ETF Lesson Plan Template Date: Friday 2-27-15 Unit Name: Physical Science Lesson Focus: Physical science/electricity (math statistics and algebra) TEKS Standards: GEOM 8.F *significant modifications for IEPs and pre-requisite skill level Objectives: (Bloom’s verb…) What do I want students to be able to DO when the class is over? Format SWBAT: Uses geometry to solve real-world problems. SWBAT: Create and solve novel mathematical word problems. Student friendly/written on board: “I will be able to create a graph and interpret the results of a graph shown to me.” Key Points: What, What: Students will learn to increase their math problem-solving skills. How, Why? How: By participating in the unique learning graphing assignment. Why: To increase their health and independent living skills and science/health and mathematical knowledge. Materials: Calculators, Monday folders Key Vocabulary: What key terms will my students need to understand? TO BE ADDED TO WORD WALL language Add Subtract Solve Assessment Plan: How will I ENSURE alignment to assess that the students mastered the objective? What will I do if they haven’t? Writing/expression Participation in the group lesson will count at 100% of their daily grade. Lesson Cycle: Do Now: Spiral review? Formative assessment? Teacher Actions: What to do/ DO NOW activity: “For your DO FIRST, you will have 5 minutes to answer the graph question on your worksheet that I am passing out. Look at the graph on the board and answer the question.” “Now we will do a Take a stand I would like for Tatum to re tell us the steps for this activity. When I call your answer choice, what should you do.” CFU type: Cold call CFU script: “I would like for Quincey to remind the class of the rules for take a stand. 7 min Student Actions: Ss will take 5 minutes to answer their worksheet questions. Ss will not interrupt others while working or disrupt the class during the silent/solo If needed, Ss will discuss their responses with the teacher for any corrections needed. Ss will participate in sharing their response with the class. Ss will sit silently and wait for the T’s next instructions, tracking the T. Ss will stand up to display their answers for the Do now activity. ETF Lesson Plan Template CFU Question: Do my students remember how to conduct a take a stand? CFU correct response: Listen for the teacher to read my response and stand up when it is called. CFU anticipated misunderstanding: steps out of order or forgetting steps. Introduce New Learning (I Do): Engage and Connect-the real world, schema, goals, assessment, 20 min etc.? CFU: How will I check for student understanding of the new learning? Teacher Actions “Juan, can you read our objective for the day?” “Thank you Juan, we are going to learn about geometry. We will be measuring to bake a cake today.” “Thank you, Juan. So we will be creating and solving word-problems this morning, using graphs.” CFU type: cold call CFU script: “First we will begin by reviewing graphs. Can someone remind the class what type of graph was in our do now?” CFU Question: How much do my students remember about graphing? (assess prior knowledge). CFU correct response: Ss should answer with correctly identified answer. CFU anticipated misunderstanding: Math question. “I am going to walk you through some examples on the board. Follow along with me as I show you how to read the equations and graphs.” T works through examples on unique learning page 1-3, writing them on the board with dry erase marker and instructing students to use the previously made and used math word anchor chart. Student Actions: Ss will watch and may comment as asked by the teacher. Juan will read the objective out loud posted on the board. “I will be able to make a bar graph and interpret the data from a graph shown to me.” Ss will actively listen, sitting in SLANT position, tracking the T. Ss will answer the cold call question responding with ‘liquid measurement cup.’ Ss will watch the T’s models of solving and using graphs. Ss will raise their hand if they have questions. Speaking volume- level 0, unless asking a question. Ss will wait for further instructions from the T. ETF Lesson Plan Template Guided Practice (We Do): How will I walk students step by step through what I want them to do? 30 min How will I balance teacher-led and student-led? (Gradual release: Model, Teach Back, partner/group practice) CFU: How will I know During the lesson that students are on track to master the objective? What are the anticipated misconceptions/misunderstandings and how will I address them? How will I emphasize key points? Teacher Actions “I have some practice graphs we will examine and answer questions about.” T passes out GNs and other materials. T will have students participate in demonstrating they can accurately measure items needed to make a cake. T circulate as the Ss work, in order to check for understanding and accuracy. Student Actions Ss will sit in SLANT. Ss will collect their materials as passes out by the T. Ss will await further instruction from the T. Ss will raise their hands to indicate that they need help from the Teacher. Ss will write their equations and raise their hand for the T to check for understanding. Independent Practice (You Do): How will I monitor student progress? How will I ensure there’s 40 min adequate time for practice? Behaviorally, what does this time look like and sound like? CFU: How will I circulate to among students to ensure everyone is on track towards mastery? How will I gauge mastery? Teacher Actions “Now for your independent work time you are going to make your own graph on the data presented on the board.” “I will pass out graphing paper and you will color in the squares according to you data.” CFU type: circulating CFU script: “I will be walking around to look at your work, to check and make sure you understand. CFU Question: Do my students understand the task? CFU correct response: Ss should be writing the correct Reponses on their worksheets. CFU anticipated misunderstanding: various incorrect math equations or solving incorrectly, Student Actions Ss will listen to the T’s instructions, without speaking. Ss will complete the assignment, making their own graphs. Ss will raise hands if they have questions during the independent practice activity. Ss who finish early will get a book or begin a game in the rec room. AG/DD/JS have a modified assignment, handing the TA or teacher visuals of the items needed, presented in a field with up to 2 distractor items (Matching task). ETF Lesson Plan Template “Once your work is completed, read a library book or begin a game in the rec room until everyone is finished.” T has modified the assignment for AG/DD/JS. Closing: How will I have students summarize what they’ve learned? How will I reinforce the objective’s 5 min importance and its link to past and future learning? Teacher Actions Exit ticket “Once your work is completed, read a library book or begin a game in the rec room until everyone is finished.” T has modified the assignment for AG/DD/JS. Student Actions Ss complete their exit ticket Ss will take part in an approved leisure activity once finished. Differentiation: How will I scaffold and/or accelerate learning? For Whom? How will I group my students? Which strategies will I choose to make sure I engage every student on his/her ability level? Worksheets are from the unique learning curriculum. Q/T/JP will have level 3 (words only), while J/D/A will use the picture forms. A/D will need help receptively identifying their responses and will not be able to respond to verbal group questions or write. Accommodations/Modifications: What supports will I provide students on an IEP or as needed? Individual teacher conferencing Frequent checks for understanding Extended time Shortened assignment Peer tutoring Assessments read orally Modified work Learning Lab for extra help Check list provided Preferential seating Other (state below) ETF Lesson Plan Template