Life and Cells Tic Tac Toe Assessment Choice Board: Choose 1 from each row. DUE _________________ Create a Characteristics of Life FlIp book: 1. On each tab list one of the 5 characteristics of Life. 2. Under each flap, include a description of the characteristic along with specific examples. Create a Characteristics of Life Comic Strip with at least 5 frames. 1. Each frame should relate to a characteristic of life, 2. and include illustrations and dialogue that explain each characteristic fully. 30pts 30pts 3-D Cell Model or Cell Model Drawing 1. Create a three -dimensional model or draw a detailed colored diagram of either a plant cell or an animal cell. 2. Include all of the organelles specified by your teacher. 3. All organelles must be properly placed in the model or drawing with name and function. 4. Model or drawing needs to have a title of either Plant or Animal Cell with your name. 5. All parts / cell organelle must be labeled. 6. Functions must either accompany label or be listed neatly on a separate sheet of paper along with the organelle name. Cell Model & Function Cards 1. Match the function cards with the appropriate cell organelle. 2. Then, match the memory device with the organelle and its function. 3. Correctly label all the cell parts of both an animal and a plant cell. *20pt Create a mnemonic device poster that could be used to recall the 5 characteristics of life. 1. Include both a “phrase” and a “picture” to use as a memory aide. 2. On the back of the poster use the mnemonic device to list & describe each characteristic. 30 pts. Cell Model Analogy: Modeling Cell Structures Sheet 1. Comparing cell organelles to parts of a city. 2. See Modeling Cell Structures Sheet for specific details 30pts Highest grade that can be achieved with this choice is a “B”. Your model may be created with play dough, Styrofoam, cake-frostingcandy pieces, jello with candy pieces or other 3-D materials. The drawing should be on poster board or blank white paper. 30pts Cell Theory & It’s History- Writing 1. List the 3 principles of the cell theory. 2. Write a 5 sentence summary for EACH SCIENTIST and their contributions to this theory. Scientists include: Hooke, Leewenhoek, Redi, Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow 30pts A = 81 – 90pts B = 72 -80 pts Cell Theory & It’s History Collage 1. Create a collage of images and words that reflect the 3 principles of Cell Theory and the historical contributions of Redi, Hooke, Leewenhoek, Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow. 2. Present and explain your collage to the class giving the historical contributions of each scientist. 30pts C = 63 – 71 D = 54-62 Cell Theory & It’s History Timeline 1. List the 3 principles of the Cell Theory 2. Create a timeline of the discoveries that led to the cell theory. Include the following scientists and their Main contributions to the cell theory. Redi, Hooke, Leewenhoek, Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow 30pts F= 53 and lower