Research Corner comparison of information sources Data source 2007 Rate of sex assault Fredericton 50K pop Comparison UCR* 85/100,000 pop Est 42.5 --police report 41 City rate matches national average UCR 4.3% GSS rate GSS** 1,977/100,000 Est 988.5 FSACC*** 350/10K students 15K pop = 475 cases Rate 2.4% GSS rate Gleaner**** 27 stories, 16 cases Reports < measures -- stories of acquaintances, told by cjs officials, at court, in a neutral voice, underrepresenting official cases, grossly underrepresenting rate of victimization, with not one story about students *Uniform Crime Reports **General Social Survey ***Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre ****paper comparing numbers… Week one: context analysis, assigned 1.09 • Re: • Lies, Damned Lies and Immigrant Crime, Jan 6, 2014 by: Gary Potter • Who is lying? What are they saying? How do we know they’re lying? Week one: context analysis, assigned 1.16 • With regard to ‘judges blame rape victims’, eg. • -- whose perspective do they benefit? why are they lying? • --handout: • Go to www.lib.unb.a, select research databases, and then Canadian Newspapers FullText FP Infomart • -- fill out search form for topic, date(s), newspaper(s), etc. • -- results show text, in various forms • Sample exercise using context analysis: use UCR and GSS estimates of sexual assault rates/100K, and compare to Gleaner coverage… • Next: 2007 news Week two: building a media sample Case date headline Stage words Speaker relation emotion page cogswell 4.28 Suspect denies sexual assault plea 50 court unknown neutral A5 brief 10.13 Accused no-show for sexual assault trial trial 154 court unknown neutral A3 2.13 Alleged sex assault victim says she fears accused trial 1061 victim co-worker fear A1 2.14 We had ‘consensual sex,’ accused testifies trial 966 perp “ denial A4 2.15 Jury says man is innocent verdict 594 court “ neutral A1 noname 12.22 Case of alleged sexual assaults at base dropped after ‘mix-up’ trial 624 mother fellow cadets anger A1 toft- 1.24 Attorney general says second Toft trial unlikely inquiry 496 lawyer inmate neutral A1 richard- 11.7 Catholic priest jailed for sex assault trial 126 victim priest anger A6 noname2 10.29 Teen accused of sex assault custody 105 court co-worker neutral A4 brief gould 10.25 Boisetown man faces sexual assault charge trial 69 lawyer Unknown neutral A5 brief gallen 5.29 Sexual assault trial delayed trial 150 lawyer Unknown girl neutral A5 brief 10.24 Local man admits to sex crime plea 64 court “ “ A4 4.4 Judge: breast massage not medical treatment conviction 294 victim Patient sadness A1 5.18 Moncton man gets a year for breast massage sentence 187 Judge “ Stern A6 7.25 Gun charges mount charges 530 court Unknown woman neutral A1 8.1 Six new charges for Flemming; he now faces 32 charges 524 “ “ “ A1 8.9 No decision in accused’s bid for trial bail 91 “ “ “ A1 8.29 Suspect Flemming denied bail “ 303 “ “ “ A3 9.5 Man pleads not guilty to weapons, drugs charges plea 150 “ “ “ A4 12.14 Flemming faces new charges charges 275 “ “ “ A5 hollis 11.6 Man pleads guilty to assaulting girl plea 77 court Unknown girl neutral A3 hiltz 2.22 Man found not guilty of sexual assault verdict 80 court Unknown woman neutral A6 crouse 12.7 Man fined for sex crime verdict 320 court Unknown friend neutral A7 leone 12.19 Hearing to decide if man who knowingly spread HIV should be dangerous offender hearing 264 court Sex partners neutral A7 sharpe 4.20 Crown seeks to have man named a dangerous offender hearing 321 lawyer Unknown girl neutral A6 walton 5.23 Douglas man gets house arrest for sex-related charges verdict 667 lawyer stranger neutral A5 6.19 Douglas sex offender breaches house arrest hearing 402 lawyer “ “ A5 lyons collins flemming Content (quotes) of stories of M/F sexual assault, DG 2007 • Cogswell – none; Noname2 – none; Gould – none; Hollis – none; Hiltz -- none • Lyons – “I asked her to meet me at King’s Place. We were going to have consensual sex” (accused); “She said the two of them sexually assaulted her” (boyfriend) • Noname – “I can’t believe it, all