Cover Letters

Solicited application.
Unsolicited application.
Always sent with resume as it will
arouse the interest of the employer.
Like all other letters, the letter of
application has three main sections:
the introduction (opening)
body (middle)
conclusion (closing).
say how you learned of the position
 introduce yourself to the potential
employer (if unsolicited)
 explain the type of position you are
looking for and qualified to undertake
Highlight your specific qualities,
qualifications and experiences
 Tell potential employer what you have
to offer
 State why you think you are the right
candidate for the position
 mention the enclosed resume just
before the conclusion of your letter
invite the reader to contact you to
attend an interview
 state again clearly but subtly that you
are interested in the position
 state that you are available for an
 Do not attach copies of your
certificates at this stage unless you
are asked to.
Selvarani Nagarajan
502 Ang Mo Kio Avenue
9 #02-513
Singapore 650502
17 April 2006
Recruitment Officer
Human Resource Department
Singapore Technologies Marine Limited
7 Benoi Road
Singapore 629882
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing in response to your Straits Times
advertisement on 15 April for the position of
Associate Safety Engineer.
I graduated from National Technology Polytechnic
(NTP) with a Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering.
Although I specialized in e-Manufacturing and
Infosystems, I am familiar with safety briefings and
safety regulations. This is because I have taken a
nine-month part-time course in safety issues and
procedures at the Singapore Institute of Safety (SIS)
while attending NTP. I received my safety certificate
in December 2009.
During my third year, I was attached to Flash Manufacturing
Inc. for NTP’s three-month Industrial Attachment Program.
There I assisted the senior engineer of the operations
department and helped the other engineers with CAD
drawing. Most of the time, I worked independently on the
tasks that were assigned to me. My communication skills
were also frequently used as I helped the engineers with their
oral presentations.
I am confident that my ability to work well with others and my
initiative qualify me to handle the responsibilities of the
position. While studying at NTP, I had to handle many
projects at any given time, so I am able to work under tight
deadlines. In addition, I had to cope with the demands of my
part-time safety course. I am also able to travel when
required. My expected monthly salary is negotiable.
My resume is enclosed for your reference and I look forward
to hearing from you. If you have any questions or wish to
contact me, I can be reached at 9647-8543 (mobile) or at Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Selvarani Nagarajan
Name & Address
Use full-block format.
Your name must always be stated together with
Use your name as stated in the identity card.
Use format that spells out months not; gives a more professional image.
Not necessary to state day as 1st, 22nd, 10th.
Not necessary to state days of the week eg Friday
Use the information as given in the advertisement.
When writing unsolicited letters, get name of person
you would be writing to eg, Mrs Jenny Tan, Manager.
Always state the person’s position after the name eg,
Director, Manager, Human Resource Officer.
Better if you can address recipient of letter by name
eg Mr Kenny Toh, Recruitment Officer. How?
Always use “Sir / Madam”. Do not assume gender of
person you are writing to unless you are SURE.
If you have the recipient’s name, you should address
him/her by name eg “Dear Mr Goh” or “Dear Mrs Lee”.
Always state the full title of the job that you
are applying for. Use information given in the
Highlight this section as a heading using
large caps, underline or bold. But not all
State the position you are applying for.
State how you learnt of the available position
eg print, advertisements, recommendation,
company’s website
If writing an unsolicited letter, describe the
type of position you are interested in and
qualified for.
Highlight your specific
qualifications/experiences that are relevant
to the job you are applying for.
State how you can benefit the company.
Use action words eg “supervised”,
“designed”, “use of software applications”,
“experience gained include….”.
Use some words stated in advertisement to
show link between your qualifications &
experiences and the requirements of job.
Refer reader to sections of resume that
support your claims.
Mention enclosed/attached resume before
the conclusion.
Highlight your strengths and positive
character traits.
State how these qualities will enable you to
handle the job.
State that you have completed your National
Service if you are a Singaporean male.
State salary expectation if requested.
State your interest in the position.
 State that you are available for an
 State how and where you can be
 Remember to thank your recipient.
If your salutation states “Dear Sir /
Madam”, use “Yours faithfully”.
 If your salutation states the person’s
name eg “Dear Mr ….” or “Dear Mrs
…”, use “Yours sincerely”.
 Remember to sign your letter.
 State your name again under your
Enclosure / Attachment
 This is important as it will indicate
that you have enclosed your resume.
I am writing in response to your advertisement for a
Customer Service Technician.
I wish to apply for the position of Assistant Technical
I am a graduate from Nanyang Polytechnic with a Diploma
in Electronics, Computer and Communications.
I have recently graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic in the
field of Multimedia System Engineering.
