Developing a Dementia Friendly Community for Rossendale STEERING GROUP MEETING Date Wednesday 12th November 2014 Time 11.30am – 1.00pm Venue Rossendale Primary Health Care Centre, room 76 Attending Brian Topping Ronnie Barker Shelley Prophet Andy Laverty Barbara Ashworth Wayne Gibson Sgt Malcolm McBain Helen Law Diane Hammond Dr Tom MacKenzie Clare Root Shakil Salam Chris Durkin John Rattigan David Hampson Lynne Horrocks Chair Person Patient Representative Communications Team, Lancashire CSU East Lancs CCG (minutes) Senior Together in Rossendale /Older Peoples Champion Lancashire County Council – Public Health Emergency Services – Police Legal Sector – Woodcocks Solicitors East Lancs Memory Assessment Service Rossendale GP – Haslingden Health Centre Age Uk Carers Link Rossendale Hospice – Representative for Care Homes Crossroads Care East Lancashire Education – Alder Grange School Rossendale Dementia Representative Alzheimer’s Society Kevin Swain Domestic Carer Representative Liz McInnes Rossendale Borough Council – Health Leads Stephen Hughes Alzheimer’s Society Insp. Paul Leigh Emergency Services – Police (Rossendale) Rebecca Kirsch East Lancs CCG David Gould Chamber of Commerce There were no guest speakers Apologies Nusrat Rahman In attendance Agenda Item 14.07 14.08 Discussion Welcome and Introductions Brian Topping (BT) welcomed and thanked everyone for coming to today’s meeting. Introductions were made around the table. Apologies were received for those listed above. Minutes and actions from the last meeting (3rd September 2014) The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record. With regard to the previous meetings actions the following was noted: No comments have been received with regard to the TOR, so now considered as agreed Members are aware that should they be unable to attend a steering group meeting, then they should allocate a deputy AL has forwarded a document to JR and discussions with the CCG are on-going BT is still waiting contact from Caroline Otieno JR feedback to the carers association is on-going. CD is feeding back information to the Rossendale care Home Managers on behalf of DFR 1 Minutes approved by Brian Topping 26 11 2014 Action points: BT to report back on progress re: request for Primary Care representative from Caroline Otieno to sit on the Steering Group 14.09 Chairs update BT ran through a summary of the meetings that he has been involved in since the last Steering Group meeting. A summary of each is listed below:ASDA – Have expressed a commitment for DFR to display material for a full week sometime next year, along with the use of a community room and the café, working alongside the Alzheimer’s Society. This is to be the venue for a Radio Lancashire broadcast by Sally Naden. TESCO’S – Also expressed an interest in the DFR project and have provided useful ideas to promote the initiative Greenhouse Project – This is a useful project to be aligned with strong connections to the hub development. EL Chamber of Commerce (Mike Damms) – BT has done a presentation to this group and received a lot of interest from those attending which included an Architect who attended. Legal Community meeting – BT is working with Helen Law to convene a meeting of all appropriate legal practices from Rossendale. This is to ensure that there is a common understanding of the initiative; how such legal support can help; and discuss any ideas how this input can be developed. Haslingden PPG – BT presented to this group who recognised that this offered an opportunity to work more closely with patients, GPs and other PPGs across the Valley. A representative has been nominated to ensure this untied and integrated work is taken forward. Millercare (Melanie Longrigg) – This organisation provides some items of mobility equipment that might be of help to those living with dementia. They are interested in our project. Rachel Yates (Schools etc) – Rachel has developed a dementia resource that has been used for educating primary school children. A meeting is arranged to discuss Rachel’s input into the Education awareness work. Helen Thompson (Art Group for Bacup) – This person is keen to start up a dementia art group in the valley. A meeting is arranged to discuss developing the idea at Olive House first and then to offer it out to the community. Michelle Pilling (Patient Rep of the CCG and Deputy Chair) – Very interested in DFR project and its aspects of patient involvement & engagement. Michelle is willing to help and support our work with PPGs and GPs. Santander (Kelly Tattersall) – One of many contacts that DFR have with banks and they are all keen to be involved in DFR. This bank is keen to work with others in the Valley and to discuss the whole issue of dementia awareness across the NW region as well as its focus in Rossendale. (In response JR made the point that we should be not forgetting the potential involvement of Post Offices with whom a large proportion of elderly patients interact with.) Chris Roberts (St Vincent’s) – This is a repair and handyman service that is available in Rossendale. He is keen to link up with DFR and was particularly interested creating the right environment for 2 Minutes approved by Brian Topping 26 11 2014 those living with dementia. Action points: BT to secure a meeting with the local Post Office that covers Rossendale. 