I want is the truth. I just want justice for her” (mother) “There was some kind of breakdown in communications” (justice) • Gallen – “[He] would like to maintain his not-guilty plea and have another date for trial” (defence) • Collins – “I’m happy that it’s over and pleased with the result. It was very difficult and emotional but I’m very glad I did it” (victim) • Flemming – “He has no prior convictions, he’s basically a first-time offender” (defence lawyer) • Crouse – “What we have here is an attempted seduction gone bad” (defence lawyer) • Leone – “He’s prepared to say, ‘I made a mistake” (defence lawyer) • Sharpe – “At the time he pleaded guilty he already had 11 priors so we advised the court at that time we were going to seek a dangerous offender application” (prosecutor) • Walton – “[the accused approached her at the park, said] ‘you have a nice bum’ [and started masturbating]” (victim); “[victim of a sex assault at a young age, it] upset his entire life, it changed his personality, and his actions became inappropriate” (defence) Week three: Information sources • News, eg. CBC: • …and • Statistics, eg. ‘transition home snapshot’: • …and, prostitution: • …and, violence against women: • 2012 Uniform Crime Report, police statistics: • 2009 General Social Survey, victimization statistics: • Collections Canada, eg: score+desc&Language=eng&QueryParser=lac_mikan&Sources=mikan&Archives=&SearchIn_1=&SearchInText_1=pr ostitution&Operator_1=AND&SearchIn_2=&SearchInText_2=&Operator_2=AND&SearchIn_3=&SearchInText_3=&L evel=&MaterialDateOperator=after&MaterialDate=&DigitalImages=&Source=&ResultCount=10&cainInd=&Media= Media.Photographs&PageNum=1 • Availability heuristic, cascade: overestimating likelihood, thru repetition in public discourse • Bias blind spot: seeing oneself as less biased, more capable, than others • Confirmation bias: only seeing information that confirms ones’ preconceptions • Framing effect: drawing conclusions depending on how information is presented • Hindsight bias: thinking that past events would have been predictable at the time • Illusory correlation: seeing a connection between unrelated events • Just-world hypothesis: if the world is just, injustice is deserved by the victim • Negativity bias: tendency to remember averse events rather than unpleasant ones • Observer selection bias: noticing previously unknown things, thinking they had increased • Pessimism bias: a tendency to overestimate the likelihood of negative things happening • Defensive-attribution bias: assuming +blame to evil-doer as similarity to victim increases • In-group bias: perceiving members of one’s own group more favourably • Bizarreness effect: better remembered because unusual • Illusion of truth effect: a familiar statement is more believable than an unfamiliar one • Mood congruent bias: better recall congruent with one’s mood Week four: Cognitive, social, and memory biases Week four: Universal emotions • Basic: disgust, sadness, happiness, fear, anger, surprise • Also: amusement, contempt, contentment, embarrassment, excitement, guilt, pride in achievement, relief, satisfaction, sensory pleasure, and shame • Reference: paul eckmann Serial crime rates… • What does this mean? • Objective increase…late 1960s? • Detection increase… VICAP (FBI, 1980s), MCF (1980s) VICLAS (1991) (RCMP) • Subjective increase…true crime literature, films… Video response Variables: similarity, likeability, defensive attribution, perceived in/justice, personal empathy, portrayal… Emotional response high Starving children Psychological distance Cyber-bully victims far close Evil dictators Movie victims low Sublimation and movies • Revenge movies reaffirm a sense of justice in a world that’s unjust • Love movies reaffirm (voyeuristically) romance in a world alone • Action movies reaffirm (vicariously) excitement in a boring world • Scary movies sublimate our aggressive tendencies, like the coliseum • -- they’re sacrificial victims unassigned: content analysis • Re: The ordeal of Christopher Jefferies • • What are they saying? Why are they lying?