I have gained a lot of experience in PCBA trouble-shooting.
My final year attachment has allowed me to gain sufficient
knowledge in servicing electronic devices.
My industrial attachment has contributed to my experience
in this field.
I have confidence in my ability to work with minimum
supervision and training.
9.I can work well under pressure.
10.I look forward to discussing my capabilities and
experience at an interview.
11.I was working with IBM Corporation for six months
during my industrial attachment.
12.I am proficient in software such as 3D StudioMax,
MacroMedia Flash and Authorware.
13.I am confident that my ability to work independently
and efficiently will enable me to handle the job.
14.I can be contacted at 12345678.
15.Please find more details in my enclosed resume.
16.I was attached to a multi-national corporation located
in Japan.
17.I completed my industrial attachment with Toshiba Pte
Ltd just last month.
I am career-oriented with a strong desire to attain personal and
financial success.
 Ambitious
 I am able to communicate ideas and opinions clearly and
 Articulate
 I am able to make good use of time and produce high quality
work performance.
 Efficient
 I am capable of working with little supervision.
 Independent
 I can carry on working despite having distractions around me.
 Disciplined
 I am able to keep classified information confidential.
 Reliable/dependable
I am innovative and able to improve on ideas and produce
new concepts.
I am self-assured and have a high level of self-esteem.
I am a good team-worker and always willing to lend a helping
I am able to work in an orderly and efficient manner.
I am congenial in relationships with associates and strangers.
I am able to keep my cool in unpleasant and awkward
Sell your strengths.
Give reader a sense of your personality.
Use words that show confidence/optimism.
Do not summarise your resume.
Express your interest in job/convince reader
you are right candidate.
Use friendly and professional writing style.
Use good grammar.
Initiate action in closing paragraph – ask for an
Indicate you have enclosed/attached resume –
use “encl.”
Say ‘thank you”.
Keep to One page.
Use correct business letter format ie full-block
Do not recycle cover-letters – always write a
fresh one to suit job.
Proofread– pay special attention to:
 Punctuation. Can change meaning eg
its and it’s.
 Spelling
 Tenses
 Subject & verb agreement eg singular
subject requires singular verb
 Know when to use capital letters
Do use:
a dictionary
a thesaurus
a guidebook on grammar and style
a PC spellchecker
Do not be overly formal - use “business-speak”.
Use active verbs to sound more dynamic
Use adjectives that project a positive and confident
Do not use jargon unless necessary
Do not assume that your reader is familiar with
local acronyms eg MRT, HDB, PIE, NTUC, NYP
 Go
look at some Job
Applications Websites
 Do Personality Check-List
 Do Resume Fact Sheet
Chronological resumes
A chronological resume lists jobs by time order.
They are best used if:
You are staying in the same field
Your overall work history shows growth in the
direction of your job objective.
Your most recent/current position is one you are
proud of.
You have no major gaps in your work history.
Functional resumes
Functional resumes list your accomplishments by
skills. They are best used if:
You are changing careers.
You are re-entering the job market.
You need to emphasise skills/experience from an
early part of your work history.
Your volunteer experience is relevant and needs
to be highlighted.
Your most recent position is not impressive.
During your SDL session in Week 3, visit the following Job search websites and
find a job that you would really like to apply for. Alternatively you can search the
local newspapers.
Check the requirements of the job and ensure that you are able to meet most of
the requirements. (Assume that you have already obtained your Diploma)
Do a research on the company you have chosen to apply for to find out if you are
comfortable with the organization’s culture and structure.
After you have made your selection, print out 3 copies of the job advertisement
and bring them to class for the following lesson. If it’s a newspaper cutout, please
make 2 photocopies of it.
WEEK 4 – Preparation
Complete the Personality Checklist and the Resume Factsheet
(from on pg 58-62 of your course notes) during your SDL
session in Week 4. Print out a copy and bring to class in the
following week (week 5).
WEEK 5 – Consultation with the Tutor
Show the job advertisement you have chosen to your tutor in
Week 5 and discuss if the job selected matches your personality,
work preferences and qualifications.
Based on the discussion you had with your tutor on the job ad,
type a cover letter and resume to apply for the post. Bear in mind
the content structure and format for an effective cover letter and
WEEK 6 – Preparing the Resume & Cover Letter and
email them together with a copy of the job
advertisement to
WEEK 7Attach the advertisement to your completed letter
and submit three copies of the advertisement, the
cover letter as well as the resume to your tutor. Two
of these copies will be used by your classmates when
they form an interview panel to interview you.
You will be informed of the outcome of your job
application and will be invited for an interview in due