14.10 Community Events update BT updated the Steering Group on the progress and outcomes of the Community Events programme. He outlined that fact that there had been a varied response in terms of numbers attending the sessions (despite a vigorous advertising push) but that the success lay in the connections that have been made through these events. There was still one event to go (Whitewell Bottom) which was due to be held that evening. For Rawtenstall – 27 people attended For Bacup – 5 people attended For Whitworth – 41 people attended Including the Mayor and Mayoress) For Haslingden – 22 people attended (Post note For Whitewell Bottom – 21 people attended) Success points of the events: Numerous “pledge” cards were posted that are currently being analysed People travelled from outside Rossendale to see what we are developing through DFR A discussion and action from prominent BME community people to ensure that DFR is fully captured in those communities. Direct support from the Chair of the East Lancashire Mosques and local business people who attended the Rawtenstall event. These events have been commended by Dementia Action Alliance and have inspired other areas to do likewise Built on the overall response, we plan to host 5 more Community Events in 2015 Action points: BT to issue the results of the “pledge” card analysis from the Community Events for the next meeting 14.11 Strategy for Dementia Friendly Rossendale BT took the group through the strategy document explaining that this document is nothing more than a way of expressing what we will be doing. Once published, this Strategy will (in effective) replace the Foundation Process booklet and become a public facing document. BT displayed the key features of the strategy by way of a diagram that highlights all of the key DFR activities, all of which feed both the developing Strategy and the Hub development. A number of amendments were suggested / agreed to the list of actions particularly around the carers support (respite) suggested by JR and some comments about safety raised by MMcB. In response to the last comment, DH made reference to the document ‘’This is Me’’ and how important such a document can be in the communication of really important information about a person. A number of safety models were mentioned, such as the message in a bottle idea endorsed by the Emergency Services and the personal information containers being used in the Ribble Valley. BT agreed that this “safety” focus will be made in the next version of the strategy. Emphasising the safety issue and not directly related to the strategy document, RB made reference to an article in the Daily Mail that made reference to patients with dementia being restrained and that there is an increasing need for patients, carers, care homes etc. being fully aware of their 3 Minutes approved by Brian Topping 26 11 2014 responsibilities. BT also highlighted how the Action Plans would be incorporated into the document. It was important that these plans were provided as it was a fully visible (and public) way for each representative to demonstrate how the area they represent is supporting the community through DFR. A key element to the Strategy will be a Rossendale-wide Awareness campaign in all businesses; organisations and community groups. BT admitted the enormity of the task but this was an essential step towards a dementia friendly community. Alongside the Strategy will be a Communications Plan to support all the activity agreed for its delivery. BT to work with SP and the Comms and Events team. Finally BT asked for volunteers to review (nit-pick) the strategy document. Action points: BT to ensure that the references and developments for personal safety are captured in the Strategy All Steering Group members - Action Plans to be forwarded ASAP to inform the Strategy document 14.12 Agreeing Vision, Mission and values for Dementia Friendly Rossendale BT emphasised the importance of having a clear direction and took the group through the paper that had been circulated with the agenda. After considerable discussion and with minor amendments following suggestions made the group agreed the vision that has been described, mission statements and values for DFR going forward. Action points: ● BT to update this part of the strategy document 14.13 Steering Group members commitments and Action Plans By way of an introduction BT explained that the strategy, focus and delivery document that had been circulated with the agenda was the method to be used for each member to capture and articulate how they will achieve the aim of raising awareness and any other tangible improvements they could make in the areas they represent. BT linked the members commitments to the key activities listed in the strategy document. Furthermore the strategy document should when agreed be recognised as an explanation of what DFR is planning to do for our initiatives, whilst also listing the commitments and delivery plans of the DFR process. There was considerable discussion around this point interlinked with that of the Strategy and some key points are capture as follows: LH stressed the importance of what had been listed as all being relevant to creating a Dementia Friendly Community and must be included in our strategy. LH made reference to her own circumstances in that early diagnosis is so important and helpful to the person actually living with dementia. DH made reference to the localised Memory Assessment Service sessions that are staring at the end of this month – 27th November onwards (Thursday) in Rawtenstall and 28th 4 Minutes approved by Brian Topping 26 11 2014 November onwards (Friday) in Bacup. TMcK reported that all