Ideal Diode Equation Topics of This Lecture • Ideal Diode Equation – Its origins – Current versus Voltage (I-V) characteristics – How to calculate the magnitude of the variables in the equation using real data – What the limitations of this equation are – How it is used in PSpice simulations P-N junctions • The voltage developed across a p-n junction caused by – the diffusion of electrons from the n-side of the junction into the p-side and – the diffusion of holes from the p-side of the junction into the n-side Built-in Voltage kT N D N A f ln 2 q ni Reminder • Drift currents only flow when there is an electric field present. • Diffusion currents only flow when there is a concentration difference for either the electrons or holes (or both). I ndrift qA n nE I pdrift qA p pE I drift Aq n n p p E I diff n dn qADnn qADn dx I diff p I diff dp qAD p p qAD p dx I ndiff I pdiff qADnn D p p I T I diff I drift Symbol for Diode Biasing a Diode • When Va > 0V, the diode is forward biased • When Va < 0V, the diode is reverse biased When the applied voltage (Va) is zero • The diode voltage and current are equal to zero on average – Any electron that diffuses through the depletion region from the n-side to the p-side is counterbalanced by an electron that drifts from the pside to the n-side – Any hole that diffuses through the depletion region from the p-side to the n-side is counterbalanced by an hole that drifts from the n-side to the p-side • So, at any one instant (well under a nanosecond), we may measure a diode current. This current gives rise to one of the sources of electronic noise. Schematically Modified from B. Van Zeghbroech, Principles of Semiconductor Devices Applied voltage is less than zero • The energy barrier between the p-side and n-side of the diode became larger. – It becomes less favorable for diffusion currents to flow – It become more favorable for drift currents to flow • The diode current is non-zero • The amount of current that flows across the p-n junction depends on the number of electrons in the p-type material and the number of holes in the n-type material – Therefore, the more heavily doped the p-n junction is the smaller the current will be that flows when the diode is reverse biased Schematically Modified from B. Van Zeghbroech, Principles of Semiconductor Devices Plot of I-V of Diode with Small Negative Applied Voltage Applied Voltage is greater than zero • The energy barrier between the p-side and n-side of the diode became smaller with increasing positive applied voltage until there is no barrier left. – It becomes less favorable for drift currents to flow • There is no electric field left to force them to flow – There is nothing to prevent the diffusion currents to flow • The diode current is non-zero • The amount of current that flows across the p-n junction depends on the gradient of electrons (difference in the concentration) between the n- and p-type material and the gradient of holes between the p- and n-type material – The point at which the barrier becomes zero (the flat-band condition) depends on the value of the built-in voltage. The larger the built-in voltage, the more applied voltage is needed to remove the barrier. » It takes more applied voltage to get current to flow for a heavily doped p-n junction Schematically Modified from B. Van Zeghbroech, Principles of Semiconductor Devices Plot of I-V of Diode with Small Positive Applied Voltage Ideal Diode Equation • Empirical fit for both the negative and positive I-V of a diode when the magnitude of the applied voltage is reasonably small. I D I S e qVD nkT 1 Ideal Diode Equation Where ID and VD are the diode current and voltage, respectively q is the charge on the electron n is the ideality factor: n = 1 for indirect semiconductors (Si, Ge, etc.) n = 2 for direct semiconductors (GaAs, InP, etc.) k is Boltzmann’s constant T is temperature in Kelvin kT/q is also known as Vth, the thermal voltage. At 300K (room temperature), kT/q = 25.9mV Simplification • When VD is negative I D ~ I S • When VD is positive ID ~ ISe qVD nkT To Find n and IS • Using the curve tracer, collect the I-V of a diode under small positive bias voltages • Plot the I-V as a semi-log – The y-intercept is equal to the natural log of the reverse saturation current – The slope of the line is proportional to 1/n q ln I D VD ln I S nkT Example Questions • How does the I-V characteristic of a heavily doped diode differ from that of a lightly doped diode? • Why does the I-V characteristics differ? • For any diode, how does the I-V characteristic change as temperature increases? • For the same doping concentration, how does the I-V characteristic of a wide bandgap (EG) semiconductor compare to a narrow bandgap semiconductor (say GaAs vs. Si)? What the Ideal Diode Equation Doesn’t Explain • I-V characteristics under large forward and reverse bias conditions – Large current flow when at a large negative voltage (Breakdown voltage, VBR) – ‘Linear’ relationship between ID and VD at reasonably large positive voltages (Va > f) VBR or VZ Slope = 1/RS Slope = 1/rz Von Nonideal (but real) I-V Characteristic • Need another model – Modifications to Ideal Diode Equation are used in PSpice • We will see this in the list of parameters in the device model – We will use a different model • It is called the Piecewise Model PSpice • Simplest diode model in PSpice uses only the ideal diode equation • More complex diode models in PSpice include: – Parasitic resistances to account for the linear regions – Breakdown voltage with current multipliers to map the knee between Io and the current at breakdown – Temperature dependences of various parameters – Parasitic capacitances to account for the frequency dependence Capture versus Schematics • It doesn’t matter to me which you use – I find Schematics easier, but the lab encourages the use of Capture PSpice Schematics Device Parameters *** Power Diode *** Type of Diode .MODEL D1N4002-X D Part Number ( IS=14.11E-9 Reverse Saturation Current N=1.984 Ideality Factor RS=33.89E-3 Forward Series Resistance IKF=94.81 High-Level Injection Knee Current in Forward Bias XTI=3 Temperature Dependence of Reverse Saturation Current EG=1.110 Energy Bandgap of Si CJO=51.17E-12 Junction Capacitance at Zero Applied Bias M=.2762 Grading Coefficient Inversely Proportional to Zener Resistance VJ=.3905 Turn-on Voltage FC=.5 Coefficient Associated with Forward Bias Capacitance ISR=100.0E-12 Reverse Saturation Current During Reverse Bias NR=2 Ideality Factor During Reverse Bias BV=100.1 Breakdown Voltage IBV=10 Current at Breakdown Voltage TT=4.761E-6 ) Transit Time of Carriers Across p-n Juntion PSpice Capture Editing Device Model • The device parameters can be changed, but will only be changes for the file that you are currently working on. – In Schematics, the changes only apply to the specific part that you had highlighted when you made the changes. – In Capture, the changes apply to all components in the file that share the same part model. – To simulate the Ideal Diode Equation, you can delete the other parameters or set them to zero or a very large number, depending on what would be appropriate to remove their effect from the simulation Important Points of This Lecture • There are several different techniques that can be used to determine the diode voltage and current in a circuit – Ideal diode equation • Results are acceptable when voltages applied to diode are comparable or smaller than the turn-on voltage and more positive than about 75-90% of the breakdown voltage – Piecewise model • Results are acceptable when voltage applied to the diode are large in magnitude when comparable to the turn-on voltage and the breakdown voltage. • Embedded in the Ideal Diode Equation are dependences on – Temperature – Doping concentration of p and n sides – Semiconductor material • Bandgap energy • Direct vs. indirect bandgap • PSpice diode model using Ideal Diode Eq. – User can edit diode model – Diode model can also be more complex to include deviations from Ideal Diode Eq. such as frequency dependence of operation