory has been proven. B. The first lacked a ‘mechanism,’ which the second ultimately provided. C. Both accurately explain the movement of continents. D. There are no differences between the hypothesis and the theory. 7. Fill in the blanks. Earth’s hot core drives at least three geological processes. These are: __________________, __________________, and __________________. Earth’s internal heat is generated by __________________ and __________________. 8. Salt Lake Valley, near future: You’re hanging with friends. Somebody declares a ‘biggest nerd’ contest, bragging rights to the winner. Oh yeah, it’s all you. You want to win so bad you can taste it, like the totally legal, non-alcoholic drink in your hand. Good thing your Earth Systems teachers thought to prep you, weeks before, and arming you for this battle of wits: What do you not yet know about the Earth that you would like to know? Write a question: ______________________________________________________________________________ Interest & Learning Styles Survey (No points are assessed for this activity.) Name: _____________________________ Period: _________ Date: __________2016 1. Check ( ) those methods you learn best with. Mark (X) those that don’t work so well for you. For those you feel neutral about, leave blank. 2. What motivates you? Check any that apply; don’t overthink it. ___ I motivate myself. Total self-starter. ___ Having a partner in crime helps me – friends are very important. ___ The promise of a reward (grades, respect, academic success). ___ Ideals (integrity, service, excellence). ___ If I do poorly, I’m toast. ___ Someday, I’ll have a car. And more freedom. This is how I get there… ___ The team motivates me! I want my entire class to succeed. ___ Just get me through the week – tick tock, can’t stop the clock. ___ Making something of myself – I’m going be a leader in my field. ___ Honestly, I’m not sure yet. Need some time to find my motivation. ___ Mr. Sandrock, I’m only here because our lovely school system makes me. ___ Or, it’s something different: ______________________________. 3. Science: I feel like it’s ____________________________. (Pick one.) ___ Amazing. This school should offer more science courses. ___ Interesting. I enjoy it, but not all the time. ___ Meh. I could take it or leave it. ___ Not all that! It’s not torture, but I’d rather be somewhere else. ___ Get me outta here!! Like now. 4. Aside from friends or family, I’m really into: __Video Games __Travel __My future job __TV Series __Art __Community Svc __Music __Outdoors __A Hobby __Conventions __Sports __Thrill Seeking Pick one of these checked items. My favorite of these is _______________________________. 5. Something you should know about me: ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Spider Map, Wave I Name: _____________________________ Period: _________ Date: __________2016 Directions: Using Chapter 17.1 and 17.2, fill in the blanks below (prompts are shaded in gray). You will have the opportunity (in future waves) to reproduce this from memory, so put it in terms you understand best. When prompted, discuss in small groups and copy your neighbor. In your own words, describe why the academic and religious communities had such a hard time accepting the continental drift hypothesis, and ultimately the theory of plate tectonics. Be specific, mentioning at least two notable persons you put above, and what they suggested. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Cloze Activity (Used for content literacy, not assessment.) Name: _____________________________ Period: _________ Date: __________2016 Directions: Pull vocabulary words from your book, class notes, or other resources. Turn it in as directed by your instructor. From class notes: name the key persons involved with the following discoveries/advances. 1. Seafloor Magnetic Lines (a Navy Captain): ______________________________________ 2. Flemish cartographer, created the first modern atlas: _____________________________ 3. Built the first comprehensive seafloor map: ______________________________________ 4. Formulated the integrated Theory of plate Tectonics: ______________________________