GP practices in the locality had made progress in closing the dementia gap (difference between perceived number of registered patients with dementia and those actually recorded as having dementia at GP practices). BT explained that the education of young people is an exciting aspect of the DFR programme. He emphasised the good work already done by David with the Rossendale secondary schools ans with the introduction of Rachel Yates that could be extended into Primary Schools. Further points made were that there is potentially an imbalance between the way GP Practices respond to dementia patients and that ideally each GP practice should identify a GP who has a passion for dementia. The PPGs recognise their role in supporting the GPs and reinforcing the message of community help that will be available through DFR. BT mentioned that further work was necessary with the legal profession and thought that a separate meeting was necessary with all interested parties. The same applies to the Emergency Services, whereby a consistent approach can be agreed. CD mentioned that a workshop is being held for all the care homes to attend if there are any common messages or support for DFR that could be developed. In addition BT made reference to a forthcoming visit to Ward C5 at the Blackburn Hospital. This is a special ward that has been specifically designed to care for / accommodate up to 14 dementia patients. The interest was mainly about the environment changes that have been integrated into the design. BT went on to explain that behind all of the activities lies a considerable amount of work and focus and that each member of the Steering Group could make a commitment to work / deliver an aspect of the strategy. In summary the group are pleased with the progress made so far and have agreed that BT can update the report accordingly after consideration of the above points. Action points: ● BT to reflect on the discussion points raised and update the strategy, focus and delivery document 14.14 Going Forward BT took the group through a lengthy list of potential activities for 2015 (Delivery Focus for 2015) which are included separately in the strategy document. There was broad agreement with the list that had been prepared. The list includes: Development of more memory choirs and cafes Attendance at local events across the locality Development of a newsletter and constant updating of the web site Encourage friends and champions sessions Surveys which are intended to assess the effectiveness of DFR whether DFR Action points: None 5 Minutes approved by Brian Topping 26 11 2014 14.15 Dates of future meetings BT made reference to the meeting dates circulated – Venues to be confirmed:Thursday January 15th – Starting at 11.30am – Lunch provided Wednesday March 11th – Starting at 11.30am Tuesday May 5th – Starting at 11.30am Wednesday September 2nd – Starting at 11.30am Thursday November 5th – Starting at 11.30am Action points: None 14.16 AOB The Dementia voice Nurse BA circulated a booklet that describes the role of the Dementia Voice Nurse. General consensus was that the group had not previously heard about the patient voice nurse who works from a Preston base. Housing 21 are the organisation that has developed this service. This service is described as a particularly unique and entirely flexible service that provides a number of benefits to all stakeholders. It further describes the benefits to the person with Dementia, Benefits to carers / families whilst also highlighting benefits to Commissioners and benevolent funders together with a number of case examples. AL was asked to scan the document and make available to this group. A referral form is also included with the booklet. CD reported that this nurse was already scheduled to come out to the Hospice and in her opinion is more aligned to the end of life agenda. Rossendale Borough Council Health Lead BA reported that Liz McInnes had won the recent by election in Heywood and Middleton and will therefore relinquish her role on this group. She will be replaced as the Health Lead for RBC by Cllr Helen Jackson. East Lancashire Website JR reminded the group that the web site was out of date. WG & BT gave an assurance that the Rossendale aspects on the web site are in the process of being up loaded and that this was imminent. WG &BT agreed to inform the group when the web site has been updated. DFR Information Sheet BT reported that the Information Sheet that is acting as a fore runner to a regular newsletter highlighting the work of DRF has recently been updated in readiness for circulation at the Rossendale Business Awards. AL was requested to attach a copy to these minutes. Finally BT thanked everyone for attending and wished the group a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 6 Minutes approved by Brian Topping 26 11 2014 Action points: AL to circulate the Dementia Voice Nurse booklet to Steering Group members DEMENTIA VOICE DEMENTIA VOICE THIS IS ME.pdf NURSE SERVICE_Housing21_service NURSE_Housing21_booklet.pdf info.pdf WG & BT to upload latest information to the EL website and inform the group when ready AL to attach a copy of the updated information sheet with these minutes DFR Information Sheet_November 2014.pdf Date of next meeting: 11.30pm on Thursday 15th January 2015 at (NB - Venue TBA) Focus for next meeting Further discussion about the Strategy Summary of the 2014 Community Events Further discussion about programme of activity for 2015 7 Minutes approved by Brian Topping 26 11 2014