
Developing Argument
and Finding Voice
Michelle Stachura, Donna Powell, and Kelly Dougherty
Everything’s an Argument from
Kindergarten to Adulthood
Argument from Childhood (1 minute):
Argument across Disciplines (2 minutes 14 seconds):
Why Are We Researching Argumentation?
➔ High-stakes tests revolve around argumentation:
◆ Common Core State Standards & PARCC
◆ AP test
➔ Students can articulate an argument orally but cannot craft a
compelling argument in their writing; stuck on five paragraph
➔ Students lack voice in research papers
➔ Teachers want students to write and think with passion, have original
thoughts and convince their audience of their stance.
What the Research Says
➔ Students will not use the five paragraph essay in authentic contexts
➔ Research indicates that requiring students to highlight and annotate
professional argumentative texts will enhance their own
argumentative writing (Lu).
➔ The I-search paper (Read-Write-Think) helps students discover what
they want to write, metacognitively reflect on the process and tell
the story of their writing; with this ownership comes a more
authentic voice
➔ How does this fit into the BCPS curriculum?
◆ end product can be one of many multi-modal, digital or
traditional products
◆ opportunity to personalize and customize
What the Research Says
➔ Inquiry and the Common Core
◆ Argument and inquiry are inextricably linked
➔ Teachers should strive to add
◆ more instruction in the information search process
◆ opportunities for media specialists to have a key role in leading
students to a better understanding of the research/argument
development process
◆ a sense that students are “information scientists”
● include observation, interviewing, surveying,
◆ convince students that established information + new
information = original argument with a strong voice (Callison)
Suggestions for Students and Teachers
Students should
◆ write
paragraphs individually then organize later
◆ reflect
◆ respond
and react to teacher comments in margins after a draft,
◆ reread,
revise, and rewrite paragraphs, and
◆ read
on their thinking through marginal comments as they write,
and write aloud to peers to develop voice and catch mistakes in logic.
Teachers should
◆ offer
low stakes journal writing/meta-writing to develop an authoritative voice,
◆ encourage
◆ establish
continuous rereading of paragraphs,
critical peer and writing support groups, and
◆ emphasize
the cyclical nature of writing and feedback: write, rewrite, revise,
write again.
Key Components of an Effective Argument
➔ Subject
➔ Purpose
➔ Audience
➔ Formal or informal
➔ Personal or research-based
Classroom Activities
➔ Students can
◆ highlight and annotate published texts and model in
their own argumentative writing,
◆ follow a published columnist in order to identify and
imitate stylistic features,
◆ pair philosophical chairs with free writing,
◆ write an authentic document, such as a police report;
then rewrite the same document in a five-paragraph
essay format; compare the effectiveness of each
Where do we go from here?
➔ Compile more research about effective writing strategies.
➔ Survey teachers about current methods and struggles with
teaching argumentation.
➔ Develop and implement writing strategies.
➔ Collect student writing samples.
➔ Create digital content for online module.
➔ Unteach traditional and restrictive writing strategies (five
paragraph essay, never using “I”)
➔Track student progress and evaluate effectiveness of
As Morpheus Would Say . . .
➔ They Say I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing by Gerald Graff and
Cathy Birkenstein
➔ Everything’s an Argument by Lunsford, Ruszkiewicz, and Walters
➔ 50 Essays by Samuel Cohen
➔ Writing an Effective Argument Checklist ( get from AP Binder)
➔ Goucher Summer Institutes: AP Language and Composition
➔ Thank you For Arguing, What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson Can Teach
us About the Art of Persuasion by Jay Heinrichs
➔ Instructional Chains as a Method for Examining the Teaching and Learning of
Argumentative Writing in Classrooms by Jennifer VanDerHeide and George E.
Works Cited
Abrams, Elizabeth. "Harvard College Writing Center." Harvard College Writing Center. Harvard
University, n.d. Web. 31 July 2015.
Callison, Daniel. "Inquiry and Common Core: Argument PRocesses, Part 1." School Library Monthly 29.6
(March 2013): 20-22. Web. 8 Aug. 2015.
Filkins, Scott. "Promoting Student-Directed Inquiry with the I-Search Paper." - ReadWriteThink. NCTE,
n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2015.
Hill Campbell, Kimberly. "BEYOND The Five-Paragraph ESSAY." Educational Leadership 71.7 (2014): 60.
MasterFILE Premier. Web. 11 Aug. 2015.
Lu, Jingyan, and Zhidong Zhang. "Scaffolding Argumentation In Intact Class: Integrating Technology And
Pedagogy." Computers & Education 69.(2013): 189-198. ScienceDirect. Web. 11 Aug. 2015.
Morgan, Glenn. "Using Funny In Farsi To Engage Student Writers In Discussions About Voice." California
English 15.3 (2010): 14-17. Education Research Complete. Web. 11 Aug. 2015.